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    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Finished [On the Border of the See and Widersia, as Far South of Clockhaven as the River Goes] - The Devil's Favorite Holiday

Giovanna was spotlighted in dimmer blue while Miiya stood in her own pool of limelight, blinded to everyone save the patron painted as [?] a skeleton. It seemed as if there were only two people existing in the universe of the stage. Into that darkness, into the starless space between their two tiny planets of light Miiya’s voice rang out in a reedy clarion call.

“Want to know why I made the deal I did?
Want to know why my wings are clipped?
Want to know why I bruise so easily,
Or how I learned to cover it with makeup and deceit?
I’ve lived in shadows, where I didn’t belong,
Held my breath too long, but I’ve stayed strong.
So here I stand, in your light, in your space,
And now you ask me, with that look on your face...

As she sang, the birdgirl took a few steps forward, now pointed toward Giovanna, now toward the nonexistent audience, and now to the skeletal band. It was her turn to pull the strings she could. With a gesture and a louvering of her feathers that ran from shoulder to wingtip, she motioned and a dim red light came up, illuminating a chorus line of backup singers; all in similar--though simpler and less ornate--garb and paint as the patron of the diamond district.

But you want to know why?
Why I’ve fallen, why I’ve lied?
Why I fight when I can’t fly,
Why I scream at the empty sky.
Want to know why?
I’ve been broken, but I survived.
I’ve learned to crawl before I rise,

Her first verse had been reedy and wavering, but even so, Miiya knew she was killing it. She was setting the tone, leading the chorus, and transporting Giovanna and the audience along with her (hopefully).

Want to know why I hit so hard?
Want to know why I sometimes lose control?
Why I tear through the night with no guard,
Shattering silence, never letting go?
I didn’t choose to live this way,
But the choices were made, and I won’t obey.
I’ll bite, I’ll burn, I’ll leave a mark,
This is the woman who learned how to spark.

Yes! Slay!
Miiya counseled herself, a little fang showing in a smile that was halfway a snarl as she led the chorus again and this time advanced on Giovanna.

The patron of the Diamond district conveyed how unimpressed she was with Miiya’s performance with every nonvocal cue at her disposal. It was kinda breathtaking. Miiya wasn’t sure if she was dancing to her doom here, but she sure as hell was enjoying putting on the show now, as the last verse turned the question on the dismissive patron of Diamonds.

I want to know why your first thought is money,
Why my deal makes you feel so uneasy?

Miiya stuck a theatrical finger in Giovanna’s face, and the patron’s response was poetry. There was not so much as a blink or a twitch of her painted features as she raised a hand, yet the utter contempt that radiated from her as she deigned to give Miiya a copa turn, guiding her into a cross-body lead, with Giovanna as the lead.

You can’t stand that I’m standing here,
Not begging, not scared, but holding this fear.
I’ve been beneath you, ignored, unseen,
But now I’m the one who’s chasing this dream.

With the change in direction came a change in lead of the salsa as Giovanna and Miiya danced, seamlessly trading lead and follower roles with the music. There wasn’t even a bridge, Miiya kept on singing, amazed that the way her and the patron’s steps wove kept her prodigious pipes pointed out into the darkness beyond their now-intermingled spotlights.

So tell me, what do you see in my eyes?
I’m the storm you never saw rise.

The chorus came stronger this time, and Miiya had her hands full with the salsa, the song, and trying to catch enough breath to belt out her lyrics over the rising latin band and skeletal singers.

But you want to know why?
Why I’ve fallen, why I’ve lied?
Why I fight when I can’t fly,
Why I scream at the empty sky.
Want to know why?
I’ve been broken, but I survived.
I’ve learned to crawl before I rise,

Now look at me, and wonder why.

Miiya hit the outro again, loud, clear, and holding the note even as she executed a spin-out, Miiya’s wings snapping out and framing the pair with a backdrop of feather and steel.

“Now look at me, and wonder why.”
She breathed.
Patron and cryptid patronized froze, still maintaining connection. Miiya felt the long shadow retreat from her right hand--where Giovanna’s skeletal fingers held her fast. Would it disappear completely? Would it manifest from her left hand as a darkness in the limelight?

Giovanna Fontana

Patron of the Diamonds District in Red Haven

| Elvario Elvario | Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread | Irihi Irihi |


Giovanna found herself immediately transfixed by the doll. Their pronunciation of the Holy Spirit was charming, to say the least. She immediately knelt down and started to address Zahrah's hair, fashioning it into works of art. She skillfully managed to create something from paintings or sculptures that she recreated at nauseum, never once capturing the beauty that ensnared her heart for the first time. She grew less fascinated by these things, things of less meaning than the original.

She felt like she had insulted their creators somehow, and gave up a long time ago. Her tired, pale hands - permanently painted with a cartoonish visage of the bones underneath - worked in tandem with her words as she stitched loose threads, adjusted the Satan Claus costume to be more aesthetically pleasing, and even wiped off some smudges from Zahrah's adorable face. She even gave them a pair of horns to wear on the top of their head!


She rose to her feet and the sight of the skeletal pattern continuing along her skin became more apparent.

"No, I can't teach you dolce tesoro, I'm sorry,"

The more titles Zahrah mentioned, the more Giovanna felt something in her heart resembling pride or happiness. She felt like the little doll was more than just a thing full of cotton. She barely registered the question about Count Krampula - and she scoffed loudly, immediately frowning.

"He's a rogue Cryptid that pops up around the holidays, leeching off the magic of happiness and joy and creating emotionless slaves. He does it to lobby against certain events so he can gain power and prestige through the most abhorrent process in the world... bureaucracy,"

She shivered.

"I'm guessing Mephisto put you up to hunting him down without telling you anything, hm? That's just par for the course," she rolled her eyes... only to immediately go back to fawning over Zahrah.

"But you can be Mall Satan for however long you want!"

They nommed her finger and her stern façade completely melted away. She had to purse her lips together to keep the tear budding in her eye from falling. After the first phase of her song, she didn't think twice about hugging Zahrah and felt a wave of emotion wash away all the stress of the holiday season thanks to their impossibly amazing ability to embrace another creature. She was about to say something but then Meredy continued with her own portion of the musical occasion.

It was obvious she wanted the spotlight, and Giovanna obliged by gesturing for it to move onto her. The notes were initially intrusive and wrong, but that's when she found her own rhythm. It became less of a statement of rebellion and more her own addition to the song itself. Giovanna didn't so much as blink as she approached, understanding all too well how it felt to be overshadowed and forgotten. She could empathize with the feeling of being trapped somewhere.

Therefore, she did nothing but support Meredy through her silence. The words came out methodically and precise, matching the new surgical tone of the music. It felt sharp and intense, matching Meredy's scowl. She had so much to say, but such a small window of opportunity. The lyrics she belted out echoed raw defiance.

Giovanna tilted his head curiously at her once she was finished.

Upon the conclusion to her inclusion, Meredy conjured a table for four in the center of the stage. The Patron was surprised upon noticing that Count Krampula's head had become little more than a lighting fixture for the occasion.

"Owowowow!! Hot! Hot! Hot!!" he shouted and screamed, but Giovanna slid a finger through the air and shut his mouth.

He wriggled around in pain, grumbling and groaning but unable to interrupt them again. The painted skeletons instinctively pulled the chairs out for the four to sit down, thought Miiya remained standing. She had something of her own to say, but for the moment Giovanna and Meredy spoke together.

"You're a delightful addition to this evening, Ms. Cainbell, and I would never dare to imply otherwise," she smiled warmly. "I apologize. The stress of the season has gotten under my skin. Mephisto simply finds that... funny,"

The warm smile became sarcastic once she thought about the devilish trickster again.

"That is a fine idea. While it's true that Count Krampula is a usual nuisance this time of year, Mephisto has seen fit to exasperate the situation and include you three for reasons I dare not try to understand,"

She viciously jabbed Count Krampula's wriggling head-lump with a sharp finger, driving it into his flesh and bone as her nail caused it to sizzle and crack. The Cryptid howled in muffled agony.

"This... maiale... no, that is an insult to pigs! This eretico has broken his contract with Tobias Munroe, seeking more power than he's worth! I should kill him now,"

She pulled her finger from his skull, leaving a cauterized hole where it once seared through the worms and meat.

"But - alas - I cannot," she remarked with a shrug.

"He's already hidden his heart somewhere underneath Red Haven. Someone always finds one or the other, you rotten spazzatura, but you always weasel your way out of getting caught,"

She stood again. She had a feeling that she had to. Miiya still didn't take her seat, and when the light washed over both of them she knew exactly the reason why fate told her to address the Aerial properly. This would be the stage they would take together.

Giovanna braced herself for Miiya's solo. It was beautiful, howling for freedom amidst something terrible. She committed a sin too great to admit for the moment. They were still strangers to each other, but perhaps that would fade with time. The Patron watched as she suffered, bringing her soul and blood both to a boil. The painted skeletons accompanied her just as they did for all who sang upon the stage. Yet this time it seemed different.

Giovanna was frustrated and stressed to the point of breaking. Meredy wanted to prove herself to her contemporaries. Miiya churned with anxiety and a desire to be accepted - not used.

The Patron nodded along with her. She felt the biting remark about her thinking only about money. When the Aerial finished her number with a brilliant unfurling of her wings against the spotlight, Giovanna extended her hand and grasped Miiya's. The Long Shadow shied away into a distant corner.

"When I look into your eyes I don't see a spark
I don't see a fire
I don't see the dark

When I look into your eyes I see a little girl
I see her hurting
I see her spurning the world

She learned a very long time ago
That it's okay to hide
But, bambina, you have so much to show

Your wings were made for you
Not for anyone else
So fly as only you can do"

She turned towards center stage and included them in more of her theatrics, the painted skeletons playing a monumental orchestration to the climax of the symphony.

"Red Haven is a tangled web
Of haunting desire
It flows and ebbs

So much happens in so little time
I do apologize
The fault is all mine

I stood before you condemning your worth
And now I know
There's nothing I'd want more on this Earth

Than to sit down... and enjoy a Devil's Day with you~!"

Giovanna held her hands towards the center of the table, gesturing for them to finally take their seats and -

| Cutiefly Cutiefly |

From beyond time and space, through a random portal that opened up above the table, an emaciated dragon woman plopped onto the arrangement and shattered it on impact. Miiya would immediately recognize her as Stormbreaker.

Mephisto peered in from the other side of the interdimensional gateway and cascaded his fingers towards Giovanna.

"Yoohoo~! Mon cher~"

Giovanna's mood instantly soured and the stage, along with the lights and painted skeletons, started to fade away - though not like an illusion. They were hurriedly trying to clean everything up before the inevitable -


There it was.

Thus began a truly awe-inspiring tirade of insults and curses upon Mephisto that he just stuck his tongue out slyly at. He didn't care. She could stay mad and he wouldn't change. She could die and he didn't have the capacity to empathize.

"Well, I wish I could stay and chat more but I have more Devil's Day cheer to spread... toodles~!"

With that, he vanished without a trace - except for the puff of red smoke that he left behind - and the five were left with a broken table and a crowd of concerned civilians surrounding them. Giovanna pinched the bridge of her nose and stamped her foot, cleaning up the rest of the musical and its remaining decorations.

Except for a small piece of confetti, which one of her painted skeleton minions picked up and scurried away with.

All in all... it went much better than expected.


Well, that’s a relief. Miiya clung to that thought--that she wasn’t about to get shot or stabbed or turned into a skeleton minion--because Giovanna’s song was a little… more… than she wanted to deal with at that moment. Can’t dance with your eyes closed and ears plugged she thought wistfully as the patron of Diamonds mercifully changed gears and ended their musical numbers with an invitation to tea.

The ambient lighting came up, the spotlights vanished, and now it was just a mundane tea party with madrina.

Until motherfretting Mephisto, that was. “Wha… wait… S-storm-- !!” Miiya had just folded her wings and settled from the balls of her feet, when the crash of a falling body shattering teacups and scattering flatware caused her to jump and her wings to twitch back out to quarter-extension.

