The school for the wild! (accepting)

Brody zipped up his jacket and stuffed his hands in his pockets. It was getting colder. He blinked when something fell on his nose. He looked up to see something amazing. Thousands of snowflakes were slowly floating down to earth. He grinned happily. His first (accidental) kiss plus snow. He ran back to Nichole's dorm room. He knocked on the door snd shivered. "Hey Nichole! Look outside!"
Nichole walked outside. "yea?"a snow flake fell on her head. she put on a coat boots and a scarf. she ran out and spun in the snow. snow flakes landed in her hair.
Brody chuckled a bit at Nichole. He shivered again. He was only wearing a Tshirt, very thin hoodie jacket, and soms skinny jeans...he was cold.
Brody sat down in one of the chairs and snuggled in a warm blanket. He sipped his hot cocoa, getting whipped cream on his upper lip.
character sheet

name: Khy Merra

gender: Male

age: 17

kind of animal: Rabbit

student or teacher: Student


personality: A tad bit carefree, but quick paced when it comes to learning and extra-curricular activities. Somewhat sleepy from time to time.

grade if you're a student: Junior

other: He has rather strong leg power, but a lack in endurance short sprints is what he's capable of... He also doesn't eat meat.
Brody blushed and took another sip of his hot cocoa. He smiled slightly. He pulled the blanket over the upper half of his face.
(( You both are too kind.... how may I enter myself into this story? And perhaps a recap would also be sufficient? And pairings?)

((And I'll also post this....))

name:Ryujin Seiryyu



kind of animal:Dragon

student or teacher: Teacher


View attachment 12710

Dragon appearance:

View attachment 12709

if you're a teacher what do you teach: Mystic history and Control

personality:Ryuujin is usually a calm tempered, trickster kind of person. Always cutting up with anybody unless they cross his temper, then he is a hot headed brute without rationality. He loves to tend to his students allowing extra help to those who need it.

((Sometimes I believe Rabbits could rule the world. ^.^))

Khy Merra looked up to the sky as the snow fell around him. He always enjoyed the weather when it snowed. If it didn't snow, it wouldn't make Winter time quite so special. He couldn't help but a grin crept up on his snow-kissed face. He brushed a bit of the snow out of his hair and stuck his tongue out to catch a few snowflakes.
Ryujin looked around the place as his brown eyes glanced over everywhere, his curiousity was taking hold of him. He decided to walk about as his top hat prevented the snow from landing in his messy black hair. With every footstep he took, his coat swayed from the wind within his movements. He smiled as he hoped the students around would be promised futures.

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