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Finished [On the Border of the See and Widersia, as Far South of Clockhaven as the River Goes] - The Devil's Favorite Holiday



Commissioned Art by Feerocomics. Art is here.

Real Name: Arashi Sato
Height: 6"3
Titles: Human, Draconian, Puppet
Human -
Normal human, plain and featureless. A blank slate full of potential.
Draconian - Humans with dragon heritage descended from the dragonborn. The bloodline is heavily diluted, leaving their appearance mostly human, but it grants them superior physical abilities, superhuman healing, magical aptitude, and, more rarely, partial draconic transformation.

Society - General:
Puppet -
Character was just a means to an end for grander or more influential figures. Whether by choice or by design, they dance to the whims of others. Character is more easily manipulated by others. Character is less responsible for the wrongs they commit.
Strength | B Grade
Precision | F Grade
Intelligence | D Grade
Vitality | B Grade
Speed | D Grade

Abilities Active:
N/A - will be spoilered if ability
Abilities Used: N/A - will be spoilered if ability
Passives: Regeneration | F Grade | 6 Posts
Color: #824ca3 | Link to Sheet

  • Magic Catalyst [Organ] | E Grade | 28 Points
    • Stormbreaker's magic catalyst is an extra organ inside her body that allows her to produce the element she chooses, in this case, fire for now.
  • Heavy Iron Armor | F Grade | 7 Points
    • Iron Armor. Includes a helmet to protect her identity.
  • Natural Weapon [Fists] | F Grade | 14 Points
    • Since she likes punching I made this.
  • Iron Greatsword | F Grade | 7 Points

Stormbreaker blinked at what the patron said. Although she had her mind made up. Her memories were tainted because of that bastard. She wanted to forget what happened so badly. She just didn't want to remember at all. "He didn't do this. Mephisto didn't take my ability to sleep away. Some scientist bastard did. Might have messed with my memories a bit."

Stormbreaker didn't respond to what Meredy said. It was just rude at this point. This mage woman was getting on her nerves, after all. She didn't want to add fuel to the fire in this case. It was unneeded. Miiya wasn't her girlfriend, she was... what was Miiya to her again? Daughter? She didn't know. She couldn't quite remember, other than Miiya was her friend.

She elected to answer the constructs questions though. "He's dead. Deku stopped him for good. Or at least that's what happened. Thank god he is though." I wouldn't want to deal with that manner of shit on this world. It's.. exhausting. I don't want another repeat of somebody with power doing that.

Stormbreaker sighed as the soft construct volunteered. "No. I meant an actual plushie, not a sentient being or animal. I don't like hugging people while I sleep. Unless it's..." Unless it's what? I can't... seem to figure out what I was going to say..

Mephisto Mephisto Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Elvario Elvario

Miiya dragged her away to go to the bedroom. Stormbreaker didn't hesitate to grab her belongings and head off into the room with Miiya in tow. She needed some time to relax.

Inside the Guest Suite

Then Miiya hugged her the second she got into the room. Stormbreaker didn't know what to say other than hugging the woman back. She wasn't too good at emotional stuff but couldn't help but start crying at getting hugged. Maybe it was the thought of being with somebody who cared about her. After all that happened, she just was this close to giving up to that bastard who harmed her.

"...That you weren't there for me? Don't be. I ran off trying to play the hero. ... I'd be lying if I don't say I don't remember what I did in those 7 years, it seems... foggy. Those memories seem like they aren't there. I remember writing to you and that's it. I remember entering that lab and some of it is hard to remember what happened." She choked back tears as she tried to explain. "... They promised me power. The West Empire did. Instead, they decided to drug, experiment and make me so weak that I couldn't fight them. Pretty sure the bastard in charge was trying to murder me. I wish I uncovered the rest of his plan... but that's for another day. I want to figure it out."

