The school for the wild! (accepting)

Kat pranced around outside with a brown dress and thick coat. She walked into a park just being her happy-go-lucky self as usual. She quietly sang a sad tune under her breath,

"Into the busy town,

You ran in a new jacket and didnt come back to me,

Because i dont know where you went to,

I cant even look for you...

'I really love you', i said,

But i can tell you dont believe me and it hurts me deeply,

I wanna see you...

Dont you wanna see me?

Ive been waiting for your call,

Because im afraid youll say 'Who are you?'

I cant make a call to you...."
(this song makes me so sad....especially cuz im going through a break up n stuff ): but its life, try to stay happy as possible :D )

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