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Realistic or Modern The Rival Families (reboot)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8cb1b0d52e_MV5BMjQyNDg3NzE4N15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwOTQwNTI2NTE@._V1_UX214_CR00214317_AL_.jpg.917a5354813b2b77206d9ff2d19b24e9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="137220" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8cb1b0d52e_MV5BMjQyNDg3NzE4N15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwOTQwNTI2NTE@._V1_UX214_CR00214317_AL_.jpg.917a5354813b2b77206d9ff2d19b24e9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Nathan walked the final box up to his room. he groaned as he shut his door and opened his window. he hated moving. he looked around, and sighed. his room was smaller than the last house. He kicked over one of the boxes in frustration. "Why can't we use our powers to get real power in this world. run it the way it should be run. not with all the wars, and religious attacks, and poverty. but no. we have to be puppets to the government like everyone else." he groaned, sitting on his bed. he looked outside, and saw kids running by. he would never be normal like them. he let out a quick spark from his hands, marking the wall. the smell of electricity burns made calmed him. he started to unload his clothes from the box into his dresser.



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Marietta smiled at her daughter as she walked into the house, "Hey Elaine" she smiled at the girls and she waited for her other daughter to walk in to. She noticed Elaine looking at the boy next door, she really wasn't sure about them yet. She went back into the kitchen and started to unload the dishwasher. She could hear her phone going off so she went into the bedroom and noticed her husband had texted 'I got off early from work, Sounds good to me, Be careful :) ' she sent it and went back into the other room "Girls, your father is going to get Chinese, I was also thinking of maybe seeing if the new neighbors would want to come over for a cook out" she looked at her daughters​

@ReverseWells @Smoaki @NightSky

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.png.27548de7d5e6ffb38dba993c22214ad0.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="137219" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.png.27548de7d5e6ffb38dba993c22214ad0.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.gif.c53cb878b83dfe308a7e64f2e662c62a.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="137221" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.gif.c53cb878b83dfe308a7e64f2e662c62a.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Rebecca smile at her sister, and while ignoring her mother's call for them to go inside. She was really excited for new neighbors, since it was a chance to make more friends. "I'll be right home mom!" She called out as her sister hurried off into the house. She skipped over to the new neighbors house. "Hello everyone!" She had a smile on her face, "I'm Rebecca Hope Diamond, and I'm your neighbor" she added. She looked at the huge family which was just as large as her own, "Need any help?" She asked politely, looking at all the possessions the family had to move in and unpack.

@Smoaki @thefan1 @Tsiwentiio @EmilyPower @Keira Winston @Saru @Bloodybeans



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Markus stood up, and stretched his arms up to the ceiling, hearing a few bones crack. He heard his phone buzz on his desk, and read the message. "Great! Ok do I need to drive home, I saw a moving truck next door this morning, new people ya know

:/ " He opened a draw in his desk, holding a pair of running shoes he had. He had 3 pairs, and each were custom made not to catch on fire when he ran, a common problem he faced with shoes. He quickly changed his shoes, they wouldn't match very well with his clothes. He wore a white dress shirt, black tie, and black slacks, a common work outfit.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8cb1b3b7f0_MV5BMjQyNDg3NzE4N15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwOTQwNTI2NTE@._V1_UX214_CR00214317_AL_.jpg.c9e73dfd6fbd5134b650d2192b4b6248.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="137228" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8cb1b3b7f0_MV5BMjQyNDg3NzE4N15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwOTQwNTI2NTE@._V1_UX214_CR00214317_AL_.jpg.c9e73dfd6fbd5134b650d2192b4b6248.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

When nathan finished unloading his clothes, he looked out the window at the sound of a girls voice. he froze. she was like an angel. the most beautiful thing he had ever seen in his life. he shook his head. they were neighbors? he wish he knew how to talk to girls. there was no way he would be able to talk to that girl. he sat down on his bed. "Maybe this place isn't so bad" he said to himself with a smirk.



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Marietta looked down at her phone, noticing her husband had sent her a message 'I think you should, Mainly to see the girls', because we both know how picky all 5 of our kids are' she sent the message and put the phone back on the charger. She walked towards the backyard, they had recently gotten some new patio furniture and a gazebo and a grill, she figured it would be a polite thing to do. She deliberated if she should be the one to do it or go over with her kids.