Stormbreaker placed her belongings down nearby, taking off her armor and sword and placing them onto a nearby stand. Stormbreaker then went through her backpack and nearby stuff, not even taking notice to Miiya wanting to explore the area. It felt much like the penthouse she had previously, although her room was much bigger and had two floors. "Where... even are we?" Stormbreaker asked to begin with. "I... don't even know where the hell I am or what Red Haven is. Remotely, I have no idea what's quite going on. I wanted to ask but my injuries were extreme." Stormbreaker said, as she let go of Miiya and looked around.

Stormbreaker sighed as Miiya pointed out she should wash or sleep. "I think I need to go wash first and wash my clothes out so they are clean. My whole body needs a warm bath, rather than the torture that was cold showers and my clothes being wet." Stormbreaker said outloud. "Plus, the bed is big enough for the two of us. Just sleep there. I don't mind."

As Miiya explained, Stormbreaker didn't have much to say. She was tired. Too tired to have a proper convo full stop. She was proud of Miiya, but she felt guilty for leaving her alone. "Hmmm... aptitude for tech, you say. Interesting. That's an interesting development. If you saw the tech I worked with, you'd be blown away personally."

The draconian woman didn't say much as she noticed Miiya's wing. Injuries in the line of duty are common. It's not unusual to do get them. I shouldn't ask how that happened. "You've grown though, Miiya. I haven't. I don't think I've aged a day. Not bad for a species that reaches adult height at 10 years old, don't you think? I don't think we age as well as humans do and other species."

However, Stormbreaker wasn't going to let what Miiya just did go without a word, however. "I know I'm not one to speak... but if something happened to you with your wing, I'd like to know. I'm not mad or going to judge you based on it. My previous world hated the fact I had Draconic traits, because anybody with mutant appearances that weren't 100% human was treated horribly. I'm not going to judge you for that."

"I'm going to wash up in the bathroom in the meantime. Maybe wash out my clothes." She spoke outloud, opting to go into the bathroom. I should be able to dry them using my fire magic. Not like I should give my injuries, but I need to.

The draconian woman begins to clean her clothes and get washed in the bath. It wasn't too long, but she had to scrub off scales on her tail and body, and body overall with tons of soap, and descale some of the broken and brittle ones. Which was painful to remove. But she got on, eventually getting into clean clothing, drying it off using her fire magic and heading off to bed.

"I'm going to bed. I feel like..." Stormbreaker said, collapsing onto the ground nearby from exhaustion the second she stepped out of the bathroom. She was out like a light on the carpet, nonetheless, and slept so soundly. Miiya would know that old Stormy here would like her own blankets to herself when they shared the same bed and left Miiya to get her own.

Irihi Irihi
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Giovanna Fontana

Patron of the Diamonds District in Red Haven

| Elvario Elvario | Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread | Irihi Irihi | Cutiefly Cutiefly |


As Miiya and Stormbreaker went to bed, Giovanna lingered behind along with Zahrah and Meredy. There was still quite a bit of work left to be done, and it fell upon them to extract what they needed while the less-insomnia inclined among them went to rest. Giovanna lifted Zarah onto her shoulders to give them a better look at the decapitated worm-man's cranium. What they would extract from Krampula's testament was 100% fact. There was no doubt, not when given one of those premium [Thorough Looks] that seemed to pierce through the strange creature's cascading, ever-evolving visage.

Meredy haunted the creature's mind, that much was for certain. Each detail she demanded was met with an instant and agonized list of names - especially when the blender came clattering down onto the countertop.

"You're so horrifying I forget you're a tourist... Nimrod is a Patron with no District. He runs the city's largest slave trading market and has carved out a bloody path throughout the Underworld. He's filthy rich... richer than you can imagine... and it's all thanks to his brutal regime. His main base of operations is in the Tower of Babel, in the heart of the Clubs District. He's usually always there, counting his money and managing all sorts of phone calls, trades, and other kinds of deals,"

He'd look at Zahrah, begging that they would understand that he was telling the truth. He didn't want to get on Meredy's bad side again.