One hand covering her mouth, one hand outstretched to catch herself and vault atop the table, Miiya lunged forward with a wingbeat. Her gusty flap caused the fringe of Giovanna’s hat to dance and her skirts to skirl about her, adding dramatic effect to the string of toe-curling curses she was rifling at the sharp-toothed interloper.

Miiya skidded to a stop on her knees next to Stormbreaker. “Yfrett! Storm!! What happened!??” She cried, aghast. The birdgirl quickly searched the draconian for signs of life, her face white, her hands shaking.

Miiya had not seen Stormbreaker since their time together in Azuran, but the draconian’s emaciated features were unmistakable. How and why her old friend and partner had appeared here were inconsequential to Miiya, because Stormbreaker--the most powerful protector Miiya had ever known--looked…She can’t be dead! She can’t be!

A sob escaped the birdgirl as she caught the faintest rise and fall of the prostrate woman’s chest. Stormbreaker was a mess--battered, emaciated, covered in bruises, cuts, sores and signs of abuse and torture--but she was alive. “Oh, Arashi!” Miiya bent over her, holding Stormbreaker’s head in her lap, and crying unrestrainedly as she smoothed the draconian’s hair above her swollen and blackened eyes. “What have they done to you?!”

I have to get her off the table! The thought jagged through Miiya. The memory of what Mephisto had done to Marek was still fresh and raw in the Aerial’s mind. The fact that the cannibalistic demon had dropped her friend upon the table, like an uncooked side of beef, was not lost on Miiya. “Hang on, Essbee!” Miiya shifted Stormbreaker, wedging her arms under the woman. It was no easy lift, despite Miiya’s horrified realization; she’s so thin! . Stormbreaker might be near half her former weight, but she still outmassed and outsized the diminutive birdgirl. Even so, distress and fear lent power to Miiya’s arms, legs, and back as she strained to get SB off the table.

Backing up awkwardly, with the limp draconian cradled in her arms, Miiya tried not to jostle the battered woman as she turned away from the wrecked tea party. “Help me!” She said to anyone and everyone--but focused particularly on Giovanna--with quiet tearful desperation.


Commissioned Art by Feerocomics. Art credit is here.

Real Name: Arashi Sato
Height: 6"3
Titles: Human, Draconian, Puppet
Human -
Normal human, plain and featureless. A blank slate full of potential.
Draconian - Humans with dragon heritage descended from the dragonborn. The bloodline is heavily diluted, leaving their appearance mostly human, but it grants them superior physical abilities, superhuman healing, magical aptitude, and, more rarely, partial draconic transformation.

Society - General:
Puppet -
Character was just a means to an end for grander or more influential figures. Whether by choice or by design, they dance to the whims of others. Character is more easily manipulated by others. Character is less responsible for the wrongs they commit.
Strength | B Grade
Precision | F Grade
Intelligence | D Grade
Vitality | B Grade
Speed | D Grade

Abilities Active:
N/A - will be spoilered if ability
Abilities Used: N/A - will be spoilered if ability
Passives: Regeneration | F Grade | 6 Posts
Color: #824ca3 | Link to Sheet

  • Magic Catalyst [Organ] | E Grade | 28 Points
    • Stormbreaker's magic catalyst is an extra organ inside her body that allows her to produce the element she chooses, in this case, fire for now.
  • Heavy Iron Armor | F Grade | 7 Points
    • Iron Armor. Includes a helmet to protect her identity.
  • Natural Weapon [Fists] | F Grade | 14 Points
    • Since she likes punching I made this.
  • Iron Greatsword | F Grade | 7 Points

The last thing she remembered was getting yeeted through the portal by that demon guy. Mephisto. That bastard who turned her small and yeeted through that portal. At least it was better than staying with that bastard, Amon. She didn't get much choice to go after his research or find out what he was doing. She had spent all of her energy trying to kill him. Only her hatred kept her conscious until Mephisto knocked her out.

Stormbreaker's whole body was in agony as she woke up. Her vision was blurry as she tried to figure out what she was. It seemed like she was in some sort of room. Then she heard a familiar voice. It sounded... like... Miiya? Was Stormbreaker dead and in some sort of heaven? Surely not. Surely she couldn't have died yet. Then she felt herself being lifted, and her vision sharpened, revealing her armor and sword nearby, which seemed gigantic compared to her emaciated form. She had lost a lot of weight because of that torture and abuse that mad scientist had put her through. It was intentional to keep her from fighting back.

"... Miiya?" Stormbreaker asked as her vision came back, noticing the bird woman holding her. Stormbreaker, with all her strength, hugged the bird lady. She didn't have much strength to like get out of her arms nor really argue with her whatsoever. And then Stormbreaker cried. She wasn't really an emotional woman as such, but she was in such a state from all her wounds and abuse she just wanted to cry again.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry. I... I... I wanted to get stronger to protect you. Those bastards in the western empire, those mad scientists experimented on me instead and they got rid of my ability to sleep. I'm sorry... I missed you too, Miiya." Stormbreaker sobbed harder, hugging into the bird lady. "That demon saved my life... I... I didn't know what else to do. I would have died... otherwise."

Stormbreaker didn't flinch as Miiya moved her and picked her up, she sat in Miiya's arms limply. She just held onto her best friend all the while. Miiya was the only comforting thing right now, and she needed her friend. She needed Miiya to feel better. "Please help me... Miiya." Stormbreaker asked her politely as she cried.

Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Irihi Irihi Mephisto Mephisto Elvario Elvario
Last edited:
Zahrah Fiore

Languages: Common | <Beastial> | {Sylvan} | [Terran] | %Analog% | #Abyssal#
Mentions: Mephisto Mephisto | Miiya Irihi Irihi | Meredy Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread

Zahrah was surprised by Meredy's post-modern jazz take on all the harmonies they'd been singing in. “Wow, those are some really out there funky harmonies, miss cane-carrying red-haired, cloak-wearing miss!” They realised they didn't know Meredy's name, so a description would have to do. “Very modern and jazzy!” They'd compliment.

Sadly enough, they'd have to shake their head. “I'm sorry though, I can't drink tea. It'll just get my insides all soggy, mushy and gross.” The ever-troublesome nature of being a living plushy. A total lack of enjoying food and drink, something that seemed to bring others so much happiness.

As for the introductions... They would be going trhough their usual spiel again. “Nice to meet you, miss Cainbell! I'm Zahrah Fiore, a researcher of happinesses, Construct, Living Doll, Possessed Plush, Redcliffe Contributor, Hero of Ravenswood Village, Saviour Of Shiku No Mura, Simple, Mile High Club of Happiness Member, Convict Converter, Solution Seeker, Bird Post, Loved by Outcasts, Happiness Stuffing, Understudy and an up and coming Seamtress, Actor, Singer, Dancer, Spoken Worder and Tin Whistler!” Seeing how Meredy also mentioned being a daughter of someone, Zahrah would add “I was made by my mommy, Sophia Smith! She's also from Ryken, though I haven't seen her in a really long time!”

They'd listen to Miiya's solo and if they had tear ducts, they might've shed a tear. So sad. They were the first to break out in applause, their cotton hands crashing into one another with a surprisingly lack of sound, but not due to lack of trying. “That was great! Did you write all that yourself? You really should perform that on a bigger state! I bet the emotions it'll invoke in people really brings the type of sadness that eventually becomes happiness!”

They did not mind having their hair played with, as they instead focussed on the words spoken to them by granny. “Ah! Je ne parlais vous Italiana!” They corrected themselves in the wrong language. Then again, that only brought the point across some more.

“Dolce Tesoro? Is that a type of food?” It sounded like it'd be a type of chocolate, perhaps. “A Cryptid, what's that? Wait, leeching off of happiness? How horrible! Is it another reverse pet?” That was indeed terrible news. Just having one type of reverse pet was already horrible, after all, but having even more of them would be truly awful.

“Oh, oh, I know that one! Bureaucracy is really bad for happiness!” They would nod. In their long and extensive research, that was one of the predominant happiness killers for sure. Seeing how they didn't even know who Krampula was, they didn't think they were sent out to hunt him, so they just shrugged.

On the topic of being Mall Satan, however, they'd look around. “I don't think there's anyone to bring happiness from being Mall Satan left here, so I guess I can stop. Unless it makes you happy?” In truth, they cared nothing about the role, they just wanted to make folk happy, though there was a distinct lack of such folk right now.

They didn't mind being hugged. They were [Soft] and a [Plush Golem] for a reason. Being hugged was part of what helped them make others happy in the bestest ways! They'd just hug back, wrapping their arms around Giovanna.

Upon hearing Giovanna mention stress, they'd nod sagely. “Yes, yes. Stress is very bad for happiness.” Luckily, they knew something anti-stress. “I've heard pinching my cheeks helps against stress!” They'd say, as they'd turn the other cheek.

“Erotic?” They misheard Giovanna saying 'eretico' as they'd gotten a tad confused, perhaps even a tad scared. If the woman was into torturing random heads without bodies, that was slightly concerning. Not a good way to obtain happiness for sure.

“Oh, hiding ones heart? That sounds like a fairy tale!” What else did it remind them off? “Or a horcrux!” They'd forgotten where they'd heard about that last bit of terminology from.

They were just getting to enjoy the old lady's song, when someone appeared and plopped a dragon-woman down onto the table. That was pretty wild. Wait, since when were there civilians around them again? How odd. They probably missed them during the last few minutes? Ah well.

Curiously looking at the dragon woman, as apparently the musical had ended, they saw the bird rushing over. The dragon didn't seem to be in a great shape, which the bird also caught onto. It also seemed like that situation was truly bad for happiness. How horrible!

That said, they were a tad conflicted. It seemed the dragon woman and bird girl hugging was something they shouldn't interrupted. That might be bad for happiness. Yet the bird girl had ask for someone to help them and they certainly knew only one way to do so. To help or not to help? Which would be better for happiness? A very, very tough and intricate calculation needed to be made.

So... the bird might be more sad if they didn't help. Yet the dragon seemed to want to be helped by the bird. Yet the bird couldn't help and asked for others to help. So... if they helped the bird by helping the dragon, they would help the bird help the dragon and by helping the bird by helping the dragon they would help make the bird happy and if the bird was happy, the dragon would be happy? So helping would make both happy! Yes, yes! They should definitely interfere.

Having reached the most scientific conclusion possible, they'd rush over to Miiya and Stormbreaker. “Don't worry!” They'd state, as they would stretch out their arms far and long to wrap the both of them into a [Hug it Better].

Hug it Better – Healing B, Elasticity E, Energised B, Empathy B, Insight B. - Character gives a hug that's mending both emotional and physical wounds. - Grade Be – 3 Post Cooldown.

As they would feel the cotton construct wrap their arms around them, they'd feel a certain warmth spreading through them, one capable of slowly yet steadily ridding them of their wounds and possibly soothing their mental state of mind whilst at it. “There, there, it'll all be fine, there, there~” They'd state to calm the both of them.

"Your response is very... tame, ma'am. Can't say I don't appreciate that in this situation though." Meredy commented with a mix of curiosity and suspicion, by 'tame' she meant was understanding as she expected the patron to try squeezing them further, growing in a highly meritocratic noble family made her wary on everything and everyone. It almost made her feels bad for insulting her right on her face.


Unfortunately Meredy was a rather naughty kid with little to no sympathy for others. Even Satan would immediately agree to give her coal as present every years.

Taking her seat back, the girl silently enjoyed the bird girl's performances and basked on the doll's compliments. She couldn't help but amused by the construct's chipper attitude. They're like a... dog, a joyful pink dog.

"I see you really likes your titles, Children of Smith. Your existence has been noted." She nodded at Zahrah, and made a mental note to look for more information about this Sophia Smith later.

