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Realistic or Modern The Red


◢ Kitty ◤

Flight 1945 Missing!

Today is has been confirmed that flight 1945 was missing. A plane leaving from Canada to Ohio was reported to have gone down just north of the Canadian border. No rescue attempts have been launched due to the spastic weather patterns. "Even on a clear sunny day we wouldn't be able to send a rescue team. The weather in that area changes to fast and we can risk losing more souls in that harsh environment." Says John Kendric, Head supervisor of the Canadian Red Cross Organization.

Hello! You. Yes you. Are a passenger aboard flight 1945.

It is currently 9:46 PM. The plane crashes at 10:58 PM.

Why the plane crashes you ask? LIGHTNING STRIKES FROM ABOVE AND! Nothing happens. Well except for the planes power and engines have gone offline and the wind prevents long distance gliding. Forcing the plane to dive head first into the frozen Taiga below at a 23 Degree angle!

A Taiga also known as boreal forest or snowforest, is a biome characterized by coniferous forests consisting mostly of pines, spruces and larches. Luckily for you the plane crashed in the winter where snow in can go up to 6 feet in some places! Wow!

If Taiga isn't your thing, there is a Temperate Broadleaf forest nearby, I has a lot less snow but is still quite cold!

Your objective is to....SURVIVE! Isn't that just fun! No ones coming for you and civilization is hundreds of miles away.

Good luck everybody!

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Michael sat towards the tail end of the plane, his iPod headphones thrumming in his ears. He was seated next to the window. It suited him because his view of the outside space, though it was only mountains and forests blanketed in snow, made him feel less trapped inside the plane. He checked his watch in aggravation. There was still a lot of time before they were expected to land. Michael didn't hate planes...They just made him uncomfortable. It wasn't the heights that did it, it was the feeling of being in such a tight space with so many other people.

In his lap was an open textbook that he'd' been unsuccessfully trying to concentrate on for the last hour. Michael tried to absorb it's information for a few more minutes before finally giving up. Michael shut the book, it was no use trying to study in this giant flying deathtrap. He caught a flight attendant's attention and asked for a bloody mary. He figured it would help soothe his nerves, plus he loved the spicy taste.

Drink in hand, and music still beating away in his ears, Michael stayed glued to the window, hoping that if he stared at the passing landscape enough, he would forget that he was in a giant flying metal deathtrap.
Hey Kat, hows the flight?
Its fine, just started to get dark
Ok, just make sure to call dad soon, he's still out on his business trip
Alright I will. I may just take a nap though. TTYL
Sarah shifted in her seat once again. Though the museum was paying for her travel arrangements back to Ohio, they didn't exactly factor in comfort. She was sitting in economy class, squished into the aisle seat by the rather large passenger beside her. She had pulled a file out of her carry-on/briefcase to peruse. The museum had called her in, asking her opinion on a skull recently loaned from Istanbul. They needed a reading on it to see if it was legitimate. Though there was only so much you could gather from pictures, Sarah was determined to work out at least some of the details.

Sighing, she pulled out her phone to check the time. Seeing she had an e-mail from her boss, she opened it, glancing up to make sure no flight attendants were around. According to the e-mail, the skull had successfully arrived unharmed. Also, the local police had contacted her through her boss for help determining if the bones found by a group of teenagers in the woods were animal or human. Closing out of the e-mail without responding, Sarah keyed up her playlist she had made to help her sleep. Leaning down, she put the file back in her bag and grabbed her headphones. She plugged them into her phone and attempted to sleep for the rest of the flight.
Passing the time staring out the window worked well for Michael. That is, until he'd finished his drink and had to go take a leak. The only place on the airplane that was even more confined. Michael stood up, and pardoned his seatmates who he had to step past to get to the aisle. He walked towards the bathroom at the tail end, which was closer to him. Michael took his time getting there, too. He was trying to enjoy the feeling of being able to stretch and move his legs. He got to the door, and a pretty flight attendant gave him a flirty sort of smile as he went inside. He went about his business slowly, still trying to enjoy the freedom of not being stuck in his seat.

Michael glanced at his reflection in the mirror.

