The school for the wild! (accepting)

Ivy looked up at Zaren as he entered the kitchen, she ignored his comment and turned away. She nodded goodbye to "Nicholas" then stood up out of her seat. She pushed her chair in. She fiddled with one of her bunny ears as she made an escape out the door. She didn't want to be.near Gazer after he attempted to kiss her.

"Girls just don't make sense." He said. "They want to know if you like someone, you make a attempt on them and then they run away from you." He said shaking his head. I mean, it didn't make much sense to him. No matter how many girls he would ever date, he would never get them.
Brady looked down at the other guy in there slightly disgusted by his presence "Someone bigger and older then you. While you got me talkin Ivy don't look like she's enjoying your company." He turned around to look at the guy.
Nicholas said"LEARN SOME MANNERS AND YOU MIGHT GET A GIRL!" yelling at the gorilla teen. he took off the wig and Nichole frowned. "if he ever does that again i'll break his arm next time!"

"Seriously? You guys have got to be kidding me! Have you ever fooled around with a girl or guy? Over "throw" yourself on them?" He asked, his arms outstretched to show he was quest-ionizing them. He stood up. "Have you ever gone "over the limit" with a girl or guy you just met? Take advantage of your love?" He asked. These people must have done something like this. He thought.


"What's going on?" She asked, clearly not aware of what was happening. She spaced out. She did that a lot. She looked at Nichole and then Zaren. Then she saw the boy. "Who's he?" She asked.
"I know it might be something hard to swallow but not everybody is as poor with their manners as you." He stood tall before him as he spoke and during it all Zaren maintained a smile across his face. "I'm startin to think your animals a dirty little rat.
nichole started taking off her earings. "oh ho ho you dont know me! you dont know me i will set it off up in here!"popping her knuckles. she was already mad that he scared ivy. "do you know how it feels to have your innocence ripped from you?! MY FAMILY WAS SLAUGHTERED!"

He began to laugh. "A dirty rat?! Not even close! I am much more stronger and much more fiercer." He said, chuckling. Then, he began to transform into a gorilla. He began to laugh evilly. "Hahaha!" He said, laughing at them. He got bigger and bigger, more and more muscles. Then, he was finished. He was a full-grown gorilla. Male and that made him bigger. "Do you think I'm a rat now?" He asked, his big white teeth showing.


"Oh my gosh!" She yelled, as the boy morphed into a gorilla. "Do we need to run?" She asked Zaren. She was scared. She couldn't fight him, She was a freaking cat!
"Yes in fact I still think your a rat. I thought you were a rat when you were a human I don't know why you'd think that would change because switched species." He watched when the cheetah girl rushed passed him to get at the monkey boys face. He was still smiling "Yeah you can leave now." He said to Ivy.
( you mean Olivia? )


He swung his arm as the cheetah ran towards him. He rawred loudly. He hit the cheetah, hard. When he hit the cheetah, he sent her flying towards the wall. He felt like King Kong. He ran outside. "Let's take this somewhere where's there space!" He yelled back. He didn't min the cowboy. He was focusing on the cheetah who bit him. He was ready.


"I'll get animal control!" She yelled as she ran. She didn't want the school getting sued. She liked this place. She she ran to the telephone. She dialed the animals control number. "Hello?" The person on the other line said.

He felt something jump on his back, claws digging into it. He fell backward, landing on the cheetah. "You're so full of yourself!" He yelled at the cheetah.


"Animal Control? There is a gorilla and cheetah fighting at the (whatever the school is called) school! Please come quick!" She said, blurting everything out. She had many things on her mind. She wanted animal control because at the end of this fight, she didn't want to see a bone sticking out of someone's leg. It was gross. 'Ok, we are coming.' Said the voice on the other line. "Ok." Was what Olivia said before she hung up.
Zaren looked at the cheetah claw at the back at the gorilla. "We'll if you wish I may join the fight because I can easily vouch for you." He stood simply and told that girl from earlier. "Why would you get normal humans involved i don't think that's a good idea. You should call them back and tell them not to come."

He roared loudly. His big teeth showing. He stood up and swung his back, throwing the cheetah off of him. Then, he charged. His neck bled from the horrible bite. He winced for a second, then he jumped high. He fell of the cheetah and hit her.

Gorillas were about as strong as 8-15 men. Maybe more. He was a silver-back gorilla. He was around 330 lbs when a gorilla. When human, he was about 165 lbs. He could break tempered steel bars (2 inches thick) and giant bamboo stalks.

(maybe he's not as chubby, but you get the idea of a silver back gorilla)


She turned into a cat and ran to her bed. She needed to calm down. She needed to think this through 'till the animal control came. She curled up on her bed and rested her head on her arms. Then, she began to think.

She began to think....

He got up. Then looked down at the cheetah girl. "Don't you ever think to mess with me. Ever." He said, then began to run. He could face the animal control. He could kill them. He'd killed people before, when they attacked him, and he wasn't gonna stop. He roared and the cops came.

"Get 'em!" They yelled, as Gazer ran at them.

Gazer jumped up and landed on them. He roared once more. "Shoot!" One of them yelled.

Tons on sleep darts headed towards him. "Ow!" He yelled. He hit one of the cops. He stomped another.

Then, it wen dark.


She'd fallen asleep. She didn't know how but she did. She woke up to the sound of sirens. She looked around. "Oh crap." She thought and got up. She stretched and turned into a human. Then, she sprinted outside, to see what was happening.

She saw the cheetah hurt on the ground.

She saw the gorilla pounce on the cops and get knocked out by tons of dart guns.

She blinked to see if it was all real. And it was. "Crap." She said to herself.

"Zaren!" She yelled. She needed his help. She felt safe around him, and right now she felt anxiety. She felt her heart pumping.
(Hey guys...sorry I've been so slow at posting here >_< I'm sorrry I'll try to be more active)

Ivy covered her mouth as she witnessed the whole scene with the fight....animal control....thee cops. She stood frozen as she observed from her glass window, inside her dorm room. She wasn't sure what to think or do of it.

Brody raced over to his girlfriend. "Nichole! Nichole are you okay?" He asked and tried to help her help. She was clearly all beaten and bruisedd from the very recent fight.

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