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Fantasy The Realm of Visifia: Dragons (DEAD)

“Good. I don’t know the whole plan, better for everyone that way. You know Nat. Even if I was, interrogated to the point where I finally broke, they wouldn’t be able to catch everyone.” She chuckles dryly. “I’m just here to care for you, and be ready when the time comes.”
Alli nodded, tears threatening to break again at the woman's kindness. "I really am sorry for what I said before... It took a long time before I was able to break out of that mentality. But, I'm glad you're here now. It hasn't been easy, being Syreece all of these months. I've said some horrible things... But anyway. What's your name? Or your fake name, so I don't use your real one?"
Skorzah chuckles softly, shaking her head. “Don’t worry about it. For the purposes of this, I’m Anya, but feel free to call me Skorzah in private.” She says, happy to let this woman in a bit. She’s changed her mind, and that’s enough for Skorzah. “Does anyone ever come to talk to you?” She asks, curious to see if they’d be interrogating her.
Yatasal Yatasal
“Don’t worry about it. For the purposes of this, I’m Anya, but feel free to call me Skorzah in private.” She says, happy to let this woman in a bit. She’s changed her mind, and that’s enough for Skorzah. “Does anyone ever come to talk to you?”
"They did, in the beginning," Alli answered. "But it's been awhile. The only one who talks to me now is Seraphina, an Ivaen healer. But I haven't seen her for awhile. I was pretty sick when I first got here, and I was treated very well. Seraphina changed that. They might... I don't know, but once the queen finds out about you she'll want to interrogate you. But maybe my contact can keep that from happening."
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Mentioned: RubyZoo RubyZoo
Located: Lady Naforn's room; Cleaning


Hazel nodded. "Yep! Follow me. You'll get the hang of this castle in a jiffy, don't you worry!" She led them through the castle, and while it may have seemed maze-like, to Hazel this was home. Lady Naforn's chambers were in the North tower, and it was Hazel's opinion that she had the best view. It was overlooking the Sundron river, even though the river itself was quite a ways away. Out of habit Hazel knocked, but she almost immediately went right in. She knew no one would be there. "I don't know if you'll get assigned to other people's chambers or not," Hazel said as they were standing in the room, "And it depends on who you're getting assigned to where the cleaning stuff is. For Lady Naforn, she always kept her own room clean, so the cleaning supplies are here." Hazel opened a closet just off of the main door. It was filled with a mop, two brooms, buckets, and a bag full of soap shards. There were also several feather dusters. "Here, Leia, you can dust off her shelves. She has so many books, and sometimes when I finish fast I read through some of them. They already took her diary so don't worry about that. Um... Skyler you can start sweeping. I'll go get her clothes freshened up." The room was fairly simple. There was a bed against the wall, right between two windows that both had benches underneath them. There was a smaller, second room, and this had a desk, several candle stands, a large wooden closet, and a mirror. There was also a mandolin leaning in the corner. Lady Naforn had never been very good at it from what Hazel could hear, but she still tried her best. The desk had neatly arranged stacks of paper (with boring things on them like various trade routes), ink wells, quills and some hair things. Hazel got to work, checking each dress for moths and setting new spells on the clothes to keep the moths off. She hoped Lady Naforn would come back soon--she had always been kind to Hazel, and to everyone else she met. "I hope you girls get to meet Lady Naforn," Hazel called out. "She's really nice."
Leia paid close attention to everything she say and was told. The girl started on dusting as best she could, looking over at what each book title read. There were so many....she wished to read them all just for herself. "I hope so too, she sound's lovely just from how you speak of her" Leia smiled softly. "She has some lovely books to." The dust was soon wiped away from the shelf she was working on and she went to the next. It wasn't to bad, with the three of them working one room it would go by fast. Maybe she could geta better look around if they finished early to..maybe.​

[/div] Code by AgWordSmith AgWordSmith [/div]
"I hope so too, she sound's lovely just from how you speak of her" Leia smiled softly. "She has some lovely books to."
"Yeah, she is. She's the best mistress I've ever had. How's it coming in there?" Hazel asked, continuing to spruce up Lady Naforn's dresses. She was almost done, and after this she'd let the girls have a small break before going to clean the Queen's study.

