The school for the wild! (accepting)

Kat as pretty short and couldnt really keep up. She stopped, put her hands on her knees and panted "ill catch up"
He flies through the corrider then smacks into the bully, known as rock a giant rhino that turns snarling as he glared at me. ''uhhh...hi there sir...'' The rhino bully grabbed me and snarled at me again
She hopped out the chair after reading the whole series and looked around. She yawned"i should get more rest..."she said.She walked to her dorm and felt a sudden pain her head."ouch!"she said. Then she fell to her knees moaning and groaning."someone help!"she yelled.She crawled to the nearest thing to her which was a post.She held on to like it was her mother.Thats when another pain hit her.She quickly layed on the ground and turned into wolf.She curled up with her tail over her head and went into a deep sleep.
Nichole picked up kat giving her a piggy back ride then approached the rhino. ''hi i'd appreaciate it if you let go of my friend or i'll be forced to hurt you..'' smiling sweetly.
the rhino laughs and glares at cress, cress looks. ''relax uh....illhandle this I have him under my ropes'' is squized tighter eyes pop out softly. ''haa...m-my eyes shouldn't do that'' the rhino kept laughing at him then throws him through the lockers and cress stands. ''awww face''
the rhino goes flying back and snarls cracking his knucles, then stops realising he cant harm a girl, I then tackle him and tries to choke him. ''takes this you walking nose veruca'' rhino grabs cress slowly and cress panics. ''oh no...oh no no no no '' is thrown again.
Kat goes in a coner. She covered her eyes "This is scary >o<"
the rhino scorns and leaves as I slide down the wall like paint. ''aww...hay mommy...I wanna pet the chocodile'' He falls to the ground eyes are rolling

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