"I'm telling you all I know! I swear! I don't have anything else, and it isn't my fault you guys want to mess with a freak like him!"

Giovanna sighed. She could not kill Krampula, not if he was not bound to her own contracts. Letting him free was beyond her best intentions, but they had little choice. His body was stumbling out in the snow, looking desperately to return to a semblance of consciousness that only ever came from complete cerebral reconnection. It would cause a ruckus sooner or later. Nimrod was also more than likely keenly aware of what was transpiring. If not for the finer details, he'd be cognizant that one of his Cryptid servants had been unceremoniously incapacitated.

Her eyes seemed to dim in their normal luster and her voice did not travel far. She snapped her fingers and Krampula's body would have his head again, connected by a simple strand of ethereal energy common to a puppet or marionette. They were all such things, moving for the amusement of the Patrons they served. She did not want that for anyone, and refused to make Cryptids out of mortals. The fact that they were mere playthings for greater, often more unhinged, evil beings was something to be keenly aware of.

The oil simmered without anything left to cook inside of its golden depths. She manually set the pot aside to cool and clicked the burner into a tepid state. She brushed some of Meredy's hair, kneeling to her eye-level for a moment.

"It's been a long night. Let's bake a cake,"

She smiled warmly and lifted herself to her feet again, gathering ingredients not by virtue of her otherworldly powers but with her two bare hands. She would hand things like flour and sugar to Zahrah and Meredy to hold while she herself brought out handmade strawberry preserves along with their fresh variants. The process was painstakingly simple, even for such a thing as a strawberry cake decadent enough to satisfy a palette such as a Patron's.

Throughout the entire ordeal, Giovanna also mulled over various things to make for Zahrah. She long considered that things such as confetti and glitter were perhaps too much for the construct, and therefore opted for a fluffy assortment of cottony delights shaped into a slice of cake. She dyed them pink, and even knitted a small sliced strawberry and set it on top for the doll to enjoy.

She would be the one to pull it out to cool, and also the first to sit down in the living room. Despite all the ornate furniture, she opted for a simple rocking chair nearest to the window. She looked out over her precious Diamonds District.

"We haven't had a war between Patrons for a while. Mephisto is always trying to organize one. I suppose this is as close as he's gotten in a while,"

She idly tapped her fingers on the armrest.

Zahrah Fiore

Languages: Common | <Beastial> | {Sylvan} | [Terran] | %Analog% | #Abyssal#
Mentions: Mephisto Mephisto | Meredy Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread

“Oh, I should I call him really, really mean?” Zahrah asked Meredy, when it seemed calling the reverse-pet mean wasn't enough. “Dangle things in front of him? What kind of things?” They were confused.

They'd nod at hearing Stormbreaker say the big bad guy was dead. “I'm pretty sure that's good. Long live Deku.” The next bit was confusing them. “What..?” The squeezed their arms. Still as soft and cottony as they remembered. “I'm pretty sure I'm about as plushy as it gets?” Now it was Stormbreaker giving them the identity crisis. “Ah well, perhaps miss Giovanna can knit you one!” They'd suggest instead.

Being lifted upon Giovanna's shoulders sure was a surprise. “Wow, I'm reaching new heights!” They concluded. “Everything seems smaller from up here!” They felt rather elevated. Like they'd ascended all of a sudden. One might even say their head was in the clouds. It was clear they'd gone up in life. It was clearly not just a tall tale, but something that'd actually raised them.

“It seems he's not lying.” They concluded after their [Thorough Look]. “Slave trading? That's bad for happiness... and wasn't it illegal here?” They gave an insightful remark. Or probably not that insightful, but they tried. “Filthy rich from dirty money?” They asked to confirm their suspicions.

“The Tower of Babel? Like that ehhh... The one where they tried to build to the heavens, but then they started speaking different languages? That one?” How interesting that someone would try again. The first attempt had surely cause a whole lot of happiness being lost due to all the newly introduced language barriers.