AgWordSmith AgWordSmith RubyZoo RubyZoo
Skorzah sighs, nodding. “I’ve got an alibi set up. Pacifist who thought working with humans could prove that dragons weren’t monsters, only to be recognized too early for that plan to work. Speaking of which, do nobles just throw fireballs at servants here? Is that just a thing? Because I definitely didn’t deserve a fireball.” Skorzah is really angry at that man, and still wants him dead.
Yatasal Yatasal
“I’ve got an alibi set up. Pacifist who thought working with humans could prove that dragons weren’t monsters, only to be recognized too early for that plan to work. Speaking of which, do nobles just throw fireballs at servants here? Is that just a thing? Because I definitely didn’t deserve a fireball.”
Despite everything that was happening, Alli laughed as she shifted. "You must've ran into Lord Generd. Fireballs are a favorite of his. Don't worry too much, he has little practice and so they're more for show than anything else. Most of the other nobles are alright. Queen Averian doesn't keep around people she doesn't like... Though why she keeps Generd, I'm not sure."
Skorzah huffs. “I was literally just trying to do my job.” She mutters. “Seriously, if his magic had worked on me, I could have gotten badly burned by that! Still, he got molten metal to the skin, so I’ll call it a win for me.” She smirks a bit. “Hopefully that taught him a lesson in respect.”
Yatasal Yatasal
“I was literally just trying to do my job.” She mutters. “Seriously, if his magic had worked on me, I could have gotten badly burned by that! Still, he got molten metal to the skin, so I’ll call it a win for me.” She smirks a bit. “Hopefully that taught him a lesson in respect.”
Alli chuckled. "I wish I could've seen his face." She shifted uncomfortably, both babies kicking her side. She had heard that other women liked this feeling of the baby kicking inside of them, but she didn't. Perhaps it was because she was still weak from her illness, despite her consistent attempts to heal herself. She was about to say something else when the prison door suddenly swung open. Her contact, Sikander Vell, walked in, and Alli kept her mouth shut. Behind him a servant girl brought some food.
Sikander opened her cell, and the servant girl set the food down between Skorzah and Alli. She cast a furtive glance at Skorzah, and then rushed away. Sikander held the door open for the girl, and turned back to look towards Alli. "Lady Naforn, I trust you're comfortable? Your cell mate was a necessary addition. She should leave in a few sunrises."
"I hope to be leaving soon as well,"
Alli told him in a cold voice. "As for the dragon, tell the queen I would rather be far away from its stink, but I will survive."
Sikander straightened up. "I will tell the queen this. As for the dragon, it will remain here until the... children are born. By the Queen's command, of course."
Alli said curtly. "You may leave, Sikander."
Sikander almost closed the door, but before he did he looked at Skorzah. "It's the Queen's command that Lady Naforn be taken care of. She only knows that someone has been sent by myself. Make sure she stays alive."
Skorzah glares at the man, curling her lip back in a small snarl. Her response to his words is a sullen, angry stare, but she growls, turning her head away from him with a low growl. “Fine.” She says lowly. If they’re doing this whole act, she will act as angry and bitter as the situation warrants.
Yatasal Yatasal
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Mentioned: Yatasal Yatasal
Located: Lady Naforn's room; Day dreaming a little


"Yeah, she is. She's the best mistress I've ever had. How's it coming in there?" Hazel asked, continuing to spruce up Lady Naforn's dresses. She was almost done, and after this she'd let the girls have a small break before going to clean the Queen's study.
"It's going well...there's so many lovely books here though...Has the lady read all of these books?" Leia asked curiously, standing on her tip toes to reach the top shelf. Most of the books seemed to be really important from the titles and exquisite leather binding. How would it be like to have all these books to oneself? The girl let her self imagine it for a little bit before returning to reality to finish her work. Her eyes scanned the books again... seeing if any stood out to her as really important...like a diary or journal.​

