The school for the wild! (accepting)

Kat woke up and rubbed her eyes. She sighed and sat up, in her pajamas she got up and walked for the door. With the knob in her hand and starting to fall asleep again (standing up xD ) she turned the knob. The door swung open as her unconscience body pushed it. Her body fell to the ground and she was fast asleep once again, breathing slowly on the hallway floor.
(Kay thanks)

Brody rolled around in his bed, groaning tiredly. He didn't want to wake up but the sunlight peeking in through his window decided now was time. He tossed the covers the side and climbed off, rubbing his sleepy eyes. He yawned too.
(bring on the allergies xD )

Kat's nose tickled while sleeping in the hallway. She sneezed a cute little tiny sneeze. She got up walked back into her room and slammed the door shut, "time to get ready...." she sleepily told herself. She got dressed in a cute little white lacey dress with a grey sun hat ontop of her red hair to cover her hazel eyes. She stepped out and went to the park. She sneezed on the way...
(Spring! ^w^)

Brody changed his clothes and wandered outside. He yawned again, laying down on the ground of the courtyard. Instead of being covered in cold snow, it was covered with warm sweet-smelling fresh grass. Some little flowers were peeking their way out too.
Kat turned into her fox self. Her red fur ran swiftly along the fresh grass. She frolicked and jumped everywhere feeling the flowers and dirt tickle her fur. She rolled on her back, back and forth she went.

Brody was lying asleep on the other side of the laker across from Nichole. A butterfly flew over and landed lightly on his nose.
The wind blew toward Kat and she picked up the scent of other creatures very close by. She immediately for back on her feet. She sat up on her hind legs to see above the grass, ears perked and eyes wide open. She crawled a bit, her nose to the ground then stopped and looked again. What ever it was it was close. Then she picked up the scent of another thing, it came drom the direction of the lake. She laid low and silently lowed her ears...
Brody awoke and waved the butterfly away, watching it fly off his face and land on a lovely yellow flower. He glanced across the lake, eyeing Nichole. He smiled then rolled onto his stomach and rested his head on his crossed arms.

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