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Graded [The Republic - Gala'Kraoth] Return to Gala'Kraoth


Chaos Incarnate
Roleplay Type(s)
This RP is part of Isekai Hell, you can check this link here if you're interested in joining.
This RP is full/closed and up to me on if I let other people join, so ask first for permission. posting cycles will be at least 2-4 days but I'll be doing it when I can, or if everyone else has posted and is waiting on me.
This RP follows up sometime after [Journey to Gala'Kraoth], though isn't required to read or know about the first RP or have been part of it. The plot of this RP will involve joining on another trip to the island with given help and knowledge in order to set up a portal for easy back-and-forth travel for trusted people to make easier scouting and expedition trips, as well as to locate and explore a notable manmade ruin-like structure located deeper on the island that may include treasure, relics or ancient secrets about the location. There will, of course, be danger along the way so any support for that matter would also be greatly appreciated. If there's time afterwards, and desire to, there can be a beach episode too. Or maybe it'll be saved for another time.
Player Characters:

Ul Dyril ( Femboy Femboy )
Asteria Stockholm ( Shadow Survivor Shadow Survivor )
Winrey ( Lolory Lolory )
Teuihua ( TheTimePiece TheTimePiece )
Regula Caelia ( Elvario Elvario ) (Joining slightly later)
Izuru ( Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia )
Viole ( Megilagor Megilagor ) (Joining slightly later)
Levren of Clan Naefaerne ( Tobi Naefaerne Tobi Naefaerne ) (Joining slightly later)


Okiro City, the Capital of the Republic. It had been designated one of the meeting places, but not because they were sailing from there. There were set plans to take a ship from elsewhere, but said city was a much easier place for most to find and get to. Likely anyone who came from outside the Republic would have made use of the world's portal systems that were included within the capital cities, from here a carriage and transportation was awaiting to take those to what was intended to be the primary meeting location. The other however, was still disclosed to those taking the trip so that they could head directly there if they so wished.

Their intended location was a pier located on the north side of the Republic overlooking the ocean, where a ship was waiting and being prepared to make the trip. It was a stronger and sturdier vessel than the initial trips, for warnings of troublesome seas and life beneath the waves that have proven difficult to make the journey on other attempts. They should hopefully be better prepared this time to combat encounters, but hopefully adventurers found and recruited for the mission would prove great assistance for both the trip and the expedition.

Multiple recruitments and fliers were put around major cities and guilds to search for support, looking to help better boost their numbers with willing and capable adventurers who wished to assist in the trip. With the information they had, this trip was intended to go much more indepth on trying to explore the secrets of the island, though for now at the location of the piere were those waiting to see who arrived in order to give a rundown.

The pier was not the only thing present, for a tavern meeting-place was set up. It was small, made out of a dockhouse bought up and repurposed, but did what it needed to. Acting as a place of respite for those visiting the dock and a wonderful meeting place, those would be welcome to take a seat where they pleased in order to get a drink.
There were multiple people hanging around the tavern and talking amongst eachother, though in the building there was a reserved table with a distinct sign: "Gala'Kraoth Questers", two people were already sat and waiting to see if anyone else was to show up. Maps and plans were placed on the table having been looked over and ready for explanation, the two being present were a rather bored looking elf and a beastkin man. They were here early, talking between eachother awaiting new arrivals. It was likely that the majority if not everyone in the building was here to assist with the trip, since it was a big ship and all. Though clearly, they were both waiting on everyone to be present as well as to be ready to sail.

Meanwhile, the elf quietly toiled with notes of her own.
"I've heard of the elemental existences on this island and researched it much, hopefully a trip would prove useful for my own progress. If I can harness or learn to strengthen my own magic from such natural magic... " she muttered to herself, looking at things she had noted. The beastkin however sat calmly, looking to her as she murmured.

"Such wild magics are unstable and not trustable. You should at least wait until you get there to reconsider your thoughts of it when you experience it in person. Maybe someone else could give you better advice, but there aren't many who have gone, and I doubt many of them are here to return back there. Gala'Kraoth trips aren't very big, to those who have even looked at the ads probably just considered it as 'another overseas trip' of some sort... " he uttered, the elf hesitating as she looked over notes with his words in mind albeit not yet responding.​
Last edited:
Asteria Stockholm

Character Sheet

... The third time.

This made it the third time that Asteria walked past the entrance of the tavern, foolishly pretending to be just another ignorant/lost tourist (which wasn't a complete lie, if she were to be honest), while trying to get a sneak peek on the interior of the meeting place. While attentive eyes might have found her behavior to be somewhat suspicious, in truth, it was not born out of ill will. Rather, Stockholm was just shy... Her social skills weren't really polished, even after living through roughly thirty years in her original world and then being reborn and raised in this one as an adventurer. New environments, devoid of familiar faces, represented a tough challenge, and just a couple of minutes of small talk could feel like an eternity of awkwardness for an introvert like her. She had to prepare those introductory speeches, you know? Imagine how the potential interactions would play out a good dozen times, yeah. It was like shadow boxing, in a way...

"Huff..." A couple of minutes later, the mage had completed yet another lap around the tavern and, having gathered enough courage, crossed the boundary that separated the outside from the inside, venturing into the wolf's den. Funny how she thought she was ready to tackle a dungeon, structures that could prove to be much scarier than what they appear to be on paper, yet something as trivial as approaching a designated table provoked so much anxiousness in her. But it was alright! All she had to do was break the ice... Once the first hurdle was overcome, the rest should be a lot easier. An elf and a beastkin, though... One false step, one word out of place, and cultural crossing could turn into cultural tragedy...

"Umm, e-excuse me. S-sorry to interrupt." She blurted, feeling slightly safer under the shadow of her hoodie. Hopefully, it served its purpose in hiding the rising heat on her cheeks. "I am here for the expedition as well. Is it okay if I sit here alongside you...?" Sharing a table with other races felt like a surreal experience for an otherworlder, one hard to get used to. "I am Asteria. Umm, it's nice to meet you." She gave them her new name. She also had her staff with her, so it was a safe guess to say that she was also a mage. Now, she could say something like [Let's train magic together!] to her fellow miracle wielder, but she did not want to come of as presumptuous. Elven Sorcery was supposed to be on a completely different level, so she had to tackle things from a different angle. "I am, umm, a dungeon delver." Not certified, but she had just enough experience to be consodered an asset to the team. She glanced at the maps available, partly curious, partly afraid to look at the others straight in the eyes. "There is something of the sort over there, c-correct?"
Designer (10).pngWINREY | Beastkin-Rabbit | Enigma
Winrey did not like that his small church in Ryke was gung ho about traveling from place to place now that he'd had his own share of adventures without the congregation. But now, he found himself in The Republic of all places for the first time in his life, ready to help a city with their own restoration project. Winrey, who had been given a map hastily near the end of their trip here by his father, looked down at it now in confusion. Now there's supposed to be a tavern here somewhere....He looked around, and began to trek through the bustling port town. He felt a bit at home as it reminded him of the docks in Ryke, but the twists and turns were still unfamiliar to him.

Oh a flyer. Perhaps this will tell me where to go next in this maze of a town...He took it down, and was finally redirected to the small tavern which was the meeting place advertised. While everyone else in his church's congregation did charity work on land, Winrey was tasked with taking up the heaviest job the expedition called for: Traveling across the sea to a remote island to help build a portal, and possible exploration of the island for a ruins. "Winrey you should go along on that trip, you're the only one of us who has any real adventuring experience!" His mother had said with a smile, though really he was starting to think his parents just didn't feel like coming along.

It did seem like a pain, and unlike his usual ventures there didn't seem to be anything to gain from going along. He didn't like to disappoint his family though, so he'd headed for the tavern anyways just to help. Winrey pushed open the doors to the tavern, his eyes roving over the room to find where his new party would be. He spotted the sign above the table, and some hearty adventurer's who seemed to be overlooking something on the table. That must be them. Oh well, the quicker I get this done, the sooner I can return to my studies...Once he reached the table, he nodded and waved shortly in greeting. "Hello, it's nice to meet you all. I'm Winrey, my church heard about your need for extra hands...so here I am. I'm here to help." He noticed the three people who he'd be traveling with. They certainly seemed like your average adventuring trio. Once he'd sat down, he'd gotten a better look at the strange maps. "I'll leave any cartography to you three. Maps are not my expertise." And I don't want to have to do more work than is necessary...let them handle it all.


Languages: “Common” “+Mict+” “%Analog%” "+Mictlantecuhtlian+"​
Mentions: Lolory Lolory Shadow Survivor Shadow Survivor Femboy Femboy

Once again the [Large] construct found himself in the Republic, careful not to cause too much trouble knowing full well that his presence wasn't exactly the most welcome on account of him being a construct, but thankfully he had been here before when he had made his way to Galakraoth on the initial journey. While he was aware that Gunhild would not be joining him this time, he was aware that there was someone who was close to Gunhild who would be there along for this operation. This wouldn't be the first Time Teuihua had set out to help people, so he felt that it would be a good task to help complete since he had already been to the island once, beyond helping those who Gunhild was close too.

