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Realistic or Modern The Runners


New Member
Each year, someone between the ages of 13-19 is picked at random from each country in the world to compete in the Race. The Race is the world's greatest mental and physical challenge. This year you have been picked by your country to compete in the Race, will you win it all or die trying? There's only one way to find out...
Ben woke up to the sound of thunder clapping so loudly it shook the whole house. He looked at his clock: 03:00 it read. Too early to get up, but stormy enough not to fall back to sleep, Ben grabbed his laptop. "I wonder who has been picked so far." Some of the Asian countries had posted their Runners already on the world peace website, but none of them were famous people at this point, so he shrugged and looked for the most recent update from London's diplomats.

Runner will be posted by noon today -Lawrence Reilly, World Peace English Diplomat
Alisa Ivanova


Alisa was in the middle of her daily training when her phone went off with the special alarm she'd set just for the number of the World Peace Diplomat of Russia, also known as her aunt Maria Ivanova. She paused her music, which was a very rock-type band called Dorothy from the United States; she was learning every language, and only had English and French to learn. She picked up her phone and smiled widely at her congratulatory message with all of the details of when and where she would be picked up for the Race. She put her phone back down and unpaused her music, hurrying her weight lifting section in excitement. She had been waiting and preparing for this her whole life.
Drishti was in the market when she was suddenly ambushed. Several large men had managed to creep up behind her, they wore all black with sunglasses over their eyes. "Drishti Batra, you must come with us." With that, Drishti had a bag thrown over her head and was abruptly picked up. She tried to scream, but she knew it was too late. Drishti was about to go to the Race.
Alisa Ivanova


Alisa heard a board creak in the door she'd fixed to make noise whenever used so that she could never be snuck up on. She kept at her workout, but easily slipped a knife into her palm. When she heard the footsteps grow nearer she dropped the 50 lb. barbells she had been lifting and whipped the knife out, only to have her hand caught by a man in black. Two more accompanied him and unceremoniously put a bag over her head and carried her out. She didn't struggle or scream, assuming that this was her aunt's idea to get her to the Race. She and her aunt loved each other, but it was often in this way that was harsher than others' definition of "love".
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Vikram since he was free at the moment being 7:45 in the morning in his village, begun a mountain trek plus run up the mountain and terrain to prepare. He luckily had his own kukri that he was trained in its use, by his father. While he did not need to use it often, there were cases where men got lost or got attacked and the kukri saved their lives by being a useful tool or weapon. He also worked as an assistant of a high quality but small kukri blacksmith who sadly did not make much overall. He went down to around his place of occupation, and then got ambushed getting a bag placed over his head. No matter how much he struggled he was at no avail, as he got dragged he knew he was probably heading off to the race.
Ben walked out of the shower and threw on his usual clothes, thermal, khakis, sneakers. He was making tea in the kitchen and watching the London News as they called out: "Benjamin Prior of Somerset." Ben dropped the tea cup right on the floor. "Bloody hell, that's me." He checked his watch, by his estimation the men in black would be here within the hour. "I almost made it, one more year and I'd have been safe..."
Drishti had been pulled into a helicopter maybe ten hours ago, maybe two, she couldn't tell and honestly, either way it felt like forever and a half when they finally landed. The bag over her head was removed and when she looked around her she could see that she was high up in some mountains and on top of that, on the roof of a tower.

"India arrived over," one of the men in black called into a walkie-talkie. "Come this way, it's time to go to your chambers."

Drishti nodded and followed them down an emergency latch.
Alisa Ivanova


When the men who had taken her finally took the bag off of her head, she noted that they were in a very barren environment that was mountainous and quite cold, even to her trained skin. She wasn't tied up and there were people rushing about with different culturally-dressed young men and women. This was definitely the base for the Race. Oe moved to direct her off in the direction of the others, but she'd already started there without hesitation. She knew what she was doing, even if she didn't know where she was.

Ben woke up to the sound of multiple people talking over him. He opened his eyes slowly, trying to remember what all happened when he remembered that he was selected for the Race. "Hey! What's going on here?!" Ben exclaimed, realising he was being inspected. "I'm fine, just let me go!" The doctor cleared everyone out of the way, "if your head starts to feel achy and you get overwhelmed come back here. You gave yourself a concussion before we could get to you. Now, go make some friends if you can, might help with the Race."
Alisa Ivanova


Alisa stopped after managing to get lost in the crowd away from her designated men in black and looked around curiously. She made her way to one of the walls and climbed onto a crate that was lying against it and looked over the crowd to inspect all of her competition. Some of the people were obviously trained to do this like she was, but others were scrawny and seemed to be quite confused, including a tall boy whom she guess was from England per the talk of the "Union Jack" as his nickname by his guards. After all, hers was Sputnik. Apparently someone was a space nerd. She spotted her men in black and they obviously spotted her, wading through the crowd towards her. She groaned annoyed that her moment of freedom was over and tried to jump off of the crate, tripping on a loose board and falling head first into the tall English boy, knocking them both rather ungracefully and painfully for him, whom was trapped under her, to the ground.


Ben groaned and looked up, this girl was quite beautiful with long, red hair, and fair skin. "Ouch. Whilst were here on the ground, might you tell me what country you're from? I'm Ben from England." He was definitely not moving until she got off of him, might make a good ally for the Race, he thought.
Carter began walking around the tower looking for someone to talk to. He heard sevevral voices but in different languages. He missed Scotland already. He didnt know what was going on or who these people were. He decided hed sit down and wait for someone to talk to him
Carter walked over to the two on the floor and extended his hand to help them up. "Hello, im Carter" he said with his Scottish accent
Vikram after being on his helicopter for god knows how long, while having his bag on his head for the entire trip almost holding on for dear life since he could not see anything and was expecting anything at this point. He finally got his bag taken off to see, understandably what essentially Nepal was. The mountainous wasteland that was cold, but nothing unlike what Vikram was used too. A man dressed in all black said to his earpiece "Nepal has arrived." He then went to face Vikram and spoke to him "Alright follow me, you are going to meet your fellow runners." He then saw the colorful collage, of many ethnicities drawn into one room. Vikram's first thought went towards language barriers. He had to find the cantidate from India, hoping that he or she spoke Hindi so that the language barrier was not too great he had a bit of a knowledge in English since he hoped to become a Gurkha and needed to learn English to do so. But this was not a huge strength language.
Drishti changed into the Race's uniform, a dark grey, skin-tight shirt and black leggings. She looked at herself in the mirror and realised she just left everything she knew behind. Drishti walked out of her chambers and walked straight into a guy looking overwhelmed in the middle of what seemed to be the Asian wing of the tower. "Sorry," she apologised quickly.

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