The school for the wild! (accepting)

Khy Merra ended up taking a stroll through the nearby park. Although the trees lacked the leaves, it still was a calming and beautiful sight. He heard the gentle patter of small animals scurrying about from time to time. He stood at the docks and gazed out looking towards the frozen lake that reflected the sky. He let out a gentle sigh.
Brody finished his hot cocoa and set it on the side table. He yawned sleepily. He then chuckled when Nichole had the dudden urge to dance.

Ivy switched back to her human form. She shivered and adjusted her scarf. Snowflakes stuck to her floppy bunny ears and hair.
Ryujin heard music in the distance. He decided to not persue the direction it was coming from. He continued with his stroll as the snow continued to graze against his skin. He wondered what kind of job he was taking. He could let his animal out but he decided being in his human form was best for the moment. Smaller creatures usually fled from a dragon just from the size. He continued to wear his trickster smile as he started twirling his fingers together on his left hand.
Khy Merra didn't know why the lake was his first place to go. He just felt drawn to that place. He ended up jumping over the dock onto the frozen ice. He smiled as he kicked off the pier and was sliding towards the center of the lake.
Khy Merra smiled as he watched the crescent moon over the hazy skies. He decided it was fit for him to return to the dorms. He kicked off on the ice again, sliding to the docks and with a graceful jump he landed on the dock.
Khy Merra walked back to his dorm slowly. He felt one last breeze of the winter night's sky as he closed his door. He ended up in his bed and went to sleep in a warm room, as he was embraced by his blankets and gently closed his eyes.
Duster had been looking around for this "Nicholas" and was soon becoming to grow bored of looking... He sighed and sat down, then looked at the rainbow rose curiously. "I didn't want to join, I just wanted to know what it was about..." He said to himself. "But still, I kind of owe that Nichole girl for helping me, and I guess she's a member." He said. "And I might not see her again otherwise... Right, I'll join!" Duster had decided, he was going to join the host club! Even if just was only to give a proper thanks and greeting. But he soon fell asleep, outside...
(Coffee! ^^ is it the next day?)

Brody was back in his own dorm room. He changed into a silver longsleeve shirt with a black spider web design on the front, maroon red skinny jeans, his favorite blue hightops, and a silver beanie. He looked outside his window to see that the ground was still covered in snow. He switched his shoes to his large boots and grabbed a jacket before leaving his room.

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