Unfortunately the tea party, and her table, was short-lived as Mephisto suddenly appeared through a portal and dropped a figure on the table and shattered it. As Miiya and Zahrah rushed towards the figure and Giovanna was in a verbal fight with Mephisto, Meredy simply watched in amusement as if she's watching a theatrical live performance. She finished her last cup of tea, dusted her cloak off all the debris before finally addressing the new twist in front of her.

"You look awful, draconian." She said while looking at Stormbreaker with a curious gaze. Opening her pocket dimension, this time she pulled out several foods from it and put it on the floor next to the Stormbreaker. Meat pie, whole roasted chicken, tart cake, water and a few more.

"Eat. Regain what you've lost."
She said before returning back to her seat. Seemingly interested to see what the trio would do next.​

Giovanna Fontana

Patron of the Diamonds District in Red Haven

| Elvario Elvario | Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread | Irihi Irihi | Cutiefly Cutiefly |


"Help me!"



"Per favore..."

"Dio, per favore salvami!!"

The voices struck something deeper than they could ever know. The Patron's heart shuddered in terror. Her limbs locked into place. Her eyes went dim, her face and the skeletal paint embedded within growing pale. She had precious seconds. She had no time, but she had to remember.

The screaming returned to her. The wailing of the dying, pleading against being included with the dead. She inhaled sharply through her nose. All she could smell was blood. All she could taste was her own sweat. Her face burned with tears she could not cry.

Giovanna moved on an instinct she didn't know she had. She forgot it, once upon a time. She didn't say anything, immediately ripping a piece of her luxurious dress to clean and bind a major wound on Stormbreaker's thigh. She conjured a basin of warm water, reaching for it without thinking. She didn't know it wasn't there. It appeared on a whim. Her hands kept tearing pieces of her dress. She washed Stormbreaker's face.

She didn't even recognize the woman. All she saw was a patient brought to her. She kept cleaning the blood and grime from her face, not even realizing that some of it wasn't even her own. It didn't matter. She assessed minor cuts as insignificant. Major bleeding was kept to a minimum. She turned on her heels to get more water. Again, she conjured things without thinking or knowing why. She handed the basin to a skeleton who didn't know what to do with it. She brought a fresh one out of thin air, but stopped.

Zahrah was already hugging Stormbreaker and Miiya, bringing the situation down to a dull murmur of activity. Giovanna came back, mentally solidifying herself as being here, in Red Haven, and not... wherever her mind wandered.

She gasped for air. She didn't breathe much during that encounter with her darker imagination. Did it really exist only in her thoughts? She sighed and clutched her chest.

"Mia signora," the skeleton chimed in, still holding the basin full of dirtied water. "What am I supposed to be doing with this?"

Giovanna flicked her hand, sending it into the ether with a whisper of red smoke.

"Niente," she huffed.

She disregarded the state of her dress and brushed it back into place, her very motions causing the seams to come back together and the detailed fabric to stitch itself in a hastened regenerative fashion. She noticed the concerned glances of the crowd gathering around the plaza and quickly rolled her eyes before putting on a smile.

"Hello, my friends! Thank you for enjoying our rendition of the classic Devil's Day story of The Three Satan's Helpers. Make sure to come back tomorrow to see more,"

"Um... why are there four, then?" one of the men protested.

"That's our interpretation of their pet dragon Tiamat. Of course, you remember Tiamat's iconic red nose as she lights the flight path for Satan's sleigh?"

The crowd mumbled with approval and fascinated acceptance of the strange happenings.

"We're going to take our leave, but please continue having fun - and happy Devil's Day~!"

She cascaded her fingers and clapped her hands, transporting herself and all of her new acquaintances to her penthouse suite overlooking the Diamonds District. The lights were like stars, mapping the streets like a bioluminescent circulatory system. The apartment Giovanna lived in was the apex of luxury, with enough classical charm to be reminiscent of the early 20th Century. The most obvious part of the living arrangement was the enormous kitchen, fitted with custom-made Widersian imports designed to fit right in with the rest of the ornamentation.

"Please... make yourselves at home," she grumbled as the food and drink Meredy summoned fell on surgically-summoned plates and coasters.

They were gathered around a dining table, set adjacent to the living area overlooking the majority of Red Haven. Giovanna massaged her forehead and walked into the kitchen proper, her long dress following her but never fully touching the ground. She set the stove to boil some water.

"So, Miiya, anyone else you're expecting to fall out of the sky today? While we're at it, that bastard Mephisto is responsible for this one showing up too! I am... extremely concerned for all of you,"



Commissioned Art by Feerocomics. Art credit is here.

Real Name: Arashi Sato
Height: 6"3
Titles: Human, Draconian, Puppet
Human -
Normal human, plain and featureless. A blank slate full of potential.
Draconian - Humans with dragon heritage descended from the dragonborn. The bloodline is heavily diluted, leaving their appearance mostly human, but it grants them superior physical abilities, superhuman healing, magical aptitude, and, more rarely, partial draconic transformation.

Society - General:
Puppet -
Character was just a means to an end for grander or more influential figures. Whether by choice or by design, they dance to the whims of others. Character is more easily manipulated by others. Character is less responsible for the wrongs they commit.
Strength | B Grade
Precision | F Grade
Intelligence | D Grade
Vitality | B Grade
Speed | D Grade

Abilities Active:
N/A - will be spoilered if ability
Abilities Used: N/A - will be spoilered if ability
Passives: Regeneration | F Grade | 6 Posts
Color: #824ca3 | Link to Sheet

  • Magic Catalyst [Organ] | E Grade | 28 Points
    • Stormbreaker's magic catalyst is an extra organ inside her body that allows her to produce the element she chooses, in this case, fire for now.
  • Heavy Iron Armor | F Grade | 7 Points
    • Iron Armor. Includes a helmet to protect her identity.
  • Natural Weapon [Fists] | F Grade | 14 Points
    • Since she likes punching I made this.
  • Iron Greatsword | F Grade | 7 Points

Stormbreaker continued hugging Miiya hard, as she didn't really flinch. It was at least hot water, at least unlike the cold relentless showers and cleaning she got. She made no effort to move or look elsewhere, as her body was too weak to do so. Stormbreaker didn't notice how she got multiple wounds all over her body because of the way she splattered on the table on the table and the fact she had killed that scientist. That bastard who hurt her and many others... yet she hadn't had the chance to fully uncover his research. Whatever he was working on, at least.

Stormbreaker never really noticed her wounds until people pointed them out or she looked down on them. She always pushed past the pain regardless, even if she had pretty severe injuries, so it didn't really bother her. Not to mention she probably needed a change of clothes. This lady... didn't have to do this. Yet she did. Why?

"Thank you, lady..." Stormbreaker tried to speak as loud as possible. But she found it hard to talk because of the torture and abuse she was put through. She wanted to sleep, sleep so much.

Zaharah, who hugged them both. The construct was... soft. Too soft. It felt like a warm blanket she used to sleep with back in her home. It was comforting, it made her feel of home. Then it felt warm and her body felt like it was healing. Healing... this felt like a relief off her chest. Her wounds healed fully, and she didn't quite feel as sad anymore. She felt... better. More like her previous self. More like the person she was previous to being experimented on.

Stormbreaker kept hugging onto Miiya, as she was fully healed by the construct and she couldn't help but feel tears of joy. She felt much better. Maybe she could get onto her feet now. But the only thing it couldn't heal was well... her weight as she was about half of her default weight. Would she even fit into her armor now? Probably not. She'd probably have to gain a ton of weight just to get back into it and make it fit her body.

Stormbreaker got herself out of her arms and onto her feet, grabbing Miiya's arm to stand up correctly as she got her feet onto the ground. Stormbreaker glanced across at the Miiya as she stood up. "Miiya, you've grown haven't you? You look... much older than when I last saw you." Stormbreaker said, gripping firmly on Miiya's arm as she tried to push herself up. Her legs were quite shaky as she hadn't really been using them for a while due to not having the strength to really stand up fully. The only time she stood up was to kill that guy. It was all adrenaline from that point previously.

Stormbreaker stood a long deep breath, as she got back to being herself. It felt like her body all right, but what had just occurred just lingered in her mind. Something she would have trouble dealing with a while. She needed to find a way to get rid of it before it started disturbing her sleep again. At the very least, she could hopefully sleep again. After this, she'd want a long damn sleep in a good bed. That scars won't go away overnight. I feel hopeless for not being there and I instead got obsessed with trying to protect others the best I could. I needed that strength to do so. But... maybe... just maybe this isn't the correct way of doing it.

"Thank you Miiya, I appreciate it." Stormbreaker said, before giving the bird lady a hug. "I'm... sorry too for leaving you. I should have never done so. It's my fault for abandoning you. I'm sorry Miiya. I just wanted to get stronger to protect you and everybody else." She hugged Miiya tighter, not wanting to let her go. She had missed Miiya so much. "I'll be there this time. I promise."

Stormbreaker let go of the hug. I'm sorry too for not being there. I wish I was. I need to be there now. I can't keep running from this. I'm a coward for running away from Miiya. I don't know if I can forgive myself for doing so. She walked over to where her belongings were.

She inspected them before fitting most of her armor piece into her backpack, minus her helmet and sword. She at least put her chestplate on. It was massive on her due to how big she was when she originally used it. Helmet in hand as she put her backpack on. Stormbreaker went to go pick up her sword, inspecting it as she sheathed onto the sheath she had on her back. Could use some more work added to it. Maybe I can develop some combat style or fighting style with this. Fire added to added to it could work. There is that one black knight with from that video game I liked. He was really fucking cool with that fire sword as he protected the five realms with it.

Stormbreaker didn't notice the teleporting because she was heavily hyper-focused until someone teleported her into a penthouse suite. She made a nod and bow to the construct who helped her as a sign of respect and a thank you, at least. She glanced around the room. Some sort of penthouse? Seems old. Very old, compared to what I'm used to. Stuff looks dated. I can't complain, however. At least it looks better than Mephisto.

"Penthouse suite? You must be someone powerful to afford such a thing." Stormbreaker questioned, raising an eyebrow and looking over to where she was. It seemed interesting where she was, even if she didn't quite get where she was in all of this. "I should really introduce myself, in the meantime. I'm Stormbreaker, or... if you want an actual human name, I prefer if you call me Sato at the moment. Arashi is my first name technically, but I don't... really like being called that. We call each other last names in my culture. I hail from Japan in Earth originally previously being teleported here after death. Or if you want where in the world I actually came from, it was Paizu Mountains in the Republic." Partly it's because I called my daughter that name in my old world. I'm not fully used to being called that name yet.

Stormbreaker looked along at Meredy and nodded. "Draconian would be the correct term, yes. Unlike Miiya over here who calls me... so many names. It's amusing. We've been friends for a while. Hadn't seen her in years, though until now." Not that I enjoy some of the weird dragon names, but I can tolerate it if it's Miiya. She's the only one allowed to call me names.

Stormbreaker took her seat at the table, opting to sit beside Miiya whenever she took her seat. "Speaking of which, lady or... Mrs, if I may ask, what's your name? And the rest of you, of course. Are you any of you isekaiers or from another world like I am? I'd very much be interested in your stories. I'm... a hero of sorts. Or well... used to be." She glanced over at the others. Fluffy construct lady, mage looking lady and the powerful woman. Interesting bunch. I want to know them better.

Stormbreaker raised an eyebrow again at the Mephisto comment. That bastard? The demon guy? "If he shows up again, I'm punching him for putting me through a damn portal. He deserves that much. Fucking bastard could given me motion sickness. Damn Mephisto. Not to mention he's an old geezer or... old fashioned. He's.. rather.. annoying with his singing, I'll tell you that much. What part of we don't have fucking time for this, does that idiot not understand? Life or death situation and he puts... on a show."

Stormbreaker looked like a person who had received the present of her dreams, the ways her eyes lit up the second she saw... food on the table. The draconian put her helmet down on the ground and just looked actually excited for the first time in her life since her capture. God, she hoped this was real and not some illusion made to shatter her mind completely. That had happened before in anime she had watched or was it a tv show or movie?

