The school for the wild! (accepting)

"Nichole!" Brody called out her name and started walking around, looking for her. He wondered where she ran off to after she ditched him.
"Season..." Brody repeated, then blushed slightly when he remembered what that ment. "Oh, right. How long will that last?"
Brody placed a hand on her shoulder. They both had hard lives, but it appeared to him that Nichole's was indeed, much worse. He had been bullied, when she had been almost killed. He felt sorry for her.
Brody removed his hand from her shoulder and flipped his bangs out of his face. "I guess I just don't understand...since I'm human and all."
Brody blushed brightly and covered up his cheek when she licked him. Though he didn't complain this time. He was kind of getting used to it.

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