The school for the wild! (accepting)

Ivy watched the hosts leave before looking back down at the floor. She fiddled with her bunny ears.

Brody ignored them and turned his head to face the window. He put his beanie back on.
(Nichole confessed her love for brody) Nichole was soon dragged away. hikaru said"MAKE OVER!" Nichole tried to run but was dragged out. "NO NOT A MAKE OVER!!!!!"
( OK, gotcha! )


He looked at the people talking to each other. "What's going on?" He asked, wondering. He always liked gossip. He was like that. He smirked at the girl(s).

His eyebrows crossed. "What the heck?" Except in heck there was something else. You figure it out. "What's going on?" He said. Girls were probably fighting over shoes or her boy-friend broke up with her there. She was yelling at someone.
Ivy slouched in her chair when the new guy entered the classroom. She continued to fiddle with her bunny ears.

Brody's gasped when he saw Nichole and covered his mouth. He paused a minute before asking awkwardly, "Uh...what happened to your face?"

He ignored the girl who was yelling and scratching the door and focused on the bunny girl. "Well, hello there." He said smirking. He was making a move on her. "How's it going." God, she was a bunny. That's hot man.
Ivy squealed and looked away blushing. She bit her lip, not replying to him. 'W-Why is he talking to m-me?' She wondered nervously.
( goodnight guys)

Brody wasn't going to admit it, but Nichole actually looked pretty cute...really cute. A little too much makeup, but really cute.
Khy Merra woke up from his nap from the corner of the room. He looked up, still sleepy. Same old action like normal, and he sighed as he tucked his head back into his arms.
ironically, nichole only had on a little make up and it brought out her skin tone. it looked natural. Nichole wanted to get out of the outfit. cats wolf whistled and she wanted today to be over!
Brody growled in jealously and annoyance. He stood up, slamming his fists down on his desk. "Shut the f*ck up already! She's MINE!" He shouted at cats/wolves.
Everything was still. Nichole blushed brightly and her heart raced. he said i was his...HE SAID I WAS HIS! She felt happy and squealed in her head. the others jaws dropped.
( WHat characters are there? )


He grinned at the girl with the bunny ears. "What's your name? Lovely, beautiful?" He said, flirting. He did this all the time. That was the cheetah in him. "I'm Gazer, in case you didn't know." He said walking over to her. He bent down and kissed her hand, acting like a gentleman.
( Ok, is ochoc a boy or girl and what about the other character? I just don't wanna get genders mixed up. It's just awkward after )

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