[The Seven Deadly Sins] OOC Thread

WarDragon said:
Uhm. Yes, but you said I was taking a coordinated atttack penalty to my DV, and presumably an onslaught penalty from having more than one attack? How big is the coordinated penalty, is what I'm asking? Or was that directed at someone else?
Onslaught only works if it's the same person doing all the attacks. The coordinated penalty was -3. I was under the impression that lethal wound penalties only could be canceled out by 'By Agony Empowered.'
[QUOTE="Seeker of the End]Onslaught only works if it's the same person doing all the attacks. The coordinated penalty was -3. I was under the impression that lethal wound penalties only could be canceled out by 'By Agony Empowered.'

Yes, they are. But Pathetic Distraction Rebuke cancels ALL penalties to parry DV, including that from coordinated attacks. :)
Right, I was thinking of something else, sorry.

And I seem to have severely messed up something on my sheet. Accuracy should not be that much lower in shintai form...
Hey- question. If I attacked with Will Crushing force- which the Shintai lets me modify Mind Hand with on an attack basis, for no cost- do they use their Mental DV instead of their physical DV?
Right- but with Will Crushing Force on Mind-hands manipulation, I'm still rolling the same attack pool- and I believe it's Damage to their Willpower, directly, right? That's still useful mid fight, right?

Correct me if I'm wrong, please- still learning Exalted, want to be sure this is both a Valid Action, and a good Idea.

Except I'm pretty sure I can't damage them physicaly at all. With Mind hand's manipulation, which is the only form of attack I have in this Shintai Form...

And if I reduce them to 0 WP They sorta just. Critical Existence Failure.... Right? Erm.... Gah. I feel like I built a Character, whose useless fighting anything but Mook armies.
Ah... Crap. Then... I can't really hurt them, in my Shintai, because I assume their DV's are high enough for them to be an actual threat in a fight to the other two- which I'm not.... are there still normal soldiers who haven't surrendered?
*Shrug* Well... I mean, I could just... avoid combat in the future..? I mean, I didn't really focus on combat stuff- but I didn't expect to be this... useless- or maybe it's just cus I'm in the Shintai, and mind hands manipulation aint too good for single target..
[QUOTE="Seeker of the End]I read that the clinch would render both of them inactive... Please let me know if I'm wrong in the OOC Thread.


Seizing an opponent in a clinch or pinning him down requires a grapple attack using ([strength or Dexterity] + Martial Arts). The maneuver has Speed 6, Accuracy +0 and Rate 1. This attack can be dodged or parried normally, and it inflicts no damage if it hits. Clinching can be part of a flurry, and with a stunt or magic, it is possible to try holding two or more opponents at once by repeatedly flurrying with every new clinch roll (see p. 370). If the attack does not hit, the attacker’s ineffectual pawing accomplishes nothing. If the attacker hits, he seizes the opponent in a clinch and controls it. The victim’s action shifts immediately to inactive.
Doesn't say anything about the attacker becoming inactive. It does say you can't do anything other than maintain the clinch without using a flurry, and can't block or dodge without a stunt or charm, but you definitely remain in initiative order. If you didn't... clinching wouldn't be nearly as useful, since all it would do is take both people out of the fight completely.
Just to let everyone know, tomorrow morning I'm heading into the doctor's office to get a orthoscopic surgery of my knee done. I may not post for a day or two as I get through the worst of my recovery.
So, are we going to get a Christmas bonus of some tasty xp? I can say that I've been very good this year...
Woohoo! Delicious xp! Essence 7 is on my list to get!
Great Christmas on my part. I just can't wait for the chance to get more xp to get my Essence to 7.

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