After Carter finished helping out his dad bring his uncle in he needed a break, so he went back outside. He sat on the steps and took a deep breath, oh he was craving a cigarette so bad. He was smoking on the down low for about a year, one time he practically almost got caught, and either he would of had to quit of that person was going to tell his parents. When he gets stressed and nervous the cravings start to kick back in. He decided to go for a little walk, at least around the neighbor hood, to clear his head.​
EmilyPower said:
"Do what? Give us some details, woman!" Elizabeth muttered under her breath, making sure the others couldn't hear her. The conversation seemed to come to an end and Elizabeth had gotten absolutely nothing out of it. But it didn't discourage her from investigating even more. Just as she took the first step towards the stairs, her vision became slightly blurry and the corners turned completely black. Then the horrors began.
She felt like falling, it was like she'd fallen from a plane and was in for a painful death. There was blood, even though she wasn't scared of it, there were dead bodied thrown around the room and monsters running towards her. Elizabeth's expression turned into a horrified one and she began walking backwards, almost throwing a vase in the process. They were coming to get her, she needed to defend herself. Without giving it a second thought, Elizabeth pointed her hand at the monsters, ready to use her powers againt them if she had to. Her hand turned a light shade of purple and a small energy vortex began forming in her palm and a bit of her arm, then the visions ended.

After composing herself and making the vortex go away, Elizabeth took a few deep breaths and leaned against the wall. Fortunately, she was still invisinble. Unfortunately, the vortex hadn't been invisible and all Elizabeth could do was hope they hadn't seen it. What had gotten to her? Where did those visions come from? There was something clearly wrong here, and Elizabeth was set on finding out what it was. As the other teens walked in, Elizabeth went to the kitchen and took out her phone to text her brothers.

"Something wrong. Hallucinations. Used my powers. Might have been spotted. Prepare distraction for possible escape and keep me posted if anyone comes close to the house." She wrote, and sent the text to Syrus and Carter. Now that she knew they were posted and ready to help her, Elizabeth returned to the living room and waited for something else to happen.
Syrus had picked up a number of things from the house and could hear each of the voices both familiar from before and new sound both inside and outside of the home. But so far nothing quite so useful information wise had been said from what Syrus could tell and as the daughters of the woman or two of them came home and entered the house with one heading over to his own home, it was becoming clear the family was seemingly close in number to his own in children and age...... Similarities so far that were rather shocking. But as his phone sounded and he turned away from view to pull out his phone and read it, Syrus's face turned to shock then toward quick thought of how to act..... Seemingly his attempt earlier failed or did just enough to cover up Lizs steps to bring attention downstairs. Or it was all a coincidence either way he couldn't be certain yet and moved his phone back in his pocket knowing a response text would blow her cover with unnecessary noise for the neighbors to hear. Then walked with his walking stick toward the front door acting as if he had no sight to help explain his reason for knocking at this hour and why he was in there yard.

After reaching the door Syrus waited a moment deciding to use old fashion and non power related distraction to aid his sisters escape, giving a fair tap at the door with his walking stick and standing tall at the door with charming smile crossing his lips. A relaxed posture and now his walking stick resting before him upon the ground while it stood before him. "Hello? I am at the right home aren't I? Ah goodness me...... I think I am turned around, should've known better then to walk before my sight returned. Anybody there?" He spoke in following his knock at the neighbors door and talking to himself all at once and while to those that could hear him. Acting and sounding both lost and innocent at the same time making his situation seem quite real and honest. All the while his inner self applauded his plan and figured this would work in getting his sister out with a decent distraction for her to escape.