[/div] Code by AgWordSmith AgWordSmith [/div]
Skyler took the broom and started sweeping the floor, making a pile near the side of the room so no one steps on it. She watched the others work, trying to get done around the same time as them, but made sure she got every spot. She didn't join in their conversations as they were talking. She went to the desk and started sweeping under there. When she pulled out the broom, she saw a large piece of paper come out. "What's this?" she asked.
((OOC: Good job finding secrets guys! There's a small and large diary. The large one is her official diary as Syreece Naforn, and its tucked into the shelf with the other books. Good luck finding the other one. It's her diary as Alli Coppergold. RubyZoo RubyZoo the paper fell off her desk. It's a letter to Galena Scerat, but it's unfinished. I'll include it below Hazel's post.))
"It's going well...there's so many lovely books here though...Has the lady read all of these books?"
"What's this?"
Hazel didn't hear Skyler, but she responded to Leia's question. "She probably has, Lady Naforn's so smart. I bet she's read every book in the castle twice!"
Dear Galena Scerat,
It has been discovered that I am pregnant. I decided it would be best if I left before I could be a disservice to her royal majesty, but I was turned back into the castle. They didn't let me leave. I suspect that they will be coming soon to put me away while the Queen decides my fate. This will be my last letter to you, my dear friend. I pray to Ena I'll see you soon. What you need is in the small one. The large one is public. Tell him I love hi
“Fine.” She says lowly.
Sikander looked this dragoness over, not liking what he saw. She was strong, and willing to defy anyone who crossed her path. Natallia certainly knew how to pick 'em. He felt little pity for Alli's situation though--if she didn't want to get pregnant, she should've been smarter. He felt even less pity for the dragon, who would soon be executed as soon as Alli's children were drowned in the Sundron. Alli might live, but not if Sikander could drag her down along with Natallia.
Sikander left, but before he did he threw a comment over his shoulder. "Oh, and enjoy the berries. The staff picked them especially for you."

Alli frowned at the last comment. She didn't like Sikander, but Natallia trusted him, and he was her only contact to the outside world. She glanced at her plate, and noted the rolls, meat, and berries. The red, round berries were still on their branch, with curious silver edged leaves. The staff either feared or hated her, so why would they pick such beautiful berries for her? She reached to grab them, wanting to inspect them further. Did the staff have a change of heart? Or was Sikander trying to tell her something... There wasn't any code that was specific to berries... "Did Natallia mention anything about berries...?"

((OOC: They're poisonous.))

Inheritance Inheritance
Last edited:
Skorzah narrows her eyes, and reaches over to inspect one of the berries, pulling one off of the branch to sniff it. She growls lowly, baring her teeth. “Poison.” She says lowly, and sets it down. “Not sure whether they’re trying to kill me, you, your children, or all of the above, but whatever you do, don’t eat these.”

She leans back against the wall, glancing at the food. “Stupid, really. They should have incorporated them into the rest of the food if they really wanted this to work.” She dips her head toward the plate. “On the bright side, the rest of the food is probably safe in that case. Go ahead and eat what you want, I’ll take what’s left. I’m only eating for one, after all.”
Yatasal Yatasal
(Hey I'm back...sorry for the disappearance)
Nate nodded and smiled at Gwen a bit then he went over to help her walk over to the gate of the kingdom. 'Alright...cousin...cousin...why not lover? Guess maybe she doesn't like me? No otherwise she wouldn't be so nice now...' He looked up at the tall walls and gate as they walked. "Alright. I'm sure this will be very believable"
Yatasal Yatasal
Orrin Silverspire
He left his shield on his back. He never really liked it much anyway. Not a huge fan of hiding behind a chunk of metal, though he knew the necessity for it in a large scale fight. He watched her take out her two scimitars, which he already looked at with caution. Dual blade fighting was certainly something of skill if it was done well, and he expected her to perform well. However, it was done with finesse and agility, so he could count on that being her strong points.

She was also going to be letting him hit a lot more, so he believed that he could simply overwhelm her with strikes. He took a deep breath, and lowered himself into his Cruelheart. He wasn't a fan of the name, but that had simply fit the best. A time where he stopped focusing on people, on himself. Where pain blurred, and the his emotions were numbed. Logic, And cruelty, the best states of mind for combat, overflowed his mind. He took a stance, then took off. He took a quick fake to the left, and twisted, giving a swing so hard that it would have decapitated a man on the spot, through mail.