They'd use [Thorough Look] again, just to be safe, when the thing said he was telling them all he knew. Just in case the reverse-pet was holding back some information.

As Giovanna kneeled to Meredy's eye level, Zahrah hopped off again. They hadn't been sure why they'd be lifted up to begin with, for that matter. Perhaps the lady's neck had been cold and she wanted to use their legs as a scarf? It'd probably be warmer already, so that'd no longer be an issue.

“Bake a cake? Is that a code for something?” They asked. Although it turned out that it wasn't. It was just... baking a cake. How fun! Zahrah had no clue what to do with the things handed to them, as they had no cooking knowledge in their cotton-brain. They'd just... hold it. Hold it some more... wondered if they were holding it for a reason or not... then eventually just put it away after getting bored of holding it.

It seemed they were getting more things knit for them, which was fun. “Did you need to learn a lot to become so good at that, miss Giovanna?” They asked, as they admired the knitting expertise put on display.

Assuming they were asked to join her in the living room, Zahrah would stand and stare for a while, as they pondered what she'd said. “Wars are really bad for happiness, unless they are waged for bringing down an even bigger cause of unhappiness.” They concluded their thinking.
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As a clearly-exhausted Stormbreaker tried--in her way--to stay engaged with Miiya’s typical stream-of-consciousness speaking, Miiya took pity on the draconian, and tried to slow her own roll. It had been seven years since she had last bunked with Essbee, but the Aerial found herself slipping right back into their old habits. Miiya flitted around, nattering on about this and that, while SB drove straight to the heart of matters.

Coming from anyone else, SB’s comments on her wing would have sent Miiya right off the deep end of self-doubt and body dysmorphia. Somehow, though, coming from her old friend, SB’s straightforward reassurances were actually ...well, reassuring. I kinda forgot that there are people in this world who say exactly what they mean. Miiya thought to herself as SB told her that she wasn’t secretly judging the Aerial woman for her maimed wing.

Miiya knew, in theory, that grounders did not really put much stock in her wings--besides as a passing curiosity. Their brains were wired to disregard the extra appendages as if they were as inconsequential as an article of clothing.

Miiya and her people were the opposite. A pinioned wing marked Miiya as a pariah in Aerial society and a hideously deformed abomination in the sight of individual Aerials--and Miiya, herself. That was the reason Miiya did not own any full-length mirrors, and covered the ones that were part of her apartment’s furniture.

Despite her academic and experiential knowledge of the flightless, Miiya could never shake the feeling that--if she put her deformity on display--grounders would find her just as much of a freak as her own people did. For the first time in forever, that feeling--that pressure in the back of her mind--was gone, at least around Essbee, and all it had taken was just a few words from her old friend.

Miiya couldn’t help but smile to herself. SB had goals; she bulled toward them. SB had aches and pains; she complained about them. SB had problems she couldn’t solve and a whole stack of traumas that were in the unreachable past; she didn’t worry about them. The draconic woman was probably the most zen of any of Miiya’s friends. Just being around her and being reminded of the hero’s way of living was helping Miiya get out of her own head.

As SB shut herself up in the bathroom and began the painful and laborious work of washing and descaling herself of the damaged parts of her living armor, Miiya did what she could to help. “Essbee, just leave your clothes next to the bath. I’ll see if Ms Fontana’s servants will launder our stuff. I mean, might as well take advantage, right? I’m pretty sure we’re not signing away our lives by getting our laundry done.” Miiya called through the door. “Or, if you don’t want boney fingers on yer dainties, I can wash ‘em for ya.” She offered. Miiya took a moment to rummage around in the giant closet for some more clothes that would fit SB’s larger frame.