@EmilyPower @Tsiwentiio @Smoaki @CelestialBunny @NightSky


Picking up his phone, he quickly replied, "K, see ya in a flash." He slid on his aviators, rotating his neck, and took off. When he ran, it was thrilling, and exciting. He soon felt himself on water, the only difference from land was that he had to move faster, so he wouldn't fall in. He soon felt land again under his feet, and quickly looked around for what looked to be good Chinese. He spotted a place, as he quickly raced across the street, and pulled out a $20 from his pocket. It wasn't in their currency, but screw it. He quickly ran back into the kitchen, threw together a large enough meal for the family, and took back off. He arrived at his car, a convertible, and set the food in the passenger seat. "Two minutes, damn Chinese food." He slid into his car, started it, and began to head home.
Ever since his brother had run away, Richard had spent his time imagining what he would do if his brother ever came back. Would he cry? Would he take him out a buy him a beer? Would he break his arms and legs for hurting his family? The last two options always won, but it still didn't prepare him for this moment. He couldn't believe it, his brother was back. It took about a minute for his brain to process those words properly, and Richard still didn't know how to react, especially not after Anthony passed out. It was like a tornado of emotions had hit his body, and it didn't seem like it wanted to leave anytime soon. He was sad, furious and overjoyed at the same time, and he hand't even moved an inch since his wife had pulled Anthony out of the car. "Anthony." Richard finally said, almost as if he were convincing himself of the fact that his younger brother was back.

Now that his brain was capable of reacting, Richard grabbed his brother's legs and moved the body inside with the help of his son. Now that they'd dumped Anthony on the couch, Richard focused on what to do with the man once he woke up. He knew he had to be questioned, however, he wasn't sure what to do afterwards. Should he call his children? Probably, considering how heartbroken they'd been after reading that dammed note. Well, some of his children would probably react with anger instead of joy, but that was up to them. As for Richard, well, he didn't even know how he felt about his brother coming back, so thinking about how to react was the least of his problems. "I'm waking him up, stay here." Richard ordered his wife, making his way to the kitchen and coming out a few seconds later with a glass of water.

Throwing the water on top of his brother, Richard took a few steps back and waited for the man to wake up. If that didn't work, he would use his powers and call his children to wake up if it turned out to be necessary. All he needed was for him to wake up, he needed to know where he'd been for four years, he needed to know why he'd left the family for such a long time. "Wake up Anthony." Richard ordered, looking down at his brother with narrowed eyes.



Anthony didn't seem to react at first,staying unresponsive against the couch. But he suddenly shifted and coughed,wiping his face by reflex as he started to regain consciousness.

His vision started to return to normal and Anthony blinked,staring up at the man that he once thought that he hated.


He couldn't help the own emotions crossing his face. He had missed Richard more than anyone else,even more than he missed the children. And now...fear,guilty,sadness. He felt everything go through him.

Richard finding him unconscious on a sidewalk as not how he meant for things to go. He knew his brother would think of him as weak,and he would be right.

It had been days since Anthony slept or even ate. He barely looked able to stand by himself,but here he was. And he had to apologize.

"I'm...sorry. I'm sorry for being a coward. " He didn't know what else to say. Those four years had been absolute hell for him. But how did his family feel? Richard probably had questions. And he would try to answer them. @thefan1
George walked home from the academy, having a few of days leave, his backpack slung over his back and wearing his academy track suit. It was a long trip back home but thanks to his powers he couldn't take any vehicles lest an errant spark from his body could blow the gas tank. Still he had found other ways to get around, taking short cuts through parks and alleyways even recently began to attempt a bit of free running. It was surprising how fast one could move around the city like this and this way he learned quite a lot of the city this way. Could be useful considering his future career. It was a pity though he couldn't use his powers, he had several ideas for quick movement using powerlines and train track.

He made it to the backyard Jumping over the fence and saw his mother. "Hey mom..... Hey, new neighbours?"He asked seeing the movement next door.

Cordelia ( Lia ) Mae Diamond

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.b13c6c1db7957b807d795be1aea19a69.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="137291" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.b13c6c1db7957b807d795be1aea19a69.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Slowly the images began to fade, Cordelia sighed with relief as her mother hugged her. It seemed to calm her down. Out of the corner of her eye she thought she saw a flash but she was just getting her sight back so she brushed it off.

"Its okay mom." Cordelia understood why her mother did it. You could never be too sure and her mother was usually right about her gut feelings.

Hearing the front door open Cordelia turned around to see her older sister walk through the door. "Hey Elaine." She greeted her with a smile.

