The shady elf.(every one welcome my first post)

Ananzia looked at the two confused, then at Mioante who seemed very relaxed at the whole thing, "sir, are you ok?" he asked, holding his hand out a little, as if to suggest a handshake.
Ananzia sighed and sat on the opposite side of him, then Mioante sat on Ananzia's legs giggling at her. She sighed and pushed him off and to the side of her, "try to be sensible mr supposedly wise." she said glaring at him, he giggled slightly again, "but everyone likes to have a bit of fun every now and then." he said, lying back and smiling to himself. Ananzia rolled her eyes at him, "I would tell you to act your age, but you are." she said, smiling politely at the elves.
A lone figure moved along the road, he looked beaten and battered. He breathed heavily and limped slightly on his left leg. His sword was drawn and he pointed it to the ground. He leaned on it using it like a walking stick to get down the road. Some blood trickled down his face from a large gash above his right eyebrow as well as many other cuts and gashes on his body. It was obvious that he had just arrived form some type of battle and was lucky to survive. He slowly made his way forward finding no one until he stumbled upon four people. They didn't seem very significant but Lite was need of help and anyone that could help would do. "Help!" Lite tried to yell but he found his voice was near gone, so he began to wave his sword in the air trying to grab there attention.
Mioante spotted a person who looked like he had just been killed and lived to tell the tale. He ran over to him and looked at him, "I've seen worse… on dead people, but it was still worse." he said, shrugging and waving Ananzia over, "she's carrying all the first aid supplies since she always gets hurt." he said, waiting, "I would do introductions, but you need some patching up and taking to a professional." he said as Ananzia walked over, "I've got some patches." she said, grabbing some from the small bag she was carrying, "oh so you do have a use." he joked, not sure wether to put patches on the stranger or let him do it, "do you want to apply the patches?" Ananzia asked, clealy wondering the same thing as Mioante, "who are you and why are you so badly hurt?" he asked, looking at him then at Ananzia.
Name: Phyxius

Age: 18

Race: Human

Appearance: Medium height, slim build, short messy black hair, grey eyes. Carries a dagger and cutlass.

Background: After being raised in the Arcane Academy; only learning minor magic, Phyxius was noticed by the Royal Library and became an agent who was tasked with helping to retrieve ancient artifacts. When the royals were exiled after a revolt Phyxius bought a wagon and an ox and took to the roads to search for Elven artifacts that could help the royalty retake the throne.

Personality: Generally calm and relaxed on the road, Phyxius detests being in cites and gets tense. He welcomes people to join him on his journey but few have stayed long.
Lite looked over the two who immediately came to his aid. He quickly responded but ended up coughing up some blood. He shook his head and fell over to the ground. He strained to push himself up. He grabbed on to the leg of the girl and pulled himself up. His superior body weight and strength wold be enough to knock her right over. He stood over her and tried to talk "Please, Help me." He said beginning to put all his weight on the girl.
Roarke effectively away from the group but close enough where Nadia could find him he cuts a long but shallow gash down his arm "get out of my head" he clutches his head and sits with his back to a tree
Mioante looked at the man and Then at Ananzia as she fell over, "owwww." she yelled, slowly getting back up, but Mioante was already supporting the man with ease, "show off." she grumbled, "actually I'm just helping." he corrected, giggling at her.
"It's the voice!" he moves his sleeve over his cut which was bleeding more now it may kill him eventually
Lite breathed heavily. "Is there a doctor somewhere?" He whined as the boy pushed on one of his gashes. Lite tried to use the two as support. "Please could you grab my sword for me?" He asked. The sword was somewhat important to him.
Ananzia went to take the sword, but Mioante swiped it first, "ooh, I like this sword." he said, running his eyes along it.
Lite coughed again "Yes, I usually don't use it so openly and for such a sad use but I could barely stand." Lite looked over his sword in the hands of the small boy. "You should get the weapon away from the boy before he cuts himself." Lite said as he took the wrap from the girl and began to painfully tying his wounds. Lite wrapped everything he could reach but there spots on him he couldn't. "May we please visit the doctor now?" He asked pushing himself up. His hood fell off and rest on his shoulders revealing his noble and handsome face even when his right eye completely wrapped up to cover his eyebrow as well. Lite examined the two children, why was it that only children answered his call for help. "Where are we in?" Was his last question.
Mioante shrugged and Ananzia shook her head, "it's probably safer in his hands." she said, revealing quite a few scars along her arms where she had dropped a sword from her hands. Mioante spun the sword a few times in his fingers like it was nothing and stabbed the air and held it back in his hand, "I have no idea where we are, but we'll find a doctor I'm sure of that." he said, giggling a little.
Roarke tries to break her grip but is too weak from the amount of blood he was loosing "I'm f-f-fine..."

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