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Fantasy The Shining Light of Tomorrow(Magical Knight RP)

Kalin looked at Riku's twitching ears, and smiled, stroking them in the way she liked so much, as he waited for the team to move along. 'Aww, so cute...'


(Renki perspective)

After being nearly knocked over by the guy who had comforted him a moment ago and regaining his balance after casting a innocent smile towards him a very serious expression replaced it.Renki didn't complain about being on team A instead of B but something just didn't feel right to him about being on this one... He felt his presence just wouldn't be able to connect with them, he stared over at team B with lust in his eyes, he was sure there was a reason he was put on that team B but didn't know the answer, he ended up walking over too them instead of team A sighing, somehow, he thought, he was going to get in trouble for this but in all honesty he didn't care he was the kind of guy..or girl that followed their gut not their mind.

(Riku perspective)

She noticed Sebastian approaching her and snapped out of her thoughts, after he had hit her on the arm, meaning no harm but nearly making her face-plant into the ground she looked up at him "yep! That's exactly what you should say!" She smilied at him cheerfully bringing her attention off the previous topic, before noticing Renki coming up to them and getting patted by Kalin happily. @zeroknight @Lunaire @Kalin Scarlet @yumiyukifan1 @Plushie
Sebastian helped Riku up and kept moving with the group wondering where his sister had gone. The shard on his neck had been dimmed for some time now showing the fiery boy had calmed and eased into his team, perhaps even trusting them now. Sebastian was in the center of them and even ruffled Renki's hair a bit smiling bright and happy. It was odd to see the boy so happy and childish.

@Newtype @Kalin Scarlet
"There's also monsters loose somewhere elsw from the shadow realm but yeah. We were waiting for you three anyway so now lets go." Gil said drawing his twilight sword her opened a portal to the site of the infestation. Gil lead the group through the portal and on to the mountain. Gil using his supernatural senses determined that the enemy are a beastly species of vampires. Gil said to Tsumi "Us teachers should hang back from the action there is something you have to see. You know Arthur's ability Chivalry right? One of the technqiues of its aspect Indomitable Will is Subordination Manipulation. If we tell Arthur to lead and get the others to trust him as their leader you'll see something spectacular."

@Kalin Scarlet @Aura Of Twilight @zeroknight @Lunaire @TheHappyPikachu @animegirl20 @yumiyukifan1 @Plushie
Riku smiled looking up at Sebastian it was funny seeing him act this way but she enjoyed it in a way she laughed discretely at this though and seeing everyone act so happy, but the thought still lingered in the back of her head about asking Kalin and Telia to talk to her privately... @zeroknight @Lunaire @Kalin Scarlet @yumiyukifan1 @Plushie
Auri smiled, growing a little more comfortable as a few people introduced themselves, including the silver haired boy and Gil. Another girl was waving at her. "Nice to meet you." She said cheerfully. "I'm Auri and I can't wait to work together with you all." She was relieved that they hadn't kicked her out on the first day.

She nodded, taking all the information in. For as long as she could remember, the monster attacks had been occuring, day by day growing more destructive. Although surprised rookie knights would be doing something so dangerous, her teacher had warned her. As the groups made there way through the portal, she gasped. It was beautiful. That is, until she saw a village nearby on fire on the lower slopes of the mountian, with shadowy figures around it. "Oh gods." Her eyes widened

@Newtype @yumiyukifan1
Telia was a bit surprised to see Sebastian act friendly, but she was also happy to see him like that too. A smile spread across her face as she looked at her team. She came up to Sebastian and said, "Sebby-Chan is what I'm gonna call you now! And for Saphira I'm gonna call you Phira-chan! Just like Kali-chan and Riku-chan!" She grinned unintentionally and turned to the new girl. "And Auri-chan is what I'll call you too! Welcome to the team!!!"Then Gil lead them across to a place that wasn't too good of a habitat for these monsters, or was it? Well, a house was on fire and there was screaming so, the monsters must hate it here.

