The school for the wild! (accepting)

"Hey aren't you cold there's still snow every where you know right." He looked up at her smiling but he had a tear mark down his cheek.
stormhawk324 said:
(@scribs: Hi scribs! I'm gonna have Ivy just "pop" into the building instantly, I feel too lazy to rp the part of her running. Plus that shoulds kind of boring.)
(@yullen: Aww :( I feel bad for Nichole. Brody's not mad at her, mostly just shocked)

Ivy began running quietly through the building, her speed picked up when she heard a yell come from across the hallway. She crackrd the door open and slowly peeked her head inside. Eyes widened whe she saw weird cords and stuff going into Gazer's skin.
(Storm: Aw, thanks!)


"I'm a cat. I'm used to being warm. My body is warmer than regular humans so I can withstand the cold." She said, returning back to normal breathing. Then, she realized he had been crying, or at least she thought he had been. "Hey, are you OK?" She asked, sitting by him.


He saw the doors opened, and looked up. "Ivy." He said. He didn't know what to say. Either to say sorry about him trying to kiss her, or be all helpless. So he just kept quiet an let his head fall back onto the pillow. The pillow felt like cardboard. It was no use. "Ah!" He yelled, as he tried to move.
He smiled sweetly at her still with tears running down his face "No I'm fine and I like cats." He wasn't weeping his tears were just rolling down his face. "Can I see it?" He cocked his head to the side.
Ivy looked around the room, after seeing that there were no others in the room she proceeded inside. "I thought you might need help." She said as she walked over to to Gazer, scratching the back of her neck lightly. "Okay, t-this is definitely gonna hurt..." she warned before she carefully and quickly began ripping the cords out of him. It must of hurt terribly but it wasn't as bad as pulling slowly.

She still didn't believe that Zaren was OK, but she could get a clue that he didn't want to talk about it. "Me being a cat?" She asked. "OK." She said, not waiting for his reply. Then, she slowly began changing into a cat. Getting shorter and growing furr. Then, she was a white cat with blue eyes. "There you have it." She said.


"OK." He said, then she began pulling quickly. "AHH!!" He yelled. It hurt bad. Like being skinned alive. "Ah!!" He yelled as she pulled another. Each time she pulled one out, he yelled again. He put his chin back, closing his eyes. He veins in his throat showed. It hurt that much.
name: Ryoku



kind of animal:Wolf

student or teacher:student



teacher or student: student

Personality: confident, athletic, and flirty alo likes seducing boys


other: hm? hates cats but still will seduce the boys and flirt with them(yull i hate you then ~.~)
"I like it." He smiled at her again and grabbed her lifting her up onto his stomach. He touched his head up to her head and started scratching behind the ears. The tears stopped coming from his eyes and his chest slowly rose and fell. His chest was warm and he liked her being stretched across his chest and stomach. Still he scratched her back.
Ivy apologized again softly after pulling ou the last cord. Why was he even hooked up to these things anyways? It's like they were testing or gonna begin experimenting on him. Is animal control really that smart? Na. The must have invisted some scientists or someone here to check him out. Which was bad, if someone found out about them being animal-people snd the news got spread, who knows what could happen. "G-Gazer. I know it hurts, but we have to get out of h-here before anyone finds us." 

[QUOTE="yullen-chan]Nichole said"cya in a bit im gonna eat brunch!"

Brody waved to Nichole as she ran off to go get something to eat. He layed down in the grass again.
( :D hi ^w^~) 
(imm gonna read back a bit...i forgot what happened i was so tired :P
(okie ^w^~)

Kat, in her human form, looked at her hand and saw a little red dot where the splinter was. She rubbed it and sighed,I need to do something nice to those people and return the favor, she thought. She got up and went out into town.
Ryoku hugged her mom and got ready to board the airplane to America. " Sweetie I will miss you write me plenty of letters." said her mom happy. She already knew her mom was going back to her old job,which was stripping."alright mom and please don't get any touble..."I said hopeinng she will obey.Finally, they called Ryoku's plane ticket and she then boared her plane.Her mom waved goodbye one last time and walked to her car."What a caring mother.." she though sarcastically.She then went off to a deep sleep. When she awoke her plane was now landing.She looked around, but she couldn't recognize anyone. Finally, she saw a sign with her name on it and ran towards the driver. "Hello ma'am I was order by your mom to drop you off. May i have your bags?" said the wonderfully sexy driver.I gave him my bags and hopped in the car. We then soon arrived and I was exorted to my dorm. I waved goodbye to the driver, sat on my bed and went back to sleep.
Nichole grabbed her books and got to the library for tutoring brody ready. she had asked the librarian if she could use the research section then went to eat.
I awoke to the sound of my cellphone going off, it was my mom.I through my cellphone across the room at the wall, to see it crack the screen.I decide to give myself a tour around the school and I decide to start with the library. When i got in there everything seem fine i decide to sit in the fiction section and catch up on the maximum ride series.
Nichole ate some ham and eggs she was eating a big brunch today. she made sure she followed the food pyramid and was full then went to the library.
stormhawk324 said:
(So Kat isn't afraid of Brody, even though she can smell his human scent?)
(Kat can be naive some times so she assumed he was okay)
(@honey: Okay, that makes sense)

Brody went to the library after finishing a large bag of potato chips. He tossed the empty bag into the trash and went inside.

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