Teuihua would likely need to squeeze himself into the tavern, careful not to break anything, unsure about how much clearance he had as he scrunched himself down. His more than likely insider knowledge allowing him to find where he was supposed to meet up with everyone fairly easily. Thankfully everything was labelled quite neatly which let him find the meeting area easy enough as he lumbered over. He would see the elf and the beast adventurer, as well as Winrey and Asteria at this point more than likely, when he got a respectful distance away, he would give a bit of a smaller wave with his more dexterous hand and spoke up with a fairly warm tone in common.

"Greetings, I am Teuihua, I am here to provide assistance with the quest at hand. I have also visited the Island of Gala'Kraoth before so I have some prior experience there. I believe you will find that I am effective at combat, security, and lifting and moving heavy objects. It is nice to meet all of you, and I look forward to contributing to the best of my ability in our operations here today." The Guardian Golem put it as well as he felt he could. He then went onto standby as perusual using his [360 degree vision] feature to watch out for any potential threats even in this more relaxed area, as it was his nature to be vigilant, as far as he was concerned he was practically already on the clock, so protecting those who were coming was a top priority.
Mentions: Femboy Femboy Shadow Survivor Shadow Survivor Lolory Lolory TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

The adulations of the fans before him was simply far too much for Izuru to handle all at once. A bard of his skill could only hope that he would be able to continue meeting the expectations of such heartfelt gazes. Although a meager pier and surrounded by salty fishermen. The dragonkin had appealed to their simple natures with his poetry. Poetry that was so good for what he was currently capable of that he wouldn't need to elaborate if someone asked him outright what he had even said to get the fishermen so riled up. Alas, he was not here for poetry. Truthfully Izuru was here for the expedition to Gala'Kraoth. Armed with the research notes on eldritch abominations that he had snatched from a certain merchants hellish inheritance. Izuru was hoping to find a way to improve upon what he perceived to be flawed magical research with the treasures inside the ruins on the island. Sneaking these notes out wasn't easy given people were paying far too much attention at the end of that last adventure. He'd had to do some work trying to repair or replace what he could but Izuru was certain he had gotten close enough.

Entering the establishment the recruiters were located in, an unassuming tavern. Izuru ordered a drink using the few coins he just earned outside. Tapping the goat head of his cane against his thigh a few times. He watched others approach the recruiters. First was a funny hooded girl who looked like she might piss herself from sheer awkwardness, next was a guy who could easily swing for the other team should his bun bun ears decide to and finally a large construct which Izuru couldn't place the origin of. The current batch of recruits for this dungeon delve seemed pretty interesting so far. Swaggering on over while twirling his cane, Izuru slid over a signed application. "Izuru, I'm here for the expedition. My specialty is arcane research and the odd bit of hobnobbing" said the dragonkin, not a single lie in his words. Once again he had no reason to inform them he was also a poet since it didn't serve any practical purpose to this expedition.
Shadow Survivor Shadow Survivor Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Lolory Lolory

As Asteria had arrived first, the two held silent in their own conversations amidst eachother as they turned their full attention to the hooded one. They had been waiting with just the two of them for a while now that they were pretty glad that someone else had finally shown up. Although, they both withheld any expressions of joy as they gave Asteria an identical moody mood of a stare as she spoke. After her introduction, the two already at the table gave a quick, silent glance to eachother before the elven girl spoke.

"Yeah, you can sit here it's no problem. I'm Ul, this is Chorus" Ul had introduced, gesturing to Chorus as he gave a small little wave.
"Hey," he briefly added, letting the elf continue her speaking, for the moment he didn't appear overly interested or talkative to others for the time being.
"That dungeon delving thing sounds about right. While we don't exactly have, all the answers, since people who are gonna be telling us some of these things aren't even here yet, what we do know are there are some sort of closed up ruins and such over there that... well, as far as info goes, haven't been opened or looted or anything. So there could be ancient treasure or artifacts or anything of the sort. Maybe even just spiders, a lot of spiders" Ul considered, randomly adding in an unnecessary amount of the considered possibility of there being just spiders. Although, it was just a random touch, she didn't entirely know what was gonna be over on the island entirely.

"But- oh, hm.. " Ul was about to continue, before noticing that they were likely going to start getting their arrivals showing up as the next one made their appearance. The elf suspiciously eyed Winrey, the last time they got on a boat with some positive and kind person that looked like they could be debatably guessed as either a boy or girl... well, she ended up in haunted and shark-infested waters where their ship crashed and sunk due to a pink-haired supremacist psychopath. Hopefully this one won't turn out as atrocious, at least the last one ended in a friendship... and awkwardly having to suddenly perform in a concert with no experience whatsoever.

"It's no problem, things have already been planned out before we got here, we were just using spare time to look things over" Chorus answered to Winrey since Ul was clearly thinking over past things wondering what happened or that she had done to deserve such a bizarre adventure so far.
"Things'll probably be explained when the rest of us show us, so it's no rush. I'm sure that we'll likely all have to reintroduce again when everyone is here. But for now, at least it looks like we're not the only ones at this table and we got more people coming along anyhow" Chorus added on as Ul cleared her mind, turning her attention back to the thing at hand. The next one to join them would be Teuihua, who was surely a surprsing sight among the visitors. Ul wiped her eyes a little to check that it wasn't some really big man in a full set of armour, but no. Construct, and a big one at that.

Teuihua's introduction was a rather surprising one, especially since he had apparently travelled to the island of Gala'Kraoth prior. At least they had one person at the table now who had experience of their destination. Ul smiled and turned her focus to him.
"Ah, hey there big guy. Seeing as you're here, you wouldn't mind enlightening a little on your experience of the island? Not that we'd not get explanation from someone else, but we-" she said, referencing her and Chorus, "have been waiting around a fair while for the full answers. Though, it's great to have such security detail on board" she added, wondering whom else could've went on the initial trip if Teuihua was one of those sent. Was it some elite team of sorts, or was this really just the lucky gatherings that were obtained from applying such jobs for public notice?

Then, what appeared to be the last person for the current moment had joined them. Looking him over, Ul wondered if Izuru was someone of some nobility or regal status, or at least trying to be. Whilst she wasn't sure if he looked like the adventuring type to be on such an expedition, neither really was she and she was also here for magical research so it wasn't like she had much reason to point anything out.
"Glad to have you, hopefully this means we'll have enough hands on deck for both security detail and investigation so this party should be great. Though, not sure how capable and put together the original party you were in was" Chorus mentioned, gesturing to Teuihua since he had been with an original group who went. As he thought for a moment, he continued.
"Well it's good to have all you here, I was honestly beginning to believe that not many if any at all would show up. Other trips haven't been as so successful, except the one Teuihua here had been part of, and as I've heard the condition of the island ecosystem and its surrounding waters may have worsened since last attempts... which is why I've been requested to help make the trip and time there a little more smoothly. Though, most of our time there will likely be guided and managed by some person who's spent a while there themselves. We just have to wait for them to get back from their 'vacation' of sorts out of country all the way over in Ryke for whatever reason. A bit odd that they wouldn't be closer... " Chorus considered as he openly spoke, Ul looking to him as he finished.

"I guess some people just need to get away from things. Work's a hassle" Ul lightly added. Whilst said conversations and introductions were going on, a woman hurried through the door rather panicked. Flicking her gaze around and noticing where she was supposed to be by the very noticeable giant construct that accompanied the table of gathered adventurers, she panted and tried to catch her breath as she slowly made her way over.

"Sorry, I... was distracted by something... was late... distances... are long... " she said, gently putting a hand against Teuihua as she leaned over and tried to catch her breath. She had to keep herself from being sick, whatever she just rushed through she had not been prepared at all to do so.
The kitsune woman finished gathering her breath, eyeing over the others that were here that she hadn't met before. Trying to recompose herself and stand straight, she tried her best to keep a serious composition but was clearly faltering at times.
"Right, o-okay, right, sorry I don't usually have to do this or stuff- ahem- right," she started, trying to restart her introduction since she felt like she already messed it up.
"Okay, nice to meet you all, glad to see a lot of new faces, it's nice to meet nice new people. Um, I'm Miyuki, we haven't met, though I've met Teuihua here, he's a good friend and I'm glad he can be here to help us out. Wish a little Gunhild was here but she's busy off... somewhere, doing things she does, but anyway, right, I can talk stuff about Gala'Kraoth since I was there a long while. Was there so long I got a tan actually, bright and gorgeous place but it's not very welcoming sometimes. Very scary actually sometimes, but right, anyway, before I talk a whole lot and annoy you all since I wasn't here before, can I ask about some names, maybe where you come from? If you have any, I'd be fine to answer any questions you may have, we got a little moment before we set off after all. I-it's okay to ask or anything, I'm sure I'd be more nervous about asking questions more than anyone else, it'll be probably best to answer them now while we're waiting" she spoke with a smile, trying not to get too caught up on her words although public speaking and 'leadership' in a sense was not at all her strong-suit.​
Designer (10).png
WINREY | Beastkin-Rabbit | Enigmatic
Once the party had finally arrived, Winrey was relieved to see that everyone looked as if they were able to hold their own in a fight. That meant if things got really bad he could always just leave it to them. His last adventure, he'd ended up acquiring an embarrassing title because he kept leaving everyone to fend for themselves, but honestly fighting seemed like too much work. I stick with the giant Construct, that way I can always hide behind him in the heat of the moment.

