The shady elf.(every one welcome my first post)

"Yes we should." She jumps down and grabs his hand skiping out of the cave.

she had never looked so happy in her life.(well there was the time when she asked for a pony and got one but that's beside the point XP)
"you should be two your gonna be a king."

she stops at the same tree as befor and hands him an apple.a small ferret pokes its head out untrusting of him but happily lets her pet him.
the ferret jumps on his hand and climbs all the way and sits on his head like a prince.she giggles and gives the ferret a grape.
she shrugs and looks at the sky.she really dident know what to do everything was so fast and she was so sleepy.

she starts waking but the ferret sqeaks and she turns around "right homes that way..." she said feeling abit silly.
Lite sighed. "Children need parents adn you two are obvious children." he scratched his chin as he spoke not entirely paying attention to the conversation.
she smiles and blushes looking down at her furry friend who was already asleep soon she found herself asleep was close to night fall when she awoke and she poped up " oh dear its very late come on casper."she said get up and the ferret climbed up on her shoulder."im sorry but if fate wishes us to meet again we will." she says kissing him and runig off into the night she had to get home before her father sent out the knights and hunting dogs to find her.
she go's into a tavern and sits down "hello ma'ma" the girl behind the bar said."river."nadia wispered and the girl nodded at the stockroom door.she stood and walked in looking around slightly. she went through the stock room and down a underground tunle to a door in the floor of a cottage.she opened the trap door and climbed up into the cottage."home sweet home" she said placeing a rug over the door in the floor.she headed to the kitchen and grabed a drink then sat on the couch playing with casper.the house was just like any other accept for the hiden door that lead to the tavern stockroom.

it had wooden flooring wooden walls and a stove made of stone.
Mizoante sighed and put his hands around his mouth in a cup like shape to make it louder, "we...aren't…with…adults…very…often…in fact…I…barely…see…my…parents!" he yelled slowly so the man could understand him. Ananzia laughed a little, "I just don't see me parents." she said, looking at th man with the goatee.
he also walked up to the bartender and also said "river" he walks down the passage alert of everything around him... for the most part.
she drank her water and ran some bath water while she waited she put lamb with veggies,rosemary and honeydew mead in the oven to make a nice meal and smell for her when she got out.she undresses and sliped in the tub as the ferret watched the food cook.
Roarke smells food coming from down the hall.Be careful. he walks into the room and jumps ontop of a bookshelf and sits up there cross legged
when done she walks out with a towl wraped around her hair only and not seeing him she stood there showing everything"hey casper where did all my towles go you thief!" she said checking in some closets for them.
Roarke blushes and throws her towel at her. "Cover yourself up.. but if you don't mind me saying this then DAMN!

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