[The Seven Deadly Sins] OOC Thread

Definitely more charms for me. Can't decide whether I should actually take the attacking ones or delve deeper into my current trees...
Woohoo! Getting ready to lay down some serious hurt on these guys.
Don't worry. Wren'll come to your rescue, and give that Dynast someone else to play with.
My ship, waiting for any emergency sendings from Wren in case I need to come in and start carpet bombing everything.
Seeker? I was aiming that blast at the Black, the one running away, not the Blue. Does that make a difference? Probably not, but have to ask...
JayTee? Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe perfect soaks work against surprise attacks anyway. Or does one of your others depend on that?
Surprise Anticipation Technique lets me activate my anti-keyword charms. Perfect Soaks only prevent damage.

(Plus it activates automatically)
Query... would anyone be willing to help me get started ahead of time on Aldy's DT Charmset and such, for when he finally does reach it?
Indeed, Indeed I am....

With some minor twists, but yes. More of a Mad Sorcerer-Scientist. He really was meant to have Sorcery, but I didn't understand how it worked when I was making him and stuff, so he only picked up the basics so far.
Wren is quite skilled with sorcery, so if you need a teacher, she can help out.
Shit, I'm sorry @Seeker of the End, that came off as accusatory. Let me clarify:

I just want to see them so I can exploit any weaknesses in them so I can end the fight quickly. As much fun as I am having in the game (and I am having fun), the combat engine of Exalted is starting to wear thin on me, and I'm starting to regret speccing my character for combat.

Again, sorry if I came off as accusatory, I'd just like to get back to questing as soon as possible :)
I can't give you the charm but I can give you the basic effects. Right now the assassin has a charm to hide his identity. It's a shaping effect on himself, not you. His active charms currently halve your soak and can impose an internal penalty on you equal to your own essence until his next action if he penetrates your DV. He also adds bonus successes to any surprise attack.

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