The school for the wild! (accepting)

Brody gazed up at the ceiling, eyes still wide open, one eye was even twitching. He slowly lifted up his head to look at Nichole. "Hey....are you back to normal........again?" He asked, inching back a little just incase.
Brody couldn't shake off the fact that he almost got accident. He tried to act calm though, failing horribly at it. "H-How long does the season last?"
Brody layed back down on his back then rolled onto his side. 'Just be glad she isn't a cheetah for life! Think about that instead!' He told himself inside.
Zaren looked down at the little rabbit running around in the snow and cocked his head to the side "Well I think I'll go inside." He turned around to gallop back to the building but turned just in time to see the cat thing ontop of the guy he ran towards them huffing but it was over by the time he got there so he tried to pretend like he was a normal horse.
Ivy watched Zaren leave. She looked up at the sky, watching the snow float down to earth. Her nose twitched again when a small but delicate snowflake landed on the tip of her nose. "I guess since he's gone...I can go find Gazer. Don't seem like anyone else cares much about him being gone anyway." She mumbled quietly to herself, retuning to her human form. She brushed the cold snow off her clothes.
Zaren slowly walked in front of her making a wall so she couldn't continue onward. He was still breathing heavily from hurrying over so quickly.
Brody got up off the floor and watched Nichole leave. He crossed his arms and left through the other exit, now heading to his dorm room.

"Hey Zaren!" She yelled, waving at him. She had ran back school since Nicole and Brady had their own thing going. "Zaren!" She yelled once more.


He was confused. He didn't remember much anything. He was tied and cords were in his body. He couldn't change into a gorilla. He was too weak. "Ahh!" He yelled, trying to rip out some cords. He couldn't. It was too much pain.
(@scribs: Hi scribs! I'm gonna have Ivy just "pop" into the building instantly, I feel too lazy to rp the part of her running. Plus that shoulds kind of boring.)

(@yullen: Aww :( I feel bad for Nichole. Brody's not mad at her, mostly just shocked)

Ivy began running quietly through the building, her speed picked up when she heard a yell come from across the hallway. She crackrd the door open and slowly peeked her head inside. Eyes widened whe she saw weird cords and stuff going into Gazer's skin.
(@yullen: Aww, well it's not her fault)

Brody changed into different outfit, remembering to grab a warm scarf before he left. He closed the door behind him and adjusted his scarf slightly as he made his way to the kitchen. He was starving.
Brody prepared himself a small bagel with cream cheese, he nommed on that as he walked quietly to his first period class. He kept glancing back over his shoulder and off to the side to see if he could spot Nichole. He hadn't seen her since the event that occueed yesterday.
Brody sighed when he couldn't find his girlfriend. That quickly changed when he walked into the classroom and caught sight of her. He decided to remain quiet, seeing that Nichole didn't exactly seem happy at the moment. Sitting down at his desk, he stretched out his legs and yawned.
When the teacher was distracted by some student near the front goofing off, he quietly got out of his seat and tapped Nichoe on her shoulder. "Hey, we need to talk later." He said with a serious voice then sat back down.

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