@Newtype @Aura Of Twilight @zeroknight @Lunaire
Newtype said:
"There's also monsters loose somewhere elsw from the shadow realm but yeah. We were waiting for you three anyway so now lets go." Gil said drawing his twilight sword her opened a portal to the site of the infestation. Gil lead the group through the portal and on to the mountain. Gil using his supernatural senses determined that the enemy are a beastly species of vampires. Gil said to Tsumi "Us teachers should hang back from the action there is something you have to see. You know Arthur's ability Chivalry right? One of the technqiues of its aspect Indomitable Will is Subordination Manipulation. If we tell Arthur to lead and get the others to trust him as their leader you'll see something spectacular."




Saphira finally piped up after watching and listening to everything most of all her brother actually being nice. " Gil you still have our weapons me and sensations ?" She looks over at him with a questioning glance. Looking around at everyone else then stares at her brother " not angry anymore brother ?" She looks at him to with a questioning glance. She await. The return of her shield and sword.

( sorry for being away I've read it all I believe some is confusing but I got it its just 1 of those days you go gaming with a friend for long hours I'm really sorry)

@Newtype @zeroknight
Sebastian looked at Telia and frowned then spoke "Sebby-sama is what you can call me not Sebby-chan or just Sebastian in general." He yawned and watched procedings go on before him and continued scanning his team, pulling Saphira over to his side. The fighting duo together, the gem shards around their neck began to glow and pull together slightly as if to be reunited.

@Lunaire @yumiyukifan1
Gil said to Tsumi "It wouldn't work if it wasn't their choice." Gil threw the twins their weapons and then informed the students "The enemy are some beast vampires known as Chiropterthropes. Fight the best way you can."

Arthur's eyes lit up when Tsumi pointed to him to lead this mission. Arthur overwhelmed at first at the thought of leading the group took a deep breath and walked to the edge of the group towards the burning village. Arthur said "Though I know we all haven't done much together, I still hope that you guys can find it in yourselves to trust me. If someone else would like to lead I would gladly let them do so, if not then I will need your trust to make this battle go our way."

Yoh said "I'll trust him to lead." Yoh walked to stand behind Arthur.

@Kalin Scarlet @zeroknight @yumiyukifan1 @Lunaire @TheHappyPikachu @Plushie @Aura Of Twilight
(Renki perspective)

Renki ignored tsumi's words and stayed with the B team, he liked it here with them... Heck, they barely knew him and they were already so nice... He did notice the comotion going on around him and his shard also started glowing, he changed his position so that he was in a fighting stance, Night jumped off his shoulders and now stood next to him hissing.

(Riku perspective)

Riku stopped daydreaming and realized the situation around her, her shard started glowing brightly but she wasn't sure of what to do none of her attacks actually did damage, As she speacialised in illusion magic and frankly she didn't want to risk using grim reapers arrow until after she explained things to Kalin and Telia.... She noticed Renki standing in an offensive position but without a weapon? He couldn't seriously be planning to use his fists could he? @Newtype
With a growl of excitement, the massive ax came Sebastian's way and he caught it with his right hand heftier the large weapon over his shoulder almost hitting everyone with it in the process "Aye, I'm gonna grind their bones to dust and spice up my soup with it." The mention of combat turned the happy boy he was a few minutes ago back into the raging brute he was. The tender voice he had vanished into a deeper warrior like voice.

@Newtype @yumiyukifan1 @Kalin Scarlet
(@Newtype I know, I just had to quickly post Telia's because I had to do something)

"Sure, I'm fine with Arthur, but it would also work if we had to choose someone else just in case" Rex replied taking a glare at Gil and then looking at the village and frowning. It was a mess of small destruction and monsters running everywhere. The screaming of fear and such was annoying to hear.

"Okay, Sebby-sama!" Telia skipped along with her group and waited for instructions. She was ready to use her Scythe and ability to destroy these monsters, no mater how cute or ugly....

@Kalin Scarlet @TheHappyPikachu @zeroknight @Lunaire @Plushie @Newtype @Aura Of Twilight
Kalin, for one, didn't wait for a vote to occur. As soon as he saw the destruction, he had ran off, sliding down the side of the hill that led down. As he did, his Necklace glowed bright as his armor appeared- average looking cloth, with steel pauldrons. Along with this, a sword appeared in his hand.


Tsumi looked over at the kid as he ran off. "Well, if the rest of you could make a decision...it looms like one of your students has taken some initiative, Gil..."


