The school for the wild! (accepting)

(@anonymous: Just pretend a rabbit can smile)

(@scribs: I'll have her come after Gazer in a moment, she was talking to Zaren at this second.)

Ivy's eyes widened when he transformed into a large horse. He was like a building compared to how little she was now. Though she was mostly paying attention to how tall he was, he was still a nice looking horse. First time she had ever seen Zaren in his animal form. So far she had only seen Zaren, Nichole, and Gazer's animal forms. She hadn't seen Olivia's yet and she already onew that Brady didn't have one. Her eyes grew larger when she suddenly realized she had forgotten about Gazer, After she played around in the snow for a bit...and if he didn't return soon...she decided that she'd go look for him.
(@yullen: OMG! Sorry yullen! I almost forgot about them!)

Brody looked back down at Nichole. "Nichole...remember the day we first met?" He asked calmly then continued. "You were going for a jog I believe, listening to music too when you raced past me. I was amazed by your speed. You caught my attention instantly. That same day I saved you from jumping off the roof, you felt lonely and depressed but you decided to trust me and live longer." He named a couple more good memories. His eyes were all teary, he forced himself to smile.
(@scribs: ...I'm not really sure either.)

(@yullen: Okay, cool)

Brody quickly nodded when she muttered his name. Was she fully back? He told her one last memory-story just to make sure. Did he save her in time?
Brody's cheeks brightened red. He wrapped his arms around his girlfriend slowly then cried, "I thought that you might be stuck as a I a wimp for crying?"
Brody wiped his eyes and smiled. He lifted his head up to see Tamaki was still there. He narrowed his eyes then mouthed, "Go away or I'll punch you."
Brody smirked as he watched Tamaki run off quickly. He looked back down at the girl he was cuddling. He smiled happily, resting his head ontop of her's.
(@yullen: Why're her eyes cloudy? Is she still in "the season"...or are her eyes just cloudy?)

Brody still wasn't used to Nichole licking his face, he tried hard not to blush.
(Too late)

Brody's eyes widened. "What the he- ...I thought your 'season' was over?!" He tried push her off or wiggle himself free, but she became stronger when she was like this. "Crap! Okay, Tamaki...uh hey pal...I was kidding! Come back and save my ass!" He continued to struggle. "N-Nichole...snap out it. Y-You don't wanna do this"
"Fuck you Tamaki!" Brody grumbled and flipped him off with his middle finger. "Get off already! I don't wanna be raped!!!" His eyes wide with confusion/desperation/fear. 'Why is she suddenly so much stronger?!' He thought.

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