Spoiled Bread
The Lord of the Uneaten
"Maybe I should hire a personal painter." Meredy nodded in agreement to Mephisto's statement about the scenery. Though for her, both of them were now part of the scenery. A calm scenic tea party with the devil while having the agonizing hell as the backdrop.
"Imagine what masterpiece he would make if I ordered him to paint me right now. Such powerful contrast, filled with elegance and horror, and joy and sorrow." She chuckled at the thought of it.
The girl poured herself another cup and conjured a couple of plates full of expensive pastries as she listened to Mephisto's singing his business. She wasn't really ecstatic about the worms, but...
"Bugs is not my cup of tea
As they're the lowest of the low
No arts in their misery
I'm not going to change my mind now"
The girl plopped a roll cake into her mouth, savoring the cream and honey that melted in her mouth as she's thinking about how to deal with this. She could of course simply step away from all the madness in the city, she was only a tourist after all. Yet that would make her feeling unnecessarily indebted to this guy, and she definitely didn't like that. Meredy pointed at Mephisto with the tip of her cane.
"But you, my friend, had granted my wish
So now it's my turn to scratch your itch"
Holding her cane with both of her hands. It briefly glows with some otherworldly energy before it changed into something else. The girl hold no more cane, she instead wields an instrument that could fell any men. A 44 inches rod of death, ready to blast worms with lead.
"Maybe, just maybe
the bugs do have some use
So I can practice using my baby
without anyone making a fuss"
Meredy affectionately hugged her gun. The K31 was almost as tall as herself, but she didn't seems to have any problem handling it as she smoothly slung the gun across her back. She looked at Mephisto with the same mischievous grin she had before. If she's gonna need to deal with bugs, she sure as hell going to find a way to make it enjoyable for her.
"Imagine what masterpiece he would make if I ordered him to paint me right now. Such powerful contrast, filled with elegance and horror, and joy and sorrow." She chuckled at the thought of it.
The girl poured herself another cup and conjured a couple of plates full of expensive pastries as she listened to Mephisto's singing his business. She wasn't really ecstatic about the worms, but...
"Bugs is not my cup of tea
As they're the lowest of the low
No arts in their misery
I'm not going to change my mind now"
The girl plopped a roll cake into her mouth, savoring the cream and honey that melted in her mouth as she's thinking about how to deal with this. She could of course simply step away from all the madness in the city, she was only a tourist after all. Yet that would make her feeling unnecessarily indebted to this guy, and she definitely didn't like that. Meredy pointed at Mephisto with the tip of her cane.
"But you, my friend, had granted my wish
So now it's my turn to scratch your itch"
Holding her cane with both of her hands. It briefly glows with some otherworldly energy before it changed into something else. The girl hold no more cane, she instead wields an instrument that could fell any men. A 44 inches rod of death, ready to blast worms with lead.
"Maybe, just maybe
the bugs do have some use
So I can practice using my baby
without anyone making a fuss"
Meredy affectionately hugged her gun. The K31 was almost as tall as herself, but she didn't seems to have any problem handling it as she smoothly slung the gun across her back. She looked at Mephisto with the same mischievous grin she had before. If she's gonna need to deal with bugs, she sure as hell going to find a way to make it enjoyable for her.