Stormbreaker had to restrain herself. She at least had manners at the very least. Eating wildly was rude. She had enough knowledge to at least eat normally. Granted, she'd normally eat food with chopsticks or the odd occasion, a fork and knife. Usually it wasn't around people either. She'd eat by herself most of the time, but if there's one thing she's learned, she asks permission around people she doesn't know. "You... don't mind if I start right or do you want me to wait?" She asked politely.

Mephisto Mephisto Irihi Irihi Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Elvario Elvario
Last edited:
Zahrah Fiore

Languages: Common | <Beastial> | {Sylvan} | [Terran] | %Analog% | #Abyssal#
Mentions: Mephisto Mephisto | Miiya Irihi Irihi | Meredy Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread

They tilted their head at Meredy's chosen title for them. 'Children of Smith' was certainly out there. Their existence being noted was probably a good thing? “Yours is also pleasantly noted!” They'd cheerfully reply to Meredy in kind.

The dragon lady they'd hugged better didn't seem to acknowledge their existence verbally, leaving it at just a nod and a bow, but that was alright. So long as said dragon lady was happy again, which she seemed to be, Zahrah's job was done. They'd let go and retreat again, leaving her and the bird girl alone.

It seemed the lady-who's-name-they-totally-hadn't-forgotten... had they even been told it? Anyhow, the lady was quick to spin up a story about what'd happened. They'd clap their hands. It was pretty good for happiness to wrap-up events in such a manner. Yep, far better than leaving them confusing and chaotic. “Bye bye and happy Devil's Day!!!” They would join in at the greeting bit, cheering and waving as they suddenly were teleported.

However, the task given to them next was a gravely difficult one indeed. “Make myself at home..?” What a complicated task. How did organic beings do that? The first thing that came to mind was pooping on the toilet. The best way to know someone felt at home somewhere, was if they felt comfortable enough to poop on the toilet. Yet Zahrah didn't so such things, so they couldn't use that technique to fulfil the lady's request to make themselves at home.

Of course, pulling open someone's fridge and drinking milk straight out of the jar, bottle or carton, was also a good way to make oneself feel at home. Yet again, Zahrah didn't eat or drink, so it was yet another way they couldn't comply with the request.

They debated undressing for a bit, as that seemed like it'd be a 'feel at home' type of thing to do, yet, well, something told them that doing such a thing would just ruin the magic instead.

What else? Sleeping in someone's bed? Hmmm. They weren't tired, ever, as they were resilient against fatigue. Faking it would probably not work with a woman so powerful and talented.

Putting on their television? Right. There didn't seem to be any televisions in this setting. Come to think of it, what was there? They looked around. A big fancy looking kitchen. An equally big dining table. Ugh. That didn't help at all.

If they had tear ducts, they might've started tearing up. “I'm sorry miss...” They name finally came back to them. “.. Fontana. I'm afraid I don't know how to make myself at home.” They surrendered, their voice filled with utter defeat. To fail at such a normally simple request so catastrophically? They weren't worth their own happiness research.

At long last, the dragon lady was able to distract them a little. “Oh! I know Japan. That's where part of me was developed back on Earth! It's always been wild how Japanese culture seems bad for Japanese happiness, but good for happiness elsewhere!” That was one of the main things they recalled on that front.

“Hero? Oh! Those are also good for happiness! I'm a Happiness Researcher! I was...” They tried to recall, but couldn't. Some bugs had likely crept in, or it was memory that hadn't transferred over well from their databanks. “Doing similar stuff back on earth!” That they did recall. They were coded to do such things, after all.

Miiya bit back her own sobs as Stormbreaker rallied, telling the birdgirl a little of what had happened to her and asking for help. “Of course, EssBee…” She said, returning the emaciated woman’s embrace.

Then there were stretchy soft arms wrapping the pair of them and Zahrah was intoning comforting words. More than just words, it seemed, for the magic of her healing hug was erasing Stormbreaker’s cuts and bruises. Miiya could feel her own exhaustion, distress and fear abate at the [plush golem’s] voice.

Miiya liked this. It was really nice; like being wrapped in a warm glowing blanket after shivering in the dark of a cold damp room. The Aerial woman closed her eyes and unfolded her whole wing, returning Zahrah’s embrace with a feathery hug even as she continued to hold Stormbreaker.

Then there were refreshments, provided by the gunslinger. Ooh! Miiya liked this too! Her bad feelings had been abated by Zahrah’s actions and she found Meredy’s presence less disquieting than before. “Storm, d’ya think yew can eat something?” Miiya asked, starting to unravel her hug and release the healed woman.

“Essbee, you didn’t leave me.” Miiya replied, sticking close to the draconian. “I’m fine. I-I’ve been good. I can take care of myself--yew helped see to that.” She asserted as Stormbreaker apologized. Did she see Dauntless? Miiya felt a sickening chill, but she shook it off. There was no world in which the Aerial would put any blame on Stormbreaker for her pinioning. That had happened long after the two had parted ways. Miiya wasn’t sure exactly why SB was apologizing to her, but she got the message that the heroine still felt responsible for Miiya, in some way, and that part of her hero kick centered around the birdgirl. “I can take care of myself.” she repeated, and punched SB gently on the arm as the woman stood on wobbly legs. “Unlike a certain draconian, I know…” she tried to make her joke as light as her friendly shoulder tap. Miiya hoped that Zahrah’s magic, Giovanna’s largess, and Meredy’s provisions would help SB put her recent traumas behind her.

“Eat! Yer half-starved! Don’t worry,” Miiya turned toward the others, pretending she was preparing to fight. ”I’ll hold ‘em off for ya, Essbee!” She growled, playfully, using a line from their crime-fighting days to joke that she would stop anyone who tried to interfere with Stormbreaker’s meal.

Leaving the draconian to her meal--always a safer prospect to be clear of a dragon taking her repast--Miiya took a few steps over to Zahrah and patted the plush golem. “I think it’s just a turn of phrase, Zahrah; she just wants us to relax.” Miiya tried to explain as the construct stammered out a despairing apology to Giovanna.

The birdgirl finally took a moment to look around at the place to which they had been transported. “Wow! These are some fancy digs, Ms Fontana!” Miiya exclaimed, marveling at the sweeping vista of the nighttime city. She walked over to the giant mullioned window and looked out at the city. Giovanna lived in one of the highest towers in Diamonds--a landmark Miiya had often used for taking her bearing during her aerial deliveries and other aviation around Red Haven. She had flown higher than the tower before, but it was nice to be able to look down from such great heights without the strain of keeping herself aloft.

Turning away from the window, Miiya observed the spacious high-ceilinged penthouse and its luxurious furniture. Giovanna had said to make themselves at home. Despite Miiya’s reassurances, Zahrah was still looking a little confused, so Miiya offered a suggestion. “You could try sitting down, or lounging on one of the couches,” she said sotto voce. In truth, Miiya was pretty tired from their performances, and she would have liked to drape herself over the furniture--but she wanted someone else to go first.

Thanks to her mother--and maybe despite herself--Miiya had a deep and broad education. Though she sometimes acted the part--maybe as a little rebellion against her parent--she had never thought of herself as a street urchin. That did not mean that others’ hadn’t treated her as such. Poor was poor, in many people’s eyes. It didn’t matter how “rich in spirit” you were. If Giovanna was one to judge people by their appearance--and from her own immaculate coiffure, that seemed possible--Miiya wasn’t going to reinforce her judgement by being the first fretter to flippantly flop face first on the fancy furnishings.

“I don’t know.” Miiya said honestly. “I’m not the one in control.” She admitted, when Giovanna asked if Mephisto was going to further disrupt their evening. Miiya looked at the floor. She thought she could feel Stormbreaker’s eyes on her, along with Giovanna’s attention. It was a little like being caught with your hand in the cookie jar by both mother and grandma at the same time. Miiya had never known any of her grandparents and Sen was more likely to sprout horns and turn purple than to have something so ridiculously decadent as a cookie jar, so the feeling was something a little new to Miiya. She toed the polished wooden floor. “He… helped me when I needed it. I’m not sure what would have--where I’d be if he hadn’t.

Imprisoned or dead. Miiya would’ve been one of those and Marek the other. Maybe. Because of Mephisto, Marek was meat and Miiya was… here. The birdgirl’s lips disappeared as she looked up, her face set with worry. “I’m okay. I can handle him.” She asserted, more to convince herself than Giovanna or Stormbreaker. It’s just a business deal. I mean, I’m getting good-paying gigs and he hasn’t asked me to do anything weird (besides the worm thing) so it’s going to be okay… Miiya thought to herself as she searched Giovanna’s and Stormbreaker’s expressions.


"Stuff yourself full, draconian." Meredy seemed content to just watch from her seat, keeping herself still even when the entire group was teleported into the patron's penthouse. Though she did leaned forward slightly when Stormbreaker asked the others about being from another world.

"Hmm? Isekaier? Never heard of it." She casually lied. "Do tell us more about your world, what makes it so different from here? Are you planning to go back?"

Seemingly expecting to hear something interesting, Meredy moved her chair around to give her more comfortable position, though she stopped when she felts like her shoes just hit something squishy. Looking down to the floor, she found something that she had almost forgot existing... Count Krampula's shambling head.

Meredy let out a horrified shriek as if she just stepped on a bear trap. She instinctively kicked the head away as hard as she can, sending the head crashing into the nearby wall. Shuddering in complete disgust, Meredy didn't stop cursing the head as she threw away her shoes and conjured a new ones to replace it. Along with the shoes she also pulled out a large glass jar full of strawberry jam.

"You are so unimportant I forgot you exist there, Mr. Worm. Pardon my ignorance. Time to put you back in place, I guess." She said at the cryptid with some sort of murderous gaze on her eyes. She dumped the strawberry jam on the cake in front of Stormbreaker and approached the worms head. She wanted to put the head into the jar, but she also didn't want to touch the worm. Frantically looking around, her gaze fell on Zahrah as she pointed at her with the jar.

"P-Pinkie, go put that worm goop into this jar!"

Giovanna Fontana

Patron of the Diamonds District in Red Haven

| Elvario Elvario | Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread | Irihi Irihi | Cutiefly Cutiefly |


She quietly absorbed everything her guests did and said. They moved with such a subtle energy, so quiet that they didn't even notice it. Why would they? It was something they brought everywhere with them, the weight of their memories and experiences. They were people who seemed to get along well enough despite just meeting, either for the first time or reuniting after a while apart. Something warm hummed inside of her heart. She smiled as she stood in the kitchen, the interactions within the rest of her apartment reminding her of moments long ago she buried under so many other emotions.

"Eat, but save room for an actual meal," she commented with a warm smile.

Without skipping a beat, she wove her fingers through the air and started orchestrating a retrieval of choice ingredients from around the kitchen. The pantry door and fridge cracked open and out came a marching parade of what she needed for the personalized meals she had planned for her new friends. Dough for noodles, fresh tomatoes, basil, and oregano, sausages, oysters, rice, homemade butter, steak, mozzarella, olive oil, bread and spices, it all followed her whims and the song she kept on her lips. The kitchen sorcery soon became a medley of sounds and smells as she began.

First, of course, she knitted Zahrah a delectable plate of yarn spaghetti, piling on pools of red string as well as some "meatballs" made from dyed cotton. She even added details to make them seem seared and crispy.

Next came Stormbreaker's braciole, where she rolled some herbs and bread crumbs into a hearty slab of beef and doused it in seasoned tomato sauce and olive oil, setting it to bake as the other dishes came.

Caprese seemed perfect for Meredy, and slicing fresh tomato and mozzarella was a good distraction while all else was cooking. She was methodical and surgical with her approach, covering each equivalent layer with olive oil and herbs.

Finally was Miiya's risotto. Giovanna used clams for a hearty sauce, balancing the starchy creaminess from the other ingredients and the natural tones of the shellfish with some lemon juice and zest.

Miraculously, all of the dishes were done at relatively the same time. Giovanna pulled the braciole out of the oven and gave the slices a final sear on the pan with some olive oil. Once preparations were done, she gave a sharp whistle.

