The school for the wild! (accepting)

(accepted pain!)Nichole said"dont worry youre getting there!"smiling at brody. then in came the biggest flirt and heartbreaker in the school. (i had to do this cuz its funny how nichole rejects him!) justin timberwolf. (get it justin timberlake justin timberwolf?! xD )
Justin smirked and walked over to nichole. "hey~"she rolled her eyes. "so are you single or..." tilting her head up. nichole hissed at him. "Babe dont be like that....." SMACK! Nichole had b*tchslapped the sucker! "leave now or you will face my wraft."death glaring. he grabbed her wrist and said"come here you lil!"
The batty brained idiot runs straight into Justin, as we both roll into and through a wall. ''aww my head...'' a large piece of wall smacks me on the head as I fall over to the ground.
his ears covered his eyes is completely terrified. ''im sorry where am I..oh god..i cant see why WHY LORD...HAVE YOU TAKEN ME...TAKE ME AWAY NOAAAAO!!'' He starts sobbing, then realises ears where there and lifts them.
uhh yea sure im okay, and the name aiint duuude btw'' He puts out a wing. ''its cress, cresstoph the 1st and its just cress'' He twitches looks like he drank way too much caffeine as he twitches uncontrollably.
[QUOTE="yullen-chan](accepted pain!)Nichole said"dont worry youre getting there!"smiling at brody. then in came the biggest flirt and heartbreaker in the school. (i had to do this cuz its funny how nichole rejects him!) justin timberwolf. (get it justin timberlake justin timberwolf?! xD )

(Hahaha this just made my morning!) 
Kat settled her things down at home. And decided to take a trip to the library.

When she arrived...there was a hole in the wall. "Oh my..." She put her hand to her chest.

She didnt know if she should just leave or continue her business despite the fact that the building was falling apart.
huh that's im surprised that Justin isn't angry at me, he looked like he was being a real d-'' the school bell goes off, as a loud noise from the tannoy comes on. ''as you should know todays lunch will be lasagne, with a pastry choice for desert''
"Wait wha >o<?!" She said while being dragged,"wh-whats going on?"
Nichole's matchmaker side took over and she looked from kat to cress thinking. such a cute couple they would make! but im not gonna do that to them lets just see what happens shall we?
Kat instantly grew more shy than she already was. She just cringed and blushed ">////< " (blushy face x3)
nichole started humming ''can you feel the love tonight'' she said''cmon kat its ok im a master of disguise may not be a chameleon but im good!'' she laughed and caught up easily.

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