Pro Hero
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Commissioned Art by Feerocomics. Art is here.
Real Name: Arashi Sato
Height: 6"3
Titles: Human, Draconian, Puppet
Human - Normal human, plain and featureless. A blank slate full of potential.
Draconian - Humans with dragon heritage descended from the dragonborn. The bloodline is heavily diluted, leaving their appearance mostly human, but it grants them superior physical abilities, superhuman healing, magical aptitude, and, more rarely, partial draconic transformation.
Society - General:
Puppet - Character was just a means to an end for grander or more influential figures. Whether by choice or by design, they dance to the whims of others. Character is more easily manipulated by others. Character is less responsible for the wrongs they commit.
Human - Normal human, plain and featureless. A blank slate full of potential.
Draconian - Humans with dragon heritage descended from the dragonborn. The bloodline is heavily diluted, leaving their appearance mostly human, but it grants them superior physical abilities, superhuman healing, magical aptitude, and, more rarely, partial draconic transformation.
Society - General:
Puppet - Character was just a means to an end for grander or more influential figures. Whether by choice or by design, they dance to the whims of others. Character is more easily manipulated by others. Character is less responsible for the wrongs they commit.
Strength | B Grade
Precision | F Grade
Intelligence | D Grade
Vitality | B Grade
Speed | D Grade
Abilities Active: N/A - will be spoilered if ability
Abilities Used: N/A - will be spoilered if ability
Passives: Regeneration | F Grade | 6 Posts
Color: #824ca3 | Link to Sheet
- Magic Catalyst [Organ] | E Grade | 28 Points
- Stormbreaker's magic catalyst is an extra organ inside her body that allows her to produce the element she chooses, in this case, fire for now.
- Heavy Iron Armor | F Grade | 7 Points
- Iron Armor. Includes a helmet to protect her identity.
- Natural Weapon [Fists] | F Grade | 14 Points
- Since she likes punching I made this.
- Iron Greatsword | F Grade | 7 Points
Stormbreaker blinked at what the patron said. Although she had her mind made up. Her memories were tainted because of that bastard. She wanted to forget what happened so badly. She just didn't want to remember at all. "He didn't do this. Mephisto didn't take my ability to sleep away. Some scientist bastard did. Might have messed with my memories a bit."
Stormbreaker didn't respond to what Meredy said. It was just rude at this point. This mage woman was getting on her nerves, after all. She didn't want to add fuel to the fire in this case. It was unneeded. Miiya wasn't her girlfriend, she was... what was Miiya to her again? Daughter? She didn't know. She couldn't quite remember, other than Miiya was her friend.
She elected to answer the constructs questions though. "He's dead. Deku stopped him for good. Or at least that's what happened. Thank god he is though." I wouldn't want to deal with that manner of shit on this world. It's.. exhausting. I don't want another repeat of somebody with power doing that.
Stormbreaker sighed as the soft construct volunteered. "No. I meant an actual plushie, not a sentient being or animal. I don't like hugging people while I sleep. Unless it's..." Unless it's what? I can't... seem to figure out what I was going to say..

Miiya dragged her away to go to the bedroom. Stormbreaker didn't hesitate to grab her belongings and head off into the room with Miiya in tow. She needed some time to relax.
Inside the Guest Suite
Then Miiya hugged her the second she got into the room. Stormbreaker didn't know what to say other than hugging the woman back. She wasn't too good at emotional stuff but couldn't help but start crying at getting hugged. Maybe it was the thought of being with somebody who cared about her. After all that happened, she just was this close to giving up to that bastard who harmed her.
"...That you weren't there for me? Don't be. I ran off trying to play the hero. ... I'd be lying if I don't say I don't remember what I did in those 7 years, it seems... foggy. Those memories seem like they aren't there. I remember writing to you and that's it. I remember entering that lab and some of it is hard to remember what happened." She choked back tears as she tried to explain. "... They promised me power. The West Empire did. Instead, they decided to drug, experiment and make me so weak that I couldn't fight them. Pretty sure the bastard in charge was trying to murder me. I wish I uncovered the rest of his plan... but that's for another day. I want to figure it out."
Stormbreaker placed her belongings down nearby, taking off her armor and sword and placing them onto a nearby stand. Stormbreaker then went through her backpack and nearby stuff, not even taking notice to Miiya wanting to explore the area. It felt much like the penthouse she had previously, although her room was much bigger and had two floors. "Where... even are we?" Stormbreaker asked to begin with. "I... don't even know where the hell I am or what Red Haven is. Remotely, I have no idea what's quite going on. I wanted to ask but my injuries were extreme." Stormbreaker said, as she let go of Miiya and looked around.
Stormbreaker sighed as Miiya pointed out she should wash or sleep. "I think I need to go wash first and wash my clothes out so they are clean. My whole body needs a warm bath, rather than the torture that was cold showers and my clothes being wet." Stormbreaker said outloud. "Plus, the bed is big enough for the two of us. Just sleep there. I don't mind."
As Miiya explained, Stormbreaker didn't have much to say. She was tired. Too tired to have a proper convo full stop. She was proud of Miiya, but she felt guilty for leaving her alone. "Hmmm... aptitude for tech, you say. Interesting. That's an interesting development. If you saw the tech I worked with, you'd be blown away personally."
The draconian woman didn't say much as she noticed Miiya's wing. Injuries in the line of duty are common. It's not unusual to do get them. I shouldn't ask how that happened. "You've grown though, Miiya. I haven't. I don't think I've aged a day. Not bad for a species that reaches adult height at 10 years old, don't you think? I don't think we age as well as humans do and other species."
However, Stormbreaker wasn't going to let what Miiya just did go without a word, however. "I know I'm not one to speak... but if something happened to you with your wing, I'd like to know. I'm not mad or going to judge you based on it. My previous world hated the fact I had Draconic traits, because anybody with mutant appearances that weren't 100% human was treated horribly. I'm not going to judge you for that."
"I'm going to wash up in the bathroom in the meantime. Maybe wash out my clothes." She spoke outloud, opting to go into the bathroom. I should be able to dry them using my fire magic. Not like I should give my injuries, but I need to.
The draconian woman begins to clean her clothes and get washed in the bath. It wasn't too long, but she had to scrub off scales on her tail and body, and body overall with tons of soap, and descale some of the broken and brittle ones. Which was painful to remove. But she got on, eventually getting into clean clothing, drying it off using her fire magic and heading off to bed.
"I'm going to bed. I feel like..." Stormbreaker said, collapsing onto the ground nearby from exhaustion the second she stepped out of the bathroom. She was out like a light on the carpet, nonetheless, and slept so soundly. Miiya would know that old Stormy here would like her own blankets to herself when they shared the same bed and left Miiya to get her own.

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