The school for the wild! (accepting)


"Yeah... is Nichole in charge or something?" He wondered. If she was, that would kind of make sense. He meant like managing the place. That would be her job. He guessed. "I mean that would be her job..." He said, explaining.


She hummed. Then, DING! And the cupcakes were ready. She grabbed her oven-mits, slipped them on, and opened to oven. She grabbed them and gently put them on the counter with a oven pad thingy under it. "There." She said, smiling. "Now we can decorate!"
Nichole grabbed some making sure they cooled. she grabbed black and red frosting and chocolate covered pretzels. she arranged the cupcakes and frosted them one by one.

She grabbed three and started working on them. "So, Nichole are you ever called 'Nikki'?" She asked, starting a conversation. She focused on the cupcake, sticking her tongue out.
Nichole said"sometimes!"smiling. she added the red icing and two white chocolate chips and two milk chocolate chips. she then added the pretzels. "DONE!"



kind of animal:Shire Horse (short hair black and the longer white)

student or teacher:student



personality: He is a kind old soul and loves nothing more to make other people happy. Saying this he isnt always happy but he does his best to make the people around him joyful. He is kinda the hopeless romantic type but it doesnt mean he wont try.

grade if you're a student: Senior

other: Misses his home often and loves to cook.
(Oh hi anoymous! :D )

"In charge?" Ivy repeated. "No, she just doesn't like people being in her 'territory', well that's what Brody told me. She's a regular student as far as I know.'
Nichole finished her creation and wrote in cursive 'get better soon,love Nichole' she took a picture and made her way over to brody's dorm with the bat.
Riko grinned excitedly, he absoutely cupcakes; He loved all sweets actually. "Oh my gosh. Did you make that?" He asked. The cupcakes looked and smelled delicious.
"Me?" Riko said as he picked up one of the cupcakes. He smiled as he took a bite, then licked the icing off his lips. "It's really good. What flavor is it?"
Zaren roared in with his chest pressed up against the warm black leather chest piece of his seat. He was wearing black boots and a black leather jacket. He was riding on a black and red lie motorcycle and currently had a black and red helmet as well. He roared into the parking lot,not meaning to, and put it into park. He took off his helmet and grabbed his things from the compartment in the back.
Ivy glanced out her dorm window when she heard the roar a motorcycle. "Hey, that's a cool motorcycle." She said to herself.
(Who took another bite?)

Brady sighed knowing he was a little bit late. He walked into the building stopping at the closest mirror to make sure that all was in check. His flannel plaid green shirt was clean and its sleeves were rolled up. His black jacket now unzipped and his black cowboy boots were partly hidden under his torn faded jeans. He stopped at his room dropping of his things and looked for things to eat.

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