The school for the wild! (accepting)

Khy Merra ended up wandering towards the kitchen, wanting to sate his hunger. He pondered what he should cook, as he does have that sort of talent somehow. Doesn't know where he got it from either, never saw his father cook and his mother's wasn't anything special. He gently sighed as he opened the door and entered the room.
(Hi chimera! :3)

Brody got a spoon and began drinking the soup. "Mm, it tastes pretty good." He smiled and drank another spoon full. He turned around when he heard someone else enter the kitchen. "Oh, hi."
name: Olivia Lee Troy

gender: Fema


kind of animal: Kat e
r... Cat

student or teacher:

over there....

if you're a teacher what do you teach: i listen
to teachers

personality: she is a sweet loving
beautiful girl. She loves the idea of love. She loves the world and light. She is amazing. Outgoing, cute, sweet, anything that is You are a Beautiful Catgirl! You are nice to people. "And you are beautiful in the inside and the outside. Alot of people admire you not only for your beauty, but for you helping people too. "


grade if you're a student: A
, she's a freshman.

She easily falls in love


He walked around as a huge scary gorilla. He just loved this idea of it all. Man though, he was hungry. Bananas?

I wonder if I could go outside and break some stuff... He thought. He loved to break things. So then, he trotted outside, acting like he was minding his own business.


She was a cat then. She was licking her fur, purring while she did it. She was on a window sile. She was small enough to be there. She loved how the sun warmed her fur.

Now, he was outside. Oh the wind. It was so fine. He stood there, great and all. Then, he started to run. Almost like a dog. It felt weird being on all fours and on the front four legs, you were on your knuckles. He screamed a gorilla scream, indicating that he was king.


The fur on her back went up, almost insistently as she heard a scream. It was a loud and obnoxious scream. She was annoyed by it.
Brody sneezed into a tissue and sighed again. The soup made him warmer, but he didn't feel any better.

Ivy hopped around the school quietly currently still in her bunny form. She leaped in fright when she a sudden roar, it sounded much like a gorilla. 'Must be that guy from earlier...' she thought, remembering the flirty gorilla-guy.

He jumped like a scared cat when he heard the roar. Whoa! That doesn't count. The animal caught me of guard. He thought, as if he was explaining to a person that he was not scared.


She jumped down from her spot, and quietly started to walk. Cats was quiet. Cats where also very very VERY flexible. Probably the most flexible thing ever to live on this earth. At least, that's what she thought. She walked over to a group of kids standing around talking. Might as well get to know them. She thought. Slowly, she began to turn back into a human. "Hi guys." She said, waving her hands, while closing her eyes. She was very girly, but she was fun. She was smiling.

She smiled at the girl who said Hi. "I'm Olivia!" She said all giggly. She was happy to meet everyone. She still had cat ears and a tail. She liked it that way.


He heard a animal. He got ready. He roared loudly and stood on two legs, hitting his chest with his fists.

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