The organizers of the party introduced themselves, and it was the first time Winrey had ever actually seen such a diverse group of races together. Since they were all here now, he supposed explaining where he'd come from in depth would be helpful. "Hello, I'm Winrey. I'm from a small church of Meldaron in Ryke, we recently heard about some of the community building issues happening here in The Republic. I know that's a long way off, but my father insisted and decided it'd be the right thing to try and help out." He said. "The rest of the congregation is out doing small bits of charity work, but I am the only member who's contracted with the Adventurer's Guild...so I have the most experience. I'm an Alchemist by trade, and I specialize in healing potions. If you get hurt, don't hesitate to rely on me." he just hoped that they wouldn't rely on him too much. He had no real knowledge about the island they were going off to. This was his first time ever leaving Ryke and he'd only done one task for the guild so far. Fighting was totally out of the question, but it depended really on what they were going up against. He supposed he could always make a potion and stand in the sidelines to hhelp out. He had the Novice's Guide to Alchemy on him when he needed, and he'd made sure to refill his holy water vials just in case before he left to find this place. I should be fine...it will NOT be like that awful Ratventure where I fell into a hole...everything will be fine. He silently prayed to Meldaron for hope.


"Thank you." Fortunately, the duo proved to be flexible enough to let Asteria stick around instead of sending her the way she came. To her, it mattered little whether this was out of professional courtesy, pity or kindness, as it had at least spared her from a shameful retreat. Perhaps because her expectations had been low from the very beginning, the woman deemed their moody expressions normal. "Oh, spiders would actually be good news." Stockholm's reply to Ul's theories came shortly after finding a proper place to sit. "So long as they aren't larger than this-" Drawing an apologetic smile, she placed one hand in front of her and lifted it from the table, separating it just enough to match shoulder level. "It probably means we're in a beginner-level dungeon." Asteria had seen her fair bit of spiders, especially during this second life, and, alongside rats, had lost her fear for their kin. Granted, she still had to bump into super-sized ones. Hopefully, she would never have to. "A-haha..." She laughed awkwardly, not sure if that information was a hundred percent accurately outside Ryke, let alone welcome. "Ahem!" She cleared her throat. "As long as I get to map a fair bit of its layout, I don't mind if I come back empty-handed." For a Labyrinth Clearing enthusiast, loot was welcome, but not necessary!

It didn't take long for other individuals to arrive, and... Oh boy, was she the only human around? Figures. "Oooh..." Her attention was particularly drawn towards the large construct that seemed to be, well, alive. This was because she had not seen anything of the sort since her rebirth, although she had a vague understanding of what a Golem was. Besides introducing herself briefly to others as they joined the group, Stockholm felt silent and let others speak their part, especially those that appeared to be more knowledgeable. At no point did she realize that the emissary of the church, a bunny beastkin, was actually a he.

Since, Ul and Chorus had already confirmed that they were not the organizers, but hired man labor just like the rest, the mastermind would have to be someone yet to arrive. Then, as if called by fate itself, a panting fox-woman quickly approached them. Miyuki, as she called herself, was unlike other beastkins she had crossed paths so far. To be precise, she was... Extremely casual...? Asteria had grown so accustomed to being polite that she immediately began to have trouble keeping up with the Kitsune's divergent speech tactics. Nevertheless, it made it easier to relax around her, so the mage could finally breathe out more often.

Right. Introductions were in place, but this time it was for real. Like a party on a sinking ship with too much weight, one was expected to share the exact reason why they weren't expendable, or else they'd be left to fend for themselves. Winrey snatched the initiative and revealed her position as both an alchemist and a healer, a must-fill position for exploration, especially on uncharted lands. Soon, all eyes were drawn to Asteria, she was next.

"U-Uh!" Gathering courage... Gathering courage... She still had hoodie on, by the way. "I am Asteria!" She said, coming out a little louder than usual. Social gatherings, where the spotlight fell upon her, were far from comfortable... But she was fighting on! "I am an Apprentice Mage attuned to the element of wind, and a Dungeon Delver. I'll do my best to assist in navigating enclosed areas and keeping threats away from the group...!" A big responsibility. "U-Ummm, Don't hesitate to talk to me if you need anything..."

Questions? Well, she had already confirmed the existence of ruins within the island.

For now, her curiosity was sated.

Languages: “Common” “+Mict+” “%Analog%”
Mentions: Femboy Femboy Lolory Lolory Shadow Survivor Shadow Survivor Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia

Upon Izuru showing up Teuihua would give a bit of a wave. A beast who was certainly different, Teuihua hadn't seen many ones who had dragon like qualities before. "It is nice to meet you Izuru. I am Teuihua, my application is very suited for security. I pleased to hear that, Your knowledge of the arcane will definitely come into use given the environment we will be transversing I believe, based on what I last saw."

“Of course, that is not a problem UI. When I headed toward the Island it was quite foggy at one point on our last voyage, we landed on the seashore, and ran into some large but docile reptilian creatures on the coastline, some of whom had crystal-like formations. I can only assume that while the ones we encountered were relatively friendly and passive , there are likely more like the others who we encountered who are friendly and may be more dangerous to encounter. One particular being which we encountered which was hostile was a monster which had the top half of a reptilian and the bottom half of a spider which we had to dispatch due to it’s aggression. In addition there were pack like reptiles which acted aggressively toward us and fled when this monster appeared. There was a good deal of forest vegetation on the island, and while it was settled it is not thickly settled last I visited, there being sprawls of nature between one settlement to another to my understanding. There were also ruins.”

“I will say that precaution should be exercised. While there did certainly seem to be potential for profit, not all native populations may necessarily take kindly to our presence particularly if they are unaware why we are there this time, nor is all of nature guaranteed to be safe or areas of intrigue such as the ruins.”

Teuihua then nodded when Chorus brought up his last party. “The last party certainly had multiple combat capable individuals which was beneficial for our safety.”

Teuihua was pleased to see Miyuki arrive, not surprised when she put her hand on him because he could likely see her incoming with his 360 degree vision. He would give her a bit of a wave with his more dexterous arm. “Welcome Miyuki, pleased to see you with us, I am certain with you with us, we will be successful.”

It was good to see her ask that question, as Teuihua would have wanted to know the same, to know what he was working with and what sorts of skill sets they would have at their disposal. An Alchemist could be helpful in a pinch.

He’d nod “Greetings Winrey, I look forward to working with you. Your ability to heal may be invaluable should we run into trouble.” Thankfully for Winrey whether Teuihua knew or not, he would have no qualms with him hiding behind him. Teuihua was more than used to protecting people, it being one of his primary objectives.

He then listened to Asteria. “It’s good to have a magic user with us. It certainly has quite a bit of versatility in application for adventures, not to mention the very reason I came to life.” He’d chuckle a bit toward the latter part.

“Nevertheless, I look forward to working with you too. I will do my best to keep you safe as I will with the others.” Teuihua seemed pretty unfazed by the size of spiders all things considered, Perhaps that was in part due to his [fear resilience]. Even so he was considerably larger than that, and probably would be able to crush them well enough if they dared attack the party.
Mentions: Femboy Femboy Lolory Lolory Shadow Survivor Shadow Survivor TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

Apparently it was time for introductions, much like one would give in a job interview or elementary school class. Not that Izuru had ever gone to either of those. He was too freelance for a steady job and his home had never afforded many opportunities for regular schooling. Bun-Bun was named Winrey and seemingly he was agent of the Church. Now Izuru trusted the church as far as he could throw them so he knew Winrey needed an extra set of eyes on his fluffy tail. Not just because it was attached to a nice looking rear end. He'd never expressed outright attraction to a man before but Winrey was making him reconsider what he was feeling. Next was the hooded girl, Asteria. Her nervousness and awkward body language suggested a lack of experience. A dungeon delver sounded like a strange job but he was an unemployed poet so who was he to say? Lastly their little groups muscle came in the form of Tehuihua, a hulking construct of a make he'd never seen before. All of this had been at the prompting of a beautiful foxkin named Miyuki. Normally Izuru would be all over that but something was telling him otherwise, plus Winrey was objectively cuter.

"You wish to know my name, Ms Miyuki? Curiosity set your eyes alight?" asked Izuru while passing his cane from one hand to another. "I can't say I blame you, a man like myself does need some proper introduction. Although I may not meet your expectations in this moment, I do ask for a bit of faith" remarked the mage before standing atop a nearby crate. "I am the nomad who wanders from Ryke to the Empire. The maker of mayors and serpent who dispenses doubt. A mage who took on the abominations that haunt the upper crust and came out on top. My home is the mountain in central Ryke synonymous with Death. Cast your misgivings aside for you are met with Izuru Izuru Izuru Izuru Izuru Izuru..... which is me" stated the dragonkin in a very grandiose way. One may think he did this out of some inflated self confidence. Instead Izuru did this because it seemed hilarious.
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Shadow Survivor Shadow Survivor Lolory Lolory Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia

Miyuki smiled and waited for the first to introduce themselves, which would be Winrey. Hearing him out, it was surprising to hear that a small church in Ryke were trying to outreach their assistance in the world so far. It made her realise that a lot of the people who came to aid with their presence were all likely not at all local in the slightest, wondering if it was really that interesting of an offered job or if people had nothing else to do in their area. Either way, she put such thoughts out of her head for the moment.
"Ryke? Maybe you can tell me about it a little, I have to visit Ryke every now and again, maybe I've passed or been somewhere close to this church, I'm sure it'd be nice to visit if you do such assistance around. It's good to have you here M- M- M- uuhuuh, Winrey... " she spoke with a smile, although very visibly faltering and falling off during her explanation. She was leaning in ready to call him a 'Mister', but from his visual appearance she didn't know if she was already going to fall into trouble from being disliked from assuming one's gender.