“I don’t think there’s anything here that’ll fit yer tail, Essbee.” Miiya called out. Miiya, herself, had found a tank top that--more or less--allowed for her wings. “Oh, wait! Yes there is!” Miiya left a pile of clothes by the door to the bathroom. And because, why not? she got herself a fresh set of underclothes for when she was done bathing. Ma had always been fastidious, despite the dilapidated nature of their home. Her cleanliness had rubbed off on her daughter, but--recently--Miiya’s grooming habits had been a little slipshod due to the stressors in her life. If there was the potential to raise her level of hygiene as they were waited on hand-and-foot here at Ms Fontana’s, she was going to take advantage while she could.

When Stormbreaker emerged from the bath, staggered a few feet toward the bed, and then went down on some plush carpet instead of making it to the feathery goalpost, Miiya almost laughed. She trotted over and took a seat next to the snoring Draconian. “Oh, Arashi, what are we ever going to do with yew?” she asked quietly, reaching out to stroke Stormbreaker’s hair fondly.

Haul her bodily around was what Miiya was going to do, apparently. She knew, from experience, that--once the draconian was out, she was almost impossible, and extremely hazardous to awaken. Getting her arms under Stormbreaker, Miiya dragged her to bed. It wasn’t the first time Miiya had done so, though--when she’d been smaller and SB larger--she’d kept a hand truck specifically for the purpose of carting the Draconian around. It still bothered Miiya that SB was light enough to move without assistance, “but it’s still not easy, Stormy.” she grunted, good-naturedly as she finally rolled the larger woman into bed.

After getting Stormbreaker to bed, Miiya retired to the cavernous bath with relish. Despite her blunt nature, SB was a conscientious roommate, and she had cleaned up after herself. Miiya decided she was going to go for a full-on bath, since she and her wings would fit in the swimming-pool sized tub.

It was well into the wee hours of the morning by the time Miiya finished bathing, washing her wings, and then conditioning her feathers. Though she was tired and sleepy, she was feeling pretty great. She hadn’t had a wash like tonight’s since getting her first job in IH. In her frenetic working life there just hadn’t been time or budget to take a half-day off to spend at the public baths doing a proper job of wing-washing. It was kind of a luxury, anyway. Miiya didn’t have to clean and re-oil her feathers, but it sure felt nice to do so.

Miiya returned to the main bedroom and looked around. The fire was burning low in the hearth. SB was sawing logs in her quadrant of the gigantic bed, and the lights of the city outside were dimmed by a low cold bayou mist that tended to creep through the streets on these midwinter nights.

Miiya yawned hugely, and then decided that--yes--the bed did look more inviting than the couches. “Don’t mind me, Arashi,” she whispered, before she flopped, facedown on the opposite quarter of the seeming half-acre of mattress. Despite the draconic woman’s resounding snores, Miiya was asleep almost before her head hit the pillow.

The distant noises of the daytime city, at this height, sounded a bit like the roar of the sea. Miiya awakened from a dream of--what else--flying on seacliff updrafts to find that she had migrated during the night. She was nestled up against SB’s back, with both her legs draped over the draconic woman’s tail. Miiya felt a little blush rise into her cheeks, but she was still muzzy enough with sleep that she didn’t have any large or abrupt reaction to her involuntary intimacy with her old friend. Instead, she blearily traced the lines of Stormbreaker’s shoulders with her eyes. The draconian was thin and wasted, but the woman was still broad of shoulder and heavily muscled. The Aerial didn’t have to work hard to fight back the urge to give those shoulders a squeeze. If there were a woman Miiya might have been attracted to, it would have been Stormbreaker. But there wasn’t and so neither was Miiya. She sometimes had mixed feelings about her friend, but that mix was a muddle of the filial and platonic, not romantic. So instead of an awkward embrace of the still-sleeping woman, Miiya carefully scooted away, doing her best not to wake SB as she left the bed.