Vincient smiled having followed Kalin's lead, and taken off after the village in a similar fashion. His back glowed with a blue light, and a pair of energy based wings expanded from his back. "Alright, you damned demons...Show me a real fight!"








@Aura Of Twilight
Sebastian let out a beast like roar as his helmet concealed his face and he launched down the hillside along with Kalin, his ember eyes glowed and following behind him was Saphira strapped with the shield that and most concealed her body, the twins eyes ignited in a burning inferno, war machines unleashed to cause destruction for a greater good.

@Kalin Scarlet

(This was supposed to go after Lunaire's post!)
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Saphira hefted her shield and sword and smiled happily then looked at everyone and smiled happily at the thought of battle then looked at her team " riku are you fit to fight from what happen earlier and from what you told me I'm alittle unsure?" Looking a riku then shouting to her brother " Sebastion let's show these monster what true war machines are aye?"
"We're supposed to fight those things by ourselves?" Auri whispered to herself in slight disbelief. But they were rookies! How could they possibly...? What if she messed up and made things worse? She took a deep breath, all sorts of thoughts running through her head. She wasn't ready to do something like this...

Seeing as a lot of the others had already decided to accept Arthur as their temporary battle leader, Auri shook her head, forcing herself to step forward. He looked capable and seemed level-headed, but time would tell..."I accept Arthur as our leader." She said with a smile in his direction. She gripped her shard hanging from her neck, tapping into the magic hidden within. A small amount of light magic poured fourth, covering her fingers and the rest of her body in what appeared to be a see through, gold colored liquid. It hardened like a shell against her clothes and skin, little by little regaining substsance as it hardened into grey steel. A sword appeared in a scabbard attached to her side, her knight armor complete at last. While most knights had to manually change into their armor, Auri had discovered a way to tie her armor to the activation of her shard, to make things easier. Her teacher had helped her iron out the details months ago.

Golden hair spilling out behind her, Auri looked both beautiful and deadly, confident. Yet the doubt in her red orbs told a different story.

She looked down at the village below in apprehension. Out of nowhere, a red haired boy burst from the crowd and raced forward. "W-wait!" She cried. "It's too dangerous to-"

But he was already long gone.
Riku just stood there not knowing what to do, how could she help? Someone as useless as her? She looked down with her fists clenched... If only there was something anything... "Why are you looking so down" the cheerful voice of Renki sounded in her ears before he grabbed her arm picked her up and put her on his back before racing towards the battlefield with the others "come'on lets go fight some monsters!" He smiles up at her innocently, shocked at how strong he was to be going so fast while carrying her made her forget about what she was thinking before, as they got closer Riku's armor formed on her she blushed slightly knowing that her armour looked strange, even to herself "aren't you going to put on yours?" She asked Renki curiously "don't have none!, all it does is slow me down!" He respondes confidently. Both their shards glowed brightly as they caught up with Sebastian, Saphira and Kalin, she jumped off his back landing gracefully, for once and looks around at everyone...they all looked so confident she needed to try aswell... But what could she do? @Newtype @Plushie
Gil replied "Could be his attraction to flames."

Arthur said "If you trust me then lets not keep the monsters waiting." Arthur lead the charge down the hill activating Subordination Manipulation, everyone would experience an increase in confidence, though those who charged on ahead were outside Arthur's Surbordination Manipulation. The minds of those who follow Arthur became linked. He saw the chiroterthropes prowling around covered in blood and blood thirsty. Arthur could tell no natives were left in the village. Arthur drew Zeta Excalibur still with its scabbard on and swung it using slash projection to extend the slash to kill dozens of the monsters with one slash.


@Kalin Scarlet @yumiyukifan1 @zeroknight @Lunaire @TheHappyPikachu @Plushie

Far away overlooking the village were a few vampires overlooking the knights. One of them said "Seems the Knights have decided to do something about us."
"The sword strikes first!" Sebastian bellowed to his sister as the massive ax slammed in front and launched himself ahead of the group, standing prepared to attack whatever came at them, anything at all. The tall black armored figure looked at home in this type of environment, almost scary how he could feel so at ease. The two almost seemed to be in competition with each other.

@Newtype @yumiyukifan1 @Kalin Scarlet

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