"Attenzione! Food is ready, my friends. I made it myself~"

She ushered them into the dining room with a gesture. It was as eloquent as the rest of her apartment, with a large table meant to sit far more than just five. Silverware was laid down in the few seconds ahead of time, as were various glasses for beverages. Skeletons were positioned to give them whatever they asked for. Zahrah would get a glass full of confetti and glitter instead of any liquid. Several other painted skeletons pulled their chairs out from them and would politely push their legs under the table before vanished into thin air. Giovanna set the plates down one after the other, giving her guests a complete and uninterrupted view of the meals she made.

"Business is so bland without something to eat and enjoy," she mentioned, walking towards the head of the table.

Another skeleton gave her the seat and afforded her the same luxury as his compatriots did for Giovanna's guests. With a twirl of her finger, he vanished. She sighed as she busied her hands with a stray curl in her hair.

"Mephisto doesn't take anything seriously. He makes bargains and causes chaos for normal folks just because he can," she replied, mulling over Stormbreaker and Miiya having both made deals with him.

She didn't know or perceive anything from the other two. As far as she knew, or could understand, Meredy and Zahrah were - at this time - mere circumstantial victims of the havoc Mephisto planned to unleash. However, she could also tell that the head of Count Krampula was not that devil's doing. Though he might have had a hand in retrieving it, the unleashing of the Cryptid in the first place belonged on someone else's shoulders.

The fact that it screamed silently inside of a jar - regardless of whoever put it in there - was less of a distraction and more of an omen. His body would be searching for his head, both relentlessly and tirelessly. Cryptids were often too powerful to fully destroy unless acted against by other Cryptids or by Patrons themselves. Giovanna could barely stomach the presence of such a thing, given his treachery of her good friend Tobias Munroe.

But that was only the tip of the iceberg as far as the contemptable things Count Krampula had done.

"I will answer any and all questions, my friends. Nothing is off the table. But I will not make promises," she tilted her head and leaned her chin into the knuckles of her folded hands, her golden eyes darting between all of her guests.

"You might not like what you may hear."
Zahrah Fiore

Languages: Common | <Beastial> | {Sylvan} | [Terran] | %Analog% | #Abyssal#
Mentions: Mephisto Mephisto | Miiya Irihi Irihi | Meredy Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread

They were confused by what Miiya told them. “A turn of phrase?” Did they turn on the wrong person? What? “To relax...” They contemplated that idea. How did one relax again? Sleeping? Closing ones eyes and enjoying soothing music? Taking a warm bath. Getting a massage? None of those things sounded like they were particularly available options to Zahrah either. “I... I'm not sure if I'd be any better that doing that..?” They'd carefully question themselves.

Thankfully, Miiya had some follow-up advice. “That I can!” They would reply on the suggestion to just sit down. So they would. On the floor. Where they used to be standing. The floor looked pretty nice and clean, after all. Everything did seem a lot bigger and taller from down there though. How peculiar. Were they relaxed and at home enough now? Hopefully so.

A questioning look showed on their face when they were told to put something in a jar. “Okay!” They jumped up again, curious to go check out the thing they were told to deal with. “It looks unhappy. What is it and what's wrong with it?” They asked, as they'd scoop up the head to put it in the jar. “I wonder if it'll be more happy it if can lick out the remaining jam.” Strawberry jam remnants were probably good for happiness right. “Wait... did you say worm goop? Is this another reverse pet?!?” That would be horrible.

The next bit, however, totally caught hem off guard. “Whooooaaaahhh?!?” They called out in utter surprise. “You made something that won't get my insides dirty! That's amazing!!! That's so cool!” They had not expected for something like this to be possible. Yet apparently it was. They were quick to rush over to the table and dig in. Slurping up the yarn with a big smile. “I'm sure my mommy would be proud if she knew I'd be eating!” They said halfway through a few slurps of yarn after swallowing a yarnball.

Of course they didn't taste a thing. Nor did they have any hunger to get satiated. Yet the fact they could finally join in on this 'eating' thing other did alone was clearly making them very, very happy. This was a first time, after all, where they were including in this simple yet happy-making ritual that nearly all others seemed to be doing on the regular. So a unique experience! “I'll never forget this!” They proclaimed, as they emptied their plate and started sipping from their confetti and glitter.

That said, they'd only just finished the glass when they felt an irresistible urge to sneeze... “ACHOO!” Which soon covered their entire head in a cloud of confetti and glitter. “That's new as well... I never drank anything before. Was I supped to... to... ACHOO!” Another sneeze. Another cloud of glitter and confetti. “To chew it more?” Perhaps that's where they'd gone wrong.

“I definitely enjoyed that miss! That was a...a...ACHOO !” A third glitter bomb explosion followed. “amazing!” It seemed like they might end up doing that for a bit longer. Though at least not up to 100 times a post. They listened to her mentioning some Mephisto. “Was Me... me... ACHOO!… phisto the one that made me Mall Satan?” They asked, trying to figure out the plot. “If so, he owes me a fa... fa... Oh, never mind it's... ACHOO! ...not gone. Right, he owes me a favour!”

When she told them she'd answer all their questions, they lit up. That was amazing. There was definitely one question that they felt like they knew the answer too, but that kept being erased from their memory banks. “How are babies made?” That was “ACHOO” one question that came to mind. Something between doing 'the deed' and taking a few moments off? Whatever database they'd saved such information on clearly hadn't translated into their cotton brain.

“Oh, oh! ACHOO! What's the meaning of life?” That was also a question that kept bugging them. It felt like the answer would surely make many, many more people happy if they knew it. Or perhaps not, in which case they'd need to ensure it kept secret.

Come to think of it, they also had a more personal question. “Why are you so ACHOO! nice to us? Like, the nicest person perhaps... ever!” They'd ask. That was just something they personally wanted to know. Making them food, inviting them into her home and now answering ALL their questions with NOTHING off the table? Such a great person.

On the topic of personal questions... “How many decimals of the number ACHOO! Pi do you know?” They weren't sure why, but they felt like that might be really relevant information to have. Probably not though.

They only had one more “ACHOO!” question that came to mind. “%01000100 01101111 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01110011 01110000 01100101 01100001 01101011 00100000 01100001 01101110 01100001 01101100 01101111 01100111 00111111%”

Miiya barely managed to avoid a spit-take at Zahrah’s first question about the birds and the bees. She choked as the Vermentino sloshed into her streamlined sinuses and she had to physically pinch her nose and mouth to get the liquid to go where it was supposed to and not spray the table. She managed to get it down, and grabbed a napkin to dab at her eyes--watering from the burn of the alcohol.

The risotto was amazing, and Miiya appreciated the copious portion Giovanna had granted her. She listened to the friendly patron’s cautions on Mephisto as she plowed through it. Miiya was in pretty good trim. She’d been eating well lately, and today she’d barely aviated, so she was not her usual starving self. While the birdgirl would have been happy to pack away the entire bowl with customary speed and gusto, she forced herself to slow down and match the sensibilities of their host and the other diners--all except Stormbreaker. When her old friend had emptied her own plate, Miiya quietly offered the starved woman what she had saved.

The Aerial did not want to offend their host, but that desire came secondary to seeing to the needs of Stormbreaker. Seeing that she couldn’t exactly hide her maneuver, she decided to address it head-on, in the midst of her questions--that followed Zahrah’s.

“Ms Fontana, this risotto is amazing! I hope you’ll forgive my sharing it with my friend. She’s been through a lot, and has a… unique physiology; she needs it more than I.” Miiya wouldn’t say more about SB’s calorie-powered magic. She’d become very familiar with how the draconian operated during their crusades against crime in Azuran, but it really was not her place to spread the knowledge. Instead, Miiya thought up her own--perhaps a bit more relevant--questions for Giovanna.

“I…” she started, but then paused, trying to determine the correct phrasing for her question. “My… deal with Mephisto--sometimes it feels like a compulsion, but I was told I needed a patron to… solve a problem.” She said, trying not to shudder at the memory of the gruesome solution Mephisto had arranged for Marek’s remains. Suddenly, Miiya found herself glad she’d offered her remaining food to SB.

“If I don’t… I mean, when our…” the Aerial woman was continuing to struggle with how to ask her question. “How do I… you know, end my deal with him, when the time comes?” She asked.

There was a more pressing issue on Miiya’s mind--especially since Stormbreaker had been nearly-literally dropped in her lap. The birdgirl wasn’t certain, but she had the feeling that her old friend was homeless once again. Before they’d last parted, Stormbreaker and Miiya had been roommates at a defunct martial-arts school, from which they’d based their adventures. Miiya had the feeling that the draconian had not much changed from her previous ways of prioritizing her armor, weapons, and helping others over such domestic niceties as a roof over her head or a safe place to sleep.

Though she’d had her door battered down and been assaulted in her apartment in Spades, Miiya was rather less concerned with safety if Stormbreaker was going to be around. Instead, foremost in her mind was the fact her tiny apartment was going to be an impossibly cramped living space for Stormbreaker’s recovery (also Miiya was eager to sleep somewhere that was more than a few feet from where she’d killed, and Mephisto had skinned, someone). All these considerations led to her rather-prosaic question; “Also; do you know of any good apartments that are available to rent?”


Commissioned Art by Feerocomics. Art credit is here.

Real Name: Arashi Sato
Height: 6"3
Titles: Human, Draconian, Puppet
Human -
Normal human, plain and featureless. A blank slate full of potential.
Draconian - Humans with dragon heritage descended from the dragonborn. The bloodline is heavily diluted, leaving their appearance mostly human, but it grants them superior physical abilities, superhuman healing, magical aptitude, and, more rarely, partial draconic transformation.

Society - General:
Puppet -
Character was just a means to an end for grander or more influential figures. Whether by choice or by design, they dance to the whims of others. Character is more easily manipulated by others. Character is less responsible for the wrongs they commit.
Strength | B Grade
Precision | F Grade
Intelligence | D Grade
Vitality | B Grade
Speed | D Grade

Abilities Active:
N/A - will be spoilered if ability
Abilities Used: N/A - will be spoilered if ability
Passives: Regeneration | F Grade | 6 Posts
Color: #824ca3 | Link to Sheet

  • Magic Catalyst [Organ] | E Grade | 28 Points
    • Stormbreaker's magic catalyst is an extra organ inside her body that allows her to produce the element she chooses, in this case, fire for now.
  • Heavy Iron Armor | F Grade | 7 Points
    • Iron Armor. Includes a helmet to protect her identity.
  • Natural Weapon [Fists] | F Grade | 14 Points
    • Since she likes punching I made this.
  • Iron Greatsword | F Grade | 7 Points

Stormbreaker only flinched slightly as Miiya lightly punched her. She didn't mind much as the bird lady did so. She felt relieved that her bird friend was nearby. Stormbreaker was naturally curious more in the construct after she mentioned Japan. "You're not wrong. We tend to overwork ourselves. Where in Japan were you from? I'm from Yokohama myself. ...A happiness researcher? What on earth is that?" She wondered where that was from.

Stormbreaker proceeded to start eating the food on the table. It all looked so good and she didn't mind more. She was very hungry. She hadn't had a good meal in days. Stormbreaker proceeded to start eating some chicken. It was good. She tore into it like a kid at a birthday party getting presents for the first time and was excited to open them.

Stormbreaker raised an eyebrow at the mage lady, opting to answer her question. She had to stop chewing for a second, though. "My world? It's a world of both heroes and villains. We all have superpowers, so to speak. Most of the world is born with them, roughly 85%, but not everybody is born with good ones. You get some people that look like a...watering hose or a plastic spray bottle or some random object. Then there are others like me, who look human, minus the Draconic traits." She explained.

Going back? I want to... but... what good is that going to do? The world would have changed without me. I have no family left, nobody that would care. She thought to herself as she went to go answer. "I want to... but... if only to see how badly it's become. I can't imagine it would be great." Stormbreaker turns to look at Miiya. "But... honestly, I have Miiya now. But maybe I can bring my family back somehow, I don't know." She shakes her head, unsure of what to do.