"Alchemy and potions and such seem very useful though, I'm not really sure what you use in them to make them, so I don't know if stuff on the island would be something interested for you to investigate to see if you could... I dunno, m-make better... potions or, new ones or something I guess I d-don't... " she spoke as she trailed off, not really sure what to say as she struggled to make awkward small-talk.

Turning her focus to Asteria next, she was glad to hear that they had a combat-capable mage that was also experienced with dungeon delving. Having people who were used to such experiences was always good.
"Ah, hello Miss Asteria-" she began, at least this one wasn't as confusing as Winrey where she felt there might have been social pitfalls that were needed to be avoided, "it's good to have you with us, I wasn't expecting to have a user of wind magic around but I'm sure it may prove very useful. Considering we don't have all the details of the place we'll be exploring, b-by that I mean the places we haven't explored yet, people who are good at that sort of thing are well needed, so it's good you're here to help with that too" Miyuki answered in kind, Ul giving a silent glance to Asteria when she mentioned about her magic. The elf held silent on her word for the moment, but the use of wind magic was something that did intrigue her a little, there was a lot one could do with such an element type in the right circumstances or how it was creatively thought of. Ul let Miyuki continue on with talking for the moment, but considered that trying to hold a conversation with Asteria about magic later could be interesting to hear about.

Though, when it came time for Izuru to introduce himself, something about how he merely started was rather... odd.
"Uh, well I thought m-maybe it was just a nice little thing-" Miyuki softly muttered under her breath, wondering if she overstepped some sort of boundary before the dragonkin continued on with the entirety of his introduction. Not at all really sure what to make of his exaggerated introduction, the kitsune felt a little awkward about some of the attention he may have been drawing to them by his apparent necessity to stand on a box too. Humming her quiet 'umms' under her breath as she twiddled her thumbs, she was a little awkwardly silent even after he had finished too distracted.
"U-uh, oh, yes, that's... very good, thank you for being here Izuru. I'm sure another mage of your capabilities will help out a lot, since you seem.... experienced... " she said, hesitating a little and gently tapping Teuihua.
"I-is he... a politician or something, o-or?... " she asked quietly to the construct, she hadn't a lot of experience with the politics of this world but maybe Izuru was what it was like. A bit exaggerated and silly, maybe overly prideful. That's how they usually were in any reality, what it felt like at least.

Though, she calmed and smiled at Teuihua, She at least knew this one.
"Right, Teuihua, I've already gotten the time to get to know you, since Gunhild can't be here I'm at least pleased that you were able to make it. I would've thought that you'd maybe have some things at the Barony important to help with, but if you're free to assist with this then I'm glad you can be so" Miyuki said with a smile, looking to the two that were here before but hadn't introduced themselves yet.

Ul was busy taking notes on what Teuihua said before, biting her bottom lip as she got things noted down.
"Right, right, thank you... " she mumbled, realising that she should probably introduce herself by now. Clearing her throat, she pushed up her hat a little with her finger.
"Greetings, I am Ul Dyril, Princess and future Queen of Nyrael, I am here to research the elemental and magical existences on the island as well as any other ancient or major things of note. I will also be assisting a little in combat where I can be" she said with a small nod of her head in bow.

Chorus followed up soon after.
"I guess I should do so too, of course. I'm Chorus, I don't usually work with other people but I've been looking to get around or try and find some major breakthrough of my own success. I'm used to fighting monsters and creatures, so I'll be helping out with defending everyone. I have some magic, but most of my skills are with weapons, of which my own are stored in a pocket dimension of mine so I can access them when I have need of them. I hope that with our combined efforts, we can stay safe from harm and make some effective discoveries" Chorus said, smiling for only a brief moment before returning back to his straight, stoic expression.

"Oh, I guess that's everyone-" Miyuki realised, having just silently expected that someone else was going to continue. Wiping her eye and recomposing a little, she took back over speaking.
"Well it's nice to have everyone here, I'm glad we could get a bunch of nice people to come along, I'm hopefully sure we can all get along and work together, since we're all going together on this trip and working together as a party. Now, I should probably talk about the island a little... " Miyuki continued.

"So, the island of Gala'Kraoth is a pretty big place, I used to be somewhere completely way else but then after a little incident, I was teleported there one day with my daughter and another. Though, they're fine and not here, they're in Ryke. For now, as you'll possibly remember or know, we'll be going back to the island in order to explore a specific set of ruins, a-and maybe hopefully to set up a portal for easy transportation there and back. There's quite a lot of weird wildlife over there that works in odd ways, of which will take some time to understand what's with the secrets of the island, but that's what we're slowly working towards. For now, we need to focus on making the potentially majorly dangerous trip overseas and making safe and secure landfall!" Miyuki said as she explained the beginning part.

"Now, the ruins over there are really weird, a lot of the time I've found it weird to even get the doors open, but there's usually some weird trick. And with all of us, I'm sure we're smart enough to figure it out no problem. What we really need to find is some sort of signs or maps, or... something, that'll help us map the secrets of the island much more easily. I do have confirmation that there are inhabitants of the island, although I don't entirely trust that they are friendly individuals... " she continued on, tapping her cheek in thought and nervously curling her tails around her legs. She hadn't been there in a while, so she wasn't sure how much could change in such a little time. Then again, things there were already weirdly unnatural, so even she felt she was likely to see something she didn't recognise.

"But, if there's any last questions, or you guys need a moment to, eat or drink or, get to know eachother better or something. N-Now's a pretty good time to do sooo... I think the boat that we're taking is almost done, so I think everyone should do whatever last they need to do and start thinking about coming and heading out to the boat so we can get everyone up and accounted for. I-It's okay, it's no rush, we're not gonna leave anyone or stuff, but... you know... riiight, a-at your own pace and stuff.... i-is this, doing good, T-Teuihua, sir? H-How does Lady Caelia do this?" she nervously continued, her face turning a little red as she struggled. Leadership and leading was weird. People were confusing and had in-depth personalities and feelings, it was feeling pressuring to be in a position of guiding.

"I suppose with Teuihua and Chorus, we have good defense, and with Asteria, Izuru and Ul we will have friends to help back them up. I'm sure me and Winrey can help take care of peoples' injuries if the worst was to happen, although I do know a little bit of magical stuff, and because my carers and sis.... s-sister... got me to learn some self-defense... right... " she spoke as she got a little distracted thinking about something else she hadn't thought about, though trying to put it off for the moment. Thinking about said things killed her smile a little, but it wasn't important for the time being.​
Designer (10).png
WINREY | Beastkin-Rabbit | Egnimatic | Conversation
As the introductions rolled through, Winrey was relieved to find that he was in a party of mostly reliable adventurer's. Though he did think Izuru's introduction was too reminiscent of his friend Kuro. He was sure the both of them would get along well, or they'd talk his poor ears off about nonsense. Once the party leaders had introduced themselves, Winrey was surprised to find that he was in the presence of royalty. A Princess, no less. He'd never met one before, and they definitely didn't have any back in his old world, Blackwell.

"If you're interested about learning how to make potions, I have a book that goes into detail." Winrey told Miyuki. "I'm studying regenerative potions recently...and I'm thinking of using this trip to stock up on certain ingredients. From the sounds of it, I'll have all I'll need." The spiders certainly sounded promising at least. He had a rusty knife on him that'd break with the tiniest bit of force, so he would probably have to rely on someone else to help him collect samples from the spiders. The construct seemed too large and hardy to handle collecting spider parts without total damage. He looked around, the others seemed too focused on the task ahead of them. He'd need someone who'd help him out without using too much effort to convince them.

He spotted Izuru again and an idea formed. He seems useful. "I'll need some help when it comes to collecting the ingredients. They're unusual, and involve the monsters we'll meet. I'd like it if you helped out when that time comes." Winrey said to Izuru. "As long as someone kills the spider in a way thats...not entirely messy, I can retrieve what I need from it." Spider eyes would make for a good poison potion...I'll definitely have to get some of their eyes.


Languages: “Common” “+Mict+” “%Analog%”
Tags: Lolory Lolory Femboy Femboy Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia Shadow Survivor Shadow Survivor

Teuiuha felt the tapping and would respond softly to Miyuki. "I believe he is simply being accurate in the way he is expressing himself, though you are correct that the political types I know tend to be confident. Nevertheless I am certain his skillset will be useful for this operation."

"I will say MIyuki I assist at the Barony of my own free will and assist where I can because I can. Thankfully I am not incapable of going elsewhere when it suits my fancy. I have not formally been assigned a position where I would need to stay there, and while I do think about it, I know that there are other capable hands there to ensure it's security. Before I served at the Barony as soon as I woke up I was assisting other people after all, this is not too much unlike that work. Even so I understand why you might think that, there is quite a bit I've been up too there. with all of that said however, I am glad that I can be here of service to you and the others."