He was wearing a cozy green jacket, unzipped over a brown form-fitting sweater. Michael always got cold on planes, and he'd learned to bundle up. He also wore jeans and a nice pair of brown Timberlands. Done with his business and done washing his hands, Michael opened the door and proceeded back down the aisle. The moment he'd settled back in his seat, the same flirty flight attendant walked past. This time he decided to give her the flirty smile. Why not? There wasn't much better to do at ten thousand feet in the air.
Gwen was literally shaking for most of the plain ride. She hated riding in planes and this was her first time in a really long time. It was one of those times when Gwen would go down to visit her mother, but instead of going to New York, she was going to Ohio. Now that her mother has decided to move all the way to Ohio, Gwen had to take a plane instead. She cursed her mother under her breath without regretting it, wondering why she couldn't have just stayed in New York. Her mom really wanted Gwen to see the new house so she finally bought a plane ticket for her.

She groaned quietly to herself as she shifted uncomfortable in her seat and pulled her phone out of her pocket along with her earbuds. She put her earbuds in then looked around the plane before she put her music on from one of her favorite playlists. Some music by her favorite bands should relax her nerves but she still shook her right leg violently, receiving several glares from the guy sitting next to her.

Her nerves were really getting the best of her and she needed to smoke but the no smoking sign above her head kept making her feel even worse. "Oh my God" she mumbled under her breath as she pulled the pack out and looked at the cigarette in her fingers for a few moments. A flight attendant started to walk up and down the aisle and saw Gwen with the cigarette in her hand. "Miss, please put that away. Smoking is prohibited" she said informatively.

Gwen looked up at her and nodded. "Yeah...I know" she said a bit rudely. The flight attendant left with a sigh and continued to walk, causing Gwen to roll her eyes. She put the cigarette back in it's pack and shoved it away in her bag.
Woken up from a Nyquil induced unconsciousness by a flight attendant telling her they were descending and that she should put her seat up, the first thing Trinity did was find her phone, digging through her pack with quick, twitchy actions. Finding it, she stared at the device, reading the time: 10:48. She then scrolled through her extensive music playlist to find something that would match her mood. Well, calm her mood. She really didn't want anything to match her mood right now.

Because right now, she was terrified out of her mind. Her head was in a state of gibbering terror, and she couldn't focus on anything except herself, the plane, her phone, and her maybe untimely death. No, her 100% assured death; Trinity was completely sure that she was going to die somehow. Some way. Maybe the plane would explode; maybe someone would light up a cigarette. And then the plane would explode. She hated explosions just as much as she hated planes; too bright and too loud. She'd rather settle for her Mendelssohn, thank you very much. Settling back in her seat as well as her stiff body could and playing his Songs Without Words, she tried to ignore the faint jingling of her bracelets, a result of her hands trembling despite having gripped the armrests so hard her knuckles turned white (sorry old lady, no left armrest for you; I need a lot of room for my panic, thanks).

The plane rocked slightly, and Trinity grit her teeth and closed her eyes. Don't think of explosions, don't think of explosions- another tremble from the plane followed by a deluge of small potter patters, and her eyes leapt open and she let out a muttered curse as well as a prayer. Which really shouldn't have been said one next to the other because the old lady next to her seemed to feel as scandalized as she did feel sorry for her, if her expression said anything. Screw expression reading, though; she was going to die and she didn't want her last memory to be, "Wow. Old people really have a lot of wrinkles".

Dimly, she heard the flight attendant say something and the seatbelt sign come on. Unlocking her hand from the armrest, she pulled out one of her earbuds to listen.

"-through a storm cloud; please return to your seats and fasten your seatbelt. The lavatories will be closed at this time, please do not stand up or move around. Thank you." A storm? Of all things, Trinity had to be stuck on the one flight that was going to go through a well placed storm cloud. Just watch Jesus enact his wrath on her by asking a favor of Thor and throwing down a well places lightning bolt. Suddenly, a brilliant flash, followed by a sound of an electric fence shook the plane, leaving Trinity dazzled and seeing spots. The plane gave a terrifying, shrieking whine, the unmistakeable sound of metal fighting against metal. The smell of smoke filled the air, followed by a metallic scent that set her hair on edge; and slowly, slowly, the plane began to dip.

