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Fantasy The Return of Humanity

Kel sighed. "Kill me then. I had just wanted to go home. If you really think it for the best ripe my heart out and let me vanish into oblivion." She looked him straight in the eyes. Her beads felt warm against her neck.
Tyler was pissed and weak because the poison and the demon he dropped her and raised his sword high and was getting ready to stab her and swing done nearly missing her and scraped her shoulder and came out of his armor saying "n-now you're a dead man" and slumped over passing out from blood loss.
The chains slipped loose and Kel put Tyler into a laying position. She put her hands just above the wound on his legs and blue flames went from her hands into his cut. Instead of hurting him, the flames burned the poison from his body and sealed the wound. She pulled her hands away and looked at Bell, her gave soft. "I'm terribly sorry for the trouble. He should be fine now. You should be here when he wakes up." Kel got up and hopped onto the roof. She jumped from building to building until she landed in the alley where Yalin slept. Kel sat down next to her and watched over the girl, waiting for her to awake.

|Bell Tarris|

Bell was too stunned to speak, more concerned over the feinted person then the escaping demon.

“But…” the words fell out of her mouth and she stumbled again, not sure what to say. She closed her eyes and expanded her senses to follow where the Demon’s footsteps fell as she trailed off. Once she was sure where they had stopped to rest, she vowed to find them again. Bell turned her attention to Jacob, her gauntlets fading back into bracelets as she focused what little ability she had to help him wake up.
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Sachi Rosemary Moonstone

Sachi walked down the street with a lollipop in her left hand and her puppet in another. She had named her puppet, Sai, and this is her favourite puppet, out of all the ones she has at home. She was in her human form, so anyone who walked by didn't suspect anything. As she walked pass an alley way she sense a demonic presence so she stopped and looked carefully. The demon wasn't alone, there's a human sleeping, she could hear the breathing of that human. Out of curiosity she walked towards them and smiled once she's reached them. "Oh hello there," she took the lollipop out of her mouth and hold it in her hand.
Tyler wakes up and yells where is she I still got unsettled business with that brat" picking up his sickle and it disapeerd as he puts on another demonic suit.

And he roars loudly and starts jumping from roof to roof and ignored bell and looks like a all out demonic spirit looking for its prey.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.98bd732954b812427a1d648017385136.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53394" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.98bd732954b812427a1d648017385136.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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|Bell Tarris|

Bell watched Jacob leap to the rooftops above with an exasperated sigh. Looking around she found herself alone, in the quiet alley once again, and realized how unsettling it was to be here. She decided her next option would be to follow the lot, after collecting what she was here for in the first place.

She too leapt to the rooftops, but not in the same hunting manner than the boy had done. She was calm and collected, and moved in an almost acrobatic way. On the rooftops above the scenic city top, she found herself back in a familiar area. A pattern of roof tiles lifted up with ease as she collected the stolen goods that had been hidden for good measure. She tucked the small bag into her over-sized sweater, and began to follow in the direction of Jacob and the demon.

It only took a few moments for her to find Jacob, who had made a B-line towards the direction the little girl had run, and she began to keep up with him in stride.

"We really shouldn't be fighting battles where Demon's could see us..." She huffed the words toward Jacob as he took another stride that was twice the length of her own.
Jacob saw bell trying to keep up with him and the hair like wires on the end of his helmet wrapped around her leifting her up and raised her to his mask while he said in a voice that wasn't his own but the suit that came from an ancient demon and said "what was that I couldn't hear you"
|Bell Tarris|

Bell watched with vacant eyes as she was lifted up, the booming voice of the ancient demon barely phasing her. She could sense the human boy inside, and with that knowledge she knew there was no true danger to herself at the moment.

"I said..." She made a motion to raise her hood just a bit, her eyes trying to make complete contact through the mask. "There are demons. We are not hidden. This could blow the cover for thousands of other people. Unless of course, you have decided for humanity that its time to announce ourselves..." Her words were curt, even for her, and she felt stunned for being so blunt. The human life above ground was a life of stealth and shadows, always one step away from demon claws.
Yalin rolled over, sweating, a lot. She had a fever. Her skin was flushed and hot. Her breathing was shallow and she was groaning a little bit. She was sick. Very sick.
As soon as he heard that shade stopped moving and landed on a roof and sat down in his armor and keeping bell up in the air and said "no I have not chosen for humanity I'm just there test subject that has been infused with all the ancient demons known so I'm just there puppet doing there dirty work" he said as he set down bell softly on the roof.
|Bell Tarris|

Bell looked down at the roof tiles where she landed, avoiding eye contact. She felt guilt bubble up from within, for being so direct with someone, especially someone who had surprised her by remembering who she was. No one remembered her for long.