"I see, I was unaware I was in the presence of royalty. I look forward to working with you and will do my utmost to ensure your safety."
Teuihua gave a bit of a bow where he could given the space. He had not heard of the place she spoke of, which made things all the more interesting for the construct.

"As for you Chorus I look forward to working with you and extend the same effort of protection which I can provide. I hope that you will find working with others a most beneficial experience even if it is not usually what you do. I've found that working with others has yielded some rather nice results personally, as someone who has been tasked to defend locations alone on many occasions before and has worked with others many times as well."

Teuihua listened to what Miyuki had to say, and nodded every now and again as he was still on alert, something which generally speaking he had a hard time not being on.

Teuihua used a softer, voice one again, "Miyuki, you are doing just fine articulating what you are saying which is an important part in this role which you are doing well."He responded in an encouraging warm tone.

"You have nothing to worry about, just keep doing what you've been doing, I understand social interactions for organics..can sometimes be complicated, but I can assure you as long as you keep doing what you are doing it'll be fine."

With Teuihua's relatively high perception and insight at C grade he could probably tell something was wrong with how Miyuki was feeling when she shifted in her thinking and it showed on her face, but for now he did not press the matter, It did not feel like the right time.

"With all of that said, I do believe we have a complete team, and I can testify from experience what Miyuki said about the island is accurate. I will be ready to depart when everyone else is, as I have all my belongings and my needs for sustenance are not..the same as others."

For now Teuihua would wait until he was addressed or was needed, standing on guard.

"H-Hehe..." Asteria chuckled nervously (but happy) at all the praise. "I will try to meet your expectations!"

Four introductions came after Astería's. First came Teuihua. Unlike the rest, the machine had much more to share than a simple introduction. As someone, or something, who had visited the island prior to this meeting, it wasn't shy to demonstrate that it was the one best informed on their destination and the trials the group could face during the trip. Why, any late arrival could easily confuse the automaton for the real mastermind behind this operation, given the fox girl's struggle with social interactions of this kind. Difficulties which Stockholm understood perfectly, after all, she would behave similarly if she were on her boots. Hell, she wasn't any close to being a leadership figure, and she was already fumbling! Unlike the robot, she did not have words of advice for the beaskin or, to be more precise, she did not possess the confidence to utter them in front of everyone else...

Next came a second Mage, this one with some features that resembled a dragon. His name was Izuru and he was... Flamboyant. Sadly, the very style he had chosen at his own made it hard to pinpoint his exact strengths and weaknesses. Then again, a sorcerer would often want to keep those to himself, even amongst allies. Still, some precision amongst the vagueness would have been greatly appreciated.

Third was Ul, the elf Asteria had already spoken to. It was common knowledge in this world and in the world where she had used to live that elf were proficient in magic in their own special way, so the revelation that the girl clad in green was a wielder of such power came as no surprise. What did strike as outstanding was her other revelation: She was a heir to the throne! God knows where that place, Nyrael, was, but damn... Asteria had never thought elves would let a princess leave the nest.

Finally, Chronos confirmed his position as a combat vanguard. A lone wolf type who is willing to carry the responsibility of shielding everyone over his shoulders, huh? Somehow, his appearance alone said that much. Teuihua and him should be able to do a fine job keeping the party safe. And with Wind Magic, Asteria could already think of a couple of ways she could support them, should her assistance be needed.

"Ummm..." When everything was said and done, Stockholm raised her voice once more. Although she wasn't sure what to say, to be honest: She was a social awkward! "L-Leave the mapping troubles to me. I think I m-might have a spell that could help us with that." Naturally, the answer was to focus on work! "It will be better than walking in blind, at least." Somehow, that wasn't very reassuring. She had to work on her choice of words. "I will not be able to assist in combat as long as it is active, t-though."
Mentions: Femboy Femboy Lolory Lolory TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Shadow Survivor Shadow Survivor

No doubt his introduction had gone in a direction he'd somewhat expected. He could see genuine confusion on the faces of Miyuki and Asteria while there was mild amusement from Winrey as well as something he guessed was amusement from Tehuihua. Izuru wasn't the best at understanding what constructs were feeling if their faces had been carved or sculpted a certain way. As such he decided that guessing how the big guy was feeling was the more fun way of handling things. Winrey came over to address him on the matter of helping him gather alchemical ingredients. Now Izuru wasn't really an alchemist since he was barely an elementalist; assisting in gathering bits from dead things sounded dangerous. However the notebook tucked away in Izuru's coat demanded that he make certain exceptions if he wanted to be successful in his research on eldritch abominations. Getting some experience alongside an alchemist like Winrey would no doubt help him in the long run. "I needed the target practice anyway" was what the dragonkin responded with once he gathered his thoughts, agreeing to the proposal. Since they had a bit of time before the ship came to collect them. Izuru thought it would be best to make some quick cash. Sitting down at the bar and ordering a drink. He slid around in his stool and addressed the bar patrons, some of whom were sailors from his performance outside.

The salty sparrow perches at dusk
Its saltier sailors all tired husks
Their minds awash with rest and mead
A tavern afore has what they need
The clap of tankards, the belly of laughs
A reading of maps which an x doth mark
Yet the quiet shall settle until the morn
The salty sparrow take flight at dawn

.Le Poem = Performance (Poetry) F + Persuasion F
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia Shadow Survivor Shadow Survivor Lolory Lolory

"Oh, a book about potionbrewing? Well, yes I'm interested, but maybe that's a thing for another time. To be honest, all this alone is quite a lot even for me. I'm still trying to get used to it... " Miyuki answered with a soft smile to Winrey's offer, thinking for a moment if said trip was really the easiest way for them to seek out potion materials. Then again, maybe they were exotic and rare. A rather unlooted island would seem like a great place to go for it probably wouldn't have been foraged for the materials someone would need. That, and things from creatures should be plentifully easy if they were able to find said creatures in question.

Having looked to Asteria for a moment, she nodded.
"If you think you can help out with navigation, then please do. I'm sure with those we have here, combat should be manageable with those we have. It was doable last time, and we now have experience and knowledge to make it easier!" the fox cheerfully hummed, thinking about the suggestion of going in blind.
"That is a good point, it'd probably be very dark where we're going. I'm sure maybe you'd be able to help with that if your powers let you so, or we'd be able to get a torch orsomething. It'd be no trouble" she added, looking back to Teuihua for a moment.

"I mean as long as it doesn't seem like I'm taking up your time where you could be handling important business elsewhere, I wouldn't want something to happen due to your absence, but if you think it's okay then surely it's okay... " Miyuki spoke. With the construct's further acknowledgement that she was doing it pretty well so far, the fox was put much more at easy with what she was doing so far.
"Thanks, I can understand why Lady Caelia and Gunhild like having you around" she mentioned.

Ul sat with a rather smug little smirk when the construct had acknowledged her as royalty, it took long enough for her pointlessly saying such things to find a reaction out of someone. Perhaps if she started saying it enough, then it would truly properly catch on. Well, she'd get there at some point.
"It's quite alright, I'm not entirely true royalty yet, but I'll be there soon enough. Just a matter of baby steps, and making sure I'm not doing those baby steps on the toes of other babies" the elf said to Teuihua.

Whilst Izuru would take the chance to move to the bar and begin a performance of his own, his words and rhymes wouldn't hold the attention for onlookers that looked his way for more than a second or two. His songs may have worked on those working outside seeking a moment of respite or peace, but for the moment those within the tavern chose to not pay him much mind. The man running the bar had given the drink, though only gave him a concerned glance during his performance keeping an eye on if he would be a disturbance to others. Miyuki silently looked his way for a little while when he had begun performing, patiently waiting for him to finish before giving a word.

"U-uh, that's very nice and all, but this is dockside for... work and business, s-so maybe you'd have better chances in cities or elsewhere doing that sort of thing" Miyuki suggested, mostly self-conscious that doing rather distractive and extroverted things might get on other peoples' nerves. She usually kept to herself, so Izuru's confidence in spontaneously doing things that brought eyes to him was rather embarrassing even to her right now.

During the time that this was going on, one of the shipworkers from outside had come through the door, looking around hastily as he announced.
"Help is asked for outside, ship to Gala'Kraoth is ready to leave. Local wildlife being a disturbance earlier, it'll be best if the ship to Gala'Kraoth departs soon to avoid trouble keeping it from going" the shipworker spoke. As the point was made, multiples of people around the tavern finished their own drinks and business as they soon prepared to make their leave.

"Right... hopefully, the trip should prove smoothly enough, but I'll best start heading out to the ship. You can all come along when you're ready!" Miyuki answered with a slightly quivering smile, hesitating before moving to leave.

"Well, now's a better time than any. I've been waiting long enough, good to see that there's a large turn-out. Lets keep this quest going smoothly" Chorus spoke openly as he got up from the table and took some of the maps and information with him. Ul was a bit distracted looking at it and her notes before finally looking up.

"Hey, you" Ul spoke as she gestured to Asteria, looking to her.
"You do wind magic, right? Maybe you should show it soon enough, I'd like to see it. Show me, when you can or feel like it" she suggested, maybe it'd prove interesting to see it, though for now she got up to head to the door to leave. She was clearly trying to do it like she had that high-school cool girl energy to the best of her abilities. She had given a small gesture of a point to Asteria with her finger pointed like a gun as she did, giving a small wink whilst taking her departure.

