The school for the wild! (accepting)

(Nichole always ends up fainting, doesn't she? xD )

(Another thing, you said that the "cats hissed", is there more people there and are they all cats?)
'Great, I'm outnumbered...' Brody thought he began counting the number of cats in the gang. He pulled a sharp pocket knife out of his back pocket; It was all he got, but if they dare tried to use their pointy teeth or claws, he'd use it.
Brody stormed over to the cat then punched him hard, right in the face and possiblely breaking his nose too. "What the bloody f*ck is wrong with you?! Piece of sh*t!" He growled.

(Brody is actually pretty strong unlike Riko)
Brody stood his ground, the pocket knife in one hand. His eyes still narrowed and full of hatred. "C'mon, let's get this over with." He said with no fear in his voice. He really wished he was part animal though, it'd give him more strength.
Brody was confused. He was literally just a second ago about to fight a gang of cats and Nichole was suddenly yelling out random words.
Zaren sighed and spoke to her kindly "Hey now you don't have to scidadle just because of little old me." He returned his attention to his almost finished meal.
"N-No, it's okay. I don't mind." Ivy continued to remain outside, speaking nervously through the door.

(Go nichole! Beat them up!)
"N-No, it's okay. I don't mind." Ivy continued to remain outside, speaking nervously through the door.

(Go nichole! Beat them up!)
( Scribs, back!! )


"Well, the nerve of some people.." He said as Ivy kicked him out. He realized to was getting close to night time so he walked to his dorm. He fell alseep and Boom! He woke up. He stretched, then he got out of his dorm, scratching his head. He yawned and began to walk to the kitchen. Still in his pjs.


She finished and ate her cupcakes, leaving some in the fridge. She left and fell asleep, an like Gazer, she woke up. She jumped in the shower and dressed in a mini skirt (Black), and white button up tee, and a black tie. She also wore black heals and a red ribbon on her head. She smiled as she got out of her dorm.
(Hi scribbler!)

Ivy was still waiting outside the kitchen, not daring to enter again until Zaren was gone. She raised an eyebrow when she saw Gazer walking along casually in his sleepwear.

"'d they find out?" Brody asked curiously.

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