The sun was an hour higher in the sky when Miiya finished her morning task. The fruits of her labors; two dozen donuts (a dozen of them blueberry) and another twenty-six bagels were piled in bags and boxes atop the coffee table about which the furniture of the parlor clustered. Miiya was standing, now fully dressed with Dauntless installed, regarding the breakfast. She figured that Ms Fontana would have provided another free meal, if asked, but Miiya had preferred to do this favor in celebration of her reunion with SB. Now she was trying do decide if she ought to get started on her own, or wait for SB to awaken. “Maybe I’ll just have a bagel or two,” she decided. Or five or six.
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"My prize! I haven't finished playing with it!" Meredy squealed when Krampula's head vanished from the jar, her hands still pressing the blender button aggressively. She frowned at Giovanna as if the patron just took her toy. Though the words cake seemed to restore her mood. She loves everything strawberry, and she loves cake. The girl took some of the ingredients for herself and tried to make her own cake.

It didn't take long for anyone to realize that the girl probably never do actual cooking as she repeatedly, but confidently, made a mess with the foods. Like breaking a third of the eggshells into the dough or accidentally spreading the flour around when mixing it with strawberry jam. Once the cake was finished, the one that Meredy made looks like someone just butchered a rabbit and put it in the oven. Even Meredy ends up hiding it in her pocket dimension and decided to just eat the one Giovanna made instead.

Following the others into the living room, Meredy gleefully plopped down onto one of the sofa with a plate filled with more than half of the cake. Happily munching it down as she listened. She couldn't help but thinking a war between the patron would be interested to watch, she probably would pay some good money for it. Zahrah also shared their own thought about war. For Meredy, happiness would a be an unreliable measurement of war, it's too fickle and untangible. Though she didn't say anything as she was too busy eating the cake.

Once she was done she set up the plate aside and let out a huge yawn. It had been a really eventful night, beating the festival games, dancing with the devil, hunting worms, hanging out with a patron. She definitely would have some stories to tell once she gets home. Meredy was thinking about who should she brags to as she drifted off to sleep on the sofa.​


Commissioned Art by Feerocomics. Art is here.

Real Name: Arashi Sato
Height: 6"3
Titles: Human, Draconian, Puppet
Human -
Normal human, plain and featureless. A blank slate full of potential.
Draconian - Humans with dragon heritage descended from the dragonborn. The bloodline is heavily diluted, leaving their appearance mostly human, but it grants them superior physical abilities, superhuman healing, magical aptitude, and, more rarely, partial draconic transformation.

Society - General:
Puppet -
Character was just a means to an end for grander or more influential figures. Whether by choice or by design, they dance to the whims of others. Character is more easily manipulated by others. Character is less responsible for the wrongs they commit.
Strength | B Grade
Precision | F Grade
Intelligence | D Grade
Vitality | B Grade
Speed | D Grade

Abilities Active:
N/A - will be spoilered if ability
Abilities Used: N/A - will be spoilered if ability
Passives: Regeneration | F Grade | 6 Posts
Color: #824ca3 | Link to Sheet

  • Magic Catalyst [Organ] | E Grade | 28 Points
    • Stormbreaker's magic catalyst is an extra organ inside her body that allows her to produce the element she chooses, in this case, fire for now.
  • Heavy Iron Armor | F Grade | 7 Points
    • Iron Armor. Includes a helmet to protect her identity.
  • Natural Weapon [Fists] | F Grade | 14 Points
    • Since she likes punching I made this.
  • Iron Greatsword | F Grade | 7 Points

Inside the Guest Suite

This is a tiny bit of a narrator post. Not alot, but more like a start.

As Miiya helped Stormbreaker, she felt a sigh of relief. However, she should be the one looking after Miiya, not the other way around. She felt so weak and pathetic, she could barely help herself. At least she wasn't on her deathbed anymore, but still, the dragon felt a sense of responsibility towards the younger kid, like a parent. The amount of scales that came off her tail was a lot, nothing an overnight sleep couldn't fix. However, they'd repair themselves. Although they wouldn't be as shiny, at least for now.