Outside, a decently sizeable enough ship was waiting and ready to make the trip. Many of the crewmembers had finished loading everything they had to and the local wildlife pest problem had been mainly dealt with. Multiple people had been going ahead and boarding on to make the trip too, with Miyuki, Chorus and Ul leaving the tavern being prepared and all. This would likely be the last time they were on mainland before they went out to sea for a while. A shipmaster was waving people over and calling all those for the Gala'Kraoth expedition to board, insisting that those who stepped on wouldn't have a chance to turn back. The fox, elf and wolf beastkin had all pretty confidently chosen to board, except for the fox who got shaky knees the moment they chose to board.

"Hopefully, going back isn't the wrong decision... " Miyuki mumbled under her breath.
Ul took the while to look for a place on the ship to sit, she'd probably be here for a while so it was best to get comfortable.​
Designer (10).png
WINREY | Beastkin-Rabbit | Egnimatic
Winrey smiled at Izuru, relieved to have found someone to help him collect materials. Now the trip wouldn't be a complete waste of his time. As he waited for the boat to arrive, he decided he'd sit and study his Alchemy book for a bit as the others mingled about. He tuned out Izuru's poetry, and briefly hoped he wouldn't burst out into sonnet's while they were looking for monsters.

Soon the announcement came for them to board the ship, and Winrey felt he'd read over the book enough. I'll have to see about getting the next edition soon...He thought as he packed the book away neatly. He walked outside onto the dock, and looked warily up at the tall ship that swayed gently in the morning wind. He'd never been on a boat before, and had actually opted for taking a series of carriages to get to The Republic. Just as he was about to traverse further along the dock and to the ship, he heard someone call his name. He turned to find his father, a more average Bunnykin who looked entirely all rabbit.

"Oh I caught you just in time! So you're off to the island now?" His father said. Winrey nodded, and his father smiled. "That's great, son! The congregation has been helping some of the locals with the rebuilding effort, and things are going pretty smoothly now that there's extra hands. Just remember to support these people in their endeavors, and try to be of good use. Remember, in the end we'll all end up in the same place, so it's important to be there for each other while we're still here."

Winrey had heard this same sentiment from his father before, and though he found it to be very annoying to help random people he'd never met, he supposed helping others could benefit him as well. So it made sense in a way.
"I will, don't worry." Winrey said. "I'll try not to be involved with any local guards this time around as well..." His father chuckled, and patted Winrey's shoulder.

"Ha, I remember that! What a day that was, huh? Try not to fall down into any mysterious holes this time around then. Good luck, and Meldaron be with you, son!" His father said cheerily. "Oh before I forget, your mother wanted to give you this, but you'd headed for the tavern before she could take it out. Here." His father handed him his white church shawl. "It's for the sun, it can get pretty sunny on a boat after all. And you're quite pale, just like she is! So be sure to wear that to not worry her, alright?"

Winrey nodded, and slipped the shawl onto his head, before securing it with an extra pin in his dress pocket. He bid farewell to his father and headed for the boat finally.

Regula Caelia


Alternate art generated and edited based on:
Granblue Fantasy Wiki
Languages: Common | +Mictlantecuhtlian+
Mentions: Femboy Femboy | Asteria Stockholm Shadow Survivor Shadow Survivor | Winrey Lolory Lolory | Teuihua TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Izuru Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia

With a hectic, yet fun Fair in the past, Regula had decided to sit down with her advisors for a bit. The barony should be mostly self-sustainable, at least for the time being. Yet she wanted more progress. One of the areas to progress was Yemaya. The ruined city was in a unique position thanks to its many dungeons that started to attract more and more adventurers. Yet it also had the negative impact of the adventurer's guild and merchant's guild gaining a lot of influence in the city. Wishing to be on the best possible terms with them so that they could cooperate, rather than have to start struggling for power, she'd offered them a deal.

Having already gone on adventures on the past (getting Adventurer's Guild rank E), she was somewhat known for having had such ties. She figured she might as well expand on that. What publicity was better than an adventuring baroness? That should get both her own barony and the adventurer's guild some mutually beneficial advertising. Of course, she only did so now that her advisors, Amanda, Retili, and the TAFTaF, as well as the other key figures like the mayors, had proven to be able to keep things running for at least a while during her absence. Should she ever get sick in the future, she'd also know whether or not she could entrust them with taking over. For now, she'd just made sure to use her [Wealth B] to set up the means needed to reach her the moment something went wrong, so she could Fly, run and/or portal back as quickly as needed.

On the other hand, however, the mission she eventually ended up joining for this publicity stunt was familiar enough. Teuihua had gone to the location prior and a nice and fluffy set of nine tails another person of interest, Miyuki, should be joining in. Besides, if this was truly unexplored territory, this would be an excellent chance to get her barony to be the first place to reach out to it, offer diplomatic and mercantile contracts, perhaps exchange programs (especially if there were more folk like Miyuki on that island). To that extend, she was secretly hoping this could blow-up into a fully fledged diplomatic mission on behalf of her Barony, her County and perhaps all of Ryke if things went well enough.

For now, however, she'd land at the designated location. She was late, but well, it'd been very tough leaving the barony. Even with her modes of transportation, between her flying, her enchanted boots and her vast wealth, she couldn't make up for enough of the missed time. Luckily enough, she at least spotted them before the ship were to set sail. Teuihua was highly difficult to miss, making it easy to find where to go.

“Pfew. Seems like I'm just in time.” She'd state, upon landing amidst the group. She'd look at the people that gathered curiously. “Well, I'm still late for the introductions, I guess. My apologies for that. I'm Regula Caelia, it's a pleasure to meet you all.” She stated. For now, she figured she'd leave out her noble title.

“I like your colour coordination.” She'd state to Ul in particular, with a smile. The girl in various greens seemed to have taken her time coordinating them at least, something she figured worth complimenting.

Turning to Astria next, she smiled. “I like your cloak as well. It seems we have somewhat similar styles.” She stated, looking at the patterns on it. She'd debated going in her adventurer's clothing instead, but seeing how the goal was to be clearly enough 'noble' for it to work as advertising, she had kept on her usual fancier clothing. Other than her own cloak, as she'd probably need the enchantments. Yet even that was fancied up by now.

Next up, she turned towards the rabbit-eared one, Winrey. “Although I think you've got all three of us beat when it comes to intricate designs. I'd love for you to tell me where you got it from sometime.” Depending on if he had a tail, however, he'd intuitively might sense a little bit of [Tail Freak] already.

Then it was Izuru's turn. “It's a pleasure to meet you as well sir.” She'd state, having nothing too much to comment about the horned and pointy-eared man, other than a polite smile.

She then turned to another unfamiliar face, Chorus. Her eyes lingering for a slight bit. “You seem like a seasoned warrior. It's a pleasure to meet you, sir.” She ended up concluding.

That's when her gear shifted and her eyes lingered on a more familiar person, Miyuki. “It's great to see you again. I hope you've been doing well?” She stated, as she tried keeping her eyes locked on Miyuki's rather than drifting off to the fluff behind her. “It's an odd idea I might soon visit the island you were talking about, and on official business for the barony and adventurer's guild alike, no less.” She added.

Finally, she'd turn to Teuihua. Switching to his own native tongue, just due to wanting to speak a bit more privately. “+I'll be honest, I'm really glad to meet up with you here. It's so weird to be so far from the Barony after having been there and having been occupied with all sorts of barony related business for so long... Having a familiar face in some strange place is a huge comfort.+” She'd admit to him.

[Tail Freak] - Character displays an unnatural attraction to tails. Creatures with tails will be intuitively concerned within character's presence. Those petted may have lingering feelings of being dirty and regret or receive the title Thoroughly Petted.

Languages: “Common” “+Mictlantecuhtlian+” “%Analog%”
Interactions: Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy Shadow Survivor Shadow Survivor

Mention: Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia

“Oh not at all, I’m happy to be here with you to help.” He reassured Miyuki when she looked back to him and reiterated why she didn’t want to inconvenience him or cause problems for him. What was also nice was that the mage and the person who had dragon like qualities both revealed more information about their skillset so Teuihua would have a better idea of what they’d be working with.

“I’m certain mapping related magic could be most useful.” And then there was Izuru who managed to make a poem on the spot that would likely appeal to his current audience which was also impressive in it’s own right, as Teuihua knew full well the creation process wasn’t as straight forward as one might assume to get something which was actually half way decent, never mind good.

“Oh thank you, you are ever so kind, I am pleased to have you around too Mikyuki.”He replied warmly at that.It was also nice to hear that was her perception, that they actually liked having him around.

“I see, a prospective royal, that still makes you an important person no doubt, and I understand the political landscapes can be difficult to navigate, that is something which has not changed from my time it would seem.” He’d respond as respectfully as he could to the elf.

The golem would have idled for a bit before heading toward the boat to board once it sounded like it would be better if the ship left sooner than later, however when Regula herself appeared, and he heard her voice, he turned and gave a wave.

It was good to see that the Baroness would be joining after all, even if the new lands potentially brought new danger he’d be able to help ensure her safety, even knowing full well that her abilities were probably greater than his were in his current state, it still couldn’t hurt to be available to help if things got dire.

