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Realistic or Modern The Secret


New Member
This RP will be based on my original story called The Secret- here's the story and the rp will start at the beginning. You can be a character in the story or make one up. Only people and witches/wizards please, nothing too outrageous like a dragon unless I introduce it later in the story. You can be up to 3 different characters and speak in third or first person, whichever you prefer.

Anyway, this is the link to the story-

Google Docs - create and edit documents online, for free.

You only have to read like the first page to get the gist but can read the rest if you want to. I'm always accepting and will be very friendly to anybody who wants to join.

The RP will start when I have at least one other character to interact with.
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I was just walking down the halls towards my first period class, staring at the ground. Nobody cared or asked why I looked so sad, and that was fine with me. I had never had any friends anyway. When I sat down at my desk, I turned to my right to see who was sitting next to me. It was a tall, slim boy. He gave me a half smile and I blushed, feeling a bit lightheaded before I turned away to hide my tomato-read face.
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I looked at the girl and smiled weakly, I hadn't seen anyone around except in class, makes sense. I looked back toward the teacher and pushed up my glasses, something I didn't know looked hot. I sighed and got out some paper and a pencil, I started to draw my other form, but didn't even realize. Eh, I might as well keep drawing since no one would care about my power.
I took a deep breath and peeked over at him, then followed his gaze down to his paper. I saw there a picture of him, using magic. Wow, he's a good artist with a good imagination. I thought. Or maybe... I shook my head, turning around to grab my own note paper. No.I thought. It can't be. But secretly, deep down inside, a part of me hoped it was true.
I looked at her and gasped, she saw my art?! I shoved the paper into my backpack and accidentally transformed into my other form, red smoke came out of my little cigarette. I smiled evilly at her, "Why hello little miss" I cooed and flew above her, completely oblivious to the other students and teacher watching me in horror.
I gasped and held my hand over my mouth, trying but failing to hide my surprise. In shock, my hair started to turn hot and a red haze around me slowly turned into a glow, then grew brighter and angrier until it blew up, and everything was suddenly on fire. I screamed and jumped up to him, clutching his chest and saying, "Fix it, fix it, fix it, I broke everything! Fix it please!"
I looked at her, my fire red hair hot with smoke. I shoved her off of me and snapped my finger, the fire disappeared easily. "I'm Scotty, Prince of Fire" I said before disappearing in a smoke cloud, I felt so cool! I transformed back to normal and walked to the library, I walked inside and chose a few books to read for later.
I stared at the cloud of smoke until it disappeared. I looked around and everyone was cowered in the corner, holding each other and shaking. I did a clumsy forgetting spell and sat down in my seat. Everyone blinked and sat back down, a bit dazed. My heart thumped as I stared down at my desk, hearing my teacher's words but not really listening. Wow. I thought. So I'm not the only one.
I smiled and read all three books, I sighed and walked to lunch, the bell hurt my ears. I got a sandwich and some fries with a orange juice and walked to an empty table, I threw my bag on one of the seats just in case someone tried to sit with me. I ate my food and drank my beverage then looked up at the clock, it wasn't time for 5th period yet! I scowled to my self and sighed again.
As I walked through the cafeteria, looking for an empty table, I spotted him again.


My heart pounded and I froze for a moment, trying to figure out what to do. I took a deep breath and walked bravely up to his table. "H-hi." I said, smiling meekly. "Remember me? I'm the girl who set the whole class on fire." I chuckled, a little to awkwardly. "Anyway, there's not really any free tables, so..." I felt my ears get hot and knew they must have turned red. "is it okay if I sit with you? Just for today?"
I looked at her and smiled awkwardly, "I'm Scotty, Prince of Fire" "A-and...sure" I said meekly in reply to her question. She was pretty cute, better then the other girls who obsessed over me all the time. I was pretty fit, strong enough, good enough for any girl I guess, but I wasn't looking for anyone yet. I might consider Lucy, but I might consider someone else.
I was always late to school, i had been up all night the night before, trying to sleep never worked for me, all the tables at lunch were full, i had just started at this school, i didn't know anyone, and know one knew me. i was hoping it stayed that way, then i spoted her, i had seen her in class before, i think her name was......Lux? yea it was lux, she was sitting with Scot! Why him!!! i walked up to them with one empty seat hoping to squeeze in with them and finally get some friends...."Hey...i'm uh....Chris...new here....can i uh...sit with u guys?"i said awkwardly.......damn......Scot was hot! literally!
I smiled, already glad to be making new friends. "Sure. It's pretty crowded in here. So many new kids this year!" I scooted over to make more room for Chris and patted the seat next to me, unable to ignore the fact that he was almost staring at Scotty.
"hey" i said shyly "thanks a lot, all these....people...not used to that...haha" and sat down next to Lucy. i couldent stop looking at Scot, i knew he thought i was weird but....Damn!! were was he from?? Hell??? Psh i own that place i thought, but he was just so.......
I looked between the two and smiled, "I've been here a while, I'm used to new faces every day" I said happily, "Making so many new friends is fun, especially you two" I looked down at my lap and remembered my powers, my head started getting hot and my form started to change, I got scared. My eyes started to change color, I turned into Scotty, Prince of Fire, again... I was hotter, literally, I floated above Chris and Lucy with a grin on my face, my cigarette smoke ringed around their faces. "Hello... again" I cooed and looked down at them.
i look up at him and said "Damn!! you are freaking hot!!! like literally!! Damn!! were r u from?? Hell??? the devil is my father!!! Hi!! I'm Shady!!!" i realized i was losing control and i could feel my blood boil and my fangs came lose, and my eyes turn red, i saw him in a way i never did before, but it was to late, before i knew it i was sitting right there in between them,they were both like me! were they?? i had not idea about Lucy was she?? i had no idea....but..i finaly had some friends
I smiled, my fangs showed. "Thanks, your not too bad either, but I think I'm better" I smiled evilly and floated above his head, my feet hit his head and I laughed a dark, honey laugh. "You think I'm hot? That's new" I said and sat down, my eyes sparkled. "I suppose I could be overly sexy sometimes" I said to myself, fire appeared around us, my little burning minions.
i looked at him wide eyed and just stared. he was...so..just...WOW i couldn't stop looking at his flaming amazingness, i didint say anything, i just went back to my emo world self and kind of stared i just couldn't stop "i...uh....you...uh...i...uh.....sorry" was all i could get out, as i locked eyes with him i froze, he was actually looking at me! did he like me? but i was a boy?? was he like me?? did he like Lucy too? what was i going to do! i was so confuzzled, so i just stared at him awkwardly for a min. and waited for him to say something, anything.
I smiled evilly and stuck out my tongue, "Your so tongue tied my little one, how funny" I said sweetly and booped his nose with my finger, a casual look on my face as I floated past some girls. They looked my terrified but they also had a thing for me, it was great! I swooped past some other people then landed on top of a building, I made the school yard go up in harmless flames. I smiled as kids screamed at the small amount of flames near them.
I gasped, then once again cast a forgetting spell over the entire cafeteria. I walked to the bathroom, then when I was alone, teleported to Scotty in a cloud of red smoke.

