The school for the wild! (accepting)

Nichole looked at brody with a serious expression. "brody if you want to pass we can't be lovey dovey for the next few days we must be focused!"
Brody rolled his eyes and rested his chin in the paml of his head. "Who said I was being all lovey dovey?" He pretended he had no idea what she was talking about. "Alright, I don't understand any of this. It's all about animals and stuff. I'm not an animal and I don't just research this info like all the time, so I just don't get it."
At was in town eoaming the streets, "i wonder what theyd like..." She said to herself. She walked into a cute looking store "maybe here! :D " she walked inside and looked around 
(Lolz *Kat)
Gazer nodded. "They drugged me. Make me different." He said. He didn't remember anything but the tubes were putting something in him, plus he felt more... calm. Different. He was weak too. But that was probably from everything that happened. "Is Nicole OK?" He asked.

Olivia purred. Zaren was sweet and nice guy.
Zaren smiled sweetly at Olivia and started scratching her on the back and underneath her chin. "Whose a cute kitty?" He said in a cutesy voice.
"Drugged?" Ivy repeated softly to herself. "Oh. Oh, Nichole is fine! Brody fixed her wounds and she completely better now." She replied, adding a quick nod. Even though she knew he wouldn't/couldn't do anything, mostly because he was all drowsy and weak, she still felt a bit awkward being around Gazer after what happened recently. She kept quiet, not saying very much. Peeking her head out the door as she scanned the hallway for adults. It was clear for them to go. "Do...d-do you need help?" 
"Really? But giraffes are taller than elephants....Marsupial? What does that even mean?" Brody asked.

She purred, rubbing her chin on his finger. "I may be.." She said, teasing him.


"Maybe." He said, trying to get up. It hurt like crap.
Ivy let out a small sigh. She opened the door all the way and went back in to help Gazer. As she helped him off the table, she gently wrapped his arm arouns her neck, letting him kind of lean on her. "I-I can help you walk I guess.."
"Does that mean your a naughty kitty?" He continued scratching under her chin as she rose up and down slightly because of his breathing and his warm muscular chest. He started scratching behind her ears

"Thanks, and it's good to know Nichole's OK..." He said. He felt bad, not being able to walk well. Having a girl help him. He wasn't even sure is she could help him. He tried not to lean on her as much. And then, they started to walk. He limped, trying not to fall on her.


She kept purring. "I don't know. I could be." She whispered. She closed her eyes. She loved her ears being scratched. It was like a massage. Plus, her ears hadn't been scratched in a while so it was awesome. Cat's loved their ears being scratched.

(Also, it's my B-day!! Whooo!!)
Zaren kept rubbing behind her ears as he stared up at the sky and it was lightly snowing. He hugged Olivia lightly so he wouldn't hurt her but tried to keep her head in a position where she couldn't see the tears rolling down his cheeks.
"You can lean on me more if you want to. Just cuz I'm a girl, doesn't mean I'm weak." Ivy said confidently but in a soft voice still. She flicked her bangs away and looked down at the edge of the hallway, there a door with an exit sign above it. Obvious the way out. 'Alright, we're getting close to outside.'

(@scribs: Just curious, do they get caught before they leave in time or do they make it outside? I was just thinking that that might add some more excitementt maybe if like the scientists/professors/who ever stuck the cords into gazer wouldn't let them leave.) 
(@scibs: Happy Birthday!!!!!!! :DDDDD)

"Oh...well that doesn't make any sense.....For the question, true, kangaroos do have a pouch for carrying their Joey's." Brody answered and smiled, hoping he was correct.
"Fight, deer aren't afraid to stand up and definitely won't back down." Brody replied. He was glad that he had at least gotten one correct so far, it showed that he had a chance.
Nichole said" this..." showing him a video it was of a deer and a wolf. the deer looked up hearing the wolf was near and ran the wolf followed it quickly catching it and it was bye bye deer.
(Thanks stormhawk324 and yullen-chan! You guys are awesome!)

(Also, sure! Let's put some action in this tank!)


"We.. can... make... it..." He said, breathing hard. Then, right there, in that very spot, right as they were about to leave, something had to go wrong. Of course. How could it be so easy?! "Hey you!!" Said a voice. An angry voice. Gazer turned his head. Scientists. Yes, notice the 's' in there. There were 4 of them. "Shoot." Gazer said.


She felt weird being a cat on his lap. She was small for her age, Not a midget, but just lighter and smaller. Short-ish. She slowly turned back into a human. She was light and not heavy, so she didn't hurt Zaren. She put her fore-head on Zaren's. Then, she kissed him. Just like that. It was a short, long kiss. An average one.
"Aww...wrong again? I thought you ment like against other deer." Brody obviously wasn't very good at this sort of thing. He had alot to learn if he wanted to get a good grade.

Ivy's eyes widened. "Scientists...?" She turned back to face them, not knowing what to do. They probably didn't want anything to do eith her but she couldn't protect him and he couldn't defend himself in this state. 'We were so close to escape!' 
(@scribs: ooooooooooooooohhh! :D She kissed Zaren!!! Omg!)
name cress

age 15

animal forest bat


appearence is tall, easily towering over normal hyenas, with he also has a large tuff of hair coverings his eyes looking like a beetles person, with a british accent he is very posh looking too. he has shorter canines then the other bats

personality is the prankster of the school, he also enjoys spying on people, especially females<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/HirumaBatFullColor.jpg.81456e86725d8e07e1d82cd7494c26a8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="126" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/HirumaBatFullColor.jpg.81456e86725d8e07e1d82cd7494c26a8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Cat came out of the store with a couple if bags of things. She had a gentle smile on her face as she walked back to her dorm.

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