“+it is reassuring to know that you made it here safely, and that you feel that way, I can assure you I feel similarly, I always feel much better when I can set my vision on you and know that you are safe.+” Teuihua replied honestly back, feeling a warm fuzzy feeling once again which was quite pleasant.

“+The ship should be departing soon enough from the sounds of things, hopefully it’s as smooth a trip as my last here. Thankfully I believe the people who are coming along should make for a coherent team to reach our objective.+” By that point with the pleasantries, Teuihua would have likely boarded the ship in preparation to leave, staying near Regula presuming she had done the same.

Languages: Common | %Analog%
Mention: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Teuihua, Femboy Femboy Ul Dyril

It was a long journey to Okiro city from the Grand Duchy of Roran where Viole resided up to the time he found a quest about traveling to an area he did not know of, but heard about it many times from his creators. Wanting to fulfill his childlike curiosity he ventured forth toward the nearest portal system, then on a carriage ride to the meet-up place which was set up beforehand.

Okiro City was a beautiful place by many standards even if Viole had a picky eye for those things he couldn’t say that this sight wasn't breathtaking for his first time here. But it wasn't where Viole should be waiting for other probable comrades on this escapade his goal was a small pier located on the northern side of the republic. There a ship should await the quest takers and take them and set sail to Gala’Kraoth, and albeit Viole did not think of themselves as being late, it did appear that the tavern they were supposed to meet did in fact not have them.
“Where are the people who are supposed to travel to Gala’Kroth?”
Asked Viole in almost a robotic emotionless tone to the tavern keeper, and he answered Viole after he showed him the quest paper.
“They went to the ship at the docks young’un, ya just missed them. Get goin’ maybe you can catch up to them.”

“Thank you!”
Replied Viole with a small bow before running off to the nearest ship which just happened to be the right one. Seeing as the last few people were boarding the ship Viole just ran up the ramp onto the ship and looked around.
The first one his eyes locked onto was the giant made of stone, he felt something from it. He felt a connection of sorts maybe it was cause he was a construct such as Viole himself but it was not the time for that, so Viole only spoke under his nose.
“% I did not expect my species or adjacent beings here.%”

Not realizing he even spoke it he returned to looking around the group finally locking his eyes on someone, he could not believe his eyes so he quickly approached them and knelt before them saying.
"Young mistress I did not know you lived after that explosion at the workshop 404, I overheard the technicians say that the entire building was totaled and burned to ashes. However I have to ask how you grew shorter mistress, you used to be taller than me, but now you appear shorter also I thought you preferred the color purple over green as it symbolized your noble descent. Is everything alright mistress?"
Viole did in fact not know the truth the person before him wasn't his young mistress, the only child of his two creators who passed away, but was in fact Ul Dyril, someone who just happened to look like her.
Mentions: Femboy Femboy Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Megilagor Megilagor

It seemed as if Izuru's little number wasn't well received. Everyone was a critic apparently, even the construct. Although Izuru wasn't the best at discerning what the metal man was thinking. Winrey didn't even look like he had paid attention. It didn't matter, Izuru would still utilize that partnership to learn about alchemy. The prospect of gaining that bit more knowledge was far too interesting to pass up. A new person joined them, a white haired woman. Her bearing made Izuru wonder if she was one of them fancy people. Scratching his chin but choosing to accept the new person. He found out her name was Regula. The dragonkin made sure to make a mental note of everything that was developing so far. Once the call to board the ship had come for them and people began loading onto the vessel. Izuru tried to remember the last time he had been on the ocean. Shrugging and wandering onto the ship. His first port of call on their ship was to find somewhere stable to take a nap. Ship rides tended to be boring if you weren't a member of the crew.

Izuru found an empty barrel and immediately crawled in. His tail kept getting in the way of him getting comfortable in the barrel. Popping his head out the barrel once a particularly salty sailor started berating him for just taking up space like some kind of useless vagabond. Blinking for a few moments. Izuru yawned before commenting that said sailor needed to relax a little. A crow landed on Izuru's head, which confused him since a seagull would make more sense for the location they were in. Likely it was either a stupid bird or someone's familiar. Noticing that yet ANOTHER new person had shown up. He noticed them getting real weird with Princess Green.

  • Take the road less traveled. That phrase remained from Levren's old life, but perhaps his first solo outing from the clan wasn't the best time to take that advice to heart. Sure, following the signs and road would've gotten him to that adventuring guild in Ryke, but where was the adventure in following known paths? Where was the adventure to going the premade way? There wasn't any! At least, that's what Levren thought. Truthfully, he hadn't seen a city since arriving in this world, so he wasn't sure what signs to look for, what the tells would be.

    Needless to say, Levren overshot Ryke, but he wasn't entirely aware that he was in The Republic either. All he was sure about is that he finally arrived in a city, a port city from the smells of it. He couldn't help but feel like a country bumpkin with the basic cloth and furs of his clothing, which rivaled his emotions for which he more openly wore. Hoping Levren was in the right settlement, though he had doubts because he was certain Ryke was landlocked, Levren wandered around, listening for key words, like adventure, mission, and quest. Before long he found his way to a tavern where he mustered the courage to ask about a quest, and he was shown the quest paper.

    Having been told about the ship, and how it would be leaving soon, Levren made a mad dash to the ship, even daring to transform for the extra speed due to his lack of proper knowledge on when the ship would actually leave. Levren could practically smell the word adventure on this quest, not that he actually fully ready the quest paper, just enough to know what big boat to look for. However! He was ready for his first chance at a quest without fully understanding what he was getting himself into.

    By the time Levren got to the docks it looked to him like the ship was prepared to leave. Whether or not it was, wasn't something Levren would be fully aware of. It only served to add an extra pep to his step. Running as fast as he could, Levren speed down the dock, then up the ramp onto the ship, jumping as if the large boat would leave him behind.

    Needless to say, he did not stick the landing, tripping over his own feet his face met the deck first, as the momentum carried his rear over his head and he stumbled and rolled only being stopped by the mast of the ship.

    "I'm okay! I swear!" Levren said to no one in particular as he stared up at the sky, letting go of his focus on his transformation.


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TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Lolory Lolory Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia Shadow Survivor Shadow Survivor Elvario Elvario Tobi Naefaerne Tobi Naefaerne Megilagor Megilagor
(So uh, important note. No more unpermitted 'Co-Narrating' from this point onwards. IE writing for characters that are not your current player character or for undefined props that shouldn't reasonably be in the scene, unless these things are given the pass from me. Those are the IH rules)

Whilst Ul was making her way about to board the boat, her attention was distracted by a late arrival by the name of Regula Caelia. Looking her over, she had a very noticeably regal appearance about her. It didn't seem like someone who would wear her attire would be the kind of person to go on such a trip, but each to their own. The elf gave a small tip of her hat in respect and a small smile in return.
"Greetings, m'lady. The name is Ul Dyril, thank you for noticing my attire" she answered with a smug little hum, ever since she had donned the western clothes she had been waiting for a good moment to do something of the sort. While she couldn't make heads or tails on what exactly Regula would provide to the party, Ul only hoped that she wouldn't prove some sort of hinderance... or psychopath dictator wannabe. Letting some thoughts run through her head for the moment, she was brought out of it by the approach of something she didn't recognise in the slightest calling her 'Young Mistress'. Now, the elf clearly knew that there was some sort of misunderstanding and she definitely knew that Viole was not their follower in any way...

But a free opportunity was still one, although she wasn't keen on blatantly lying. So, she scratched her cheek for a moment in thought ass he contemplated something to say.
"Ahah, hello... you, " she had started, she was a little tilted off-course by the annoyance of being called short by someone she didn't even know.
"I must say I don't entirely remember any of that happening at all, but I... have experienced reincarnation, so perhaps some of those things are recognisable to you from a glance" she said, it wasn't entirely a lie, although she at least thought that Viole wasn't someone from one of her past lives. At least she didn't remember their face or their story, but maybe excusing themselves as some sort of reborn reincarnation would let it slide. The idea of someone calling them young mistress and being at her own bidding was truly an alluring thought.

"Yes, reincarnation. The explanation for... all of it, is reincarnation, as for why I don't remember your face or name or such. That must be it, uh... speaking of which, may I have your name? It must be slipping through the cracks of my mind because of... the reincarnation" Ul asked sheepishly, wondering if Viole would seemingly let it slide. Something about her voice was obviously not human, it felt like a weird repeating of events to get on a ship with some overly interested human-looking construct who was closely intrigued with her or other people. Hopefully this time it wouldn't be as terrible.

"I'm sure we can have a nice discussion during the boat ride, but uh... I probably shouldn't have to explain this, but don't have any thoughts of touching sea creatures or diving into the water to do so. No reason why, just a kind reminder for your safety, and my safety, and everyone's safety. Totally no reason why, just a little sudden thought" Ul added with a small smile, moving to head onto the boat. Ul had gotten on and given a momentary look to the man who made an ungracious arrival onto the boat, his appearance was intriguing and gave a rather comforting and knowing sense of familiarity, though perhaps she could get a little better understanding of it later.

