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Fantasy The Shining Light of Tomorrow(Magical Knight RP)

Shadora said:
@Kalin Scarlet
Estella's cheeks turned a rose pink color and when she spoke the coldness in her voice had receded a little "we shall see...In time we shall see" she said as she figited with the sword at her hip the gem swirled in odd patterns as if unsure which way to go or how to move the birds circled her head and a small lightly colored purple bird sat on her hand and chirped along with her humming
"So, how about we go back to the ground?" Kalin said, watching the crowd below. He was sure the orientation was already underway, but in his position, there was little he could do.
@Kalin Scarlet

Esstella sighed "fine but first tell me why would you seek to go into such chaos when it is so peaceful here I can use the wind so the voices we want to hear are carried directly to us" her question was simple but displeasure hung in her voice as a banshee's pained wail hangs in the air
"Really? You mean it?! I'd love to! And those are lovely names, By the way, I'm Telia!" Telia grinned happily at the three. Animals were on the list of her favorites. Especially horses and wolves. Her eyes twinkled with excitement and she took his hand as he pulled her up onto the stallion. "Wow!!! I feel so royal up here!!! I feel like a knight!" @Shadora
Shadora said:
@Kalin Scarlet
Esstella sighed "fine but first tell me why would you seek to go into such chaos when it is so peaceful here I can use the wind so the voices we want to hear are carried directly to us" her question was simple but displeasure hung in her voice as a banshee's pained wail hangs in the air
"I...I guess you're right. I didn't have much reason besides not being able to hear them. Ok, we'll do it your way, Est." Kalin said, standing up once again.


Chiryoshi said:
Luciana Mornes smiled happily as she arrived at the location. She closed her eyes as the breeze touched her face softly. She looked around, trying to find someone to talk to, but all she see was groups of people, and she's quite shy around crowds. Luciana sighed then continued walking, hoping to find the right place.
((Sorry short post, I'm at school >~<))
"Are you lost?" Tsumi asked, tapping the girl on her shoulder. He put on a bright smile, and waved at her.


yumiyukifan1 said:
"Really? You mean it?! I'd love to! And those are lovely names, By the way, I'm Telia!" Telia grinned happily at the three. Animals were on the list of her favorites. Especially horses and wolves. Her eyes twinkled with excitement and she took his hand as he pulled her up onto the stallion. "Wow!!! I feel so royal up here!!! I feel like a knight!" @Shadora
The ball of flame floated up beside Telia, bobbing beside her as she hopped onto the horse. It seemed to be following her, for some reason.
Telia noticed the flaming orb following her and she stared at it in awe. What was it doing? What was it's purpose? Who had created this? She didn't know, but it seemed really cool in her eyes. "So where are we going?" She asked the boy and cocked her head, her violet braids swaying with her. @Shadora @Kalin Scarlet
yumiyukifan1 said:
Telia noticed the flaming orb following her and she stared at it in awe. What was it doing? What was it's purpose? Who had created this? She didn't know, but it seemed really cool in her eyes. "So where are we going?" She asked the boy and cocked her head, her violet braids swaying with her. @Shadora @Kalin Scarlet
The fire ball nestled itself in her lap, riding along with her, as up ahead, the orientation speech began...
Luciana felt someone tapped on her shoulder so she turned around to face with a boy. She smiled then shook her head after he asked the question. "Well," she started, "I'm not exactly lost..." The red blushed started to appeared on her cheeks when she realised that she was dumb enough to denied the truth. She mentally scolded herself then hoped that she won't have to do anything stupid anymore today.

@Kalin Scarlet
Chiryoshi said:
Luciana felt someone tapped on her shoulder so she turned around to face with a boy. She smiled then shook her head after he asked the question. "Well," she started, "I'm not exactly lost..." The red blushed started to appeared on her cheeks when she realised that she was dumb enough to denied the truth. She mentally scolded herself then hoped that she won't have to do anything stupid anymore today.
@Kalin Scarlet
Tsumi laughed. "Well, that's good. I mean, its pretty obvious we have to go over there -he pointed at the crowd gathering- For the orientation ceremony, huh?" He said, hoping she got the hint.
Luciana looked to where he pointed then nodded. "Yup," she smiled then extended her hand out for him to shake, "My name is Luciana, but you can all me Lucy. Nice to meet you." She felt that it was rude to not introduce herself first, so she did, with a happy smile as always.