Cordelia walked into the kitchen humming to herself and tapping a beat on her thigh. Just as she was about to get herself a drink she heard a knock at the door and some mumbling about being at the right house. Wondering who it was Cordelia went to open the door. She found someone stood there with a walking stick, he was wearing a cap and sunglasses.

"Can I help you?" Cordelia asked tilting her head to the side slightly, she didn't remember seeing him around anywhere before.

@Tsiwentiio @Saru @Smoaki



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Arriving in the neighborhood, he spotted a large moving truck outside the neighboring house. Trying to avoid running over his kids, he pulled in his car in the drive way. He opened the door, grabbed the food, and noticed a man in the yard. Richard Blackwell. Damn it. He had knew him well, he didn't hate him, but he didn't like him either. He was uptight, and rude. His wife was his ex though, she was ok, just awkward to be around. He made his way into the house, opened the door. "Y'all ready for some authentic Chinese? Not like that takeout crap."


Marietta was looking through the storage unit for different decorations for the patio, like different dishes and lights and the cushions for the chairs. She figured it would be nice to invite the new neighbors over, she could see two of her kids over there, she had to calm herself, she was always protective over her children. They are all teenagers now, so they have to learn to interact with new people, so she continued on with her search for the best decorations.

She found some nice plates and cups she had gotten from one of her kids for mothers day, she picked out simple which cushions for the chairs, she turned quickly when she heard a familiar voice behind her. She smiled at one of the twins. George, she held her hand to her chest, implying he almost gave her a heart attack "Hey sweetie, yep new neighbors, I was thinking of inviting them over tomorrow for a little welcome party" she looked over next door again quickly then brought her attention back to her son. "Your father went for Chinese, and should be home soon, but you mister have some chores to do" she pointed towards the house. She was definitely the disciplinarian, her husband supported her decisions, but she was definitely the boss.



Markus set the food on the counter, and headed to their bedroom. He set his sunglasses down on the nightstand, and rubbed his face. He made his way into the closet, and quickly changed into a more casual outfit. A denim shirt, dark jeans. He tucked his glasses in his breast pocket, and made his way back out. He spotted most of his kids, and wife outside, well at least his kids weren't the hardcore gamers that at in a dark room all day. He made his way outside, and smiled seeing his wife.
George gave a curious noise as he looked at the unpacking going next door. "I guess that is the neighbourly to do." He replied smirking a little to her mothers reaction to his presence. "You had 18 years to get used to my ninja skills, mum." He said jokingly before giving her a joking moan." Oh come on i just came from the academy and you are already giving me choirs." He complained though knowing in truth it was a futile attempt, he will have to do his choirs like a good boy like everyone else whatever he said. He smell the food immediately and saw his father walk out with the Chinese. "Oh goody smells great..." He commented though the nature of his powers meant the only form of sustenance he had was drawing electricity from devices or batteries so food did little for him beyond taste and fatten him up. He walked to enter the kitchen." Hey bringer of food." He said to his father.


She smiled in return to everyone that greeted her as she entered her home. Still not able to get the boy from across the street out of her head, she figured she'd change and walk over as their mother had instructed. Once she was finally out of the clothes that always reminded her of her hell of a job, she sighed contemptibly and walked out past Lia who was talking to some man with a walking cane. She shot Lia a look that said 'be careful' and kept walking. She'd expected just a calm walk across the street, but she'd managed to make that impossible by tripping over a loose square of the sidewalk and gone tumbling into the flower bushes in front of their other neighbor's home. Her face a near crimson tone, she sprang up and decided to just walk away, hoping no one had seen her fall. As she walked she cleared leaves and twigs out of her hair, quietly cursing herself.

@Tsiwentiio Carter was the guy she was staring at just as an fyi to everyone xD )

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NightSky said:
Cordelia ( Lia ) Mae Diamond

View attachment 304206

Slowly the images began to fade, Cordelia sighed with relief as her mother hugged her. It seemed to calm her down. Out of the corner of her eye she thought she saw a flash but she was just getting her sight back so she brushed it off.

"Its okay mom." Cordelia understood why her mother did it. You could never be too sure and her mother was usually right about her gut feelings.

