The shady elf.(every one welcome my first post)

He tackles her not hard enough to hurt her but enough to knock her down "Before what?" he leans down and kisses her again
Phyxius rolled the map up. "Aye it would not be goid to leave the little ones, i have plenty of room in the wagon. We should be able to find the road." He turned to the man and gave a salute, "Phyxius" he introduced. Walking back to the wagon he continued,"We'd best get moving soon."
Mioante giggled a little, "we're going on a journey!" he exclaimed, jumping up and down and repeating the words untill they no longer made sense, then Ananzia smacked him on the back of the head, "shut up!" she hissed, dragging him into the cart by his ear and he kept repeating "ow" over and over untill she let go, "that hurt." he whimpered, putting a and over his hurt ear as his lower lip wobbled a bit, "oh so you do feel pain." she joked, smiling at him, "don't worry one day you'll be a big boy, but I'll always be older." she sneered, which made Mioante narrow his eyes a little, "but I'll allways be better." he said proudly.
"To a prince in the west and I have to think of the people I'm a princess when father dies who will take the throne if I'm gone."

She hugs him looking away as she feels tears run down her face
Lite nodded. he went around and climbed on board. "Then let us have haste before I die of infection." Lite took a seat and motioned the kids to come on. "Stop bickering and come on!" He commanded the children like he was there parent.
Seeing the three in the wagon Phyxius loosened the reins and the bull started lumbering, gaining speed as Phyxius commanded. "If I can find the town we'll be there soon. Also, have you seen any elves recently?" Phyxius asked.
Ananzia growled a little at the man, "you can't tell US what to do! You're not anyone's parent here!" she hissed at him and Mioante nodded in agreement with Ananzia, "yeah! Who are you to tell us what to do?" he said frowning at him.
Lite laughed at there little remarks. "Someone who knows better is someone you should listen to." Lite said then ignored the two turning to the driver, Phyxius. "I believe I saw two before I arrived but they ran away when I called for help." Lite peered over the wagon and examined it for anything that would make it seem interesting. "What might you be doing in these parts? All of you?" Lite asked laying down some and relaxing on the wagon.
Pulling out his map again Phyxius said, "To shorten my story, I am acting as a courrier while I search for an elven artifact to help my queen retake her throne," He looked to the back of the wagon, "Please be careful of that rack of bottles, It would be very unpleasent if they fell on one of you."
Mioante sighed a little, then glanced at one of the bottles, "you carry bottles of acid or alkali in the back a of a cart? Knowing that carts always bounce so the chances are high of that toxic getting all over the place?" he asked, glaring at the bottles like they were aliens.
Phyxius narrowd his eyes at Mioante. "You think I'd let things like that bounce in fragile bottles. Listen and tell me if you hear them. I had that rack secured so the. Bottles wouldn't break for anything less than a tree falling on the wagon." Phyxius looked back ahead and gave a sigh of relief as the road came into sight.
Mioante sighed and shook his head, "you shouldn't really carry them around everywhere. My grandfather went in a similar way." he said, sighing and looking at the bottles again in curiosity, "what's in them anyway?" he asked, putting his chin in his palms.
Phyxius sighed, "Useful potions and chemicals. Dark bottles are bad, light bottles are good, look at the labels." He looked around and back at the map trying to determine their location. He loosend his grip on the reins and the bull began to charge.
Lite listened to the babble that the two discussed over the contents of the bottles. He pulled his hood over his eyes to block some of the light getting to his eyes. The ride got bumpier as the bull sped up a little. "What about you two kids? Where are you form and why are you here unattended? You both talk like you know everything." Lite stroked his goatee and yawned.
he looks at her as the sound of a cart rolling over the cave system echos through the cave"Yes I am..." What was he doing! he didnt know her and she will just hurt him any way why stay he should run..
Mioante shrugged a little, "were on holiday. We're not normally with adults." he said, looking at the man with a goatee.

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