The school for the wild! (accepting)

Brody nodded, he was glad to hear that she felt fine now. No injures or scars. "Um, sure. I still have to change, but I guess I can do that after." He got up off the floor and away from the window. "S-Sorry that I fell asleep in your bed...I just didn't want to leave you..." he mumbled his apology quietly and looked away blushing.
When Nichole took his hand, Brody interlocked his fingers with hers and walked outside of her dorm. He looked up at the sky. Snow was still everywhere, clouds were floating around, but it was sunny and warm. He smiled as they made their way into the kitchen.
Brody reached into a box on the counter and pulled out a glazed donut. He ate a couple of those before chugging down a glass of milk. Even though he ate alot of junk food, he surprising didn't gain any weight from it.
Brody looked over at Zaren for a moment but soon turned away. He directed his attention back to Nichole. "So, whataya want to do today? Or do we have school...?" He asked her.
Before either of the two could leave he finished his meal and started to wonder what the shy girl was doing at this time. He stood up and started walking around all the hallways trying to find her.
Ivy swayed her legs back and forth as she sat quietly on the bench in the courtyard. 'I wonder if Gazer is okay at the animal control center. Maybe he escaped....or maybe he's wanting for someone to come help him...........well, why do I care?! I don't care at all! He's just some stupid gorilla guy who tried to kiss me and practically destroyed Nichole's bones. she thought and crossed her arms, looking up at the sky as she slouched down in her spot.

Brody smiled. "Okay! Let's build a snowman together. I haven't built a snowman for years." He said, his voice a little excited sounding.
"C'mon!" Brody grabbed her hand and pulled her outside into the snow. "Should we a bunch of little snowmen or one big snowman?" He asked as he started rolling up a pile of snow.
Brady walked out into the courtyard and smiled when he saw Ivy sitting down on a bench. He walked over to the bench beside her " okay know yesterday?" He asked concerned with a warm look in his brown eyes. Brady looked down at her looking at her hair.
Brody turned his head to look at Nichole, hearing her slip and fall. "What happend?" He asked, seeing that she was now laying in the snow.

Ivy jumped when Zaren suddenly approached her. She sighed in relief after she quickly reconized him. "Oh, um...I'm fine. I guess. It mostly just surprised me."
Zaren smiled at her kindly happy that she was okay "And I know this might sound weird but can I braid your hair?"
"Braid my hair?" Ivy repeated and looked up at him for a moment. She turned back away then replied, "Err um...sure. If you want to." Her cheeks were a little pink.

Brody rolled his eyes. "Can you stand up or have your legs stopped working?"

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