Stormbreaker left her clothes next to the bath in response to Miiya insisting, hoping she would get clean clothes too. She would need to resupply with her gear anyway and possibly get replacements and upgrade the items she had. She was used to wearing the same gear time and time again, changing none of it. Used to look at nights sleeping in the outdoors as she ventured place to place.

As Stormbreaker got into clean clothes, she felt a bit better. It was nice to be clean again and to be alive and well and then she collapsed onto the carpet, snoring loudly as she did so. The draconian didn't move all night, despite Miiya hugging her and didn't even hear Miiya wake up. She was an incredibly heavy sleeper, sleeping through construction, thunder, loud noises and so forth. Only fire alarms and alarms could wake her up after all.

Stormbreaker did wake up an hour or two after Miiya, groaning as she woke up. She woke up to the light in hear eyes of the nearby sun casting a shadow over her features. She wanted to sleep in some more, but she could hear Miiya just stumbling around as she did so. The dragon got herself out of bed and yawned heavily, still tired as all hell. She was so exhausted she overslept by a few hours extra. Thankfully, she didn't exactly dream or have nightmares.

She glanced across at the food on the table. "I see you've got breakfast. I'll grab it after I go and get another bath. I need to make sure I'm clean again." She went over to the closet, finding a spare suit and other clothing, and make sure to fix it up so he tail would fit. It looked like a perfect fit for her, after all. Stormbreaker then went and got another bath, this time scrubbing her regenerated scales with some bath oil to make sure they kept that way and then, of course, washing her hair and body again. She needed to be clean even more after what happened. She cleaned up after herself.

As she went and got dried and then eventually dressed, she came out of the shower, dressed in a suit and shoes, adjusting her tie. She seemed to look fairly good in it, despite it looking a little too big on her because of her lack of muscle, and then went over to grab that bagel, donuts and some fresh juice and began munching on it. She was hungry. "You even got my favorite donuts, Miiya. Thank you. How was your sleep? I still feel a bit awful but... let's see what the day has planned for us, right? I still need to get my muscle back."

"I feel like I passed out for too long. I need to get more sleep tonight and probably for a while. Ugh, sorry that I'm just... sick. I wish I wasn't. I wish I was myself." She sighed, only munching more on the food she needed in her body. "But enough about that. What's this about that weird demon guy, Mep... whatever the fuck his name is? Something about a contract? I kinda zoned out."

Irihi Irihi
Narrators Involved (List the narrators who participated in the roleplay.)

Yours truly, Mephisto!

Narrator Standing (Provide the standing of each narrator involved, including links to their standing sheets for reference.)

Currently, F

Summary of the Roleplay (Briefly summarize the events and main storyline of the roleplay.)

Well, well, well, the holidays have rolled around in Red Haven and the much-loved Devil's Day festival has come - and with it, the mischief of a certain Cryptid named Count Krampula. He was cursed into becoming a worm monster after breaking a contract with the Patron named Tobias Munroe and has decided to take out his frustrations by stealing the happiness of everyone in the city!

This has been noticed by Miiya, Meredy, and Zahrah and Mephisto decided to bring them all together - for better or worse. Mephisto tried making deals with all of them. He succeeded in ensnaring Miiya after she killed her stalked in cold blood - how brutal! Him and Meredy got along famously, so he gave her three wishes. Zahrah, however, was too much of a cotton brain and actually caught Mephisto on his bold and obvious lie.

Through their combined skills, they managed to flush out Krampula and thwart a major unhappiness attack on a mall in the Diamonds District. Meredy even cashed in on a wish Mephisto owed her and captured Krampula's talking head.

Another Patron named Giovanna Fontana arrived, concerned by the ruckus, and soon realized that these folks were being manipulated by Mephisto into doing something they might regret - especially easy after Mephisto literally dropped Stormbreaker in on her song and dance. She then took them all to her apartment for the sake of safety, gave them a warm meal, and explained everything about Patron politics.