@Kalin Scarlet
Chiryoshi said:
Luciana looked to where he pointed then nodded. "Yup," she smiled then extended her hand out for him to shake, "My name is Luciana, but you can all me Lucy. Nice to meet you." She felt that it was rude to not introduce herself first, so she did, with a happy smile as always.
@Kalin Scarlet
"I'm Tsumi. Nice to meet you, Luciana." he said, taking her hand, and giving a firm shake. "You know, we should probably head over there. It looks like they're getting ready to start." he said, nodding towards the crowd.

"To orientation of course" he said with a slow easy smile "my father was a knight and his father before him and his father before him knighthood runs in my family as far back as we can trace and Stalwart his lineage goes back even further he is the product of breeding the best war horses of the time Atilha the hun, King Arthur, Gangus Kong, all of them had war horses from the line he was bred from" and Shadow best wolf you will ever meet as long as he likes you" he said with a smile

" I'm Sir Galahad by the way nice to meet you Telia and the floating ball of fire is someone following us someone very close by"

@Kalin Scarlet

Esstella looked at Kalin "I suppose we could go down if you wish" she said with a mischievous smile suddenly the wind was gone and you were falling the 30 feet or so to the ground as was she her face relaxed and calm and about 4in from the ground the wind catches you and sets you and Esstella down by a man clad in black armor a hood over his face but where was the crowd you look out to see you are on stage with the teachers bur it seems no one can see you "Hi Astor how are you" she said with the first ginuin smile you have seen on her face
Shadora said:
"To orientation of course" he said with a slow easy smile "my father was a knight and his father before him and his father before him knighthood runs in my family as far back as we can trace and Stalwart his lineage goes back even further he is the product of breeding the best war horses of the time Atilha the hun, King Arthur, Gangus Kong, all of them had war horses from the line he was bred from" and Shadow best wolf you will ever meet as long as he likes you" he said with a smile

" I'm Sir Galahad by the way nice to meet you Telia and the floating ball of fire is someone following us someone very close by"

@Kalin Scarlet

Esstella looked at Kalin "I suppose we could go down if you wish" she said with a mischievous smile suddenly the wind was gone and you were falling the 30 feet or so to the ground as was she her face relaxed and calm and about 4in from the ground the wind catches you and sets you and Esstella down by a man clad in black armor a hood over his face but where was the crowd you look out to see you are on stage with the teachers bur it seems no one can see you "Hi Astor how are you" she said with the first ginuin smile you have seen on her face
Kalin's breath was so heavy he wasn't sure he would be conscious much longer."N-Never...never do that again, please..." he managed to gasp out, his chest pounding as he slowly got to his feet.
@Kalin Scarlet

Esstella looked at Kalin the coldness in her eyes she was clearly displeased "you said you wanted down and I brought you down" she replied the ice in her voice could cut like a knife her voice and eyes were so cold you could see your own breath in the air that was now freezing a cold wind surrounded the three of you chilling you to the bone

But the man beside you and Esstella seemed completely unaffected by the cold the man had a hawk sitting on his shoulder who screeched with displeasure "Esstella the cold is bothering Falk so make it stop" he said his voice was deep and as cold as the air around you which was freezing then suddenly a warm breeze rolled in taking away the freezing chill in the air
Shadora said:
@Kalin Scarlet
Esstella looked at Kalin the coldness in her eyes she was clearly displeased "you said you wanted down and I brought you down" she replied the ice in her voice could cut like a knife her voice and eyes were so cold you could see your own breath in the air that was now freezing a cold wind surrounded the three of you chilling you to the bone

But the man beside you and Esstella seemed completely unaffected by the cold the man had a hawk sitting on his shoulder who screeched with displeasure "Esstella the cold is bothering Falk so make it stop" he said his voice was deep and as cold as the air around you which was freezing then suddenly a warm breeze rolled in taking away the freezing chill in the air
"I know I said that. I was just expecting something a little less exciting..." he said as the chill came in. He shivered in silence until it stopped. "I'm sorry, if I upset you...and I do appreciate you bringing me back down here." he said, his breathing finally returning to normal.
@Kalin Scarlet

"Astor you never answered my question" Esstella said the cold air still in her voice

The man you assume is Astor speaks his voice as cold and deadly as Esstella's eyes

"That's because I don't want to answer but if you must know I'm the same as I always am" he said giving nothing away "who ate you boy" he asked the light air returning to Esstella as she hummed seeming lost in her own little world
Shadora said:
@Kalin Scarlet
"Astor you never answered my question" Esstella said the cold air still in her voice

The man you assume is Astor speaks his voice as cold and deadly as Esstella's eyes

