The school for the wild! (accepting)

"Is there anyone at this school you wanna go for next?" Ivy asked, completely unaware that he had been flirting with her the whole time. She wasn't really sure where the question came up from.
Zaren smiled at her showing his perfect white teeth and took her hand "Well then I guess we'll be gettin right along." Since he was bigger than her by quite a large margin he picked her up and threw her in the air. He switched into his horse form just in time to catch her on his back.

"I don't know, is there?" He said quietly. He leaned forward. He looked at Ivy in the eye. Almost there... He thought. He was close to kissing her.


"Whoa!" She yelled. Then, she saw him turn into a horse. "Wow!" She said. "This is so freakin' cool!" She said. She didn't swear. She didn't seem any use to it. So, she made substitutes for bad words.
Zaren looked back at her as steam exited through his nose every time he breathed. He shook his neck trying to get her to hang around his neck so she would fall of. Wouldnt want to be at the bottom of any injuries now would he.
Ivy's eyes widened, instantly realizing what he was about to do. "Wh-What are you doing!?" She quickly scooted her chair back. Her face was bright red.

She held on tight. "This is so cool." She whispered into Zaren's ear. She was amazed by him. He was pretty cool. I mean, she loves horses and cats. It was a awesome experience.


He looked at Ivy. "What?" He asked, in a husky voice. He looked at Ivy, showing super hot as his expression. But, really he was confused.
Nichole said"good just have to take pain medication! now should we help ivy?" she quickly went to the nurses office and changed into 'Nicholas'.
He went up onto only his hind legs flailing his front legs and winnying. As soon as his hovers touched the ground again he sped off into the field galloping at about mid speed. Snow started falling and speck long his hair in white crystals and looked back to make sure that Olivia was doing okay
Ivy kept looking from away, trying not to stare at his face. "Y-You can't just kiss me...I only met you just a f-few days

... "she stuttered, trying to think of good excuses.

"Alright," Riko smiled and gave a thumbs up.
( sorry! had to get off yesterday! )


She closed her eyes as she held on to his neck. Her arms were hugging his neck, but not too tightly. To tell you the truth, she was kind of scared. She never had been on a horse before and this bewildered her. He was a gorgeous horse. Amazing and tall.


He raised one eyebrow. "Is it because you're too afraid?" He asked. Questioning a girl always somehow got them. They would resist being afraid then, he would talk them into liking him. Or to kiss him. Or something.
"I never said I was afraid, its just.........." Ivy bit her lip and nervously looked up at Nicholas for help. She'd never been through this kind situation so she was kind of confused and indeed a bit scared.
Ivy's bunny ears popped up and her face brighted with a smile. She happily accepted the muffin, nomming little nibbles of it. Sbe loved carrots.
Zaren dropped her off back at the building turning back into his human form. He smiled at her for coming with him on the run and started on his way back inside. He walked into the kitchen for a snack ,he was always hungry but didnt know what for at the moment.
When he saw the perverted quiet girl in there he smiled at her. "Guess we should be kitchen buddies on account of the times we've always been in here." He walked over to the fridge ducking to see what was inside.

She was breathing hard for some reason. The adrenaline? Maybe. She didn't focus on that much and she followed Zaren. "Thanks for the ride." She said quietly. She was quiet around him. She felt... powerless. He was taller and bigger than her and she was a weakling.


"Don't touch me prissy." He mumbled as Nichole touched him. He didn't like her. Not one bit. Then, he raised his eyebrow at the boy and girl who walked in. "And you are?" He asked, acting like he owned the place. He wasn't finished with Ivy, but he decided to shrug her off and 'get to know' these people.

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