The shady elf.(every one welcome my first post)

"oh sorry i did this to you" she kisses him for a long time before leting him go. "i missed you now im gonna help you get better so eat"
"oh" she takes his knife and slices open her wrist.she walks over to him then offers it to him"drink you are being selfish if you don't"
Mioante sighed and rolled onto his side, "leave me alone!" he hissed, batting at Ananzia with his hand, she sighed a little and played with his hair, "it's only three years that not much." she said, snuggling onto him, "I don't care you're icky" he grumbled, batting her hand away with his hand, "but you've been so grown up since you turned fourteen." she said, although she would be seventeen herself quite soon, "I know it's only been a few months, but a lot has changed since that little incident with the drunk guy." she said, giggling slightly, "he wasn't a drunk guy he was a ruthless leader and killer who had to be taken down… he just happened to drink like a dog and smell of a pig." he said yawning a little, "who's cottage is this anyway?" he asked, "some elf girl's." Ananzia replied, lying down next to him.
A the small carriage went along the road Lite peered ahead and there was a small group of armed men, more in number then the people riding the carriage but not by much. Lite tried to examine them more. They wore uniformed outfits but it looked more ragtag, torn, stolen, or and handmade. As the group came into a good speakable distance they surrounded the carriage and halted it "You need to pay a road toll to pass here!" Lite pushed himself up "Highway men..." Lite sighed under his breath.
(sorry i havent posted, couldnt get my internet connected, wont be a problem now though)

Phyxius starred at the men and said,"No one said anything about a toll at the last town." He slowly move his hands to the hilt of his weapons.
Mioante looked over at the elf that had appeared on the roof, at first he didn't recognise him, but then he did, "oh you're weird crazy guy!" he said, smiling. Ananzia glanced over at Mioante, "we no a lot of weird crazy guys." she said, wrapping her arms around him, "stop it!" he hissed, making her pull away quickly.
Lite rubbed her chin slightly. "Well obviously they were on break and you must of missed them." Lite said to Phyxius. Then in a whisper. "They outnumber us greatly! Not a good idea to disagree with them."

"Oi! Don't matter if you saw'em on the last road! You gotta pay us now!" The highwaymen commanded. "If you don't pay then you can't leave!"
Trying to think of a plan Phyxius played along and asked, "Whats the toll?" Keeping one hand on the hilt of his dagger he went for his coin pouch.
He hisses bearing his fangs "Are you two a thing or do you want to come inside " he winks at anizania (or what ever the girls name is) he was going to feed on her not do anything with her
(sorry i was away)

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"you two should leave."she was worried her forest friends would not like them to well.she sighs and walks over to the oven and pulls out freash cookies "here now go" she had put them on a plate for them and closed the door on there face turning back to Roarke she once again offers him her blood.
"Ill be inside if you want to do anything" he winks and heads back inside his eyes red

--- Merged Double Post ---

He turbs on Nadia "I said no!"
"please am i not good enough for you or is it a bad spot ?" she pleaded him and even cut the side of her neck you could clearly tell she wouldnt drop this
If i feed on you i will either not stop myself and you will die but even if i sop myself you will be a monster like me" he frowns

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