The school for the wild! (accepting)

Zaren had finished his meal and stood up holding onto the front of his towel. He walked out the door now seeing two people outside he nodded his head and walked back to the dorm room as he passed a group of girls that waved at him. He smiled at them and they all giggled at him until he was out of sight. Zaren made it to his room and got dressed in a black flannel button up,black cowboy boots,black pants and a white belt with buckle rewarding him from equine racing.

He scratched his head. His hair was messy, but he didn't care. He got a bowl and milk. Set it on the table. Then, he got "Captain Crunch", his favorite cereal. He started to pour the milk, after poured the cereal in the bowl. He looked up, and saw Ivy. "Oh!" He said, caught by surprise. He almost spilled some milk. "You scared me!" He said looking at the girl. He sighed, trying to calm down.


She was one of the girls who giggled at the senior. He was cute. Sweet like. By she wasn't a senior. Nope, she was not that old. She was a freshman.

( Btw, Gazer is a Sophomore and Olivia is a fresh-man! As in high-school. Sorry, I didn't have that in my skelly :P )
Zaren walked out of his room back to the group of girls from earlier. One of them that particularly caught his sight was the girl that had pink hair. He walked over to her and smiled "I appreciate the fond feed back but don't you think your a little short for me?"

She looked at the man. Or teenager. Whatever he was. She smiled. "Well, age doesn't all that much matter.... neither does height!" She said pouting a bit. Did he just call her short?
Zaren smiled at her "Well mam seems like your a girl who knows what she wants." He wrote his phone number down on a piece of paper. "We'll here's my number,you ever feel like talkin you can reach me now...buuuuttt in the mean time I don't suppose I could interest you in a ride?"

She looked at the number. She took it gently, then put it in her pocket. She was kind of in shock. A boy never really asked her out. If it was a date...

"How?" She asked. Maybe he had a car...?
Zaren cocked his head to side and he grinned at her "Well there are different ways we could take ride but one of those wouldn't be happen'n until I've talked to your daddy and there's a ring on your finger." He winked at her still with a big grin across his face.

She blushed. Is he flirting or teasing? She thought. She couldn't tell the difference. "Um, then how are we riding?" She asked. "Are was taking a walk?" She asked, taking a guess. She saw his grin. His dimples were cute. (Does he have dimples?)
(Yeah he has dimples)

Zaren laughed when she asked if they were walking "I'm interested in how you ride during a walk." He grabbed her hand and led her outside. He took to a large open field (that I'm going to say was covered in snow because I was told its winter.) and put his jacket on her. "Names Zaren by the way are you ready?"
Name:Kat Kingsly

Gender: Female

Age: 15

Animal: Vixen (female fox)

student or teacher?: Student

Appeanance: long reddish hair, fair skin and hazel eyes. She wears a red/orange and white plaid long sleeved (but rolled up) flannel with a black tank under. For her bottoms she wears black short shorts and black thigh high socks with white shoes (like fox colored stuff) shes only 5"2' (my height :P )

View attachment 13594

Personality super shy and quiet, sometimes tense, un-noticed, stealthy, jumpy when in a good mood :D

Other: loooves food! Shes intimidated by people taller than her, loves cute things and her voice is sweet and innocent.
Scribbler101 said:
He scratched his head. His hair was messy, but he didn't care. He got a bowl and milk. Set it on the table. Then, he got "Captain Crunch", his favorite cereal. He started to pour the milk, after poured the cereal in the bowl. He looked up, and saw Ivy. "Oh!" He said, caught by surprise. He almost spilled some milk. "You scared me!" He said looking at the girl. He sighed, trying to calm down.
Ivy looked up from her cereal at him. "S-Sorry. That happens lot. I'm small and quiet, so people don't usually notice me." She said and smiled a tiny innocent smile. "How come you're still in your pj's?"

(@yullen: Awesome ^^ hey did you reply to my post? I think it's on the page before.)
(Oh, you did...sorry didn't see your post at first)

" come nobody else noticed? And why didn't tell the office to kick me out?" Brody asked curiously.

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