Hearing the front door open Cordelia turned around to see her older sister walk through the door. "Hey Elaine." She greeted her with a smile.

Cordelia walked into the kitchen humming to herself and tapping a beat on her thigh. Just as she was about to get herself a drink she heard a knock at the door and some mumbling about being at the right house. Wondering who it was Cordelia went to open the door. She found someone stood there with a walking stick, he was wearing a cap and sunglasses.

"Can I help you?" Cordelia asked tilting her head to the side slightly, she didn't remember seeing him around anywhere before.

@Tsiwentiio @Saru @Smoaki
As soon as the door opened and he heard a voice respond to him. Syrus tilted his head up and toward his side just a bit, a smile on his face in greeting and charming quality about his smile as it was perked just enough to give it more then a plain and common smile. "Ah yes actually, if you could be so kind. Your voice tells me I am wrong in my directions...... Sight hasn't quite returned you see, anyways perhaps you could direct me to the house with a moving truck out front? I seemed to have gotten lost or missed a turn somewhere, a foolish move really taking a walk in your new town while awaiting your sight to return. But hours in stuck in a full car and well you know, fresh air and a cool breeze entices you more then common sense would say against it." Syrus spoke in ramble but intentionally so, hoping his sister would find a opening to escape while he stood at the door speaking with a young woman who seemed around his age. "Oh.... Right but where are my manners. I'm the new kid on the block or one of them actually, we just moved into the neighborhood today, the name is Syrus, Syrus J. It's a pleasure to meet you and going by the sound of your voice, you likely are just as beautiful as you sound especially to a lost mans ear. May I know of your name?" Syrus spoke wasting no time attempting a bit of flattery and charm as he introduced himself. @NightSky
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"Like hell you are," mumbled Elizabeth under her breath as she watched the mother setting everything up for the party. She knew there was something clearly wrong with the family, Elizabeth Blackwell was not someone who would suffer from horrifying hallucinations and she wasn't going to blame her own sanity for the horrifying visions. She didn't want her family even remotely close to the family, even though they did seem like good people. It was a pity, it would've been wonderful to go to a party thrown by welcoming neighbors who weren't psychopaths and had children who they could befriend. But she didn't want them even close to her family until their innocence was proven.

Syrus couldn't have chosen a better time to come to her rescue and he couldn't have chosen a better escape route. Elizabeth almost squealed in delight when the girl opened the door to speak to the "blind" man. Sure, she could've escaped through the window, but this gave them more opportunities to see what the new neighbors were like. "If you want to know what a man's like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals." Chanted Elizabeth with a smile and waited to see if anyone was going to help the blind man outside. Once he introduced himself, all Elizabeth could do was shake her head at his attempts of flattery. Hadn't he learned anything form their parents? You're not supposed to fraternize with the enemy! Oh, she was going to kill her siblings for flirting with the neighbors.

Since she was too busy imagining ways to get her siblings away from the neighbors without hurting them too much, she couldn't get out of the way when one of the twins from the other family walked inside the kitchen and into her. Startled, Elizabeth took a few steps away to see if the man had noticed anything. "He's cute," she thought, as she found herself in the same spell her siblings were in. Yes, she knew she wasn't supposed to flirt with the neighbors, but it wasn't her fault they were so attractive. Besides, speaking to one of them shouldn't be considered as flirting, considering she always left romance to London. Well, if all she did was speak to the handsome stranger it wasn't considered as flirting or fraternizing with the enemy, right? Right. With her mind set, Elizabeth walked out of the house, gave Syrus' shoulder a firm squeeze to make sure he knew she was outside, and walked turned around to reach the house from the back door. Fortunately, the kitchen window was still open, meaning she would be able to speak to the guy without having to speak to his mother. Elizabeth walked towards the open window and pretended to look inside, only to smile when she noticed the neighbors were inside. "Hello!" Exclaimed Elizabeth, giving them her best bubbly girl impersonation. "I was looking for my little brother and I was wondering if you've seen him? We just moved in and I don't want him getting lost in the neighborhood." She explained innocently.
Cordelia ( Lia ) Mae Diamond

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.86a74521db505eac07e8a55f662cba23.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="137308" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.86a74521db505eac07e8a55f662cba23.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Cordelia couldn't help but smile back at his charming smile, maybe because Cordelia liked to meet new people or his smile was just so contagious. She glanced up at her sister who brushed past her and walked towards next doors house, she gave Cordelia that look as she did so. In response Cordelia simply just rolled her eyes and looked back to the boy.