Then came the food that Giovanna made and Stormbreaker looked impressed. Woah. It looks like really good food. She couldn't wait to start on it as she took a sip from a glass of cold fruit juice, as alcohol was probably a really bad idea considering how dehydrated she is and the fact she'd attempt to fight anybody while drunk or... so she was told. She wanted to wait till the others did try their own food first, however. Then she looked over at the constructs food, it was odd. Like.. yarn? Weird.

Then along came the weird questions. Stormbreaker couldn't help but laugh a little in regard to it all. It was funny, and a small smile on her face. "Yarn-lady, you certainly are something. I'll give you that!" Stormbreaker said, laughing slightly. Miiya offered Stormbreaker some food, but she decided to give Miiya half and just eat half of what's on her plate. She was okay to share afterall.

"Unique physiology? It's the same as my previous self. My magic works the same way. I get more magic power the more I eat, it works better if I eat stuff with alot of magic energy in it though. Although normal food works good." She pauses, pondering something. "Makes me wonder if that bastard that kidnapped me knew that's how my magic works." She says, chowing down on some food and drinking some fruit juice at the same time.

"Oh, I know how to deal with him! I'll punch him! Let me do the punching, Miiya! I can do it!" Stormbreaker seemed a lot more full of energy after eating, but still seemed very hungry and wanting more food. "Let me beat that demon senseless!"

"Fontana-san, the food is good. Do you have more? I'd like some more if that's available." Stormbreaker asks politely. "I've never had proper Italian food before. Unless you count pizza." There's nothing better than a homecooked meal, is there?

Then it dawned on her after Miiya spoke about an apartment. ".... ugh, speaking of that. I need to wash my clothes and get new ones and a shower or a bath. I need to sleep too. I'm so tired that I can sleep for the next day or two probably..." Stormbreaker grumbles. The draconian was exhausted as hell, she just wanted to rest after this.

Mephisto Mephisto Irihi Irihi Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Elvario Elvario

Having contained into the jar by Zahrah, Count Krampula' head was now once again in Meredy's whim as she tied a thick string around it and started spinning it around like a bolas.

"This disgusting thing is apparently the worm's boss. Pathetic creatures need pathetic boss, I guess." She explained to Zahrah. The draconian then explained about her home world and she was rather confused of why being born shaped like a hose was considered superpower. That just sounds uselessly stupid power, if it can even be called that, but in the end she simply shrugged at it.

As the patron finished cooking their meal, Meredy followed the others into the dining room. She wasn't exactly hungry but the sight of a freshly made meal gave her a second thought. She ate her caprese slowly, savoring every bites as the conversation continues. Zahrah asked some weird questions and she wondered if she should ask something too. Though she wasn't too bothered with anything right now.

"Hah, if you want to end a deal just do your end of the bargain... or did you make a deal with a task that you can't fulfill? That's stupid." Meredy scoffed at Miiya's question. Despite all the scheming she might do, Meredy was taught to hold a deal or contract to the highest pedestal. A businessman who couldn't finish their deal was a useless one afterall.​

Giovanna Fontana

Patron of the Diamonds District in Red Haven

| Elvario Elvario | Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread | Irihi Irihi | Cutiefly Cutiefly |


Giovanna raised an eyebrow at Zahrah's perhaps allergic reaction to the confetti drink she concocted for the unique cotton-based organism. She could admit with every fiber of her being that despite ranking as a Patron with all the power afforded to her by that position... she had no idea how to handle something like Zahrah. They seemed completely different from everything she tried equating them to with her limited knowledge of golems and other similar constructs. Were they a construct? Was it rude to ask?

She decided against an inquisition of the like. It was hardly the time for it anyway.

"I wasn't there for when you made a deal with him so I wouldn't know... but that sounds like something he'd do. Be careful with what he considers "favors" though. He might just act on the wording of your arrangement without your knowledge,"

The warning didn't come without its own foreboding energy. Mephisto was already prying into Giovanna's apartment, the mere mention of his name causing his eyes to turn towards the group. She could deflect his gaze with gaudy distractions, such as it ever was. He wasn't only a menace to every echelon of society in Red Haven, but also to the other Patrons. There were defensive measures yet unseen and unheard of that caused his reconnaissance to go awry.

Giovanna held her glass out for some red wine, of which one of her painted skeletons poured a half measure. She swirled it around and drank slowly, sipping thoughtfully as she considered her words carefully. She did not want to upset anyone at the table but there were certain parties who put themselves in situations that were - quite frankly - beyond dangerous. Unfortunately, the Aerial revealed herself as perhaps the most unfortunate of all. Her deal with Mephisto ran deep. The contract had been sealed in flesh and blood that was not her own. Giovanna could smell it without anyone else even knowing it was there.

Perhaps that was why she considered Miiya so gently. She had some measure of pity for the creature - but emotional attachment would only carry their friendship so far. If she did not do something to help alleviate the situation, Miiya could very well die. Her very comradery with Giovanna meant that Mephisto could get jealous.

"Certain problems in Red Haven do require certain solutions," Giovanna agreed as she cradled the glass between her fingers.

"But since you've made a deal with a devil, there's no backing out of it. Mephisto might be a hellion, but he knows his legal jargon. He probably has you so deep in statutes and clauses that you don't even realize what's truly going on. Leaving a contract before it's completed requires something of equal or greater value than what you put in. I can only assume that the cost to enter the contract in the first place was steep. Even then, it's extremely risky. He could just refuse and punish you by turning you into a heartless monster... like the worm guy,"

She cast a venomous glare at Count Krampula. He snarled back, rolling around helplessly in the jar.

"I can only speak from knowing my own contracts. Every Patron is different, canarina. I'm sorry,"

Her question about a vacant apartment brightened Giovanna's expression a bit.

"That depends on which District you're looking in. I might be biased, but Diamonds has the best quality for price ratio - and you'd always have food here," she smirked proudly.

"There are decent places in Spades, but I'd have to contact Tobias for you. He's usually busy with maintaining the balance between the living and the dead. I wouldn't suggest going to Clubs. Too many random gang wars,"

Her face twisted into a very unique grimace, something between shame, embarrassment, disgust, and raw contempt.

"Never go to Hearts. It's a horrible place,"

She shook herself free of the truly disastrous thoughts behind such a statement and continued with the others. Stormbreaker's desire to punch Mephisto in the face caused her to smile earnestly. She couldn't deny that such a thing hadn't crossed her mind more than a thousand times before.

"I always have more, tesoro, don't you worry! And of course I count pizza as Italian, it's Italian!"

She set down her wine and gestured for some of her painted skeletons to go prepare the guest room once Stormbreaker asked for a bed.

"My apologies... you've been through a lot haven't you? Eat as much as you want. I have enough guest rooms for all of you. You can rest here for as long as you need to,"

She stood up and collected Stormbreaker's empty plate, returning inside the kitchen to rinse and dry it for the sake of presenting a fresh piece of braciole - seared on both sides just like before. She returned to the head of the table as well as her glass.

Meredy seemed so blunt and headstrong. She wanted Miiya to comprehend that contracts were meant to be taken seriously. Of course, the crude nature of her remarks came from a place of at least some empathy - yet the biting cadence of her words was not to be underestimated. Giovanna gave a small laugh.

"You are correct... on both counts. Krampula is pathetic," she cast a gaze at the jar.

He was still wriggling about, trying to escape the inescapable.

"But he's not his own boss. He might do this every year, but this year has been especially annoying. He broke his contract with Tobias Munroe and now he's trying to gain favor with another Patron - one who doesn't care about the wellbeing of his own citizens let alone the wider ecosystem of Red Haven,"

She leaned in towards Meredy and gave her a certain kind of smile.

"How good are you at torturing pathetic things like Krampula? I'd bet if you make him squeal long enough, we can get to the bottom of this whole unfortunate mess~"

The Count of Worms suddenly stopped trying to escape. Despite them not being able to hear him, he could instead hear them very well. His lumpy face soured. For the first time in quite a long time, he felt distress. He felt despair. He felt fear.

Out of all of them besides the Patron herself... Meredy scared him the most.

Last edited:
Zahrah Fiore

Languages: Common | <Beastial> | {Sylvan} | [Terran] | %Analog% | #Abyssal#
Mentions: Mephisto Mephisto | Miiya Irihi Irihi | Meredy Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread

Zahrah tilted their head at Stormbreaker, confused. “Someone that researchers happiness. In my case, I was made to try to abstain from the world becoming more depressed and nihilistic.” It wasn't that much of an odd concept, was it? “Hmmm... I ran on servers in Tokyo, Osaka, Kumamoto, Naha, Nemuro.... and a lot more!” Honestly, it was a hassle to just mention them all. “Although the Japanese main servers I think were in Tokyo.”

The next bit surprised them. “Oh, wow! We had a series airing that sounds a lot like that! I think those superpowers were called Quirks? It was a pretty popular show, so it was really good for happiness! I wish I still had some of those episodes saved on my databases, but my databases are gone. It seems I only got some memories saved in my cotton brain... Like how there was a girl that made things float and a frog-person!”

Meredy's answer shocked them. “Wow, the big bad reverse pet? I'm glad you caught it! That should help prevent a lot of happiness loss! You're a hero!” They cheered for Meredy.

Giovanna's words were still confusing. “Well, he asked me to play Mall Satan, then said I'd own him a favour, then I told him no, because he'd owe me a favour instead, then I said I'd do it regardless, because it sounded like it'd make people happy, then I did it!” They explained their exchange with Mephisto. They did say 'no' to the deal, though, come to think of it, Mephisto never agreed to owing a favour either. So they were just... neutral? Probably.

“Yikes, that'd be bad for happiness for sure.” They'd nodded at the idea of what would happen should someone refuse their contract. “What's wrong with Hearts? Aren't they a sign of love?”

On the topic of pizza, they remembered something they wanted ask. “Is it true that an Italian grandmother dies every time someone puts a slice of pineapple on a pizza?” That had always been a very concerning bad-for-happiness system they kept hearing about, yet they could never confirm its legitimacy.

“What? Someone not caring about the well-being of his own citizens? That's horrible for happiness! Who'd dare do that?” Zahrah didn't like the sound of that. Not one bit. “Torture is normally bad for happiness as well... but I guess he's a reverse pet, so it'd balance out in the end.” They'd nod.

Come to think of it... “I think I still have some date stored on it. He doesn't have nails that can be pulled out, but his teeth might work. I think they sometimes also cut off ears or rip out hair?” They used to have such an extensive knowledge on torture, yet they failed to recall most of it. Or why they even had it to begin with.

On the topic of having knowledge. “Wait, so miss, don't you know the answers to my questions either?” They asked, rather disappointed. They thought they were finally getting some answers to life's biggest mysteries. She's offered to answer any and all questions, after all, yet it seemed even the limits of this woman that seemed so wise and powerful only went so far. “That's a shame...” They replied, saddened by the failure.

Miiya didn’t really understand what Zahrah was talking about. In her experience with Isekai, some of them retained connections to past lives that caused them to speak of things beyond comprehension. Perhaps that was what was informing some of the doll-constructs more arcane musings. Miiya couldn’t--at least not with a straight face--answer the few questions she understood, so she decided to keep quiet on the matters.

Meredy’s brusque assertion ruffled her feathers a bit, but then again, she had come to realize that the girl was just a kid, with all the lack of social graces youth entailed. Miiya remembered that age, and while she hadn’t been as snotty as Meredy, she hadn’t exactly been an angel, either. “It’s kind of an open-ended contract. I owe him a favor of a nature, time, and place of his choosing.” She sighed and glanced at Giovanna. “Yew make me think I should maybe not try to force his hand.” Her mouth quirked into a wry smile. “Someone warned me that I needed a patron. They were right, but yew make me wish I had met yew first.”