Of course, he never hit. She was gone way before his sword would have hit his mark. She was gone, and almost behind him before he could realize what was happening. He spun around just in time to block a strike that would have gone through his spine, and whirled his sword a bit in anticipation for where her second blade would strike. But it never did. In his Cruelheart, he knew she was holding back. Logically, if she wanted to she could have raked him across the sides. Sloppy. He would have to do better, especially in a fight that mattered. She danced backwards, before coming in with a series of blows, forcing him on the defensive. he saw a glint in her eye, a love of combat, and a fierce joy that carried her through the fight.

He loved the fight too, and knew that if he held the defensive, she would surely win. He stopped, with a block that would save him from vital areas, but would leave him open for minor, albeit painful scratches. She never landed them, and danced back a bit. He knew she was playing, and it infuriated him. His trained mind was keen to this though, and was able to quell his destructive rage. He swung back, taking to the offensive. She was driven back herself, and he allowed himself a bit of compliment to his own swordplay as he saw a bit of surprise in her eye, as his larger and much heavier sword sent shock waves through her arms whenever she blocked.

A scrape on her shin, a slight pummel on her shoulder. She stopped playing on the offense, and the little hits began to add up. He wasn't sure if she was simply refusing to attack back, or if he really was doing such a good job she couldn't find an opening. Maybe a bit of both? Still, her refusal to take to offense began to take its toll, as she began to move slower, and block sloppier. The two of them danced with their weapons, him admiring her for her swordsmanship, and hoping she was impressed by his. They continued the fight, when he saw an opening, and feigned at her right leg, then spun, and elbowed her in the face. It made great contact, and she stumbled back. He spun, and smacked the flat of his sword across her cheek, cutting it. before she could recover, he had slashed twice along the ribs, and smashed the hilt of the blade across her left eye.

Whether or not she was playing before, it didn't matter. He had her, and the battle was now decided, even if she decided to go 100%. He allowed himself one rake across her back, before separating, panting heavily. She gave him a look, which he couldn't identify, before saying, "Well, you're not as bad as I thought...Nice..." Before she collapsed in a heap.

Yatasal Yatasal Soma Schicksal Soma Schicksal
((Nice job, Inheritance. Waiting on Soma.))

Alli laughed. "You know, I never thought I'd actually say I was eating for three. Two, maybe. But I'd never thought I'd have twins." She took about half of the plate, avoiding the berries. "Where are you from, Skorzah?"

Eliasdagood Eliasdagood
Skorzah shakes her head. “No where good, I’m afraid. Mining family, if you get my drift.” She says, leaning back against the wall. “What about you? I’m sure that’s a more interesting story.” She asks, not wanting to remember the mines.
Yatasal Yatasal
“No where good, I’m afraid. Mining family, if you get my drift.” She says, leaning back against the wall. “What about you? I’m sure that’s a more interesting story.
Alli's gaze softened at the mention of mining families. She had seen the dragon mines, but had never been close enough to actually experience them. It was what turned her opinion on dragons--at least, the final push. Finding out her best friend was a dragon was the first step towards that. She sighed, remembering her tumultuous childhood. "Well, it is interesting I'll give you that. My first memories are running from something in a forest. A travelling circus found me. I was only four at the time. From then they travelled around to various villages, seeing if anyone would claim me. No one did, so I worked for them. When I was thirteen, I got a job at the Blue Palace in Gethendil. After I got fired from that, well, I was on the streets. Not for long though--a forensic wizard named Teloor found me. He raised me practically, until one day when I found out he was a dragon. That was also..." she smiled, remembering Eton's introduction. "That was also the day I met Eton. Two days after that, I'm being shepherded out of the city with Natallia and Teloor and Eton... And the rest is history." She laughed, stretching out her legs. "We've had many, many adventures, the four of us. I hope... I hope it doesn't end like this." She glanced down at her swollen belly, rubbing it absentmindedly. She had tried to prepare herself mentally for what might happen. But she knew she couldn't kill babies. Especially not her babies. Averian was twisted, so twisted that she almost appeared normal. It had taken months before Alli was able to smile at her without wanting to throw up. Averian had killed thousands of dragons, not to mention how many she'd had killed through third parties. And she did it all while wining and dining various guests.
Alli recognized she had gone quiet, her face sour with thoughts of the queen. "I'm sorry, lost in thought. How did you meet Natallia?"
Skorzah smiles warmly, glancing at her belly. “It won’t. I’ll fight and kill every damned guard in this palace to keep you and your children safe. I’d die in a second if that’s the price for your family.” Her smile does nothing to take the seriousness from her tone. She would absolutely render this place a bloody grave.

