The school for the wild! (accepting)

Brody narrowed his eyes and glared at the guy that had kissed Nichole. He wanted to punch him right in the face. 'B*tch!' He thought jealously and begged to shout outloud.
Nichole's fist was shaking. she stood up and tapped the guy on the shoulder. he said"you came back eh?" BAM!​ she slammed his head on the desk.
Brody's eyes were no longer narrowed, they actually widened after Nichole slammed the guy's head down. 'Way to go Nichole! ' he thought but remained silent.
Brody couldn't help but blush a little. He shook his head, trying not to think about it. He stood up out of his seat and said, "That's no reason to kick him in the FACE..."
Nichole said"he kissed me it was a perfect reason!" the host club ran in. tamaki said"no one hurts my baby!" cue hilarious fight scene. hikaru and karou took on the others.
Brody sighed and sat back down in his seat. He crossed his arms, he watched the hosts and Nichole beat the heck out of the guys.
Brody rested his head on his desk, he closed his eyes and tried to ignore the fight. He pulled his beanie down over his eyes.
"Y-You need to stop doing that..." Brody said in an embarrassed tone. He removed the beanie from his head. His cheeks were all red again. "You keep making me blush..."
name: Gazer G Payne

gender: Male

age: 15

kind of animal:

student or teacher: student


if you're a teacher what do you teach: I listen to teachers

personality: He
has a temper. He's a bad-boy, a rebel. He doesn't last well in schools or doesn't stay for long. His life is hard.

grade if you're a student: He usually gets D or C, he's a Sophomore

other: He loves to break h
Brody sat up straight in his chair and looked the other way for a second. 'D-Does she really...l-l-love me...?' He wondered and blushed redder.

Ivy had been watching the fight. "Will they ever stop?" She asked herself quietly.
(Just walk in after the confession scrib) the hosts hugged nichole. Tamaki said"haruhi she has her first crush!" "come to the club to celebrate!" Nichole nodded.

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