The shady elf.(every one welcome my first post)

He closes his eyes and sighs he opens them and they are blue again then he looks at nadia as if asking if he should
nadia smiles "no one can take from you" she whispers then shivers slightly there was snow every where wich made the house mess.nadia sighed and looked around at the blood and snow mixed with body parts."you are so helping me clean this up..though i have always wanted to remodle." she laughs and opends all the windows and doors. she stands in the middle on the livingroom and looks at him."watch and learn" she glows a light green and soon after birds whent flying ito the bed room window,and dear familey and a mother bear troted threw the front door a army of squirrels climbed threw anoter window.some birds landed on his head happily as a baby dear got burried in the snow (wich is covering most of your lower body)
Roarke looks down and sees a knife sticking out of his stomache the shocked had kept him from noticing "Nadi- " he falls on the ground passing out
she runs to his side in panic.trying everything to help him but she was to weak .turning to claire she unfreazes her."please claire is you help him i- i will return home." claire smiles noding and heals him fully when he awakes theres a letter that the baby dear gives him and nadia was gone leaveing him only a letter saying

'my love im sorry to let you down but i could not let you die.

claire has healed you but for a' (can he like not see her for a few months i have an idea)
Roarke loses it going full vampire mode he follows her scent . He eventually finds where she was take

--- Merged Double Post ---

(( oh okay)) Roarke enters the building to find a note that just says 'wrong building he sighs
(few monthes later) nadias maid walk serving her lunch in bed since she refued to leave her room ever since she left the town."you have to ride with the prince in town" nadia got the slightest spark of joy from that and sat up "when?" the maid smiles geting her clothes."when your done eating and no im not hungrys." nadia smirks with a nodd then just thows the food out thewindow instead"happy?" the maid frowns "no!" "deal with it" nadia snaps as she gets in her royal dress and crown then heads off to the stables.

a few hours later they where at town and nadia waved and greeted every one while he treated them like slaves.(by the way dose he still live at her old cottage because she is gonna go there before seeing you or she will see you there)
(he lives there he hasnt left it in a long timw he is like an animal.He has scars from cutting himself with his knife an he hasnt shaved or anythinf and he keeps his eyes red )

--- Merged Double Post ---

Hearing she would be in town today he still stayed there sitting on the bed 'i told you so i told you so ' sang the voice Roarke hadnt fed in a long time he would die soon.
nadia gets off her horse in fromof the tavern she used to go to.the prince didnt even see that he lost her and kept rideing.she says 'river' and enters the house by now the place smelled like death and she sighed.(guessing hes in the bedroom and hopeing) she then gets every thing in the ketchen cleaned up but soon got bored and strted singing while doing the dishes.(lyrics)

'Live in my house

I'll be your shelter

just pay me back with one thousand kisses

be my lover i'll cover you.

I think they meant it

when they said you can't buy love

now i know you can rent it

a new lease you are my love

on my life be my life.

Just slip me on i'll be your blanket

wherever whatever i'll be your coat

yoube my king and i'll be your casle

i'v long to descover somthing as true as this is

so with a thousand sweet kisses

if your cold and your lonely

with a thousand sweet kisses

with one nickle only

with a thousand sweet kisses

i'll cover you
(Not yet)) this was the first time he had talked since she left his voice was raspy and full of pain "Why are you here"
she droped the plate on the floor wich cut her leg as the pieces when flying.she pu her hands jp ghinking he was a bandit "please dont hurt me" she begane fake crying to get him closer so she could attack.
"well im not haveing a-" when she turns to look at him whiles talking she gasps "R-roarke?" she starts crying as she looks at him half happy but half sad.

She falls to her knees crying and covering her face with her hands.she just couldnt stand that she did this to him
He looked shocked "the one and only.How are things going with prince charming " his voice was cold but he wasnt trying to hurt her he just sounded hollow
she frowns and looks down ashamed of herself. "im not leaving you like this come on" she takes his hand a leads him to the bathroom."you will shave,shower and brush your teeth is you fail me i will make you do it" she leaves geting him clean clothes and a towel.the same forest friends as when she left showed up to help and greet her.this was her forest she was like a mother to them all so they always wanted to help.the bears helped barrie the body parts as nadia changed out of her dress and into her usual shorts and and top.she then tryed to teach the birds how to do the dishes but when a bird fell in the water she laughed helping it out.that was the first time in months she had laughed it felt nice to be back but she knew she would have search partys soon.for now she just wanted to be happy.she laughs as a bird dumps water all over her.the whole front half of her was soaked.
Roarke shaves and brushes his teeth he hops in the shower real quick and gets out he still looked distant his eyes still red.
by then the place smelled like cookies and she looked at him."i know you hate me but-" she stops and sigh then places food and water on the the table for him .'he hates me i should just go' she thought and started cleaning again

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