The shady elf.(every one welcome my first post)

she didnt want to leave she was just torn between going to see him or leaveing him alone but she left anyway.she sat under a tree near by and closed her eyes soon falling asleep wich she only woke up at night wich made it seem like she left him.
Nadia walks threw the door yawning and holding her neck."sleeping out side is not very comfy" she walks in the bed room and tears up. 'hes leaving me' she thought then ran out of the room and outside so she didnt have to watch him go by now she was crying while laying on the cold ground next to a tree
he drops his bag and walks after her "Im not leaving you..I thought you left.." he picks her up and carrys ehr inside hurting his broken hand
she looked away offened by what he said."but i told you i would always come back." she could sence somthing was not right and made him set her down she then looked at his arms,legs,chest and hands last.she sighs and takes his wound away giveing it to herself again."that must have hurt alot beacuase the after pain is really strong." she then takes his bag and dumps everything out.she begain folding and hanging his stuff up for him and dident mind the hand but it still hurt.
she paused and looked down.she wanted to help but the he was acting she made it worse.she waves her hand ovr him giveing it back then she leaves the room.she started to think that maybe it would be best if she wasnt there.
"i cant walk around in my own home!" she snaped.she didnt mean to yell but she was scared it would be best to leave him be but he did need some one to love him and she did.she sat down on the couch and opened a book she wasnt reading it she was useing it so it wouldnt look like she was thinking about somthing
she had had enough fighting and slamed her book down wich made her seem mader untilshe says this "no you will not leave and i will not leave because i had to sleep on that hard grass and hurt my neck so right about now you are going to lay down and let me get good sleep while cuddleing...OK!"
she rolles her eyes and cuddles up to him.she closes her eyes and falls asleep. (do you mindif bandits try to rob the house riddle says i need to work on my rp fighting)
in the middle of the night a window cracks open.lucky for us this guy is a idiot.unlucky for us he brought all of his buddys. mr. idiot soon is in the house then unlocks the door for the rest (wich there are 4 lookouts 4 tough guys and 5 robbers) meanwhile nadias head was on his chest so it was hard to move and not wake her the moonlight shined out the window and on her making her hair look like a moonlit river.
He tries to sets her head on a pillow and hops onto his feet "You guys wanna dance ?Good thing i havent fed in a while." he grabs one tilting his head back tearing out his jugular
mr. idiot 2 broke a lamp over his head trying to save is friend meanwhile one of the headed into the bedroom where you then heared a loud scream.

soon after random colors started glowing from the bed room he whent flying threw the wall and into the liveingroom.
Roarkes eyes look like the eyes off of a crazed feral animal as he turns and grabs mr idiot #2's neck snapping it like a twig his eyes burning a dark red
"um roarke why did i wake up to a sranger feeling me up?"she walks out of the hole in the wall and annoyed he dident wake her she turns only to get hit in the face by a female bandit "ow" she said falling to the ground
Roqrke growls Grabs the bandit by the throat "You unlucky little *****." he punches her in the throat smashing her wind pipe. Then he finds the guy who woke her up and stomped on his head killing him instantly
nadia stood and looked out side. "claire ?!" nadia grabed roarkes arm and made him stop.a tall woman whearing pants black pants and a black hat stood in the door way.'claire' huged nadia and smiled "nadia dear we have come to take you home!"
Roarke growls still not entirely in control "YOU ARE NOT TAKING HER FROM ME!" his voice sounded like a monsters she needed to calm him down or something bad will happen
nadia looked over at him.she knew what she needed to do butshe didnt know if she could. "she is mine!" claire snaped pulling nadias arm
nadia looked down sadly. "lisen close you eyes and count to ten it will all be over soon." clair said giveing him a blind fold.if he lisened he would be kissed softly before he reached ten and when he opened it would look like a winter wonder land with human popsycles if not then they would all be sucked in a black hole nadia made from anger.

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