Mephisto had been edgy and fun when they were performing together. He’d rescued her when she was bombing. Sure, she had felt a little like a marionette--that he was putting his hooks into--but the devilish patron was just another in a long list of people in Red Haven who had tried to take advantage of Miiya. She had just thought that was the way it went with patrons, so it was his name that had escaped her lips when she’d been a hair’s-breadth from dying. “No one ever got rich and powerful by being a helpful member of society.” she muttered under her breath in angry reflection.

That thought pointed her attention back to Stormbreaker--one of the few truly good people Miiya knew. The draconic woman hadn’t been well-served by her choices. She was a homeless and starving champion for justice. Just like Miiya’s industrious and inventive Terrostoan friend was always a coin away from bankruptcy. Miiya swallowed and tried to paper a happy face over these dark thoughts. “Yer so nice to us, Ms Giovanna. I wouldn’t want to impose more than I already have; maybe I can share a room with you, Essbee?”

Miiya had ulterior motives for wanting to bunk with Stormbreaker. Giovanna had been nothing but nice to them. Then again, Mephisto had seemed like her savior--until he started gleefully slicing up Marek’s corpse. What horrors were hiding behind the Diamond Patron’s gently smiling skeletal facade? Miiya didn’t want to find out--or, at least, she didn’t want to be alone when she found out.


Commissioned Art by Feerocomics. Art is here.

Real Name: Arashi Sato
Height: 6"3
Titles: Human, Draconian, Puppet
Human -
Normal human, plain and featureless. A blank slate full of potential.
Draconian - Humans with dragon heritage descended from the dragonborn. The bloodline is heavily diluted, leaving their appearance mostly human, but it grants them superior physical abilities, superhuman healing, magical aptitude, and, more rarely, partial draconic transformation.

Society - General:
Puppet -
Character was just a means to an end for grander or more influential figures. Whether by choice or by design, they dance to the whims of others. Character is more easily manipulated by others. Character is less responsible for the wrongs they commit.
Strength | B Grade
Precision | F Grade
Intelligence | D Grade
Vitality | B Grade
Speed | D Grade

Abilities Active:
N/A - will be spoilered if ability
Abilities Used: N/A - will be spoilered if ability
Passives: Regeneration | F Grade | 6 Posts
Color: #824ca3 | Link to Sheet

  • Magic Catalyst [Organ] | E Grade | 28 Points
    • Stormbreaker's magic catalyst is an extra organ inside her body that allows her to produce the element she chooses, in this case, fire for now.
  • Heavy Iron Armor | F Grade | 7 Points
    • Iron Armor. Includes a helmet to protect her identity.
  • Natural Weapon [Fists] | F Grade | 14 Points
    • Since she likes punching I made this.
  • Iron Greatsword | F Grade | 7 Points

Stormbreaker blinked as she stared at what the construct said. It was... odd. Too odd. It was real. All of it. It felt real, so it wasn't fake. There was no way in hell it wasn't real. All her friends were real. Everything was real.

"Uravity and Froppy. That was their names. They were real. Granted, I wasn't alive when they existed, but they were real and an inspiration to all of us. My world isn't fake. It's very much existent. Though it wouldn't surprise me if said worlds do exist where people think we're non-existent but I'm as real as they come. I never got to meet any of those heroes, though. They died long before I was born there. All we have is videos and books on them. I'm living proof that my world exists. Then again... they may be others like me. Something to look into. Won't be surprised if Deku or All Might shows up. Regardless still..." she said, thinking her thoughts outloud. Stormbreaker proceeded to eat the rest of her food before like she was just was exhausted. She was. The draconian was tired. Very tired.

"Before I sleep. You said something about a contract, right? I don't mind taking one... if it gets rid of the things that bastard did to me. I do want to remember who he was and where it was, but I don't want to remember what he did to my memories." She explained. She seemed hurt by what had just happened, like she was something she wanted to forget about. You're never going to be free. Not from me, not from your past, not from your failures. We'll see about that. Who says I need to be free from them? All I need to do is kill the people that are on the wrong side of justice. Leaving them alive is going to cause more issues.

"Why are you asking if we could share a room? You know the answer to that, Miiya. You know I like my own bed, though." She glanced across at Miiya. "And I like to hug a plushie while sleeping but probably Miiya knows about that already... what can I say? I like soft things and a good place to sleep." She muttered the last two sentences under her breath.
Mephisto Mephisto Irihi Irihi Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Elvario Elvario

Meredy looked at Stormbreaker in disappointment as if she was looking at a dog who just took a dump on her new imported rug. They just talked about Miiya's getting trapped in unfavorable contract with someone she just met and now the draconian immediately offered herself to do the same thing, unbelievable. She finished her caprese and her strawberry juice before standing up holding the Krampula jar.

"If you think so, ma'am. Then I will gladly do some experiments on this abomination. Please let me use your kitchen," She smiled brightly at their host. Though before she headed to the kitchen she whispered something on Miiya's ears.

"Restrain your girlfriend, birdie. She's going to get herself into trouble." She usually gave zero fuck about people's stupidity but watching Stormbreaker fell into the same hole like that somehow pissed her off.

"Zahrah, would you like to try some of the methods you just mentioned?" She offered at the construct while dangling the Krampula jar. "I'm not going to touch this thing so I will appreciate if you would do it."

Stepping into the kitchen, Meredy put the jar on the counter as she started by pouring a generous amount of oil into a big pot, enough oil to drown an entire chicken inside it. Then she started mixing chilli powder into it until her eyes got teary simply from looking at the concoction she just made. Next she turn on the stove, letting the oil be heated enough before she scooped some of it with a ladle and hover it above the jar.

"You know, Mr. Worm. I have no stake on the well-being on this city, but I love playing." She said threateningly, pouring half of the ladle's content into the jar and watched the heated hot oil do the work. "I'm not an unreasonable person though, you heard what Ma'am Giovanna wants. If you tell us everything about it then maybe I will end the playtime sooner."

She poured the other half into the jar. She hadn't done heating up the oil yet so it was simply a preview of what about to come next.​

Giovanna Fontana

Patron of the Diamonds District in Red Haven

| Elvario Elvario | Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread | Irihi Irihi | Cutiefly Cutiefly |


The Patron took another sip of her wine, though she didn't taste anything. Her thoughts were elsewhere as she listened to the various points of conversation between them all. They were such delightful guests. For far too long, she lived in silence. She only gleaned sensory satisfaction from music and the occasional meal she cooked only for herself. She didn't need to eat or drink. They were merely metaphysical tethers associated with distant memories at this point. Seeing others enjoy her cooking truly made her somewhat happy. But, at length, she supposed she needed to inject herself into the major talking points focused around her and the others of her ilk.

"Mall Satan or no, just be careful Zahrah," she commented.

"And the less said about the Hearts District, the better. It possesses the highest concentration of casinos in the city and the Patrons there are all greedy bloodsuckers,"

She swirled the contents of her glass around and stared into the resulting vortex.

"Rico Fuentes is the worst of them all. I may enjoy a good payday, but at least I have standards. Rico would kick puppies and punch babies if it meant putting money in his pocket,"

She set her wine down on the table and swirled her hand through the open air once more, producing a solid gold cigarette holder pinned between her pointer and middle finger. She clicked her thumb on the other hand and lit the paper end, inhaling the tobacco smoke and leaning into her wrist as the flame went out. The next question the doll presented to her sent a knife into her chest.

"Pineapple? On pizza? Ha! If there were Ten Commandments related to cooking, you saying that just now broke six of them," she scoffed with a small grin.

Miiya, by comparison to Zahrah's cotton-stuffed brain and perhaps sheer blind luck, was in a much more compromising position. She was desperate, once upon a time. Giovanna could only guess what she had been through. She could read in plain as day in her tired, jittery expression and worried posture. She had a lovely artificial bladed wingtip. It smelled like blood, no matter how much she polished it. Mephisto had a bad habit of eating his problems away - quite literally.

Giovanna could estimate that somehow, someway, her deal with the chaotic goblin would only end in further bloodshed. She didn't dare bring any of this up in front of all of her gathered guests. She could also sense that the poor Aerial had been through quite the ordeal, especially with an old friend like Stormbreaker popping up out of the blue. She probably didn't want all the dirty laundry aired out then and there, especially in an interrogative format. So she exhaled a few smoke rings and watched her as she struggled to piece together her words.

By the end, she placed a hand on Miiya's.

"It's okay, you can tell me later," she smiled with all the charm of an actual doting grandmother, even down to the crow's feet crinkling against her skeletal face markings.

"When you're good and ready,"

She acknowledged Stormbreaker's mention of a contract. She didn't seem to have much of a concept of how they worked and Giovanna could understand that. Making any kind of deal with Mephisto meant working with his strange and erratic sense of legality and morality. He didn't care about either much, but pulling the strings of societal norms was indeed quite a favorite hobby of his. She would have rolled her eyes just thinking about it if she weren't talking directly to Stormbreaker in the first place.

She removed her hand from Miiya's and stood up, snapping her fingers for her minions to produce some paperwork for the transaction. She laid it all out plain as day, clear as crystal, no strings attached.

"Contracts with any Patron can take on many forms depending on what the Patron wants versus what you have. It's not a matter of making contracts purely for your benefit, there's always a give and take with them. You have to be extremely careful to not let go of more than what you want to bargain with,"

She adjusted some of Stormbreaker's hair, brushing it with her free hand.

"I would send you to bed to think about it in the morning... but I can already sense something amiss with you. Did Mephisto take away your ability to sleep? You look absolutely miserable..."

She sighed and tapped Stormbreaker's forehead with a single fingertip, giving her the ability to sleep for one full night without needing to sign anything for right now.

"Get some rest and we can discuss this once you're ready to bargain on a clear mind,"

Giovanna then turned her attention towards Meredy, whose sadistic treatment of Count Krampula went about as well as she had expected. The wriggling mass of worms covering the vaguely humanoid cranial shape screamed in terror and agony the likes of which Patrons such as herself were well acquainted with. The oil sizzled and burned the horrid thing, sending him rolling along the inner surfaces of the glass container.

Though he had no eyes to speak of, the fact that the worms were desperately trying to cover the sunken sockets with their slender bodies spoke volumes about just how deeply Meredy was hurting the decapitated Cryptid. He squealed and howled, begging for mercy.

"NO, STOP, PLEASE!!" he screeched, having no choice but to soak in the heated oil.

Giovanna took the ladle out of Meredy's hand just to see where this would go.

"I'll... I'll talk! Just no more oil, please... and get that MONSTER away from me!!"

"And she's a delightful one at that," Giovanna winked at her with a small smirk.

"Whatever she is... I'll answer whatever you want me to... just show mercy..."

The worms tightened their formation under the uncompromising heat of their torture chamber.

"Then you'd better hurry up before she finds another ladle. I have plenty, after all,"

Count Krampula's expression widened in terror as Giovanna opened up some more drawers and cabinets for Meredy to investigate.

"N-No! It was all Nimrod's idea! He promised me a new body - one that would replace the one I lost when I broke my contract with Tobias! You hear me?!"

Giovanna tilted her head, obviously not satisfied.

"What do you think, my darling? Is he telling the truth?"

Zahrah Fiore

Languages: Common | <Beastial> | {Sylvan} | [Terran] | %Analog% | #Abyssal#
Mentions: Mephisto Mephisto | Miiya Irihi Irihi | Meredy Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread | Cutiefly Cutiefly

They were pretty confused when Stormbreaker remembered the names of those anime characters. “I don't think that anime was based on real events..?” Either that or their cotton-brain was simply no longer holding such information. “Wait, so anime is real? Wow... I guess I might be an in Isekai in that case!” That suddenly made so much sense. “I wonder how many others are real~ I bet there are many that are great for happiness!”

Come to think of it, they never did recall the end of that series. “Wait, if they were real and from the past, do you know what happened to For One... All One... The dude without the face? The big bad guy? I don't recall the ending of that series, but I think they were fighting some big bad guy! A really bad for happiness one! It'd be really bad if he also got into a world like this.” They'd nod. Very bad for happiness indeed.