"Look," she paused pointing to a more direct location than they were heading. "I'm not saying you shouldn't do your thing, but if they find us there might be worse consequence than death. I tracked where they went when they left. Lets try to not be caught on the way there. They both are there, I think. The girl and the demon." Her hands reached deep within the pockets of her sweater, and she pulled out an old, beat up compass. On it spun at least ten spinners, pointing in different directions, two spinners stood still, but were seemingly being pulled upward in its metal casing. Bell tossed it to Tyler lightly.

"It tells you where the closest demons are. For the most part. One of the spinners are broken though. This way we can avoid them, or find them." She gave a half smile, which barely showed under the shadow of her hood. "Just don't break it."
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Shade looked at bell under the mask and said "thanks healer bell" and pick her up again with the hair like metallic cords with the blade on the end and pulls her close to where she's behind him and strats jumping from one roof to another occasionally skipping one looking for the demon and the girl.
|Bell Tarris|

Bell allowed herself to be carried off, although uncomfortable, she knew this was a reasonable way to keep up with the boy. She watched each building pass by in a blur and reminded herself of the first time she had wandered above ground to hunt a demon in her youth. She had heard stories, but nothing had prepared her for the creatures she had seen instead. Too young to understand she had fled, and said she would never look at one again. But when she became a scavenger, it became harder not to take from those who had everything, demons included.

"How do you..." She stopped herself from asking the question she didn't want the answer to. But curiosity still go the best of the drifter. "How do you remember me?"

((I have seen the names Jacob, Tyler and Shade now for the same character, I'm assuming. The one in the character sign up says Tyler, are these just the demon personalities by chance? I just want to make sure I'm using the right names...))

((Yeah most of the demon personalities change his name but his original name is Tyler))

Shade was hoping across the building looking at the demons they pass and eventually stopping on a building looking over the edge at all the demons and at the compass to spinning all around and says "we've lost them damn it and his armor comes down and bell drops and Tyler catches her in a princess carrying position and says "I remeber you because you were a caring and nice person" looking at her with light blue eyes.
Kel put her hand on Yalin's forehead. She could feel the heat difference between her hand and the child's head. Kel picked her head up and set it on her lap, laying her tails on Yalin for some warmth. Kel was worried, they were in the city were other demons could kind them. If Kel took her to her home... no Kel couldn't, not with the master so close. Kel gritted her teeth and furrowed her brow. "It's the only way." Kel picked the girl up and cast an illusion on her so she appeared to be a demon child instead of a human, though if anyone got up close they would be able to smell what she was.

Kel ran through the city towards a large hill that housed a shine and temple. If Kel got there the girl would be safe from most demons in the city. Kel reached the bottom of the stairs that lead to the shrine but she stopped when she heard her name called out.

"Lady Kel? Where have you been?" Kel turned to see a inugami male, that she identified as Shou, a servant of sorts to the master.

"Nowhere special. I was out drinking again." Kel wanted to make a snide comment when she saw Shou make a disdainful face. "I'll go to the master right after I get cleaned up and retrieve my weapons." Kel dashed up the stairs before Shou could comment. Kel finally made it to her residence and rushed inside. Laying the girl on a futon stread out on the floor.
Kyo stood on top of tall building overlooking the demon city below. Demons may have ruled the world for a while but humans are starting their comeback with this big move. Kyo using Chi made the sky become cloudy and dark. It was a classic sign of a thunderstorm rolling in. Kyo leapt off the buildingnhe was standing first to a neighboring building then he jumped from roof to roof until he was quite the way from the building. Then with a simple gesture of his hand a giant bolt of lightning all but vaporized the building. Several more giant lightning bolts struck key militaristic points in the city also the work of Kyo. He was certainly having fun with this as a giant grin creeped across his face as he saw confusion in the normal citizens.
|Bell Tarris|

Bell let herself down from Tyler's arms, refocusing her attention to where they were. It was not someplace she was over familiar with, and she began pacing the rooftops to better acclimate herself. As she walked, she stared down at her hands, where a small glow pulsated off her fingers. Her normal memory modification spells made it so easy for people to forget, for their protection. She wasn't sure what to say to kind words.

"What now? Do we return underground?" She watched Tyler, her eyebrow raised. She was curious as to why he had so easily given up on the child that had attacked him, she was sure he would have held onto a grudge like that. Her curiosity for the beads she had come across earlier still burned in her mind as well, and she still longed to learn more from that demon. The risk was too great to go chasing after them at this point though, they could be anywhere in the deeper Demon cities.
|Bell Tarris|

Without a response she decided to duck below the rooftops and find solace in the sturdy ground. She gestured for Tyler to follow but did not look over her shoulder to see if he did. Bell's hands ran across the well maintained walls of a nearby building, as she tried to recall where in the city their journey had taken them. A curse word escaped from her lips as she realized how deep they were, already near the real bustle of Demon City, where those of a little 'higher' class seemed to roam.
Dove slowly walks toward the town square, being she just recently arrived, and began looking for a possible alley to call home for awhile. She adjusts the shotgun on her back and she makes the slow walk. She looks around, and holds her hand over the wound in her neck, scared to draw attention to herself.

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