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Futuristic The Rise Of A New Dawn

Neo smiled slightly and began to walk towards the alien slowly, cautiously. She's killed many times before, humans, aliens, cyborgs...the list foes on and on. However, She felt that this one was no ordinary alien so she needed to be careful. As she edged closer to the alien it was only a matter of time until she was standing right in front of it. Only then she realize how tall the alien was. Despite being the age of 19, she was only 4 feet 9 inches tall which upset her slightly but it had its advantages. She stared at the alien in the eyes, waiting for it to make the first move.
Akuno smiles, this girl didn't seem like the countless others he had just slaughtered, she wasn't scared. He started slowly circling around Neo like a shark, his energy blade making a quiet buzzing sound. He was completely silent, glaring at Neo in an attempt to intimidate her so that he could see if she truly was brave, or just stupid. She was 4 feet and a few inches shorter than him, which confused him quite a bit. He didn't know much about humans, but he was pretty sure that around the age Neo seemed to be they were taller. <Which limb would you like cut off first? A leg? An arm?> He asks in the ancient tongue of his race, a language no longer decipherable, even by his own kind.
Neo heard the alien...speak? Well that's what she assumed anyway. She didn't understand what he said but she was pretty sure it wasn't really nice. Neo watched him circle her and she waited for just a moment before she decided to attack. She preformed a graceful backflip before charging at the Alien, her sword ready to impale him. She smiled as she charged forth, she was really, REALLY, hungry for battle. She knew this wouldn't be an easy fight but it would be a fun one.
Akuno grins, one of the best things about his race is that their skin was much harder than titanium, which meant that a simple sword couldn't do to much to him unless it hit him in the neck, where the skin layers were the thinnest. Still, he wanted to see if Neo was worth sparing, so he would fight. He dodges to the side right before Neo could hit him and slashes at her with his energy blade. All it would take is one slice to rend her in two.
Sylar watched the intense battle and absentmindedly stabbed someone. "Oops. Sorry." He quickly got bored and decided to be an asshole. He snuck around behind the fight, completely unnoticeable. ((Hurray, godmodding!)) Then, he leapt at the alien's back, claws outstretched.
Yu looked intensely at the fight. It seemed interesting. Suddenly she heard someone scream of pain. She saw a person that had been stabbed. She looked around but she couldn't see who had done it. Maybe I should go. It doesn't seem safe with all the stabbing people and all that. She thought.

Yu decided to still watch the fight, but from a different location. She hoped that no one would notice her as she sneaked behind a car.
Akuno steps foward slightly, moving just enough for Sylar's attack to miss. He quickly turns around with out warning, holding the tip of his energy blade to Sylar's throat. <Sneaky rat, did you think that would truly work?>
"Shit!" Sylar lept directly backward, doing a double backflip and landing on the ground in a badass pose. He slid backward a little then charged forward again on all fours.
Akuno sighs angrily, dodging out of the way and activating his translation device. "You away go. Busy I am." He says, the translator distorting his voice.



"He is..." A voice was cutoff by a door opening and then slamming shut, stopping all chatter in the bar. "I am?" The Jackal asked, only to un-sling his rifle and point it at the man who was cut off. "WHAT AM I!?" Jackal quickly pulled the trigger before the man could respond, only to turn around and walk out of the bar. "Now that the annoyance is dealt with, lets get back to the ship." He ordered his second in command who was standing outside of the bar, only to sling his rifle back over his shoulder. The two walked for a few minutes until they reached a hanger inside the city. They entered the hanger and were greeted by a few pirates who had a docking ship ready to launch. "Is it ready?" Jackal asked the guards. "Yes, sir." With a smile under his helmet, Jackal boarded his ship and took a seat. A few moments later the crew took off and out of the city into space.

After about an hour long ride in the shuttle, they docked at what was known as
Little Icarus, the ship that was anything but little. Little Icarus was flying just above the planet, guns pointed at the surface. Jackal made his way to the front of the ship and took his post. "Situation?" Jackal asked not really wanting to know. "We have repaired all damaged systems from the last attack, sir." Said one of the deck hands, trying to stay on the captain's good side. "Well done! Lets get out of here before we are hailed." Jackal said not wanting to take on any new crew members, as his ship was already filled to the brim with pirates from all callings.

Little Icarus was moved away from the planet in a matter of seconds, only to come to a full on halt. On the consoles in the front deck a warning had lit up. "ENGINE DAMAGED: REPAIR NEEDED BEFORE FULL COLLAPSE!" That would not go well at all with the captain, he smashed his fist down on the console in-front of him and quickly pointed towards his second in command who had now just walked into the main deck area. "FIX IT!" He shouted in anger, and the captain's helper quickly jumped to action. "Yes, sir!" For now... it seemed Little Icarus was stranded.

What shall I do sir?" Asked a deck hand. "Hail any nearby ships and tell them that we will provide shelter from attacks for a number of days if they can provide repairs." Jackal said, now calming down. It was only a matter of time before the behemoth of a ship was spotted floating in space with no power, it was a prize ready for the taking. "Re-rout any and all available non-essential power to the defense cannons." The captain said to the crew still on the main deck. With everything said and done, the captain sat in his chair and kicked up his feet onto a nearby console. The defense cannons were enough to take down most small cruisers, and Jackal was not worried.