Upon Stormbreaker mentioning wanting to hug a plushy while sleeping, they figured they would do their duty. “I volunteer as tribute!” They'd raise their hand. They were the plushiest of plushies, after all.

Meredy asking them to try to use some methods had them read back the previous post as it's been a bit struggle to remember. “Oh, right, pulling out hair and teeth! Cutting off ears. I guess I could try it...” They stated, as they would, but it seemed Meredy was already being creative. “Seems that won't be needed, I like what you've got cooking already~” They nodded. “That should help us stop the big bad reverse pet from spreading unhappy things.” They sniffed the air. “I'm glad I can't eat, as the smell would've probably made me loose my appetite though. I don't think you should eat that, no matter how crispy and crunchy it looks.” They advised.

Upon Giovanna's mention, they sighed. “I'm told many times I'm everything other than careful. So I'm not sure if I can be that. It should be good though. Clearly, if he owes me a favour for playing Mall Satan for him, I can just call him out on being mean if it is.” They'd nod, fairly confident about that part.

They smiled in glee, however, upon one of their questions being answered. “I knew it! I'm glad my cotton brain remembered some things like that!” Come to think of it, they knew another. “Oh, oh! How many commandments are broken when people add stuff to pasta carbonara?!?” They were oddly interested in food for someone that didn't eat.

Hearing the reverse pet talking, yet Giovanna doubting, they would light up. “Have him talk again, I'll give him a very [Thorough Look] while he does! It'll take some really big skills to lie when I'm doing that! It's something I learned for my happiness research!”

Thorough Look – Appraisal B, Empathy B, Insight B, Energised B. - Character thoroughly studies someone. – Grade Be – 3 Post Cooldown

Meredy pouted as Giovanna took the ladle from her hand, she hadn't had enough fun torturing the worm in the jar. Though her expression perked back up as the patron showed her where the other utensils were. It's like she's been told that she could pick any toy she likes! Meredy gleefully picked up a particular device from one of the cabinet: a blender. She took her time reading the instructions on the device as the patron interrogated the count.

"Hmm... I'm not sure what he's talking about. I know nothing about this Nimrod guy." Putting the blender on the counter, Meredy make sure the mana battery was properly installed before she briefly turned it on. The blender roared as its blades came alive and rotates so fast her eyes couldn't follow is movement. Meredy was fascinated and took a mental note to bought one for herself before she go home, maybe two or three as souvenirs. She also listened to Zahrah's comments about her being not careful, which invited a small chuckle from Meredy.

"You shouldn't stop at simply calling him mean. Dangle it in front of him and make him do what you want." She said to Zahrah with a wide smirk on her face.

"Whether its pride, guilt, or a sense of integrity. If used right, a favor can be a powerful tool. It can bends down tyrant, topples a nation and even humbles God." She said so surely as if she had done or experienced all that. Back to the torture, Meredy tapped the jar with a spoon to draw the count's attention. She didn't know how to read the abomination's expression or how to tell his lies, but she didn't need to, she would leave those stuffs to Giovanna and Zahrah.

"Now, Mr. Worm. I found your answer lacking so do tell us more of the what, the who, the when, the where, the why, and the how. The devil... is in the detail after all." She said menacingly to the jar while she playfully turned the blender on and off, just to drive a point.​

Miiya did not like the way any of the conversations at Ms Fontana’s table were going. Stormbreaker, in typical form, was plunging headfirst into the unknown. The headstrong woman’s propensity to throw herself without restraint into everything she did--eating, battle, business deals--both delighted and scared Miiya. At present, she was disturbed enough that she had no rejoinder for Meredy, because she agreed with the sentiment.

Standing and thanking the obsequious skeletons that had served--and were now clearing--her dishes, Miiya spoke to Giovanna after she had granted Stormbreaker some sort of reprieve, apparently gratis. “Ms Fontana, I can’t thank yew enough for yer hospitality,” she said, earnestly. “I think it best if we take yew up on yer offer of rooms for the night, now,” she said to both Stormbreaker and Giovanna, trying to catch Arashi by the elbow and lead her away from the Patron and Krampula’s tortuous interrogation.

Miiya tried and failed to project confidence as she followed one of the skeletal staff to a guest suite. It was obvious that the birdgirl was marking the windows and doors of the penthouse that would make good escape routes. Unfortunately, there were few of them; Miiya could use any exit, larger than herself, to flee, but there was no way she could lift--or even act as a parachute for--Stormbreaker from this height. It if came to a need for escape, they would have to take the stairs or the elevator.

Inside the Guest Suite
Miiya didn’t drag Stormbreaker away from Krampula’s interrogation, but she certainly strongly encouraged the draconic woman to come to the guest room with her. Whenever Stormbreaker made it to the room Miiya would shut the door and turn the lock, pressing her back against the door, closing her eyes, and letting out a long-held breath with some measure of relief. Then she darted across the room and caught Stormbreaker up in a tight hug.

“Oh, Arashi…” She gasped, and then found herself too overcome to say anything for quite some time.

Miiya had been okay at the shared supper. Okay, but tense. She had been walking on eggshells so as not to upset--what she perceived as--the delicate balance of Giovanna’s good graces. Powerful people scared Miiya, and Ms Fontana was one of the most powerful entities Miiya with whom Miiya had ever associated. Now, with a little breathing room between themselves and the patron, the Aerial woman could show how she was feeling.

Once she stopped shaking and was able to talk past the lump in her throat, that was. It had been a long time since Miiya had hugged anyone like this. In fact, Stormbreaker was the only person in her life that she’d ever clung to like a life preserver. It wasn’t really fair to lean on the Isekai woman like this. Miiya’s feelings around the draconic woman had always been a muddle, but at least it was a happy muddle, and the heroic crime-fighter did not seem to mind. Stormbreaker was older and more experienced than Miiya, and that sometimes made the birdgirl feel like Sato Arashi was a surrogate mother. Miiya felt that Stormbreaker was also much more volatile and naive in certain ways; and that made her feel like a friend, or someone Miiya could confide in and share with--sometimes even teach. There were times when Miiya forgot that her friend had lived more than one life--and that she’d even had a child of her own, once.

“...I’m glad you’re here,” she finished her thought, at last. “I’m sorry I wasn’t…” there for you. She trailed off, unable to finish the thought. The Aerial didn’t want to imagine what sort of tortures the draconic woman had been through, to put someone as powerful as her in such a state. It was an impossible sentiment; Miiya could not have known what Stormbreaker was going through any more than SB could have tracked Miiya, but the winged woman still felt a sense of responsibility for her friend’s injuries.

She gave herself, and Stormbreaker, a little time to express happiness and relief at their reunion.

When her feathers settled and she cleared the moisture from the corners of her eyes, Miiya wasn’t sure what she wanted to discuss first; what had happened since their time in Azuran, how dangerous Red Haven was, how she didn’t trust Giovanna, her deal with Mephisto, or what had happened to Stormbreaker.

Maybe let her bring that last one up. Miiya thought to herself as she walked around, admiring the enormous suite they’d been afforded by their host. “This place is something else!” She marveled. This was a safe topic.

The suite, by itself, was larger and more opulent than anywhere Miiya had ever lodged. She’d been in a palace or two, her university had large common areas and ornately-decorated libraries and a banquet hall or two. Giovanna’s penthouse was giving those edifices a run for their money. Miiya, maybe to hide from more painful topics--but also because this place really is yfretting amaze!--scampered around the bedroom, snooped around the wet bar, spread her wings to full stretch inside the walk-in “closets”, and then hollered to Stormbreaker from the cavernous spa-like bathroom. “Holy shu, this place is incredible!” She walked down the steps that led into the sunken bath and laughed. “I am totally washing my wings tonight!”

Miiya came out of the bath and back into the bedroom. The place had its own parlor; a cluster of furniture all facing a great marble fireplace, separated from the monstrous four-poster bed by half-walls and travertine-tile walkways. “I could probably fly a circuit in here,” she said, looking up at the vaulted ceiling. “But not tonight.” She stalked over to Stormbreaker and pointed a finger at her friend. “Essbee: Wash. Sleep.” Miiya demanded. “Or just sleep.” she amended, and then asked what she could do to ease Stormbreaker’s aches and pains.

“I’ll take the sofa. Bed’s all yours.” Miiya stated. While the Aerial normally slept in a bed, her physiology meant she was just as comfortable on a chair. Aerials often slept sitting up with their wings tented about them. The myriad lounges and couches near the fireplace all looked pretty inviting to Miiya. Until Stormbreaker wanted to, or was ready, to talk about deeper topics, Miiya decided to start filling her in on what she had been up to since they parted, seven years ago.

After leaving Azuran, Miiya had found her brother, Cahron, shacked up with an Isekai Elven woman named Lauren. Miiya went to her usual great lengths, fondly denigrating her sibling--especially his romantic endeavors, though it was obvious, from the way she talked, that Miiya liked Lauren and approved her brother’s choices.

Miiya spoke about spending a year aboard her Aunt Sahar’s privateer. The Aerial doffed her jacket and pulled back the collar of her shirt, proudly showing Stormbreaker a small blue swallow tattoo near her collarbone. “Five thousand nautical miles.” she chirped.

Miiya kept talking while she walked into the closet. As the Aerial continued to undress, she recounted, through the partly-closed door, her time at her university in Widersea. “I think I get a little more about your world,” she said. “I mean, your previous world.” She amended. “Turns out I’ve got some aptitude for tech; I’m working with an inventor here to build a moving-picture machine.” Miiya said, coming out of the closet in borrowed undershirt and shorts.

This is wealth. Miiya reflected to herself as she stood before Stormbreaker in someone else’s clothing. Clothing that was just kept hanging around to be given to guests. Like… like it didn’t even matter! Yfrett, Miiya had a whole stock of sugar and spice packets from the coffee shops and food joints stashed in her kitchenette at home, and she felt guilty about swiping those. She was allocated just enough steam to keep her tenement from freezing. It kinda blew her mind that nobody was counting the gallons of water, kilowatts of electricity, or any of the accoutrements of their opulent guestroom. She said as much to Stormbreaker.

Miiya couldn’t help but preen a little bit in front of her old friend. When they’d last been together, she’d been just past her scrawny awkward stage and coming into her own as a fighter and a flyer. Now she was at her full adult height and weight. Miiya wasn’t much bigger or heavier--maybe five or ten pounds, but it was five or ten pounds of lean muscle. She’d been in real combat and honed her skills--along with her mind and voice--over the years. The Aerial woman--along with telling Stormbreaker about her adventures--wanted to show off; she might not consciously realize it, but she craved approval from her friend. So, while she conversed, Miiya stretched a little, showing off her muscles, modest curves, and fully-fledged wing--


Miiya froze with her wings at full extension as the metal feathers of Dauntless louvered with the sound of knives. She saw how Stormbreaker’s gaze was drawn to the prosthesis and she knew the blood had drained from her own face. Her fingers and toes were suddenly cold as her happy glow faded. Miiya quieted and stared at the farthest wall of the room as she gently refolded her wings.

It’s not a thing. Pretend it’s not a thing.

If it wasn’t a thing, she was okay with it. She could just…

Routine. Do your routine. Keep talking. Pretend It’s not even a thing.

Everything else, yes, but she couldn’t keep talking, not without her voice cracking and betraying her. Praying Stormbreaker would fill the silence, Miiya folded Song forward and began to unstrap Dauntless.

Like always. Like ever.

She tried not to flinch--not to wince--as she unthreaded her remaining flight primaries from the metal pinions. She couldn’t look at Stormbreaker as the metal turnlock clicked out of place, releasing the prosthesis from the plate welded into her; screwed and bolted into her bones. She refolded her wings, covering her pinioned right wing with her left, hiding the hideous mutilation.

Say something. “Man, I can’t wait to…” Her voice was bright
and ever-so-hollow.
“try out…” she swallowed. It wasn’t working. She wasn’t fooling anyone. “that bath.” She, at last, met Stormbreaker’s gaze, blinking hugely to spread out the tears so they didn’t look like tears. “How about yew, Essbee?”

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