[The Seven Deadly Sins] OOC Thread

Fair criticisms, all of them. I apologize for being a shit. The only defense I'll offer is that I felt I was the target of some unfair charms, but technically that's my own damn fault for putting the GM in that situation.

Fiddled around with my build a bit. I'm still defense heavy, but now my offense is limited to single targets. Hope this is workable for you, Seeker.
I don't think that you were that far out of line. I get worked up about my characters, too. The fact that you are able to take the comments and not lose your temper is a good sign.
Don't worry about it. Again, I'm a noob ST (I've ran/tried to run a grand total of three games. Two of them died before the first scene. One of them didn't even make it past planning). It should be a good learning experience for me. And thanks Jaytee. :)

I can do the storyline but the mechanics are iffy. It doesn't help that I can only really do combat well.
The most important part of the game for me is the story. I can deal with game crunch issues if I have a good story to work with, and I have enjoyed this game very much so far.
Balls, my alerts disappeared again. That said, if this game becomes combat light, I won't complain. IAE really isn't a combat sort of guy and I don't have the best grasp of combat anyway
Sherwood said:
The most important part of the game for me is the story. I can deal with game crunch issues if I have a good story to work with, and I have enjoyed this game very much so far.
What she said.

(I'm not kidding about burning the armies though. :P )
Correct. I believe that a Infernal /is/ punished with Limit, for resisting their Urge and such? And when his urge is to "Destroy the Dragonblooded", I'd figure trying to heal dragonblooded soldiers and such, gives him Limit.
Well, fuck. You should have said so. You're going to have to roll limit. If you stunt your medicine roll while doing acts of villany it should be able to cancel some of it out.
I thought I had to do the Malfean act of Villainy to get anything, because it's a Malfean Urge?

Or Will Monolouging while I treat their wounds, and laughing evily a little bit, work?
Nope. No matter what Urge you have, you can do any Yozi's act of villainy to reduce limit. That's why the book even has a Szorenien Act but no Urge. :)
What is the list of Mitigator's? I want to do this right. ANd Aldy will be /horridly/ embarassed and enraged afterwards, hating the Yozi's for taking way his dignity.
Infernal Corebook: Page 80, has most of them. I think the Broken Wing Crane also has Kimbery's

EDIT: Yup, page 33.

I can give you a TL;DR version of them, if you want.
O-Kay.. One Success- and with the Ascendancy Mantle of Malfeas, my limit is permanantly at a minimum of 5 boxes full. Now, if I, after that roll, gain less than 5 limit, I'm fine and just... y'know, stressed as fuck. Buttt if I gained five or more, berserk rage just became contagious.

Welll shit.
Hey... I recently came into possession of the Book with rules on Manse Design- can I start designing Aldiminius's? (Assuming the Genesis Lab I paid for with the Five Dot Artifact earlier doesn't count)

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