Oh, hell. Maybe in the next life she should be a fortune teller or something because she cold predict her death like nobody's business. That, or she should work as a voodoo witch thing person; she seemed to have a knack for inducing the wrath of whatever higher power that was offended by her earlier remark. Probably not going to heaven now, huh?

She thought of the old lady again. Fuck. Now her last thought really was going to be of a visage of wrinkles.
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Thunder crackles around the plane

"Uh, this is the captain speaking, we will uh, hit a bit of turbulence, nothing to be worried off, uh, in case of an emergency please do as the instructional video were about to play tells you to act."

"Really couldn't we be a little more serious this is a dangerous situation sir!?"

"Its the only video we have..."

(( Why do captains on planes always say "Uhhh" a lot? ))

Sarah watched the video with a raised eyebrow. Is this seriously their instructional video? She rolled her eyes as she buckled her seatbelt and stuffed her bag under her legs. Sighing, she squeezed her eyes shut as the turbulence hit. She didn't mind thunder, really she didn't, it was the lightning that always got her. The plane shook again, causing Sarah breathe in sharply. Just some turbulence. We're not gonna crash. Planes have turbulence all the time. Just breathe.
Gwen took out her earplugs to listen to the captain and watch the video. She groaned loudly and tightened her seatbelt more than it already was around her waist. "You've got to be kidding me" she grumbled to herself once the video was over. As the plane shook, Gwen was convincing herself that the plane was going to crash and everyone would die, just like she predicted before she set foot on the plane. Her fingers continued to fumble with the seatbelt as she thought of multiple ways she could die. It was impossible for Gwen to try to stay positive about things even when there is only a little bit of turbulence.
Emily woke up, she had been sleeping for a while. Hearing the captain's words she quickly buckled herself and held on to her seat to stop herself from shaking "Was this really happening?! Am I going to die?!" She thought to herself. "No, everything's going to be alright, I will get to see mom soon, just dont worry and everything will be ok" These thoughts were quickly diminished as lightning stuck outside her window. The hum of the plane went silent.

Then she felt it. The like when your on a roller coaster and you go off the first drop and right before you fall, the feeling of dread and butterflies as the gravity changes. That how she felt when the lightning struck. Before she knew it.

"The plane is going down."
Michael watched the video with little apprehension, he'd experienced turbulence before. It wasn't really the height of the plane or the bumpiness of the ride that he hated, it was being in such a tight space with so many other people. However, Michael had never experienced turbulence like this. The plane would violently shudder for a few moments and stop, followed by a collective sigh of relief by all the occupants. Then it would shudder again, repeating the process. Michael noticed many people around him tightening their seatbelts. He followed suit and tightened his own, even though he thought seatbelts mattered very little if you're going to crash at five-hundred miles per hour. The instructional video went off, and Michael actually felt like the turbulence was starting to subside.

Michael realized he was wrong, when the power went out and the plane began to tilt.

As Michael realized what was going on and the adrenaline coursed through his frightened body, he was able to notice every following detail vividly. The usual, loud baritone of engine noise subsided to nothing. He felt the familiar sensation of rapid decent in his gut at the plane began to go down, nose first. Whereas the engines and equipment of the plane suddenly became noiseless, the passengers inside more than made up for the lack of noise with their screams. The lights had failed shortly after the engines, and Michael struggled to see by the meager light that remained in the plane. Although the majority of people around him were screaming, he'd boarded this plane alone, and had nobody to scream to. As the decent became more rapid and more chaotic, the only thing going through his head was This is really how I'm going to die?
Passing out from air pressure change in the cabin Emily's unconscious body was ripped out of the plane when the air resistance around the plane caused enough force to rip it apart, piece by piece.

Waking up.




Emily felt these things as she regained consciousnesses, her head was in a daze, she wasn't sure what was happening. It took her a good seven minuets to realize she was deep in snow.

"Snow? But I was on a plane...The plane!?....Did..We crash?" Her mind was racing, blood pumping, her adrenaline was the only thing keeping her from feeling just how cold she really was.

After a minuet of figuring out which way was up Emily managed to carefully and slowly unbuckle herself from the seat that possibly saved her life being climbing her way out of her snowy pit and looking at the wreckage that surrounded her.

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