"That's because I don't want to answer but if you must know I'm the same as I always am" he said giving nothing away "who ate you boy" he asked the light air returning to Esstella as she hummed seeming lost in her own little world
"I'm Kalin..." he said, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. "Nice to meet you, sir. I guess you're going to be teaching here?"
Astor looked at him "Falk and I will be teaching here" he said motioning to the Hawk "weapons and stealth and some combat magic I think" he replied slowly the displeasure in his voice
"Sounds like fun." Kalin said. "I can't wait to get started around here..." He smiled, and stretched as he waited for the opening ceremony.
The coldness of Astor and Esstella could freeze an arm "if they don't hurry I'm leaving and they can find someone who actually wants to be here" Astor mumbled to himself his voice colder than Esstella's ever was he was cold toward Esstella who was supposedly his friend how would he be around one that angered him

Esstella just continued humming her song unfazed by his coldness "Kalin what kind of weapons do you use" the question was happy sounding and completely out of the blue
Shadora said:
The coldness of Astor and Esstella could freeze an arm "if they don't hurry I'm leaving and they can find someone who actually wants to be here" Astor mumbled to himself his voice colder than Esstella's ever was he was cold toward Esstella who was supposedly his friend how would he be around one that angered him
Esstella just continued humming her song unfazed by his coldness "Kalin what kind of weapons do you use" the question was happy sounding and completely out of the blue
"Hmm? Oh! I was trained to use alot of weapons. I'm best with a sword, though." he said, smiling at Estella."What about you, Est? What kind of weapon do you use?" he said, as he glanced out into the crowd, as if looking for someone.
Arthur simply stood at the Orientation Ceremony. He observed the other students and absent mindedly stroke his sword Zeta Excalibur. He was waiting for Orientation to just begin but be over, he was eager to get through this all and become a Knight of the Avalonian Order. He wondered what sort of things he'll be taught, he hoped it wouldn't be things he already knows. But Arthur maintained an expression as bright as his armor is shining.
@Kalin Scarlet

Esstella eyes light with a fire of passion and joy that surprises and scares you she pulls out her sword and it glows with a white mist swirling around the outer edge of the blade making it impossible to tell exactly where the edge is she puts the sword back and an ever shifting bow appears in her hand the bow's body shifts and changes like the wind around her

The bow disappears and is replaced by a scythe then a Kusarigama but you can't get a good look at either because of the wind swirling around them "then I have my magic of course" she says with a Cheshire Cat smile
"Wow...and you know how to use all of those?! That's awesome!" Kalin said, turning back to her with a smile and thumbs up.


The headmaster stepped forward. His expression was deathly serious as he scanned the faces in the crowd. He coughed quietly, and began his address...

"Hello, and welcome to Avalon. For years, many of you have trained for years to become warriors. Well, starting today, your training will be put to the test during your time here, as well as your limits. Make no mistake- there will be many obstacles in your way as you strive to become true knights. Do not hesitate to destroy anything in your path...or you will die." he said, before putting on a smile."Don't forget to enjoy it, though!" he said before departing. A woman walked up next, the headmistress.

"Today, your abilities will be evaluated, and you will be placed in pairs. Your chosen partner will be with you for the next four years, so hopefully, you have a gift for making friends...everyone line up, and prepare for your examination...trial by combat."

@Newtype @Chiryoshi
@Newtype @Chiryoshi

Esstella took off like a shot the wind propelling her into the first spot in line her weapons surrounded her the wind swirled wildly sweeping many of the new recruits and even teachers off there feet fire and passion burned in her eyes as well as the need to spill blood her golden hair whipped furiously in the wind like hundreds of anger snakes striking again and again she looked wild alive beautiful and deadly so deadly that most the recruits cowered and scrambled to get as far away from her as possible her power was unmistakable and indiscribable
Telia was by far amazed as he explained to her. Her eyes gleamed with delight as she got to know his name and meet another new friend. After the announcements were finished, her grin widened when she saw the girl from earlier, with other people trying to avoid being a victim of her murderous looks. She waved happily at her nonstop. The girl looked really pretty with her long white hair hanging down by her side. "Hey! It's one of my new friends!!! Hello!!!" Telia kept waving till her arm got tired. @Shadora

Rex walked around the school with a chopstick in her hand for some odd reason. She reached the auditorium just in time for the orientation and slipped a chopstick in her mouth after it was finished. A stallion and wolf caught her eye as she continued looking from the animals to the riders. It was Telia and a boy. Her eyes narrowed down a bit but she shrugged because what harm could this 'noble' boy do? Then Telia started to wave at somebody and a grin stretched out her face. She had made some friends, that was good.... they had better not backstab her though... Something would happen right away...

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