(A good starter?)
((Yes, but at what planet is Jackal stranded?))

Sylar backed off, muttering something about "frickin yoda-man." He went to the nearest building and began to scale it.
Neo had merely watched the scene unfold. That feline boy had disrupted their fight and for what seems to be no real reason other than needing something to do. Neo sighed lowly and only when the Alien began to speak, albeit broken and distorted, she decided this would be the best time to ask his name. She at least wanted to know that much before she killed him. After all, something to put on his tombstone. She opened her mouth to speak but quickly shut it. She reached into her back pocket and pulled out a card that had her name on it. She intended to hand it to him when she would attack him again in hopes that he would get the hint.
"My memory is failing me, what is the closest planet?" Jackal asked a deck hand, hoping to get a quick response. "The closest planet would be Kepler 186F, sir." The deckhand quickly responded and then returned to work. "Wonderful..." The captain stood up from his seat and turned towards the other side of the main deck where the exit was. Jackal watched as his second in command returned with a smile. "Sir, everyone is going to work around the clock to repair the engines, the main power should be back online soon. Though... everything would go faster with outside help." The captain nodded and turned back to face his seat and the consoles. Placing his hands behind his back, Jackal continued. "Well, we can only hope someone answers our call soon." At this point, Little Icarus was floating freely in space, still a large prize for the taking. Reserve power was draining fast, and the crew alone would not be able to repair the engines.

( There ya go! @Woofers296 )
NetherLightGod said:
Neo had merely watched the scene unfold. That feline boy had disrupted their fight and for what seems to be no real reason other than needing something to do. Neo sighed lowly and only when the Alien began to speak, albeit broken and distorted, she decided this would be the best time to ask his name. She at least wanted to know that much before she killed him. After all, something to put on his tombstone. She opened her mouth to speak but quickly shut it. She reached into her back pocket and pulled out a card that had her name on it. She intended to hand it to him when she would attack him again in hopes that he would get the hint.
Akuno sighs angrily, shaking his head and turning off the translator device. <Damned thing, need to repair it later.> He mutters to himself, having completely forgotten about Neo.
John was approaching a ship in the space near Kepler 186F, he scanned the ship and detected that it is in a weak state and then hailed the ship using his comms on the bridge as he said "Hello, Identify yourselves, and then hand over your supplies, this is The Death of Galaxies speaking. Over." he then sat down onto his chair and awaited a response from the ship as John's ship weapons toggled on and readied. (@Vyork Ashfin)
Out of nowhere the bridge lit up like a firework, every screen turned on and a message could be heard from some unknown ship. Jackal tapped the screen in front of him and hailed the unknown ship back. "Greetings, my name is Jackal, you may have heard of me. I am the captain of Little Icarus, and the man who is about to come over there with a shuttle and kick your ass." With a laugh, he continued. "My ship is currently in a state of repair, if you were to rob me now, you would be a pirate with no honor." Jackal himself was without honor, but it was worth a shot to guilt trip someone, right? He did not even know if the man was really a pirate, or just desperate. "If you leave now ill forget this ever happened." He tapped the console, waiting for a response. (@ClassyBunny)
John loudly laughed along with his crew on the bridge and then said in the comm "Have you heard of me? I am called The Death of Galaxies for a reason!" John then said to his crew "Fire upon him!" as the ship's cannons began to fire towards the already damaged ship and John laughing and talking into the comm "I might have no honor, but I frankly don't give a damn!" the ship continued to fire upon the damaged ship as John was looking at the hits hitting the damaged ship and loudly laughing. (@Vyork Ashfin)

(Don't die though :D Anyway going to bed.)
The blasts violently shook the ship, knocking Jackal and some of his crew to the ground. Jackal managed to get back to his feet with a pissed off growl. It was last second, but his crew somehow managed to get the engine back online. Without a second thought, Jackal had hit the shield button on the console in front of him. "Are you out of your mind!?" He shouted back at the console, still broadcasting. "This ship is worth more than every life on your ship!" At this point the fire from the unknown ship did little to the shields and the hull. (@ClassyBunny)
John said through the intercomm "You are too boring! I am leaving" the comms flicked off as John flew off to who knows where at lightspeed.
NetherLightGod said:
Neo had merely watched the scene unfold. That feline boy had disrupted their fight and for what seems to be no real reason other than needing something to do. Neo sighed lowly and only when the Alien began to speak, albeit broken and distorted, she decided this would be the best time to ask his name. She at least wanted to know that much before she killed him. After all, something to put on his tombstone. She opened her mouth to speak but quickly shut it. She reached into her back pocket and pulled out a card that had her name on it. She intended to hand it to him when she would attack him again in hopes that he would get the hint.
(I replied. -.-')
So sorry.

Neo's brow was raised. Had he forgotten she was there? How odd. Still, she wasn't about to let him do that. Though she knew it was childish, he kicked his shin which kind of hurt but she put it off for now.
Akuno frowns, glaring at Neo. <Forgot about you. Seriously, kicking me in the shin? What are you, a six year old?> He says before remembering his translator was turned off. He turns it back on sighing angrily.
She holds out her hand which contained a black card with her name "Neopolitan" written in fancy pink script. She smiled for a moment before backflipping twice and jumping into the air a second and in a


, she was gone.
Akuno frowns, glancing at the card. "Just when I was about ask to her join my crew." He says, shrugging.

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