“Me and Natallia… Hm. We’ve known each other for a long time now. She’s one of the first humans I was able to trust after… everything that happened. Even among other thieves, I was just too scared to let in anyone other than the other dragons. But after I was done with my training, and ready to take on a checkpoint of my own, I was introduced to her. Took me a bit to warm up to her, but she proved she was capable, and I’ve seen her in action so many times. I’d even go so far as to call her my friend. And I don’t have many of those.” She smiles at the ground, remembering everything they’ve done together.
“It won’t. I’ll fight and kill every damned guard in this palace to keep you and your children safe. I’d die in a second if that’s the price for your family.” Her smile does nothing to take the seriousness from her tone. She would absolutely render this place a bloody grave.

“Me and Natallia… Hm. We’ve known each other for a long time now. She’s one of the first humans I was able to trust after… everything that happened. Even among other thieves, I was just too scared to let in anyone other than the other dragons. But after I was done with my training, and ready to take on a checkpoint of my own, I was introduced to her. Took me a bit to warm up to her, but she proved she was capable, and I’ve seen her in action so many times. I’d even go so far as to call her my friend. And I don’t have many of those.”

Alli looked at her, and at first was confused. Skorzah didn't even know her, and yet... Then again, she didn't know her children either and she would readily die for them. And Skorzah had a fiery heart, which Alli appreciated. "You remind me of Eton, you know. He was slow to trust to, but would jump in front of a charging riser to save someone. And somehow still believed he was less than everyone else..." Alli sighed and stirred. "But it took a long time before I warmed up to Natallia too. She's not the easiest to get to know. And I was a kid, barely eighteen when I met her. Almost as hard-headed as she is."
Skorzah smiles. “Yeah, she was always good at getting the message through my thick skull when she needed to. I can be quite stubborn as well.” She says, chuckling softly. “Still though… I can’t wait to get back to my checkpoint. I’ll have to rebuild it, it got burned down by hunters, but I know I can do it.”
Yatasal Yatasal
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[/div] [div class="Tags hidden" style="margin-left:5px;"] Interacting: Yatasal Yatasal
Mentioned: RubyZoo RubyZoo
Located: Naforn's room; Conversing


Hazel didn't hear Skyler, but she responded to Leia's question. "She probably has, Lady Naforn's so smart. I bet she's read every book in the castle twice!"
Leia smiled. It would take forever to read every book in the castle, let alone do it twice. There must be a hundred rooms full of shelves like this in here, there must be a hundred books on this shelf alone. "Would we ever be able to read any of these?" She asked curiously. "There's some fairy tale looking ones that seem lovely." Of course Leia would hope to read something more important than a fairy tale. Maybe one day while she's cleaning she could snatch up a book, for now her dusting was practically done.​

[/div] Code by AgWordSmith AgWordSmith [/div]
After the fight Nate picked up Gwen and made his way to the gates where a few knights recognized her and told the Queen. The Queen commanded them to take Gwen to get fixed up and made Nate meet at her throne. As Nate walked he thought to himself...'you are her cousin.' But when the Queen insisted on Nate telling his connections with Gwen he said. "Oh...your majesty I am Gwens....umm husband you see, we meet a while back. She is actually the one that suggested i bring her here before she passed out..." He stated. 'Damnit Nate...you were supposed to be her cousin...doesn't matter....I don't look very related to her. He said to himself as he waited for the queen to speak her words once again.

Yatasal Yatasal

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