"Oh I see, you're one of the newbies." Cordelia leaned on the door frame and looked over at the house next door. Her genuine smile changed into a slight smirk. She was glad to find people her age had moved in; maybe they would even help her play pranks on the rest of the neighborhood.

Syrus. She had a name to match the new boy. She could see them causing some mischief together once his sight had improved. After her complimented her she let out a small giggle and introduced herself.

"The names Cordelia but call me Lia. Would you like me to walk with you back home?" She asked as she stood up from leaning on the doorframe. "Its literally just next door."




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Markus leaned against the island countertop in their kitchen, and watched Geroge walk in. "Hey ride along" he said jokingly, as he spun around to the fridge. He pulled out a bottled water, and took a sip. He had nicknames for his kids, and he knew ride along wasn't Geroges favorite name. "Hey you think you can round up your siblings? I don't feel like chasing them down, and I don't want to talk to the neighbors. Plus we have to talk about them..." He did see Marietta setting patio furniture, which he was hoping wasn't for the neighbors. If so, he'd have to have a chat with her about that.


Marietta rolled her eyes at her sons response, she placed the plates down on the table and walked inside. She smelled the food, she liked that most of the time Markus went somewhere and got them food, She did t mind cooking but it seemed to get harder and harder as the kids got older. She went and stood near her husband, "how was work" she said sweetly as she grabbed some plastic plates and forks out of the pantry "did you see our new neighbors" she asked looking back at him​


Markus gave his wife a side hug, and gave her a peak on the cheek. "Boring. See you get the fun job, seeing gun shot wounds, and broken bones, it's totally not fair." He smiled, and started to remove the containers from the plastic bag. "I did, and before you get any ideas, and I'm guessing you already have done by the looks of our backyard, we're not inviting them over." He knew his wife was just trying to be polite, but he wasn't sure about the Blackwells.



"Babe, why don't
I show you my room?" London asked matching Liam's flirtatious tone. She wasn't interested in the guy- not yet anyways, but she did use her charm to get what she wanted. At the moment, she just needed to finish moving her boxes without her sibling's cooler powers. Everyone else was already done.

"Your going to need to know where my room is, so remember it," she demanded using her manipulation skills. It was slightly flirtatious, but she didn't mean it that way. London wasn't up for games at the moment and needed to finish moving. She strutted toward the house and dragged Liam with her. "So, my room is up the stairs. You make a right-," London stopped abruptly. She noticed someone new but familiar at the same time in the living room.

"Hold on a sec," she said to Liam as she ran towards the couch. There he was. Her uncle. The one that had ran out on them. She felt so many mixed emotions inside. She wasn't sure if she was angry, excited, confused, hurt, or betrayed.

"Anthony." she stated looking right at him. No doubt it was him. Her face showed she was confused. Then it turned to anger. She couldn't stand to face him at the moment, so she made up the worse excuse possible: meet the new neighbors. She turned away and basically ran out of the house unable to face him.

She made her way to the Diamond's home and rang the doorbell hoping to get far away from her own household.

@KaalysBR @Rukia




Liam couldn't help but smile at London's playful flirting. It was refreshing to see someone who didn't seem to be attached to anything,just like him. So when they were done and he left,she wouldn't be crying for him to come back. Good.

"Don't worry,if I see your bed just once I won't forget it anymore."

Of course,he wasn't expecting London to run away out of nowhere,her face looking she wanted to slap the guy in the couch. Family issues? That was something he could relate to.

As soon as she jogged out of the house he placed the boxes on the ground,sighing. Should he bother with this? If he was playing the good guy,yes.

He followed London to the front of his house,leaning against the outside wall.

"Family issues? I can relate. Sorry about it." He nodded towards his own door. "I have about one thousand of those inside."@
@Keira Winston
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