The shady elf.(every one welcome my first post)

Lite grinned at the boy. "I was beginning to wonder if any of you would ask about me instead of speak of yourselves." Lite scratched his chin again ignoring the boys slightly aggressive motions to his knife. "I'm from the far west, across the giant river and further west. The Hylion academy of Freedom and the Deathbringer academy of Just." Lite explained, "I'm a Hylion and I joined in with a missionary group to explore the new lands. It was good way to get some extra good marks, but we were attacked. I've no idea how many of my allies are still alive. I pray they are all safe." Lite sighed. "Did you think me to be some type of criminal?" Lite asked.
Mioante narrowed his eyes a little, "why would you think that?" he asked, casually moving his hand from his knife and back to by his side.
Lite chuckled, "I'd say you more insisted then you asked." Lite winked (allusion)

Lite shook his his head. "Forget it, it's nothing imortant." Lite went back to relaxing, ignoring the kids again.

((can i spice things up?! like a bandit attack or something?))
Mioante shrugged and seemed to slip down a bit in a slouchy way, "meh." he mumbled, watching the sky.
nadia smiled."im happy you enjoyed it." she sitsup and sighs soon losing her smile."you know im a high elf right?and if you did why didnt you try to kill me.i can only guess your a dark elf we should hate each other." she had never thought aout this until now he could be part of a clan that wants to use her just to become king.this worried her and she looked at him.'what if he lied?what if he just wanted to be king?' she thought.
He yawns "Yeah I am a dark elf.No I am not part of a clan,I don't even want to be king i just want to be with you." his eyes lose their blue glow and go to a neutral gray color he wasn't lying either he really didn't want to be king
"....." she was shocked at how he knew all of that and she looked away. "you seem to need rest so REST" she says and gets out of bed to put clothes on.
he slips his underwear back on and sat on the bed "What if i'm not tired?" he sticks his tounge out at ehr playfully.
He turns and the pillow hits him in the face "ouch that hurt" he fake cries " will you kiss it and make it better?"
He sighs "Damn you and your forms of persuasion." then he chuckles and wraps his arms around her hugging her.
she smiles proudly and stands "i have to go sorry again..but im just a busy girl." she turns and walks out of the bedroom and into the kitchen grabing some water for them.
"no i will tie you to the bed if i have two i need you to watch the house tavern romurs say that bandits are robbing houses" she hands him one of the waters and takes a drink on the other.
she rolles her eyes smileing. "please?" il make it worth your while" she says walking up to him and looking in his eyes to see what color they where as she runs her fingers along his chest.
He shivers and his eyes turn bright blue "i-I dont know.."

--- Merged Double Post ---

she pouts slightly. "aw you dont want to see what you will get for protecting my stuff?" she asked kissing on his neck.
His eyes go so bright blue that thet are almost white." I-I i don't know what do i get?" he shivers again but it was from her touchinghim not being cold

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