The school for the wild! (accepting)

Zaren ran his fingers through the length of her hair several times and parted it into three different parts. He started braiding them and adding hair from behind to it making an almost perfect fishtail braid. "Reminds me of when I was back home and I would braid my little sisters hair."
"Oh guys are back..." Brody grumbled sarcastically when the hosts arrived, scratching the.back of his neck. He began rolling up the bottom of the snowman.

Ivy smiled, she reached a hand back and lightly touched her braid. "You have a sister?" She asked. She had always wanted a younger sibling, being an only child and all, maybe she just liked the thought of having someone look up to her.
(Lol, tamaki is awesome)

Brody smirked when he saw Tamaki's face. He must've been shocked by the rejection of his 'daughter'.
Zaren spoke to her with a sullen tone and sat down beside her "Yeah, I grew up the oldest of four I have three younger sisters. Only one is still a baby and she probably wont even know who I am." He sighed looking down at the floor but stood suddenly offering her a hand "Come on we should go play in the snow in our animal forms seeing as I dont know what you are yet." He smiled sweetly at her.
tamaki went to an emo tree sulking. (ikr) haruhi rolled her eyes. Nichole giggled then sneezed. she switched from her animal form and human. "achoo! roar! achoo!" she was switching with each sneeze.
Ivy stared down at his hand. After a few seconds or so, she slowly reached her hand out and took his hand, standing up off the bench anyways. She looked up at his face again. Her eyes widened just a bit as she realized once again that he was much taller than her. It wouldn't be a surprise if his animal form was a large animal too. "O-Okay," she hadn't gotten to roam around in the snow yet anyways.

Brody blinked a couple times, seeing her random transformations. "What the- ....she changed just from sneezing? Hey do you need anything? A coat or a scarf?" He asked and raised an eyebrow of confusement. "Are you just cold? "
Brody wrapped his arm around Nichole's shoulder when she returned to her human form. He looked over at Tamaki who was whining next to his pathetic emo tree, "Hey Tamaki. What's going on with Nichole?" He wondered if he understood since he was a cat-guy too.
(Nope its a squirrel lol)

Zaren led her out side into the snow and continued walking until they were out in the middle of a snowy white field. He looked down at her did you want to go first or should I?" he questioned not wanting to make her feel uncomfortable.
Brady quickly picked Nichole up and followed Tamaki inside. "What's going on?" He asked suspiciously. He slowly set Nichole back down, not really sure what to do.

"N-No it's fine. I guess I'll go first." Ivy said and looked down at the snow. She closed her eyes, a few seconds later a small white bunny replaced her. It had a small pink nose, fluffy pompom-like tail, and the same large brown eyes as her human form. "Not that impressive in my opinion."

He picked her under both of her front legs and let her body dangle because he really had a soft spot for little cute things. "Aww your so cute, I love it." He laid down in the snow holding her above his head and he brought her down to touch noses with her. He hugged her lightly so he wouldnt hurt her and sat her ontop of his warm slowly rising and falling chest. "I like it."
nichole sneezed again and again. tamaki put a warm towel on her forehead and said"her animal side is taking over! if she doesnt keep this over control soon she'll stay in her animal form for good...."
If Ivy were in human form right now, her whole face would be red with blush. "T-Thanks," she said quietly and smiled a small smile. Her little pink nose twitched. His reaction sort of surprised her but she was also kinda glad that it found it cute. As her head tilted slightly to the side she asked, "What animal are you?" She was trying to ignore how cuddly he was acting at the moment...not that she didn't like being cuddled.

Brody's eyes widened as he looked back down at Nichole. 'An animal...forever?!' he was now freaking out inside, his face was.full of worry and confusion. "Try to calm down. You need to relax and control the animal inside you..." he told Nichole.
"Oh yeah sorry about that." He picked her up and placed her back on the snowy ground he took a step back and shifted into his horse form as he toward above her small little bunny body. His animal form even more massive than his human form and as he would breathe a fog would appear infront of his nose. He reared up flailing his front legs winnieing in a stereotypical matter. "Nothing big." he said ironically.
Brody looked up at Tamaki again for help. He had no idea what to do, he didn't want his girlfriend to be stuck as a cheetah forever.

Ivy's eyes grew wide as he transformed. He was huge compared to her now, tall like a tower. Though he was big he was a very nice looking horse. "Wow. That's awesome!" She said and smiled a smile of awe without even noticing. She had expected him to be tall yet it still came as a shock to her.
(How does a rabbit smile? or did you change?)

Zaren shook his head and his white mane whipped around. He was walking around her as his white tail swung side to side. He was all black except for his mane,tail,and the hair around his hooves. "Yeah i know big right." he said like he had gotten it all the time.
Name: Rose Fire



kind of animal:Black Cobra

student or teacher:Student

appearance: View attachment 14220

Animal form:View attachment 14221

if you're a teacher what do you teach:Not a teacher.

personality:Shy(at times),Funny,Nice,Brave,Fearless,Strong,and Can be slightly rude sometimes.

grade if you're a student:11th

Rose turned into her animal form and hissed playfully as she slithered to her class which was survival and she noticed other people and she switched to her human form and her hair was blowing in the swift wind; her Gir backpack strayed along her back and her eyes where glittering as she saw other people. "I'll bite you I'm poisonious." she teased the others playfully.
(OMG! It'll all too much different for me! I could never get used to this! AHH!!)

(Storm: Nawh, I wouldn't mind if she went to Gazer)

Gazer.::. He looked around. "Crap." He said. The thing was that he could barely feel anything. Was he drugged or something? He didn't know.

Olivia.::. (I don't know what to say for her. What's happening?)

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