The school for the wild! (accepting)

Ivy had seen the whole thing with the cheetah-girl and gorilla-guy. She slowly walked over to him after the girl left. "Hey, are you alright?" She asked with a bit of concern in her voice. She didn't really like him but she saw that he was in pain.

"Um, t-thanks." Brody blushed a bit from her comment. He didn't say anything about her sock comment though.

"Yeah," He said. He didn't want to seem weak... especially in-front of a girl, a cute one too. "She just bit me hard. Just bleeding." He said, standing up. He held his arm, looking at the girl. "Thanks anyway." He said smiling slightly.


"No problem-o!" She said. "So what are we going to do?" She said putting her arms around her, her hands locking together. So basically her hands were behind her back, drooping. "Like, I hope we are not just going to stand around doing nothing..." She said.
Ivy blinked a couple times then looked down at his bleeding arm. "Do you want help?" She offered. "If you don't wash it soon, it could get infected and bleed more." She added, she wondered she wasn't acting all shy like usually. Maybe it was because she was too busy worrying about the bleeding.

"I do!" She said excitedly. She was jumping up and down, clapping her arms. "Dude, I love to bake and decorate cupcakes!" She said smiling. She made swan, sesame street character, hamburgers, barbecue, cupcakes. She just loved to bake and also do art/crafting.


"Yeah." He said in agreement. He hadn't really thought about safety. "I guess you can help... I don't know much about first aid and stuff." He said embarrassed. He only knew pain killers and bandages, which was basically what he needed in most of his fights. No one really bite him... only nips from cats who didn't like him much.
"Alright, follow me I guess..." Ivy said and lead him to her room. She pulled out her first aid kit out from underneath her dresser. She first washed away the blood, then dabbed some disinfectant on the marks, and as it slowly began to dry she wrapped his arm up with a clean bandage strip. "There. Just keep that on your arm for a couple of days. It may be a scar, may just a.few deep scratches, but keep the bandage on." She instructed. "Okay?"

"Ok." He said trying not to say ow. It hurt. It stung. He looked at the girl. She was cute. Plus the fact that she was a bunny made her seem both cute and innocent. Which was a really good looking girl.

"What's your name?" He asked, realizing he never caught her name. "Oh, I'm Gazer by the way." He said, introducing himself. He moved his hair out of his eyes the only way boys knew how. Flicking it just like the pop singing sensation Justin Beiber.

He still had tons of questions, but he had to do one at a time. He was knew to this school. He needed to know stuff. Like what to do and what not to do, because he had to break some. That's what he did and he liked the way he did it.


"You guys! I can show you how to make Cookie Monster cupcakes!" She said. She loved sharing stuff she knew. She loved crafts. This was going to be an awesome experience, she thought. I can't wait.


Brody sat down in the corner of the room, huddled in the fluffy blanket. He quicetly watched the two girls as they began to bake. He sneezed into a tissue then sighed.

A little bit of rosy pink appeared on her cheek. "Um, my name's Ivy." Ivy mumbled her reply. She seemed to stare at him for a second as he flipped his hair, she quickly looked down at the floor as he looked back at her. " said your name is Gazer, right? I've never heard that name anywhere before.." she picked up the first aid kit and slid it back under her dresser.

"oooh, how do you do that?" She asked, curiously. She was making the cupcakes, getting ready to put them in the oven. She looked at the boy, and smiled. She waved to him, trying not to just focus on Nichole and ignore the boy. Then, she looked back at Nichole to listen to her reply.


"Really where? I mean, I've known a boy named Tazer, but that was the closed I ever knew someone to my name..." He said thinking. He thought about it, but nothing came up to mind.
"Um, actually I said I've never heard it anywhere.." Ivy corrected him. 'I must've been mumbling again.....' she thought. "I like your name though. It's different." She added and tilted her head to the side slightly.

Brody gave a small wave back to the girl when she waved. "Maybe I should just go back to my room...I don't wanna get them sick too..." he muttered to himself and got up off the floor. "I'm going back to my room to rest." He told Nichole. "I'm gonna borrow your blanket, 'kay?" He liked the fluffy blanket, it was warm and soft.

She nodded in agreement. "That's cool. Can't wait to see how it turns out." She said, as she popped the cupcake mix in the oven. "There we have it, it'll be ready in about 15 minutes." She said dusting her hands in accomplishment that she did it, for about the 100th time, all by herself. Making the cupcake mix. She was often alone in her room making things.
Brody nodded a thank you before walking outside. He slowly waddled back to his dorm room. He closed the door behind him snd flopped down on the bed.
( Oh, sorry! I didn't see that! Thanks for the heads up! :bigsmile: )


"Yeah, my parents where kind of crazy." He said. His parents were hippie-ish. Vegetarians, and liked smart cars. Gazer personally hated smart cars. He never really like his parents either. He sighed and then moved his arm, making sure he could. "Thanks for the help." He said. He ever told a girl "thank-you" before. For nothing. Somehow, this girl, Ivy, made him seem different. He didn't know why. "Also, what's that's girls problem? The one who bit me." He asked, kind of rushing the question. He needed to know what the flip was the girl's problem.


She looked at her ipod, after waving Brody good-bye. "Cool case." She said, studying her case. She liked to see stuff about people. Some things were weird, but others were cool. Like talents and likes/dislikes.
(Your welcome ^^)

"You mean Nichole? I dunno. I never talk to her. She seems really protective and aggressive to me." Ivy shrugged then continued. "People like that kinda scare me...not to be rude to Nichole. Maybe she just doesn't like you." One of Ivy's bunny ears drooped down the side of her head while the other stuck straight up, a little crooked though.

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