The shady elf.(every one welcome my first post)

She stops and he runs right into her."why did you stab your self?"she kneels and ties his wound with a rag that was in her pocket. She smiles and hugs him."Don't hurt your self again. Please?" She turns and starts to walk away again.she wasn't runing or trying avoid him she just walked.She looked at the blue sky and stopped to look at him.She pouts slightly to see his eyes where red."Let me see the blue eyes that I love so much."
His eyes turn a bright blue "I stabbed myself because i messed up.. And for another reason that i cant tell you or you will be scared off.." he runs next to her seemingly attached to her for a reason he didnt even know <why get close to her she will just hurt you.> He needd to listen to his head run escape flee but he just stood there walking with her.
"You can tell me I promise I will always come back to you nothing will change that "

She smiles and looks in the window of a house nearby.

A lady gave her a dirty look from the window and she turns to him.

"I need to go and you can't follow me unless you want me upset at you."

She gives him a bone arrow tip necklace she had been wearing.

She places it around his neck and kisses his lips softly before she takes off.
Name: Mioante

age: 14

Gender: male

Race: human


View attachment 2995you get eternal luffing if you know that is :3

personality: he is oddly kind for what he is, he easily makes friends, but feels his main purpose in life is to keep Ananzia from killing every person she sees.

backstory: ever since he was very little Mioante would practice very hard to do what he does, using every technique on the planet and mastering as many as he could for as long as it took. Usually by the time he was done the training equipment would be completely destroyed. The day he turned twelve he was sent off to do his job professionally. His family were pleased with his return as not only did he bring back much in the way of money his parents greeted him to a companion who followed him on every mission and they quickly became good friends.

Name: Ananzia

age: 16

gender: female

race: human


View attachment 2996

personality: she is quick to judge people, but doesn't mind when she's proven wrong if the person is still alive. It's recommended by many that if she's on her own to avoid her. Although its rare she's seen without Mioanta. She's not too found of the fact that she often gets lectured and taught by someone three years younger than her, but she knows and accepts the fact that he is just better.

Backstory: Ananzia always wanted to be what she is now when she was little, she always admired them for bravery. When the day came that she was told that a professional would be able to take her as a companion she couldn't be happier, but when she discovered who it was she seemed a little disapointed. However when she watched him practising on the training dummies she was blown away and perhaps a little jealous.

In case you hadn't got it they're assassains :D
He silently climbs a tree and follows her jumping tree to tree watching her Why? why was he protective?
She buys an apple and some grapes then sneaks into a nearby forest.

"Come on its just me." She knees before a large tree and a ferret pops its head out sniffs the air and hides."I know some ones her show yourself
Jumps down from a tree his eyes go through a loop of colors from dark blue to light blue and then back again "You caught me." he raises his hands
"Why.I trusted you and you didn't listen why should I stay."

Her voice was angry and hurt as she ran into a cottage nearby and slamming the door.
He takes his knife out again "Because i didnt want to be alone" he starts to move it towards his leg kind of slow so if she wanted to stop him she could.
She grabs his hand and looks at him.

"I told you I would come back.

I will never leave you forever.

Not even if you wanted me to."

--- Merged Double Post ---

She grabs his hand and looks at him.

"I told you I would come back.

I will never leave you forever.

Not even if you wanted me to."
(yesh prowlers..) "I dont know i defiantly feel something for you that is out of the ordinary for me..."
She smiles happily after that and takes his hand.she lead him to a water fall and shesat down. "My father used to take me here when I was young.I need to tell you something. I know how you feel your starting to love me right? "Her eyes sparkled in the sun light and her hair moved like long grass as she spoke.
Name: Lite Rige

Age: 74


View attachment 3011

Brief History: Born form nobles and trained by generals, scholars, and weapon masters to become the best of the best! Lite knows he will win and will beat you down until you realize it as well. Hes not a very nice person and doesn't plan on becoming one. Adapt and Overcome!
Mioante was sitting legs crossed in a tree, quietly humming to himself and Ananzia looked up at him, "you're really weird, you know that right?" she asked, glancing around then back at her, "I'm just calm." he said rather flatly in a smooth relaxed way then jumped down from the tree, "you should try it too." he added. Ananzia looked down at him, "you may be in charge, but I'm still older." she grumbled, "and stupider." he said and she flicked him in the arm, "anyway I saw some people by a waterfall, can I practise killing them?" she aksed, looking very exited and Mioante sighed, "you can't just kill everyone you see you know, practise on dummies, but not real ones like yourself, use stuffed ones." he said, shaking his head at her. Ananzia sighed at her, "well can I atleast go say hello?" she asked, grinning, "as long as you don't kill them; I'll be watching you. In fact I might even come say hello with you." he said, giggling a little. She smiled and took ahold of his small hand, running over to them with him running behind. She walked up behind them and smiled, "erm... hello." she said, giggling.
"Its something you feel when you always want to be close to some one like only you can truely have them" she smiles as she explains it more clearly."so how do you feel about me? "
"I don't know.. The voice doesnt tell me to kill you.. I-I maybe i should go.."

--- Merged Double Post ---

He sees the two approaching and draws his knives and gets in a fighting stance "What."
Ananzia jumped back a little, "just saying hi." she said, walking back next to Mioante and shaking a little bit. Mioante raised a little eyebrow, "why so jumpy?" he asked, frowning a little.

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