"Scotty!" I almost screamed. "Stop using your powers in front of everybody! You're going to give us away, and my magic isn't strong enough to keep casting memory spells! We're gonna be killed if anyone finds out!"
I looked at her and got a devious look on my face, I leaned to her, my nose almost touching hers. I smiled my evil smile and kissed her, no regret in my mind. I had liked Lux for a while now, not wanting to tell her any other way before I knew what powers she had, but I wouldn't care either way now. "I like you" I said pulling away and looking away, nothing else on my mind.
Artemis walked out of the classroom holding a sack lunch, she had been avoiding the bullies lately as much as she could but some idiot spray painted a wall while the other kids were in the cafeteria so she was no longer able to hide at lunch, teachers were eyeing the kids more intently, she shuffled into the cafeteria and she saw her bullies standing over a really short kid, he looked about the size of a toddler to be honest but he was in the same grade as her, they looked at her and smirked, she had no friends here and was hardly noticed so she was the easiest target. They walked over to her grinning that same old evil smile that haunted her in her dreams, she knew they were coming to her and had something truly awful in mind. They cornered her and pushed her down, landing right on that brown sack that she was carrying, she stood up and saw that food was smeared all over her clothes and in her short hair, the teachers didn't see it happen, they were useless whenever she needed them, but the kids did and they laughed at her, the bullies had walked far enough away from her so the teachers didn't suspect them. Her face was red and wanted to use her magic against them but she knew that it was wrong and dangerous to do that, so she made a dash for the bathroom but failed to make it before they tripped her, she was on the ground again in a heartbeat and tears were threatening to fall. She sat up and stood up, burying her face in her hoodie and wiping her eyes, she looked truly pitiful and at that realization she stopped hiding in her hoodie and looked up, she didn't want to be pitied, or noticed at all really. She just wanted to disappear.
I sank into the kiss, feeling my whole face turn red. When he pulled away, I took a deep breath. "I like you." He said.

"Well, that's a bit obvious now." I said, giggling giddily. "I like you too." I smiled up at him, feeling happy and content. It was the perfect day! I got a friend, then another friend, and now a boyfriend! And he was magic! I giggled again, feeling light headed, and wondered if the day could get any better than this.
I saw the bullies go after that girl, my normal form disappeared, I was soon my better form. I looked at the bullies and spat fire at them, "You Scum bags better leave her alone, or you'll deal with my flaming wrath, for I, am the Prince of Fire" I said and floated to the front of them, my coat tails swayed in the wind passing by. I snapped my finger and flames appeared around them, I heard some yells in the background but blocked them off with a deafening sound of flames getting bigger. I looked at them one last time, "You gonna leave her alone? Or die?" he cooed in their ears in a whisper, the creepy sound echoed through their heads.
The bullies scoffed at him and laughed, trying to hide their fear. They shot Artemis a dirty look before walking away into the hall, and run when they thought no one could see, but being Artemis she saw them run, but she knew it would end nothing. But she looked at him with her eyes wide, he was magical just like her! Her heart fluttered for a moment, the thought was extremely comforting and she offered him a small smile, and muttered a thank you, she didn't know what to say, she had never met anyone like herself before and she considered greeting him in Greek but tossed the idea away the Idea quickly, he might not understand her words and be left confused. She let her hood fall down and picked food out of her hair.

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