The school for the wild! (accepting)

( OMG! i am so stupid! Sorry, didn't know the name of the school. Thanks! Also, can I change my person's animal? )

Dude look at this!!!
( Hmm... oh wait! I got one!!! A gorilla!!! It's like super powerful. And is like suppose to be the "king of the jungle" instead of the lion! )
( Yes!! TY!! )


He looked around. "Are we aloud to morph into our animals inside?" He asked. He wondered if maybe he could show off. You never know if there are girls somewhere who need a guy showing off to them.
Ivy glared at Gazer and wiped her hand, continuing to remain silent. He didn't seem trustwotthy.

Brody touched his lips, his face was bright red. She has kissed him before on his hceek but their lips have never met.

"Cool." He said, looking at the cheetah girl. Then, he turned his head at the bunny girl. "Wha-a-at?" He said looking at the girl. He didn't get it. Then, he turned into a big gorilla.

( Can I make a girl? I feel weird not having a boy and girl. I usually do. )
Ivy eeked when he turned into a gorilla, transforming into her small bunny form.

"Uh..." Brody began feeling really awkward and nervous when everyone started changing. "I-I don't feel like transforming right now...I'll just stay in this form..." he muttered. 'Nobody can find out!' He thought.
Brody couldn't help but smile, she was the first girl to ever like him and the first person to not threaten or beat him up.
"Hey, hey, don't go sniffing me now." Brady said then added, "Do you have a hairbrush or comb with you?" He begged to brush his messy hair. Even though he was wearing a beanie, it really bothered him for some odd reason.
"This is isn't what I asked for. I-I can brush my own hair, you know..." Brody commented. 'I don't want to sound like Tamaki but, Nichole is so freaking cute!' He thought.
Brody smiled slightly and took the brush. He brushed his hair very carefully. Once he finished, he glanced at his reflection in the mirror and pulled his beanie back on. "Thanks," he said as he handed the brush back to Nichole.
Brody looked up at the clock. He wanted class to be over, maybe he and nichole could hang out; Unless she had the host club or something. He wondered if there was still snow outside.

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