The school for the wild! (accepting)

(Oh, I ment Brody. I guess I got my character names mixed up.)

Brody smiled. "Aren't you gonna eat some?" He asked, holding one of the cupcakes out to Nichole.
((Ivy is currently in her room, she was talking to Gazer a moment ago.....when Scribbler was here. Want me to have her come outside?)

Brody finished his cupcake and smiled. "Thanks Nichole. I love cupcakes." He would have given her hug, but he didn't want to take any chances of getting her sick too.

Ivy kicked Gazer out of her room. She looked up at her clock, seeing what time it was. Her bunny ears pointed straight up. It was starting to get a little late and she hadn't eaten anything since yesterday. She looked down at her belly, hearing it growl. She.giggled quietly to herself. "I better find something to eat.

"Why not, I don't know, use your hands?" Brody smirked. His girlfriend was really silly at times.
Riko rolled his eyes and smiled. He looked down, then coughed into his arm. "Maybe you should'd suck if you got sick too."
(Why do I keep doing that? xD )

"Kay, bye." Brody said as she left. He layed back down and tried to sleep...he still couldn't fall asleep, perhaps it was just too early.
Zaren finally found the kitchen and the fridge. He threw himself a salad together adding the dressing. He sat down at the island in the middle of the room and slowly started eating his salad.
Ivy exited her dorm room then ran around the whole campus, searching for the kitchen. She had missed the part where they gave a tour of the school; She basically had no idea where anything was. She sighed in relief when she found the kitchen. She went inside and opened up the fridge, not even noticing Zaren.
Zaren hasn't noticed the girl walk into the kitchen either so he continued eating his salad. He was thinking about how long it would be until he could be back home.
(Lol, now you're saying Brady.)

Ivy pulled out a small piece of pizza. She nommed down a bit, then closed the fridge. She jumped and sorta eeped when she noticed the boy sitting silently across the room. 'How long has he been there!?' She thought.
(Well first...I blame you! And I have no idea what your talking about)

When the girl made a noise he slowly turned his head to face her with his eyebrows raised. He nodded his head downward acknowledging she was there but he went back to his salad waiting for her to initiate conversation.
(Why is it my fault? Hey, you changed it! xD )

'C'mon Ivy! You need to make more friends! Start by saying hi!' Ivy coached herself in her head. "Um...h-hello." She greeted him shyly.
Zaren wasn't really a man of many words so he always just answered with what he assumed was what they expected to hear. Currently his voice was kinda rough sounding "Houdy" he continued eating his salad.
"Houdy?" Ivy thought aloud. 'Is he kinda shy? Maybe he just doesn't like to talk...?? I don't know. What am I supposed to say?' She wondered and kinda just standing there silently, thinking over everything in her head. She took a bite of her pizza slice.
"Is there something I can help you with mam?" He said as he stood up ready to go clean his salad dish. After it was clean he leaned up against the wall looking down at the ,significantly shorter than he, girl. He waited for her to reply.
Ivy looked up at him. 'Whoa! ...he's freaking tall!' She thought and her eyes widened a little. "U-Uh,'m just trying to talk to people more I'm not as...shy." she replied quietly.

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