Meredy even tortured Krampula for more information, revealing a darker plot involving the Patron Nimrod. Rest and relaxation await our heroes, but not for long. Their stay in Red Haven may not be as peaceful as they initially wanted it to be after all.

Goal Achievement (Indicate whether the goal of the roleplay was accomplished. Note that this affects grading, as failed roleplays typically receive lesser rewards.)

Goal - stop Count Krampula from ruining Devil's Day


Criminal Acts Perpetrated (List any criminal acts committed during the roleplay, with links to the specific posts where they occurred.)


Lore to Establish (Detail any new lore you'd like to introduce, including brief descriptions for lore moderators, links to the posts where the lore was established, nation of origin associated with the lore.)


Partial Participants (Provide a list of partial participants, including their character names and roleplayer (RPer) names.)

Metty - Stormbreaker

Partial Participant Invaders (Note if any partial participants were invaders. Specify whether world rules or player versus player (PvP) mechanics were utilized.)

Yes, literally thrown into the mix

Full-Time Participants(List all full-time participants.)
  • Character name. Miiya
  • RPer name. Irihi
  • Link to character sheet. Sheet

  • Character name. Meredy Cainbell
  • RPer name. Spoiled Bread
  • Link to character sheet. Sheet

  • Character name. Zahrah Fiore
  • RPer name. Elvario
  • Link to character sheet. Sheet

Characters with Point Boosters (Identify any characters who used point boosters, including links to the posts where the boosters were used to gain points (for narrative boosters, the first post in the scene is sufficient)).
  • Character name. Meredy
  • Type of Point Booster. Attentive Student
  • Link to relevant post. player with higher standing grade was present (Zahrah)

Recommended Titles (Suggest titles for characters based on their actions or outcomes within the roleplay.)
  • Character name. Miiya
  • Title: [Title] - Cryptid in Training (Miiya is contracted to Mephisto and is becoming more of a puppet)

  • Character name. Meredy
  • Title: [Title] - Naughty Child (Meredy has scared the annual Devil's Day mischief-maker, she deserves coal next year... and perhaps for many years afterwards)

  • Character name. Zahrah
  • Title: [Title] - Marketable Plushie (Just in time for the holidays - LIMITED EDITION! ORDER YOURS NOW!!)

  • Character name. Stormbreaker
  • Title: [Title] - Surprise Guest (She seems to be an expert at breaking things just by moving too fast in one direction)

Assets/Titles Roleplayed For (List any assets or titles that were roleplayed for, along with justifications for each.)
  • Character name. N/A
  • Asset: [N/A]
  • Justification: N/A

Characters with [Wanted] or Criminal Titles (Provide a list of characters who already possess the [Wanted] title or any criminal titles.).
  • Character name. N/A
  • Type of Title. N/A

Hunters' Involvement (Indicate whether any characters with the [Wanted] title had their hunters appear or play a part in the roleplay.).

Special Skills or Assets (List characters possessing Buddy skills, Masterwork skills, Complex Assets.)
  • Character name. Zahrah
  • Type of Skill/Asset. Downtime

Transactions Performed (Note any transactions that occurred during the roleplay, such as, weapon exchanges, asset transfers.)

Rp'ers: N/A
Characters: N/A
Traded Goods: N/A
  • Item
Relevant Mentions: N/A
Relevant Post: N/A

Rules Utilized (Specify the level of rules used in the roleplay.)
No rules. | Some rules. | Advanced in-house (IH) rules

Some rules

Character Sheet Oddities (Mention any noticeable oddities or inconsistencies in character sheets related to their purchases. Note: There's no need for a full evaluation; simply highlight any unusual findings during your review.)
  • Name - N/A

Aftermath and Potential Lore Updates (Describe any potential aftermath or consequences based on the events of the roleplay. Suggest any updates that might be needed for the lore.)


Narrator Bonuses (Recommend any bonuses you'd like to award to narrators based on their performance.)


Additional Notes (Include any other observations or points you'd like feedback on or that require further commentary.)

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