The school for the wild! (accepting)

"Oh," Brody shrugged. "Oh well, I'm cool with that as long I don't get kicked out or they bother you again. Which I don't will happen since you kicked their butts." He said with a smile.
Kat walked outside in the snow. She loved the feeling of snow flakes melting on her face and the snow crunching under her green rain boots. She looked on the sleeve of her cream coat watching the snow collect. Her beige scarf covered her mouth and left her nose poking above it.
Brody grinned even more from seeing her blush. He put his hands behind his head and asked, "How can you transform anyways? Is it some...weird..animal thing?"

(@honeybear: Hello! I love your username btw. Its really cute! Oh, I would have one of my characters come and talk to yours but the people I was rping them with logged off, so I'm kinda stuck right now.)
"Okay, thanks." Brody said and awkwardly sniffed his arm, he didn't smell any differemt. He just didn't have such a strong sense of smell. "Are you sure you're okay? They looked like they punched you pretty hard."

He munched on his cereal, then swallowed. He looked up and shrugged. "Too lazy." He said, not much feeling in his voice.


"I guess... and I'm Olivia.." She said, wondering how they would "ride." The thought of him being a horse never came to mind for some reason.
"...oh." Ivy sighed and looked back down at her breakfast. 'I suck at talking to people...especially guys...!' She thought with little confidence and took a spoon full of her cereal.
Ivy rolled her eyes and smiled, letting out a small giggle. "Amazing, huh?" She picked up empty bowl and set it in the sink to be washed later.

Brody brought Nichole to infirmary and set her down on one of the beds. He then explained to the nurse that she "somehow" cracked her ribs by accident when she tripped and fell on the trackfield.
( lol yullen, that's a little graphic! )


Gotcha He thought. "Yep." He said, then picked up another spoon of cereal. He put it in his mouth and chewed.
"Um, do you know if we have classes today? Or is it just a free day?" Ivy asked him. She felt kinda embarrassed for not remembering.

"I don't know... go ask the crazy cheetah lady." He said, talking about Nichole. Man, that girl is insane.... He looked up a Ivy. "I recommend that she will know." (Plus, she is in charge of this rp, so she would def. know )
"You could've just asked, I'm npt gonna watch." Brody said as he closed the door behind him.

"Oh, okay." Ivy looked down at her shoes before sitting back down in her seat. " many girlfriends have you had, player?" She asked and rested her chin on her hand, waiting for his answer.
( oh ok! )


He shrugged. "A couple here and there. They don't last long though..." He said, starring at his cereal. He didn't talk much about this, about girlfriends. Girls usually just wanted to get all over him and all. Sometimes, it went that way. Others, he just broke there heart quickly.

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