The shady elf.(every one welcome my first post)

He sighs and pulls her close and whispers "Okay but this will hurt." he kisses down her neck then bites in her body would feel like it was on fire she would have to tell him when to stop
nadia didnt know when itwas time for him to stop so she waited for a long time.she was useing magic as he drank so her blood tasted even better and would make him stonger.soon she became light headed and asked"r-roarke a-are you done?"
Ananzia giggled a little and took a necklace off her neck and pulled something off the chain, then put the necklace back on; she knew somebody who was a vampire do she always carried a bottle of blood just incase she met him again. Carefully Ananzia slid down the roof a little and carefully threw the bottle in, knowing it wouldn't smash, then climbed back up neck to Mioante and continued to try and tug at his heart strings.
She was weak he could easily over power her. "I told you not to let me feed on you.Now i can barely restrain myself from wanting to feed on you again!You should of let me die!"
"im sorry just please don't yell" nadia cryed she felt useless wich made her scared after what he said.Vanna could feel her twins weakness and took off after her she had no idea where she was so she would have to go with her gut.
she smiles slightly as a 'i love you to' but never said any thing blood was still run down her chest.vanna was starting to feel what nadia did and ran faster before she passed out but vanna having to run faster made nadia start to sweat and breath heavily.
he calmly bandages up her neck and uses a wet washcloth to wipe her fore head "You aren't leaving me again."
View attachment 3212"i never wanted to leave you." she says right before vanna jumps through the window.vanna was in her silvery skin and her long nails shimered she growls at him glareing at nadia like a peice of meat even though she dident mean to
nadia stood and ran infront of him "v-" from all of vannas runing it made nadia weak wich knocked her out and she hit the floor.vanna tryed to hit him but ended up geting knock out with her.(know he has two knock out girls on the floor sorry xD )
Lite smiled to the men "I hope not much since we are very poor and own very little. We'd hope to get through these roads peacefully and get to the nearest sheltor before something evil would catch in the night" Lite said with a little praise in his voice. Lite looked around, the bottles weren't covered. Lite looked to Phyxius. "Which are poisonous?" he asked in a whisper. then looked to the highwaymen. "We do have some delightful drink, would you like to try?"

The highwaymen listened
Quietly Phxius whispered, "The black bottles, they are fragile and meant to be thrown." with his free hamd he griped the reins tightly. He stared at the men again.
Ananzia looked into the house through the window again, "would you like help in there?" she asked, shorty followed by Mioante who was hanging off the edge of the roof by his shoes.
Ananzia smiled and jumped into the cottage, shortly followed by Mioante, "what do you need help with?" he asked, looking around.

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