Miyuki had been surprised to see Regula's arrival, smiling and giving a small wave.
"Oh, Lady Caelia, I hadn't been expecting you to arrive too. I hope this isn't keeping you from anything important, I'd hate for something to go wrong in your absence or something... " Miyuki spoke nervously, having someone like Regula around was a surprise though could she reasonably go on a trip like this when she pleased? Nevertheless, she continued.
"Well, it's good to have you here if you're really coming along, although I'm afraid Gunhild isn't here this time. At least I suppose that could mean maybe we could share a cabin room or something, you know if it's maybe not much, I don't wanna sound like I'm trying to convince you or anything it just maybe seemed like we could trust eachother enough and we'd get along well and all and... stuff... " she added awkwardly.

"W-well, I'd best be getting on the ship and all and stuff, so, maybe we can continue there and stuff" she said with a smile, looking to the Baroness and the construct before heading on to leave. Though for a moment, she had noticed Levren's sudden arrival and hesitantly walked over to him when he had visibly looked like he would've hurt himself a lot. Even though he said he was fine, she gave a small tilt of her head.
"Uh, are you sure you are fine from that? That looked a little painful... " she asked in a soft tone.

With due time, everyone (hopefully) would have boarded in time and the ship have begun setting sail out into the open ocean. People would have had a brief time to relax during this time, specifically those actually preparing the trip as for the current moment was simply up to the piloting of the captain whom had not made an appearance or introduction to the Gala'Kraoth-goers. Except for one, who had made an own interest to go up and meet him.
Chorus had returned from going to personally meet the Captain himself out of curiosity, having some words to give across to people.

"Alright, everyone on deck, we'll have quite a while before we reach the island of Gala'Kraoth. Keep yourselves well rested and sharp in the meantime, going out to open waters is always dangerous and we must be prepared for any trouble that arises if it does. The ship is provided with defenses and countermeasures that some of you have been trained and brought here to use, but for adventurers who are capable of defense, any assistance is appreciated though please do not get yourself into immense danger or overboard. We'll be there in due time, so keep yourselves productive and prepared" Chorus spoke out openly to everyone, taking more of a leadership position for the moment as he kept an eye out amongst everyone going about doing their business. He hoped that things would be smooth sailing, while he was used to combatting monsters and such, fighting things that were in or came out of the water was not exactly his specialty or something he had much proficiency in. Hopefully all they had was enough if something bad were to transpire, though he kept silent hope that nothing would.
"Teuihua, while I'm not fully knowing on every exact detail of how your trip went, hopefully you'll be experienced enough to assist with anything" Chorus spoke to the construct. Whilst others would not notice, the construct's observation skills would help him keep an eye out for any said trouble. As they sailed much further, the construct would likely be able to notice very odd movement in the waters. It appeared to look like ocean water, but moved in a strangely more dense and physical manner as if it was following or investigating the boat. It wouldn't be clear what it was for the moment, but Teuihua would be able to notice it.

The skies had grown duller and cloudier the further they sailed from the continent, waters roughening a little as the sounds of any seaside birds or ambience dulled and reduced to naught more than crashing and sloshing waves around. A cold chill occasionally breezed through the air and amongst the people on the boat. To Miyuki, who awkwardly fidgeted with their hands as they felt even nervous to look around, it seemed overly eerie. Ul remained overlooking out at the side of the ship, wondering what lied so far out in the ocean unfound. Hopefully going to said island would prove useful for her work. Then, she thought of something.

"Hey, you, come here, I got some something to ask... " Ul asked of Viole, quite curious.
"So if you call me 'Young Mistress', you'll be like an obedient follower and do whatever I ask right?" the elf questioned, just to be sure.​
Regula Caelia


Alternate art generated and edited based on:
Granblue Fantasy Wiki
Languages: Common | +Mictlantecuhtlian+
Mentions: Femboy Femboy | Teuihua TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Viole Megilagor Megilagor |

Once more, she was surprised by how comforting it felt to hear Teuihua reply to her by sharing the sentiment. “+Thank you, I truly appreciate hearing that.+” She'd tell him. Sharing the warm fuzzy feeling. “+Yeah, the ship is what I worry about the most by far. That's what might take the most time.+” She sighed. She couldn't just fly over, sadly enough, so this would have to do. “+I wish I had the type of invention some of those Tinkerers I met mentioned, that'd allow me to talk about things across great distances.+”

She'd spot some other odd stranger (Viole) entering, behaving rather differently. That said, the language they spoke instantly stood out. After all, considering analog was a pattern of 'on and off' binary, even when muttered, it stood out. “%Oh? You look highly refined for a [Construct], but I'm fairly sure you just said something in this language, even though I couldn't exactly hear what. Am I correct that you're construct? Whomever made you must've put in great detail to make you look near indistinguishable from organics and to give you such great style while at it.%” Their next bit of behaviour was just confusing to Regula, so she decided not to interfere too much with it.

The new arrival surely made a good first impression. That said, it did give her a good chance to show off how she operated. Seeing him tumble into the ship's mast, she'd active her healing cloak.

Safe Zone B – Magic B, Healing B, Energised B, Area of Effect D, Selective Magic D, Control Environment E, Magic Duration E - Character creates a safe zone; healing significant injuries and resurrecting the recently diseased, 500ft -152m radius around them, lifting bad environmental conditions, ignoring undesired targets, lasting 1 day - Grade B Energised – 3 Post Cooldown.

“Well, even if you weren't okay, you should be more than okay now. Should anyone wish to know how I operate, this is basically it. I mostly use the items I've enchanted.” She figured she'd not mention her magic or skill with a spear just yet. Healing everyone in the area of whatever injuries they might've had should already be more than enough to show that she wasn't going along to sightsee. Her other items and abilities could be brought up later, if the need were to arise.

She'd nod at Ul. “You're more than welcome, miss Dyril.” She'd reply with a smile. It was entertaining and nice to actually hear some appreciation.

“Reincarnation... huh. That does seem to be fare more common than I'd give it credit for, by how many others I met with such a story.” She couldn't help note, hearing Ul mention it. The amount of people she met that had such a story seemed to be growing steadily ever since she'd first learned what it meant and how she'd be among those numbers.

Miyuki's worry was her own, but she didn't say so aloud. “I've delegated all tasks to my advisors, task force, regulators and other staff. I've also made some deals with the adventurer's guild to message me should something truly urgent come up. All things considered, a momentary absence should be possible. Especially as I'm here in an attempt to help out the barony in the long-term as well. ” She figured she'd not go into more details.

She'd go closer to Miyuki, to whisper into her size-able ear. “Though, I must admit, I am worried constantly, even though the place should be in good hands for now, so please, don't remind me too often.” She'd ask. “I'd be my honour, love.” She'd reply to Miyuki when she proposed to share a cabin, before even thinking it through all that much. Well, if it came out natural, perhaps it was for the best to just leave it as it was?

Once upon the ship, she'd fly up the the crow's nest for a bit. Enjoy the sea breeze from up high. She'd listen to the canine man upon his return. ““Alright, let me know if you need anything.”” She'd end up replying. Figuring she could help out if/when needed.

Considering there wasn't too much to do, she'd ask for Miyuki. “Could you try to strike a pose for me?” She asked, as she got out her Novelty Sketch Board. “Can't say I got any experience drawing, but I managed to get my hands on this and I wanted to use it for a while now.” She was no artist, but she was an artisan, so at least her hand was steady as she'd try to sketch Miyuki on her [Novelty Sketch Board]. Perhaps she could even finish something halfway decent before a storm would come.

[Novelty Sketch Board]
Type of Item: Magic Item
Special Effect: An autumn-themed, handheld, sketch board and mechanical pencil. Despite the gimmicky appearance, it is expertly crafted and magically infused. When the wielder sketches anything onto the provided paper, an illusory copy will manifest nearby. The illusion will remain until the sketch is erased from the paper. A sticker on the back of the board claims it is produced by the Eventra Entertainment Company.
• The product comes with [Illusion E] included.
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  • Laying there, Levren was doing his best to let any embarrassment wash over him and fade away rather than trying to suppress it and having it blow up in his face later. Processing his feelings was rather easy while looking up at the sky, it looked like a good sky to him, but he was realizing this was gonna be his first time at sea. As Levren was stretching on the ground he heard a soft toned question.

    "Aaah, weeeeell, even if things hurt, I'm-..." As he spoke, Levren had turned his head to look at Miyuki and paused for a moment, wishing he hadn't been letting his feelings was over him because it had let awe talk over his face. So much for leaving his feelings on your sleeve "...Pretty... Oh, I'm I mean, I'm pretty sure it won't be too bad, I heal quick enough."

    With that Levren stood up, hoping to show that his bruises would fade on their own, but Regula had already used her healing cloak, catching Levren's attention, resulting in him looking even more awestruck, awkwardly staring as the elegant woman walked by. "O-oh! Thanks! You-" Levren stopped his sentance mid way because he didn't want to come off ungrateful, but how should he communicate that he can just heal up with time? Wait. No, technically everyone can, he just does it faster. Things where gonna get weird since he was no longer with his clan.

    Turning back to Miyuki, Levren offered his hand. "Hi, hello, greetings, whichever works! I'm Levren, it seems some of y'all already know eachother, so I guess I'm in your care?" With a slight uncertainty to his voice, he offered a big smile along with his hand before something occurred to him. Was he giving a proper greeting for this world? Was he leaning too much on fragments of his past life? And who was Miss Dyril? With that last though he stole a quick glance in the direction of Ul, but made sure not to stare this time. However it was probably awkward again as he stole glances at each person that was boarding as well.



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